Hindus look to
God and the Gods for very practical assistance - from affairs of employment, family, heart
to knowledge both secular and super conscious. A Hindu devoutly believes that the Gods from
their dwelling in the Third World are capable of consciously working with the
forces of evolution in the universe and they could then certainly manage a few simpler
problems. He devoutly believes that the Gods are given to care for man on the planet and
see him through his tenure on earth and that their decisions are vast in their
implications. Their overview spans time itself, and yet their detailed focus upon the
complicated fabric of human affairs is just as awesome.
It is through the sanction of the Gods that the Hindu undertakes the practice of yoga -
that orthodox and strictly Hindu science of meditation that leads to union of the many
with the One. Yoga is the culmination of years of religious and devotional service and can
only be successful with the support of the Gods who are the sentries guarding the gates of
the various strata of consciousness. This sanction, once obtained, can and does allow the
kundalini force within the core of the spine to safely rise and merge with the Supreme
that all Hindus know is the Absolute - timeless, causeless, and spaceless. But first much
work has to be done, much work and worship.
Finally, it must be clearly understood that God and the Gods are not a psychological
product of the Hindu religious mind. They are far older than the universe and are the
fountainheads of its galactic energies, shining stars and sunlit planets. They are loving
overseers and custodians of the cosmos, earth and mankind. The Hindu cosmological terrain
envelopes all of humanity. It is not exclusive. Hinduism has historically accepted
converts from other religions and adoptives (those with no previous faith) into its
knowledge and practices. The Vedic rishis spoke of guiding strangers into the full embrace
of the Sanatana Dharma, "the Eternal Path" and into the universal
sanctuary of the Hindu pantheon. A vedic rite called vratyastoma purified those
returning to Hinduism and Swami Vivekananda declared, "Why, born aliens have been
converted in the past by crowds, and the process is still going on." Each citizen of
earth so interested has the option of entering the Hindu religion.
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