2059.Sledge-hammer: gha_na, ga_na the sledge-hammer used by the village blacksmith (cf. Pl.XXVI,5)(Mu.); gha_na (Sadani.Oraon)(Mu.lex.)

2279.Image: protuberance: karn.aka a prominence; a handle; karn.ika_ a knot, round protuberance; karn.in an arrow furnished with knots (Skt.lex.)

2280.Image: brim of a vessel: krn.aka projection on the side of a vessel, handle (S'Br.); kano rim, border (S.); ka_n.a_ brim of a cup (B.); ka_no (G.)(CDIAL 2831). ka_n.i_ ornamental swelling out in a vessel (B.)(CDIAL 2849). karn.a ear, handle of a vessel (RV.); kan.n.a ear (Pali.Pkt.); tip (Pali); ka_n. ear, rim of a vessel, edge of river (A.); karn.e_ aside (Skt.); pi krn.e_ from behind (RV.)(CDIAL 2830). Image: rim: kano rim, border (S.); kanna_ edge, rim, handle (H.); ka_nu end of a rope for supporting a burden (N.); ka_n.a_ brim of a cup (B.); kan.n.aka having ears or corners (Pali); karn.aka projection on the side of a vessel, handle (S'Br.) (CDIAL 2831). Image: handle of vessel: karo, pl. kara_ rings of a vessel by which it is lifted (N.); kara_ handle of vessel (Bi.)(CDIAL 2629). kat.akam vessel with a kind of spout; kat.ai-va_y corner of the mouth (Kampara_. Na_t.t.up. 10); kad.ava_yi (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) cf. karuvi instrument, tool (Ta.)(DEDR 1290). Image: projection on the side of a vessel: kar.u handles on a box or trunk by which to lift it (Santali.lex.) karn.aka handle or projection on the side of a vessel (TS. i.5.7.6)(Vedic.lex.) karn.a-tarda tying the yoke with poles; the nail that unites the poles (Vedic.lex.) karn.a having long ears (Vedic)(Skt.lex.) karai border of a cloth (Kalit. 111)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Border of a cloth: karai coloured border of a cloth (Ma.); karayan striped cloth (Ma.); kar coloured woven stripes on end of cloth (Ko.); coloured woven stripes on end of cloth (To.); kare border of a cloth (Ka.); coloured border of a cloth (Tu.)(DEDR 1293).

2060.Murmur: {Echo word}: kun.ukun.u to whine, murmur, grumble (Ta.); gun.ugu to murmur (Ka.Coorg); gun.a, gun.u, gon.a a sound in imitation of grumbling (Ka.); gun.ugun.u, gunugunu murmuring, muttering (Tu.); guniyu to grumble (Tu.); kunkunare to murmur (Malt.) gun'na_ to fret (Kur.)(DEDR 1685). gangan murmur (N.); gangana_unu to grumble (N.); gan.agan.a murmur (Or.); gan:gan. (G.); gan:gan.n.e~ (M.); gungun (H.)(CDIAL 4013). galgal to murmur (Santali.lex.)

2061.Panicum antidotale: gunara (H.); ghamur (P.); dusto (G.); smoke of the burning plant: used to fumigate wounds, and as disinfectant in small-pox; habitat: Punjab, Upper Gangetic Plains and western Peninsula (GIMP, p.185). layo gundli a cultivated millet, panicum antidotale (Santali.lex.)

2062.Dream: kukmu~ a dream, to dream; kukmu~iako ninda people dream at night; tehen ninda kukmu~ten ramketmea I saw you in a dream last night (Santali.lex.) kunchukna dream; gansk- to dream (Go.); kirk- to dream (Ga.); kancka_na_ to dream, cry out in one's sleep; kansksta_na_ to send a dream (of god); kansk-, kanjka_na_, kanisk- to dreak; kanjkar. dream (Go.); kala dream (Kond.a); kr.e_nj- (kr.e_nc-) to dream; kr.e_ckond. dream (Pe.); kr.i_nja (kr.i_nji-) to dream; n. dream; kr.i_spa (kr.i_st-) to cause to dream, reveal in a dream (Kui); xandrna_ to sleep (Kur.); qandre id.; qanqe sleep (Malt.); kelay- to dream; keyalkud. dream (Pa.); kala dream (Nk.Kol.); kars- (karast-) to see a dream (Kol.); kala dream; kala~ganu to dream (Te.); kana dream (Tu.); kenaci dream (Kod..); kan-a_, kan-avu dream, sleep; kan-avu (kan-avi-) to dream (Ta.); kina_vu, kanavu, kana_vu dream; kanavuka, kana_vikkuka to dream (Ma.); kancn dream (Ko.); konof (obl. konot-) id. (To.); kana, kanasu, kanasa id.; kanavarisu to dream (Ka.)(DEDR 1407).

2063.Arum campanulatum: ce_n-ai amorphophallus campanulatus (Ta.); ce_na yam, arum campanulatum (Ma.); ke_ne tahiti arrowroot, an itchy root (Ka.); ke_n a kind of yam, arum campanulatum [amorphophallus campanutalus = arum campanulatum](DEDR 2022). Amorphophallus campanulatus: arsaghna (Skt.); jungli suran (M.); ol (B.); zaminkand (H.); karnaikilangu (Ta.); kanda (Te.); chena (Ma.); tuber: stomachic, tonic, restorative, carminative, in piles and dysentery, when fresh acts as an acrid stimulant and expectorant and much used in acute rheumatism (GIMP, p.16).

