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Convert Here!

>From: kasparkeys@aol.com (KasparKeys)
Newsgroups: alt.hindu

I was an adopted child from Varanasi, India.  My mother was Hindu, and my
parents were instructed to name me Madhulika.  I was raised a Catholic,
but I could never relate to this religon.  I have considered taking my
birth mother's religon.  How can I convert?  I live in New York, if that
makes a difference.  I don't know if just telling myself that I am Hindu
is enough, I want this to be official.  Caste is unimportant.

	Dear Madhu,

	There used to be some rituals to welcome a seeker
	back to the Dharma, but the important thing is that
	you should desire it. Ask any of the New York temples
	if they will perform this archaic ceremony, if not,
	there is plenty of scriptural support that
	following the way is effectively converting to it.


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