American Hindu Anti-Defamation Coalition

AHADC Calls for Continuation of Protest since SONY has not yet apologized in writing and Major Stores Continue to Sell the "Nine Lives" CD

Our Press Release Announcing 
Verbal Apology from SONY 
Write Letters to All the Stores Still Selling the CD with a copy to SONY and Aerosmith 
Aerosmith Press Release About the change in CD 
We note with great regret and dismay that the Hindu community  has still not received any written apology from SONY Music for offending Hindus. Although SONY has changed most parts of its website, the promotional picture at this link still remains. 

We also note with great concern that the CD, which has offended so many Hindus has still not been pulled from the major stores that are selling it. 

We present here, a link to the apology by Aerosmith, which was sent to several news organizations.  We were sent a copy of this press release by  Mr. Joseph Salvo, Senior Counsel for SONY Music and Entertainment.  

We urge the community to continue writing strong letters to SONY music and the stores to recall "Nine Lives" CD.   

If SONY Music and the departmental stores do not withdraw this CD and if the written apology from SONY Music is not forthcoming, the Hindu community will be forced to consider  stronger action, including boycott of the products made by SONY and legal action against SONY in India and other countries. 

In order to facilitate writing protest letters to the stores, we have now created a single link, by clicking here you can send letters to all the major stores still selling "Nine Lives"  (this feature works for Netsacpe, if it does not work for your browser, please select individual addresses from the menu below) 

Sony/Columbia Disfigure Lord Krishna's Picture on Aerosmith's "Nine Lives" Album


 If This Offended You ACT NOW!! 

What is American Hindu Anti-Defamation Coalition 
Sign On-Line Protest 
Draft Protest Letter for Sony/Columbia 
Draft Protest Letter for Stores Carrying "Nine Lives" 
SONY/COLUMBIA  web-site 
Aerosmith Web Site 
Aerosmith Band E-mail Address 
Send a mail to Aerosmith (Business) 
Send E-mail to Sony Music 
Send E-mail to Sony Music VP : Ms. Michele Anthony 
Send E-mail to Columbia Records President 
Sony and Columbia 212/833-8000 (Ph) 
212/833-4818 (Fax) 
 Major Stores Selling this CD 
E-mail to President of Wal-Mart 
Target Stores 
PO Box 1392 
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1392 
Circuit City Stores, Inc. 
Corp. Dept., 
9950 Maryland Ave. Richmond, VA 23233 
Floyd Hall, CEO 
KMart Corporation 
Send E-mail 
Blockbuster Entertainment Group 
One Blockbuster Plaza 
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 
Ph. No. 800/800-6767 
Send E-mail 
Tower Records 
Send E-mail 
American Hindu Anti-Defamation Coalition (AHADC) 
E-mail : 
AHADC Home Page 
SONY Group of Companies (Columbia Records) and an American rock group Aerosmith have published a CD called Nine Lives showing a very offensive, distorted and insulting depiction of Lord Krishna on its cover.  

The CD jacket shows a disfigured alteration of an ancient Hindu painting depicting the God, Lord Krishna, the Hindu God, whom hundreds of millions worship all over the world, conquering the great serpent Kalinag.  

In place of Lord Krishna's face,  SONY and Columbia artists have inserted the head of a cat.  They have also altered the male chest of Lord Krishna to that of a female with breasts, wearing a woman's blouse.  

Hindus are incensed because the ancient original and universally revered Hindu painting, despite the alteration by Aerosmith, is still easily recognized as the painting of Lord Krishna and Kalinag.  Many Hindus feel that the alteration is akin to depicting Lord Jesus Christ on a cross with the head of a cat, breasts, and a woman's blouse. 

This act of substituting a cat's head in place of Lord Krishna's head is not only outrageous beyond any measure, but also very insulting to the entire Hindu community worldwide. 

Hindus have united all over the world to express their outrage at this affront to their revered image of Lord Krishna.  On behalf of the entire Hindu community we demand that SONY must immediately stop the sale of this CD, and completely change its cover. 

Should SONY decides not to do so, the Hindu community worldwide will picket their offices, boycott products made by SONY & COLUMBIA, and take them to the courts seeking permanent injunction and damages. 

Needless to say that such action by SONY and Columbia (and Aerosmith) have made them very unpopular and unwelcome in India and amongst Hindus all over the world due to the outrage felt by the community. 


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