2064.Image: buffalo race: kambal.a a buffalo race (Ka.); kambula, kambul.a a buffalo race in a rice field (Tu.)(DEDR 1239). kampo, gampo a swampy field (Tu.lex.)

2065.Coarse woollen blanket: kampal.ai,kampal.am ram of the fleecy kind (Ta.lex.) kampal.i, kampal.am coarse woollen blanket (Ta.); kampil.i woollen cloth, blanket (Ma.); kabeyl., kabel.g, kabi.l.g blanket (Ko.); kambala, kambal.i id. (Ka.); kambil.i id. (Kod..); kambol.i id. (Tu.); kambal.amu, kambal.i, kambad.i id., rug, woollen cloth (Te.); kambra blanket (Pa.); kambal id. (Ga.Br.); kamr.a id. (Go.Kur.); kamri id. (Malt.)(DBIA. 76). kampala woollen blanket, rug; carpet; ceyyakampalam virittena : Ci_ka_l.t.. Pu. Na_n-muka. 108)(Ta.lex.) camparam cloth, garment, a_t.ai (Ta.lex. < ambara ); ambara cloth, upper garment (Pali); clothes (MBh.); am.bara cloth, garment (Pkt.); a_mbara expensive clothes (OG.) ambara clothing (Si.)(CDIAL 573). kambala woollen blanket or upper garment (AV.); kambala id. (Pali.Pkt.); kamli_, ka_mri_, kambal id. (H.); kambalika_ a woollen cloth (Pa_n..); kamalu (Sh.): kamali (K.); kamari (S.); kammal fine blanket (L.); kammal, kamli_, kambal, kambli_ coarse blanket (P.) > kambal, kammal blanket (H.); ka~bari_ (Aw.); ka~_bl.o loosely woven woollen stuff (G.)(CDIAL 2771 < ?Austro-as.).kamr.a, kamr.a_, kama_r.a, kama_r.a_ a blanket made of hair, camel's hair, sheep's wool etc. and worn by Munda men as an overall, in contrast to bana_t a blanket made of some fibrous or fleecy substance resembling hair (Mu.); kammal (Skt.)(Mu.lex.) Image: caterpillar; working man: kambalin having a woollen garment (Pali); kamaria_ a working man (Mth.); ka~_bl.iya_ common labourer (M.)--Poss. belong here ka_ml.iyo hairy caterpillar (G.); kamla_ caterpillar (H.); kapana_ worm, caterpillar (RV.)(CDIAL 2773). Caterpillar: ka_ml.iyo hairy caterpillar (G.); kamla_ id.(H.); < kapana_ worm, caterpillar (RV.)(CDIAL 2773). sun:g hair of caterpillar (B.); sun:ga_ id. (Or.)(CDIAL 12599).

