A shoe marketing and distribution firm based in
California, Fortune Dynamic has begun
marketing shoes with pictures of Hindu Gods and Goddesses imprinted on them.
AHAD representative has visited Fortune
Dynamic and seen the shoes being sold personally. However, subsequently, when AHAD
called up Fortune Dynamic, we were told that the shoes were manufactured over a year ago
and no longer sold.
Hindus consider shoes to be "dirty"
and do not wear them at home or temples. It is a common Hindu practice to remove
shoes before entering homes or temples. This is why, putting pictures of Hindu God
and Goddesses on shoes is particularly offensive and outrageous to Hindus.
AHAD demands that Fortune Dynamic immediately
withdraws the shoes from the market and issues an unequivocal apology to the Hindu
like to acknowledge Mr. Ravi Adhikari, a reporter for News India Times for bringing this
issues to fore. He has demonstrated the true investigative journalistic skills and spirit.