Letter Sent By American Hindus Against Defamation to CafePress on Jan 31, 2005

I am Convenor of American Hindus Against Defamation (AHAD) the largest Hindu anti-defamation group in North America comprising of several Hindu organizations. You can find more information about AHAD at :


We have recently come across two sets of products, thongs and boxer shorts with the images of Hindu deities and symbols imprinted on them. The URL for these are :

Link 1


Link 2

AHAD finds the depiction of universally revered Hindu deities and symbols on the undergarmets extremely offensive. We have already been contacted by the members of the Hindu community and the media regardng this. We understand that similar products with Sikh religious symbols were being marketed through your company as well.

While we understand that you cannot "a priori" scan and remove offensive products, we are certain that subsequent to this email, you will take immediate action and remove these offensive products from your web site.

I have left a voice mail for Maheesh Jain and I expect to hear from either him or you by tomorrow - which is press-deadline for several ethnic Indian