2066.Leap-frog: kavat.i game of leap-frog (Ta.); jumping play of children (Ma.)(DEDR 1321). Image: frog: kappa frog (Te.Kuwi); kappe id. (Ka.Kod..Tu.Go.); kepak frog, toad (Ko.)(DEDR 1224). cf. kacchapa frog (Skt.lex.) taval.a frog, chiefly in the grass (Ma.); taval.ai animals of the frog and toad variety (Ta.); tappal.ai, tavakkal.ai frog (Ta.); tavaka_, tavakkey id. (Ta.)(DEDR 3110). kepak frog, toad (Ko.); kopin frog (To.); kappe, keppe id. (Ka.); kappe toad (Kod..); kappe frog (Tu.Go.); kappa id. (Te.Kuwi); kapoki id., biceps (Kond.a)(DEDR 1224). Wink; jump: jhampa jump (Skt.); jhapo pounce (S.); jhapan.u to snatch at (S.); jhappan. to seize (L.); jhapp quickly (P.); jhapp pounce (WPah.); suddenly (Ku.); jhappa, jha_p-jhuppa all at once (N.); zapan. sound of suddenly plunging into water (A.); jhap, jhapa_n. splash; jhap-jhap quickly (B.); jhap hastily (Or.); at once (Mth.); jerk (H.); suddenly (G.); jhapa_jhap scuffle (G.); jhap-jhap suddenly (M.); jhapakn.a_ to wink (P.); jhapkn.u_ to flash (WPah.); jhapakna_ to spring at; jhapak blast (H.); jhapakka suddenly (N.); jhapkan.a smartly (M.); jhapat.n.a_ to pounce on (P.); jhapt.an.o (Ku.); jhapt.anu (N.); jhapat.a scampering (Or.); jhapat. swoop (Mth.); jhapat.na_ to run quickly (H.); jhapa_t. quickness (H.); jha_pt.u~ sharp shower of rain; jhapat. spring; jhapet.vu~ to beat (G.); jhapa_t.n.e~ to accomplish smartly; jhapet. swoop (of a bird)(M.); jhapa_s, jha_pas violent rainstorm (Mth.); jhapa_s (H.); jhabb quick (L.); jhapph swoop (of a bird); jhapphn.a_ to catch (P.); jhamb rain blown by wind; jhamban. to card cotton (L.); jambhn.a_ to shake, card cotton (P.); jambhn.a_ to dust (WPah.); za~_p jump; za~_piba to jump (A.); jha~_p, jha~_pa_ (B.); jha_mpa, jha_mpiba_ (Or.); jha~_p (Mth.); jhampna_ to pounce on (H.); jha~pa_vvu~ to throw headlong (G.); jha~_p stoop (of a bird)(M.); jhamt.anu to assault (N.); jha~_bad.n.e~ to snatch (M.)(CDIAL 5336). jamda quick (Bshk.); jhammn.a_ to throw on the ground; jhama_jham heavily (of rain)(P.); jhamma quite; jham-jham in torrents (of rain)(N.); zam-zam cry caused by burning (A.); jham-jham pattering (B.); sound of heavy rain (H.); jhamt.an.o to pounce on (Ku.); jhamt.anu (N.)(CDIAL 5339). Suddenly: kavakn suddenly; gabakn, gubakn noise of jumping into water, of fire blazing up (Ko.); gappane suddenly, all at once (Ka.); gabagaba quickly, swiftly; gabakkuna, gaba_luna suddenly; gabi_luna all at once (Te.); gapene quickly, suddenly; gapne_ quickly, greedily (used of eating only); gapne quickly (Go.); khapp'ana_, khapp'le_ at one stroke, abruptly, unawares (Kur.)(DEDR 1320). cappuna quickly, at once, promptly (Te.); japne, jhap, jappe, japi quickly (Go.); capna_ to hurry (Kur.)(DEDR 2336). kopp-en-al onom. expr. of moving quickly, swiftly or suddenly; kupp-en-al expr. signifying suddenness (Ta.); gobbuna quickly, swiftly, at once (Te.); gupna, gopna fitfully, suddenly, hastily (Kui)(DEDR 2112). Lightning; fire: khi_van.u to flash (S.); khimman. to flash (L.); khi_van.i lightning (S.); khevan., kheun. lightning flash (P.)(CDIAL 3682).(CDIAL 3683). kiccu fire (Ta.); ticci id. (Kurub.); tic id. (Ko.); tit id. (To.); kic id. (To.); kiccu, kircu id. (Ka.); titti id. (Kod..); kittu lightning; kiccu, kicci, kicce fire, envy, indigestion (Tu.); kicci jealousy (Kor.); ciccu fire, flame; ciccar-a, ciccur-a fiery; kittu fire (Te.); kis id. (Kol.); kicc (c = ts) id.; kic (c = ts) id. (Nk.); kic id. (Pa.); kis, kiccu id. (Ga.); kismul fireplace (Ga.); kis fire (Go.); sisu id. (Kond.a); siso vad.i a flint (vad.i stone)(Kui); hi_cu_, hiccu fire (Kuwi); cicc id. (Kur.); cicu id. (Malt.); cicci_ fire (Pkt.)(DEDR 1514).

2067.Image: dice: kavar-u dice, gambling (Ta.); die (Ma.)(DEDR 1329). Image: indent on a blade: kaur.o indent on a khukri blade (N.)(CDIAL 2740). cf. karuv-id.u to put bosses or raised figures, mould, model (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Big cowry: gavva a cowrie (?Te.)(DEDR 1342). kavad.d.a big cowry (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2740). Cowry: kavat.i cowry (Tiruva_lava_. 38,47)(Ta.lex.); id. (Ma.); kavit.i cypraea moneta (Ma.); kavad.i, kavad.ike, kavad.e cowrie (Ka..); kavd.i id. (Kod..); kavad.i, kavad.ige, kavad.e id.. (Tu.); gavva id. (Te.)(DBIA 80). kavar-u dice; arumpor- kavar-an. kurul.a (Ci_vaka. 927); gambling (Kur-al., 920); kavar-a_t.al gambling (Nal.a. Kalito. 39)(Ta.lex.) kaparda, kapardika_ cowrie (Skt.); kavad.d.a, kavad.d.ia_ id. (Pkt.); kaur.i_ id. (H.); kod.u shell hung round neck of cattle (S.); kod.o a kind of shell (S.); kod.i_ cypraea moneta or cowry (S.); small cowry (G.); kaud. conch (L.); kaud.i_ cowry (used as money or as ornament for animals)(L.); cowry (P.) kaud. a large shell (P.); kaud.a_ tortoise (P.); kaud.d.i_ cowry (P.); kaur.ie a game played with cowries (WPah.); kaur.i_ cowry (Ku.Or.Marw.); kaur.i cowry (N.); kar.a_ cowry (A.B.); kar.i_ B.); kaur.a (Or.); kaur.i (Mth.); kod.u~ sea-shell (G.); kavd.a_, kad.i_ (M.); kod.o large cowry (G.); kavd.i (Konkan.i); kavad.iya (Si.); kawa_r. small piece (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2740). kod.yaru seller of cowries (S.)(CDIAL 2741). kaur.iya_ wearing cowries (H.)(CDIAL 2742). kaud.a_ tortoise, a large shell (P.)(CDIAL 2740). kaud.ia_ a slave brought for a cowry (P.); kaur.ia_ valuable (Or.); kaur.iya_ wearing cowries (H.)(CDIAL 2743). kod.yaru seller of cowries (S.)(CDIAL 2742). kaparda, kapardaka, kapardi_, kapardika_ a cowrie-shell used as a coin (EI 1, 9, 14, 21; CII 4; IEG.); kapardaka- pura_n.a, a pura_n.a (of silver) counted in cowrie-shells; kapardaka-vod.i (EI 23.IEG.) a cowrie-shell used as a coin. [cf. od.i division or ricefields (Tu.)(DEDR 948).] s'ambu bivalve shell (Skt.); s'ambuka id. (Skt.); sambuka a shell (Pali); sa_mba oyster shell (Or.); sam.bukka a shell (Pkt.); sa_muk bivalve shell, snail, cockle (B.); sa_muka_ bivalve, snail (Or.)(CDIAL 12316). kava_t.t.i oyster (J.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

