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Mahabharat War 5561 B.C : By Dr. P.V. Vartak (2/5)

                       (16th October 5561 B.C.)
                     Dr. Padmakar Vishnu Vartak

1. "The Greek Ambassodor Magasthenis has recorded that 138 generations
have  passed  between  Krishna  and Chandragupta Maurya. Many scholars
have taken this evidence, but taking only 20 years per generation they
fixed  the date of Krishna as 2760 years before Chandragupta. But this
is wrong because the record is not of ordinary people to take 20 years
per  generation. In the matter of general public, one says that when a
son is born a new generation starts. But in the  case  of  kings,  the
name  is  included in the list of Royal Dynasty only after his corona-
tion to the throne. Hence, one cannot allot 20 years to one  king.  We
have  to  find  out  the average per king  by  calculating on  various
Indian Dynasties. I have considered 60 kings  from  various  dynasties
and calculated the average of each king as 35 years. Here is a list of
some of important kings with the no. of years ruling.

      Chandragupta Mourya      330-298 B.C.     32 years.
      Bindusar                 298-273 B.C.     25 years.
      Ashok                    273-232 B.C.     41 years.
      Pushyamitra Shunga       190-149 B.C.     41 years.
      Chandragupta Gupta       308-330 A.D.     22 years.
      Samudragupta             330-375 A.D.     45 years.
      Vikramaditya             375-414 A.D.     39 years.
      Kumargupta               414-455 A.D.     41 years.
      Harsha                   606-647 A.D.     41 years.
                                                327 years.

      The average is 327/9 = 36.3 years.

Multiplying 138 generations by 35 years we get 4830 years before Chan-
dragupta  Mourya.  Adding  Chandrgupta's  date 320 B.C. to 4830 we get
5150 B.C. as the date of Lord Krishna.

2. Megasthenis, according to Arian, has written that  between  Sandro-
cotus  to  Dianisaum  153 generations and 6042 years passed. From this
data, we get the average of 39.5 years per king. From this we can cal-
culate  5451  years  for  138  generations.  So Krishna must have been
around 5771 B.C.

3. Pliny gives 154 generations and  6451  years  between  Bacchus  and
Alexander.  This  Bacchus may be the famous Bakasura who was killed by
Bhimasena. This period comes to about 6771 years B.C.

Thus Mahabharat period ranges from 5000 B.C. to 6000 B.C.

a) Bhagwat gives 28 Kaurava kings from Parikshit  to  Kshemaka.  "From
Kshemaka, the Pandava Dynasty will end in Kaliyug, and Magadha Dynasty
will start." [Bhagwad 9-22-45]. This implies that  the  Pandava  kings
ruled  before the advent of Kaliyug, i.e., before 3101 B.C and Magadha 
dynasty will not super-impose the Pandava Dynasty.

b) Further it is stated  in  Bhagwat  that  after  28  Kaurava  kings,
Magadha  Dynasty would rule and 22 Magadha kings would govern for 1000
years. Here it is given a average of 1000 years for 22 kings.  It  can
be found that the 28 Kaurava kings would have ruled for 1273 years and
then Magadha Dynasty started with King Sahadeva, whose son was Somapi.
On  the other hand, Maghasandhi was the son of Sahadeva and the grand-
son of Jarasandha [Ashwamedh-82]. many scholars  have  neglected  this
fact  and have assumed that this Sahadeva fought in the Mahabharat War
and was the son of Jarasandha.

c) Ripunjaya is the last king in the list of 22 Magadhas. But  Bhagwat
12.1.2-4  mentions  that  Puranjaya  will be the last king who will be
killed by his minister Shunak. It is to be noted that there is no men-
tion of the kings between Ripunjaya and Puranjaya. People have wrongly
taken the two names as that of one and the same  person,  without  any

d) Bhagwat 12.1.2-4 state that Shunak would coronate his son  Pradyota
as  the King and later five Kings would rule for 138 years. After this
Pradotya Dynasty, Shishunga Kings, 10 in number, would  rule  for  360
years.   Thereafter  9 Nandas would rule for 100 years. Nanda would be
destroyed by a Brahmin and Chandragupta would be  enthroned.  We  know
that  Chandragupta  Maurya  ascended  the throne in 324 B.C. So we can
thus calculate backwards:

