Agamas are sectarian scriptures dealing with the worship of a particular aspect of God and
prescribing detailed courses of discipline for the worshipper.
The Agmas, also known as
Tantras are the sectarian scriptures of the three major theological
traditions of Hindu dharma, namely,
Vaishnavism, Shaivism and Shaktism.
The Vaishnava-Agmas adore the Ultimate Reality as Vishnu, the
Shiva-Agmas revere the Ultimate Reality as Lord Shiva, and the
Shakti-Agmas venerate the Ultimate Reality as Devine Mother of the
Each Agama consists of
four parts. The first part includes the philosophical and spiritual
knowledge. The second
part covers the yoga and
the mental discipline. The
third part specifies rules for the construction of temples and for
sculpting and carving the figures of deities for worship in the
temples. The fourth part
of the Agamas includes rules pertaining to the observances of
religious rites, rituals, and festivals.
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