2068.Vessel for sacred ashes: kappaccu a blacksmith's tool; kapparai vessel for keeping sacred ashes in temples (Can.. Aka.)(Ta.lex.) kambeci a steel plate with holes for drawing wires (Tu.lex.) Coinage, mint: kampat.t.am coinage, coin ((Ta.); kammat.t.am, kammit.t.am coinage, mint (Ma.); kammat.a id. (Ka.); kammat.i coiner (Ka.)(DEDR 1236). kampat.t.a-k-ku_t.am mint; kampat.t.a-k-ka_ran- coiner; kampat.t.a- mul.ai die, coining stamp (Ta.lex.) [cf. the nasal in ka~pr.aut. jeweller's crucible made of rags and clay (Bi.)(CDIAL 2874)]. ka~pr.aut., kapr.aut. jeweller's crucible made of rags and clay (Bi.); kapr.aut.i_ wrapping in cloth with wet clay for firing chemicals or drugs, mud cement (H.)[cf. modern compounds: kapar.mit.t.i_ wrapping in cloth and clay (H.); kapad.lep id. (H.)](CDIAL 2874). kapar-mat.t.i clay and cowdung smeared on a crucible (N.)(CDIAL 2871).

2069.Image: bat: kappad.e, kapat.e, kabat.e, kappad.i, kappat.e, kabbat.e, gabbila_yi bat (Ka.); gabbid.a_ya, gabbila_yi, gabbilamu id. (Te.); kapat.e cricket (or a kind of bird)(Nk.); kapt. butterfly, moth (Ko.)(DEDR 1216).

2070.Waterpot: kamat.ha a waterjar (Skt.lex.) kaman.t.alu a vessel for holding water, used by ascetics (Kampara_. Akattiya. 48); kaman.t.alam id. (Par..ama. 24)(Ta.lex.) ka~vad.al coconut used as a water vessel (M.); kamand.ala_ ascetic's waterpot (Si.); ka~wan.d.al mendicant's wooden cup (Bi.); kaman.d.alu waterpot used by non-Buddhist ascetics (Pali); gourd or other vessel used for water (MBh.); waterpot used by non-Buddhist ascetics (Pali); kamam.d.alu drinking gourd used by ascetics (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2761). X cf. man.t.ai mendicant's begging bowl, earthen vessel, head, skull, brain-pan, a standard of measure (Ta.); man.d.a head (Skt.)(DEDR 4682). Bowl: ka_vali, ka_vale a plate or pan for frying or baking; ka_valige frying pan (Ka.); ka_vali, ka_voli id. (Tu.)(DEDR 1488). ka_il, ka_ili pan (Kon.lex.) Image: mortar: cf. khalva, khalla stone for grinding drugs on (Skt.); khal mortar for pounding drugs (N.A.B.G.M.); khala (Or.); kharal (N.H.G.)(CDIAL 3851). kapa_laka smal bowl (Pali); kwoju a stone mortar for pounding spices, etc. (K.); kaval.iga_ brass vessel (Konkan.i); kavalige metal vessel (Ka.); kapalla earthen pan, frying-pan; kapallaka small earthen pan, small frying-pan (Pali); kavalla iron pot (Pkt.); kavalli_ cup, vessel for molasses, etc. (Pkt.); kaul metal cup or bowl; kauli_ little brass bowl (P.); kaul tile (M.)(CDIAL 2744). cf. ka_yppu hard inferior iron (Ta.); ka_ypu inferior iron (Ma.)(DEDR 1465). Skull: kapa_l skull (Tiv. Tiruccan. 42); kapa_lam skull, cranium (Tiva_.); beggar's bowl; kapa_lakkuttu severe headache, acute meningitis, cephalalgia, sometimes causing blindness (In.. Vai. 217); kava_lin S'iva (Patin-o. Paran.a. Civa. Tiruvan. 12)(Ta.); kapa_li < kapa_lika name of a certain S'aiva sect of the left hand order, members of which carry about their person hukan skulls in the form of garlands and also eat and drink from them (Tiv. Periya_r... 2,8,8)(Ta.lex.) kapa_la skull, cranium (AV.); cup, jar, bowl (TS.); beggar's bowl (Mn.); skull, begging bowl, frying-pan (usu. iron), potsherd (Pali); kapa_lika_ sherd (Kaus'.); hafola head (OEng.); kava_la skull (Pkt.); kabhalla skull (Pkt.); kabala skull, shell (of tortoise), potsherd; kaballa piece, slice; kabilitta potsherd (Si.); kapo_l head (D..); kapa_l head, skull (Pas'.); kapl (Kho.); kapa_l (Wkh.N.); kapa_lo forehead (Tor.Sh.); kapa_l skull (K.); skull, forehead (P.); forehead (WPah.); forehead, fate (A.B.); kapa_ru skull, cranium (S.); kupa_l head (WPah.); kapa_l.a forehead, fate (Or.); kapa_r head, forehead (Bi.Mth.); kapa_ru head (OAw.); kapa_r, kapa_l, kapa_ri_ skull (H.); kapa_l. skull, forehead (G.M.)(CDIAL 2744). kaula_r tiled roof (M.)(CDIAL 2745). ka_pa_la relating to the skull (R.); ka_pa_lika (Pa_n..); ka_pa_ru crown of the head; ka_pa_ri_ pertaining to the crown (S.)(CDIAL 3038).

