Followers of Sankaracarya, please take note
The following is from SrImad Bhagavad GItA BhAShya of S'rI S'an~karAcArya,
the founder of the Advaita school of thought.
"Becoming Brahman, with a tranquillized mind, he neither grieves nor desires.
The same towards all beings, he wins supreme devotion to Me." (18.54)
There are some verses in the Gita which are so personalist that even the
greatest of the impersonalists, Sankaracarya, could not successfully change
their meaning. This verse very clearly states that when one attains Brahman,
he wins devotional service to Krishna. Therefore, when this verse speaks of
brahma-bhUtaH, the oneness it refers to is that of being one with the Lord's
desire, or maybe one in the sense of being with Him in the spiritual world.
It does NOT mean absolute oneness... if it did, then there could be nothing
like devotion to be won.
The jivas are not God. The jivas are the enternal servants of God. Those who
say otherwise have the right to do so, but as this verse contradicts them,
those persons are speaking against the authority of Bhagavad-Gita.
-- HKS
- H. Krishna Susarla - "Religion without philosophy is sentiment, or -
- susarla@rice.edu - sometimes fanaticism, while philosophy without -
- Rice University - religion is mental speculation." -
- Class of 1995 - -- Swami Srila Prabhupada -
"Unintelligent men, who do not know Me perfectly, think that I, the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, was impersonal before and
have now assumed this personality. Due to their small knowledge,
they do not know My higher nature, which is imperishable and supreme."
- Bhagavad-Gita 7.24