9    Nandas            100  years
10   Shishungas        360  years
5    Pradotyas         138  years
22   Magadhas          1000 years
28   Kauravas          1273 years
-----------           ---------- 
74 Kings               2871 years

We find here only 74 kings, but Megasthenes tells us about 138  kings.
So  138-74=64  kings are missing. These may be from the period between
Ripunjaya and Puranjaya. Thus calculating from the data  of  74  kings
who  ruled for 2871 years, we get a period of 2496 years for 64 kings.
Adding the two we get 5367 years for  138  kings.  This  is  preceding
Chandragupta's  time, who came to throne in 324 B.C. Hence, 324+5367 =
5691 B.C. is the approximate date of Parikshit.

Scholars accept the date of the Mahabharat War to be 3100 B.C.   which
also  happens  to the initiation of the Yudhisthira Era. But this Era,
is mentioned nowhere in the Mahabharat text itself!  At  the  time  of
Aswamedha of Yudhisthira, Vyas has given descriptions in minute detail
like collection of "Sruva", formation of wells and  lakes,  but  never
has  written even a word about, such an important event, as the begin-
ning of the Yudhisthira Era.

Mahabharat also never mentions anything about  the  beginning  of  the
Kaliyug, even at the time of Krishna's death. Mahabharat Adiparva 2.13
states that the War took place in the  interphase  ("Antare")  of  the
Dwapaar  and Kali Eras. Thus it makes it clear that the evening of the
Dwapaar has not yet ended and the Kaliyug had not started when the War
took place.

Bhagwat states at 12.2.27-32 that Saptarishis stay 100  years  in  one
Nakshatra.  At  the  time  of  King Parikshit, the Saptarishis were in
Magha.  When they proceeded to Purvashadha, Kali  would  start.  There
are  11  Nakshatras  from  Magha to Purvashadha. Hence it is seen that
Shukacharya tells Parikshit that after 1100 years Kaliyug will  start.
Kaliyug started at 3101 B.C. Hence 3101 + 1100 = 4201 B.C. is the date
of Parikshit.

Other references from Shrimad Bhagwat points quite closely to the same
year as above.

But who is this Parikshit ? Is he the son of Abhimanyu ? No. A  minute
observation  of  this  reveals  that  the above is not Abhimanyu's son
because Bhagwat  is  told  to  this  Parikshit.  On  the  other  hand,
Mahabharat is told to Janamejaya. In the Mahabharat, Parikshit's death
has been recorded.  Hence it is evident that  Mahabharat  was  written
and  published  after  the  death  of Parikshit, the son of Abhimanyu.
Bhagwat is written after Mahabharat according to the Bhagawat  itself.
This  Bhagwat is told to some Parikshit. How can this Parikshit be the
son of Abhimanyu who died before the  Mahabharat  writing  ?  So  this
Parikshit appears to be somebody else than Abhimanyu's son.

Mahabharat   mentions   the   ancient   tradition   as   'Shravanadini
Nakshatrani',i.e.,  Shravan Nakshatra was given the first place in the
Nakshatra- cycle (Adi-71/34 and Ashvamedh  44/2)  Vishwamitra  started
counting  the Nakshatras from Shravan when.he created 'Prati Srushti'.
He was angry with the old customs.  So he started  some  new  customs.
Before  Vishvamitra's  time Nakshatras were counted from the one which
was occupied by the sun on the Vernal  Equinox.   Vishvamitra  changed
this fashion and used diagonally opposite point i.e.  Autumnal Equinox
to list the Nakshtras. He gave first place to Shravan which was at the
Autumnal  Equinox  then.   The period of Shravan Nakshatra on autumnal
equinox is from 6920 to 7880 years B.C.  This was Vishvamitra's period
at  the  end  of  Treta yuga.  Mahabharat War took place at the end of
Dwapar yuga.   Subtracting  the  span  of Dwapar  Yuga  of  2400 years
we get 7880 - 2400 = 5480 B.C. as the date of Mahabharat War.