2071.Image: gate: kavun.i gate or fort of a city (Ta.); gavanu gate of a fort (Te.)(DEDR 1339). gavi a (covered or sheltered) place of resort; a gate (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.) kava_t.am door (Tiv. Iyar-. Periya. Ma. 73)(Ta.lex.) Image: watch-tower; shed with a flat roof: kaval.igemane a house with a gable-roof; kaval.ige-su_ru a coupled or gable-roof (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ka_van.am shed with a flat roof, pandal (Pa_rata. Kirut.. 56)(Ta.lex.); grove, tope (Ka_cika. Viya_tan-.)(Ta.lex.); ka_van.a shade, shed, pandal (Ka.)(DEDR 1486). ka_van.appatti ornamental roof of a mansion (Ko_yilo. 14); ka_val surrounding wall, fortification (Te_va_. 1087,10); ka_val-ma_l.ikai watch-tower, a small turret where sentinels or watch-guards are stationed (Ta.); ka_val-ma_l.ika (Ma.); ka_val-ar-ai public treasury, as guarded (Tiruva_lava_. 25,4)(Ta.); watch-house (Ta.); ka_valar-a id. (Ma.); ka_vali police duty; ka_var-kan.ikai a class of dancing-girls (Cilap. 5,50)(Ta.lex.) kapa_t.a, kava_t.ika_ leaf of a door (MBh.); kavat.i_ id. (Skt.); kavas.a opened (of the legs)(Skt.); kavas. open (of the leaves of a door (AitBr.) [prob. < Drav.]; kava_t.a leaf of a door, door (Pali.); kava_d.a, kava_la, kappha_d.a, kivid.i_ id. (Pkt.); kava_r., kava_r.a_ leaf of a door (P.); kava_r.i_ window, door (P.); kewa_r.i_ door (B.Mth.); small door (H.); keba_r., keba_r.i_ leaf of a door, door (Mth.); kiwa_r., kiwa_r.a_, kiwa_r, kewa_r., kewa_r.a_ id. (H.); kiwa_r.i_ small door (H.); kiba_r.i door (OMarw.); kava_d., ka_va_d. door (M.)(CDIAL 2963). kavad. cupboard (Konkan.i); kama_r. door (G.); kavul.uva window (Si.)(CDIAL 2963). kaula_ part of a wall between two doors (P.); side wall, armful (H.); kapala part, half (Skt.)(CDIAL 2743). kava_d. door (M.P.H.); kaba_t. (EB.); kavul.uva window (Si.); kava_t.a (P.); kapa_t.a, kava_t.a (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 312). {Metath.}: katavam, katavu door (Ta.); katavu, kataku , door-leaves, corner of a door (Ma.); kada, kadavu, kadahu leaf of a , door (Ka.)(DEDR 1187). gava_ks.a round window, loop-hole, air-hole (R.); gava_ks.aka (MBh.); gavakkha round window (Pali.Pkt.); gaukh portico; gokha_ skylight; gawa_kh (H.); gau~kha window (OG.); gokh balcony (G.)(CDIAL 4098).

2072.Tomb: kabara a muhammadan tomb (Ka.M.H.); kabara-stha_na a cemetery (Ka.H.)(Ka.lex.)

2073.Careful: kabaruda_ru skilful, clever, careful; attention! take care! mind! (Ka.); khabarada_ra (M.H.); kabaru news, information (Ka.); khabara (M.H.); kabaru attention! heed! (Ka.H.)(Ka.lex.)

2074.Roast meat: kaba_bu a ragout; a made dish of roast meat (Ka.Te.H.)(Ka.lex.)

2075.Buffalo: kavari < gavala buffalo (Kalla_. 53,30)(Ta.lex.) gavala wild buffalo (Pkt.Skt.); gauri ga_i (N.)(CDIAL 4096). Buffalo's horn: gavala a buffalo's horn (Ka.Skt.lex.)

2076.Image: braid of hair: kabari, kavari a braid or fillet of hair; a knot of braided hair; kabari-yagra the point of a braided hair (Ka.lex.) kapardin having braided hair (RV.)(CDIAL 2743).

2077.Yak; lion's tail raised over its head: kavari-ma_n- yak (Perun.. Ucaik. 50,20)(Ta.); kavarima_ (Kur-al., 969); kavarima_n--mayir chowrie or bushy tail of the camari, the Tibetan yak (bos grunniens) set in a decorated handle, used as a fly-flap or fan before an idol or a great personage (J.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)< camari (MBh.) yak bos grunniens; caur lion's tail raised over its head (P.); co~_r yak's tail (used for fanning idols and great personages)(CDIAL 4677)(Ta.lex.)

