"Thus the Lord conforms to the external
adjuncts formed by name and form set up by nescience in
the same way that the ether conforms to external
adjuncts such as the clay pot and the [differently
shaped] coconut water vessel, etc. And within the realm
of human experience He rules over the conscious beings
called individual souls, who are in truth nothing but
His own Self, but who assume the limitations of body,
mind and senses are [not real, being] wrought of name
and form which are set up by nescience. Hence the
Lordship, as well as His omniscience and omnipotence,
exist only in relation to external conditions which are
[illusory because they are] of the nature of nescience.
From the standpoint of ultimate truth, there can be no
talk of any dichotomy between a Lord and His subjects,
or of qualities such as omniscience etc. in the Self.
For [from the standpoint of the highest truth] no
external conditions exist in the Self, in the true
nature of which all external cognitions stand negated
through knowledge" (Brahmasutrabhasya, II,i,14).