Some scholars rely on the horoscope of Lord Krishna to  calculate  his
birth-date  so  as to establish the period of Mahabharat.  But they do
not realise that the horoscope is a forged one, prepared many thousand
years after Krishna's death. Mahabharat Bhagvat and Vishnu purana have
not given the planet positions at the time of Krishna's birth.  It  is
well-known and is recorded in many scriptures that Krishna was born in
a jail, then who could have casted his horoscope? Moreover Krishna was
not  a  prince so nobody would have casted his horoscope.  Hence it is
not wise to rely on the horoscope.  It is prepared recently by consid-
ering  the  charateristics  of  Krishna  and  so is useless to fix the

Mr. G.S. Sampath Iyengar  and  Mr.  G.S.  Sheshagiri  have  fixed  the
birth-date  of  Krishna  as  27th July 3112 BC.  'The  horoscope shows
Lagna  and Moon 52 deg.  15' Rohini, Jupiter 91  deg.  16'  Punarvasu,
Sun  148  deg.  15' Uttara Phalguni, Mercury 172 deg. 35' Hasta, Venus
180 deg. 15' Chitra, Saturn 209 deg. .57' Vishakha, Mars 270  deg.  1'
Uttara Ashadha Rahu, 160 deg. 1'.

At present on 27th July 1979 the Sun was at 99  deg.  57',   while  at
Krishna's  birth,  according to their opinion, the sun was at 148 deg.
15'.  The difference is 48 deg. 18'.  This  shows  that  the  Sun  has
receded  back  by  48 deg. 18' due to the precession at the rate of 72
years per degree. multiplying 48 deg. 18' by 72  we  get  3456  years.
This  shows  that Krishna was born 3456 years ago or substracting 1979
from it we can say that Krishna was born during 1477 BC. Thus 3112  BC
is found to be wrong.  We cannot accept such a wrong date derived from
a manipulated borscope.  (This horoscope is printed  in  "The  Age  of
Bharat War" on page 241-Publisher, Motilal Banarasidas 1979).

In 1971, when I hinted at the date of Mahabharat war as 5500 years BC,
Archeaologists  frowned  at me saying it as impossible because no cul-
ture was found in India dating so much back.  But  now  evidences  are
pouring  in Archeaology itself showing cultures in India upto 30000 to
40000 years BC. Padmashri Late Mr. V.S. Wakankar has dated the  paint-
ings in the caves of Bhimbetaka of Madhya Pradesh to about 40000 BC.

Recently Dr. S.B. Rao, Emeritus Scientist of the National Institute of
Oceanography,  Dona  Paula, Goa, 403004, has discovered under the sea,
Dwaraka and dated it as between  5000  to  6000  BC.   This  news  has
been  published by all  the  leading newspapers on 22th October 1988.

Motilal Banarasidas News Letter October 1988 gives a news  on  page  6
under the heading "50,000 year old Relics" as follows:

Spectacular culture and physical relics dating back to 50,000 years BC
have  been  excavated   from  the  Central  Narmada Valley  in  Madhya
Pradesh. A  team  of Anthropological survey  of  India  recently  con-
ducted  the excavation.  It explored sites in two districts Sebore and

In my book "Vastava Ramayan" I have shown the presence of  culture  in
India as far back as 72000 years B.C.  This recent news points to that
ancient period. I am sure after some time Arecheaology  may  get  evi-
dence to show the presence of culture in India 72000 BC.

In Vastava Ramayan I have shown that Bali,  the  demon  king  went  to
south  America  during  17000  BC when the vernal equinox was at Moola
Nakshatra. MLBD News letter Oct. 1988 gives a news thus  :-"Dravidians
in  America" - According to a press report the Brazillian nuclear phy-
sicist and researcher Arysio Nunes dos santos holds that  the   Dravi-
dians   of   South   India  reached America  much  before  Christopher

Mr.  Nunes dos Santos, of the'  Federal  University  of  Minas  Gerais
maintains that the  Dravidians colonised a  vast South American region
11000 years before the Europians reached the new  world.  Vestiges  of
the  Dravidian  presence  in  America,  he  says,  include the strange
phonetics of Gourani, Paraguay's  national language. Moreover Bananas,
Pine  Apple,  Cocunut  and  Cotton, all grown in India could have been
taken to America by those navigators.

                                               ..... to be continued.

Prasad Gokhale
University of New Brunswick,     f0g1@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca
Fredericton, N.B. CANADA.        f0g1@unbmvs1, f0g1@unb.ca

     "Truth can wait, it is used to it". - Anonymous. 

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