2078.Image: copulation; being contained: kavavu being contained (Tol. Col. 357); the contents of anything (Maturaik. 626); embracing, copulation (Tol. Po. 173); kavarvu desire (Tol. Col. 362); kavar to have sexual connection with (Kalit.94,33); kavarcci captivation, attraction (Ta.lex.) Images: to seize; copulation: kavar to seize, grasp (Ta.); kavarvu captivation, attraction (Ta.); kavavu to desire, embrace, copulate; n. copulation (Ta.); kavar-r-u to attract (Ta.inscr.); kavar to take away by force, seize, strip (Ka.); kamucu to hold, seize (Te.); kavayu to embrace, copulate (Te.); kavaraki_ a captive female prisoner (Skt.)(DEDR 1326). Seizing: katuvu to seize, grasp, take more than a proper share of (Ta.); kadubu to seize or hold firmly (Ka.); kadumu to seize (Te.)(DEDR 1200).

2079.Waterlift: kavalai a kind of waterlift (Ta.); kapile (Te.); kapali (Ka.); kappi (Ma.); kapi (Tu.); kavalai-c-ca_l large leather bucket for kapilai waterlift; kapilai waterlift consisting of a large hemispherical leather or iron bucket, worked with bullocks (Ta.lex.) kapali, kapale, kapile, kavile, kavule an apparatus for raising water, consisting of pulley, rope and leathern bucket, worked by oxen on an inclined plane (Ka.M.); kappi a pulley (Ta.Ma.Te.); qabb (Arabic); kapi (Tu.); kapali hod.e to draw water by means of the kapali (Ka.); kappi balikke (Ma.); kapali ba_vi a well fitted with the kapali (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kappi < qabb (U.) pulley, kayir-ir..ukkun. karuvi (Ta. Naut.); id. (Ma.); block and wheel in a loom (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) kavantam water (Pa_rata. Patin-a_r-a_m. 58)(Ta.lex.) kavalai-y-e_r-r-am a kind of waterlift (Ta.lex.)

2080.Jaw; cheek: kapo_la cheek (Ya_j.Pali); kavo_la (Pkt.)[Prob. < Austro-as., poss. < Drav.]; kapola, kapula cheek, jaw (Si.); -- with metath. bogul cheek (Tor.)(CDIAL 2755). gavla, galva jaw (Pe.); kavul. jaw of elephant (Pur-ana_. 30,8); temple of elephant (Kur-al., 678); cheek (Ta.); kavil. cheek (Ma.); kaul.u the cheek (Tu.); kavun.d.rasa, kavud.rasa cancer of the cheek (Tu.); gauda the cheek (Te.); ku_lu cheek (Kui)(DEDR 1337).

2081.Image: forking: kavalai branch, forking of branches, fork (Pin..); kavarpu differing (Ja_n-a_. 66,13); kavarppu forking, bifurcation, ramification (Ci_vaka. 1212, Urai.); kavarir-ukki fork of a branch planted at the mouth of a fence, path etc., to prevent animals from entering fields, houses etc. (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) Images: fork, crab's claws; crab having forked claws: kavar fork, bifurcate; bifurcated branch, as of a tree or river (S.I.I. iii,45); divergence of branches, roads, rivers (Ci_vaka. 1212); prong (Ta.); kavat.u branch of tree, forked branch, separation, division (Ta.); kavat.t.i, kavat.t.ai fork of a branch, branching root; kavai division, cleavage (as of hoof, a crab's claws)(Akana_. 393); forked stick (Akana_. 34); kavai-k-ka_l forked post; kavai-k-kul.ampu cloven hoof; kavai-k-kompu forked branch; antler; kavai-t-ta_l. forked, divaricated claws (Perumpa_n.. 208); crab, having forked claws; kavai-y-at.i cloven foot (Man.i. 6,125)(Ta.lex.) Claw hammer: kavari-c-cuttiyal claw hammer; kavar to catch; kavar-t-tat.i forked stick, used as a pitchfork (Ta.lex.) kavaittal to fork, as a branch (Pur-ana_. 98); to join with, embrace (Kuricip. 185); crossroads (Ta.); kavvu fork of a branch or horn (Ta.); kavat.i pitchfork (Ma.); kafy double-peak of a hill (To.); kavad.u, kave = kaval bifurcation, forked stick, divided state (Ka.)(DEDR 1325). kappu cleavage, cleft (Kampara_. Etir. 2)(Ta.lex.) kappu forked branch; branch, bough (Ta.lex.) *grava branch? (Skt.); gro~_ branch (Wg.); lawa_ (Pas'.)(CDIA 4358). ka_vu, ka_mpu, ka_mu (Tadbhava of kad.amba, kadamba, karamba, kalamba) a stalk, a culm, a stem; a handle (Ka.); ka_mpu (Ta.); kar..ambu, ka_du, ka_mpu (Ma.)(Ka.lex.)

2082.Prong of a trident; groove: kavar tine, as of a trident (Ta.); kava (Te.Tu.Ma.); kaval (Ka.); groove or a kind of mortise on the top of a gate or door-post to receive a beam; kavat.u (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Image: notch; rung of a ladder: khop rung of a ladder (orig. 'notch in a plank or trunk used as a ladder')(A.); dint (M.); khupiya_ notch to place the foot on (A.); khopani pressing the toes in to prevent slipping (A.)(CDIAL 3937).

