c/o Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, PO Box 441505 Houston, TX 77244-1505 E-mail : ahadc@hindunet.org
Phone: (619) 484-4564
Fax: (619) 484-4564 WWW: http://www.hindunet.org/anti_defamation/
An Invitation to Join AHADC
March 27, 1997
Saprem Namaskar,
We would like to invite you and your organization
to join the American Hindu Anti-Defamation
Coalition (AHADC).
AHADC is a task force, an entity, convened to address
the issue of the Aerosmith music group using the disfigured picture of
Bhagwan Shree Krishna on the cover of its latest album "Nine
AHADC consists of temples, cultural and religious
organizations, and concerned citizens convened to act on this important
issue. There is no formal membership in AHADC. We merely ask
that if you and your organization agree to the following points, you join
fellow Hindus all over the USA. These points are :
We believe that Shree Krishna is a prominent
Hindu representation of God. Shree Krishna represents auspiciousness
to several hundred million Hindus around the world.
We believe that the picture of Shree Krishna should
only be kept in places where it is accorded proper respect. It should
not be disfigured for commercial gains or trivializing His importance.
We believe that the cover of Aerosmith album is easily
recognizable by Hindus everywhere as that of Shree Krishna's battle with
Kalia (Kaliya), a serpent demon.
We believe that the placing disfigured picture of
Shree Krishna, replacing His upper body with a woman's upper body and replacing
His face with that of a cat is highly offensive and
objectionable to Hindus.
We request that Sony/Columbia take into account
the sensitivities of the Hindu community and immediately replace the cover
of t his album.
We also request the Hindu organizations and temples
to join AHADC for the singular purpose of protesting Sony/Columbia's insensitivities
against the Hindu community.
We request those who practice Hindu dharma in one
of its many forms to write to Sony/Columbia expressing their outrage at
the disfiguring of Shree Krishna..
The coalition plans to contact theSony/Columbia with
a letter containing the points mentioned above points. We request
that you contact your local Hindu organizations and ask them to sign this
The coalition may also publish newspaper advertisements
on this issue, containing the points mentioned above and signature of participating
Please note that AHADC is a single issue task force.
Names of the signatories will not be used for any purpose other than the
points represented above. We hope that your organization or temple
finds this issue meritorious and worthy of importance placed on it.
We urge you to join AHADC
Ajay Shah, Chetan Tanna, Vaani Chawla
for American Hindu Anti-Defamation Coalition
and Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America (World Hindu
In order to Join AHADC Please sign and fax or e-mail
the following
Dear Convener of AHADC,
My Organization [Name of Your Organization] agrees
on the abovementioned points. We will be one of the signatories to
the letter that mention above points. I also authorize the convener
of AHADC to use the name of my organization for the above purpose in press
release and newspaper advertisement as long as it contains only the above
mentioned points. I understand that AHADC will contact me if there
are any changes to the content of the letter, I will be contacted by AHADC.
Signature :
Date :
Your Name :
Name of the Organization :
Address :
Phone No. :
E-mail Address :