2083.Image: sling, catapult: kavan., kavan.ai, kavan.t.i, kavan.t.u sling (Ta.); kavan.a, kavin.a sling, bow to throw stones; kavan. sling, catapult (Ma.); givn.d.y gal sling (Ko.); tifin.y id. (To.); kavan.e id. (Ka.); kavan.e, kappanda id. (Tu.)(DEDR 1322). gophan. sling for stones (G.); guph string; gum.phan.a sling for stones (Pkt.); gu~phn.i_ (H.); gumphana, gumphana_ winding (a garland), stringing (Skt.)(CDIAL 4206). ko_va, ko_rva what is strung together; ko_mpu string of pearls (Ma.); ko_vai, ko_rvai string of ornamental beads (Ta.); ko.v- (ko.t-) to string, thread (Ko.); k(r)o_va a string, as of pearls, etc. (Te.)(DEDR 2176). Pearl: kavat.u-vat.t.am a kind of pearl (Cilap. 14,196, Urai)(Ta.lex.)

2084.Image: pair; separation: kavat.u separation, division (Malaipat.u. 34)(Ta.lex.) kava pair, couple (Te.); kavalu twins (Te.); kapli a pair of branches, horns or antlers (Malt.)(DEDR 1325). [cf. kupli mound of earth (Pe.)(DEDR 1731-a).] Images: interstice between fingers; cutting; streak, line: kalpa capable (S'Br.); kappa rule, rite, age (Pali.Pkt.); kapp cut, breach (L.); kap half (Br.); ka_p interstice between fingers (N.); ka_p cutting a nib, pen nib (B.); ka_p cutting, slice (H.); cut, wound (G.); slice of fruit (M.); ka_po cutting, slit, streak, line (G.); ka_plo a cutting of cloth (G.); ka_pli_ clippings (G.); kraph, krapas chopping, cutting (K.)(CDIAL 2941). For semant. 'cloth' cf. ka_p small piece of cloth covering the privities (Pa.); ka_pa diaper (Kui)(DEDR 1452). ka_pn.em. to cut (M.); ka_p (G.); kap (S.Si.); kapp (P.); ka_m.p slice (H.); kapp (Pali.Pkt.); kalp (Skt.)(Bloch,, p. 314). Barber's knife: ku_pi a barber's knife (Ka.)(DEDR 1898). kalpana cutting (VarBr.S.); kalpana_ arranging (Mn.); making (Sus'r.); kalpani_ scissors (Skt.); kappana arranging, preparing (Pali); kappan.a cutting; kappan.a_ arranging; kappan.i_ shears (Pkt.); ka_pn.i_ reaping a field, goldsmith's clip (G.); ka_pan. shaving; ka_pn.i_ reaping (M.)(CDIAL 2943). kalpayati sets in order (RV.); trims, cuts (VarBr.S.); kr.pa_n.a knife (Pa_n..); kappe_ti causes to fit, prepares, trims (Pali); kappe_i makes, arranges (Pkt.); kapan.u to cut (S.); kappan. to cut, reap; kappun. (L.); kappn.a_ to cut, kill (P.); kapnu to carve, chisel (N.); ka_pvu~ to cut (G.); ka_pn.e~ to cut, shave (M.); ka_ppu_ka to cut (Konkan.i); kapanava_ to cut, cut off, reap (Si.)(CDIAL 2944). kawa_r. small piece (Pas'.); kaur morsel, bit (L.)(CDIAL 2960). Image: to splice: gopan.u to splice (S.); gopnu to pierce, stab (N.); ghop den.a_ to thrust into (P.); ghopnu to pierce (N.); ghopa_ deep set (A.)(CDIAL 4296). Image: half, slice; interstice between fingers: kapaya in the middle of (Pas'.); kapu knife (S.); kapp cut, breach (L.); kap half (Br.); ka_p interstice between fingers (N.); cutting, slice (H.); cut, wound (G.); slice of fruit (M.); cutting a nub, pen nib (B.); ka_pa mask, false appearance (Or.); kapa an age (Si.); kalpa an age (MBh.); cable (S'Br.); rule, practice (RV.); kappa rule, rite, age (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 2941). kalpuva_ barber (Si.); kalpaka id. (Skt.)(CDIAL 2942). kalpana cutting (VarBr.S); kappan.a cutting (Pkt.); kappan.i_ shears (Pkt.); ka_pan. shaving (M.); Reaping: ka_pn.i_ reaping (M.)(CDIAL 2943). Grain half-ground: kampu grain half-ground (Ta.); kappi grits in flour, grain half ground; gravel, road-metal (Ta.); kappi coarse part of rice (Ma.)(DEDR 1220). Image: stride: kavat.u-ta_kki pace, as a measure; kavat.u-vaittal to pace, straddle, stride; kavat.u-pat.ugal to slope down on either side, as the belly of a ya_r.. (Poruna. 4); to be separated, divided (Ta.lex.) Image: fork of the legs: kavat.t.ai fork of a branch, branching root (Ta.); kavate_ (Ka.); kava (Ma.); kavat.t.i (Ta.); kavat.t.u-k-ka_l bandy legs; kavar-k-ka_l forked prop; tree with forked branches; branch channel, in irrigation; kavar-t-tat.i forked stick, used as a pitchfork; kavut.t.i space between thighs (Ta.lex.) kavat.a (Te.) branch of a tree; fork of the legs (Ta.lex.) Images: space between the legs; crossroads: kavarppu forking, bifurcation (Ta.); kavalai forking of branches, place where several ways meet (Ta.); kava forked branch, space between the legs (Ma.); kavala place where two roads meet (Ma.); kaval to become birfurcated; n. bifurcation, couple, pair (Ka.); kaba space between the fingers (Tu.)(DEDR 1325). kavarttal to branch off, as roads (Cilap. 11,73); kava (Te.Ma.); kavalu (Ka.); kavarttal to fork, bifurcate; kavartal to separate into various channels (Pur-ana_. 35,8); kavar-ner-i fork in a road; kavar-pat.utal to be forked, as a road (Ta.lex.) kabar kai a bifurcated branch; kabar a forked or lateral branch; kabarko_l.u a fork cut out of a branch of a tree and used mostly for handling thorny plants and creepers (Tu.le .)

2085.Image: junction: kavalai place where several ways meet (Mullaip. 30); diverging roads (Cilap. 14,214); cf. kavar bifurcated branch (S.I.I. iii,45); kavar-var..i fork in a road (Ta.lex.) kappad.i-san:gama name of the confluence of the rivers Kr.s.n.a and Mala_pahari, and of a village there (Ka.lex.)

2086.Image: look-out; spy: kompa_l. man engaged in watching from a tree; a look-out, spy; kompu bough, branch, twig (Man.i. 24,86)(Ta.lex.) Hidden: go_payati guards (S'a_n:khS'r.); hides (Mn.); go_ve_i protects, hides (Pkt.); goeb to hide (Mth.); goi_ pp. hidden (OAw.); gowna_, gona_ to hide (H.); govai (OG.); go~dhvu~ to shut up, detain (G.)(CDIAL 4291). kohval cowherd (Go.)(DEDR 2218). gupi the act of grazing cattle; the fact of cattle being grazed (Mu.); gopa_l (H.); gopi fem. cowherd (H.)(Mu.lex.) guppa to be hidden (Pkt.); gupha_ cave (S.); hermit's cave (L.P.N.); goph cave, hole (K.); guph cave, ravine, pass (B.)(CDIAL 4204). guha_ hiding place, cave (VS.Pali.Pkt.); guh id. (RV.); goh cave (G.)(CDIAL 4220). kevi deep valley, cave (Ta.); gavi cave; gambu cave of wild animals (Ka.); gavi cave, hole, cell (Tu.); cavern (Te.)(DEDR 1332). To hide: gupun to hide (K.); go_pyate_ is preserved (MBh.)(CDIAL 4297). Guarded: go_via kept, hidden (Pkt.); go_pita guarded (MBh.Pali); gohi_ hiding, secret (H.)(CDIAL 4295). Protection: gutti (Vedic gupti) protection, defence, guard; watchfulness--(a) literally of a city; (b) figuratively of the senses in indriya_nan gutti. guttika a guardian, one who keeps watch over, in nagara-guttika the town-watchman, the chief-constable; gutta (Skt. gupta, pp. of gupt] guarded, protected; nagaran guttan a well-guarded city; devinda gutta protected by the lord of gods; gutta dva_ra with guarded doors, always in combination with indriyesu gutta-dva_ra (Pali.lex.) go~dhvu~ to shut up, detain (G.)(CDIAL 4291). nagaran guttan a well-guarded city; gutta guarded, watchful, constrained; gutta-dva_ra with guarded doors; gutti protection, defence, guard, watchfulness (Pali.lex.) ko_vuramu ambush, lying in ambush (Te.)(DEDR 2218). ko_p- (ko_t-) to tend (cattle)(Pa.Go.); ko_pal, kopa_l cowherd (Go.); ko_pa_l term of abuse applied to Gaiki graziers; ko_pe (pl. -hk) cowherdess; koh- to tend cattle (Go.); ko_pa (ko_pi-) to tend, herd (cattle, sheep); n. tending, herding (Kui)(DEDR 2218). go_pa cowherd, guardian (Mn.RV.Pali); go_pi_, go_pika_ (BhP.); go_paka (Pali); go_pika_ (Pali); go_va, go_vaa, go_vi_, vo_via_ (Pkt.); goi female of cowherd caste (Or.); govuva_, govva_, f. geviya_ cattle-keeper, herdsman (Si.)(CDIAL 4289). go_pa_la cowherd (VS.Pali); go_pa_laka (MBh.); go_pa_laka (Pali); govala (NiDoc.); go_va_la, go_va_laa, go_va_liya, go_va_li_, go_va_liya_, go_va_lin.i_, go_alla_, go_va_liya, go_va_lin.i_ (Pkt.); gawa_li_ cowherd (Dm.); go_wa_l (Pas'.); gua_l shepherd (K.); gava_ru cowherd (S.); go_va_l (L.); gava_l, gava_la_, gua_l, gua_lla_ (P.); gua_l, gua_l.u_ (WPah.); gwa_w, gwer (Ku.); gwa_lo, gwa_lini (N.); guwa_l buffalo-keeper, goya_la_, goya_lni_, gayla_ (A.); goa_l.a, gua_l.a, goa_l.a_, goa_lun.i_ (Or.); gwa_r (Bi.); goa_r, goa_rin (Mth.); goa_l, gua_l, gua_la_, gwa_lan, gwa_lini_ (H.); gwa_l (Bhoj.); guva_lau (OMarw.); gova_l., gova_l.iyo, gova_l.an., gova_l.n.i_ (G.); go_va_l.a_, go_vl.a_ cowherd (M.); gavl.i_ caste of herdsmen; govl.an. (M.); gavl.i_ cowherd (Konkan.i); gurwal (Sv.); ghe_iwal (Phal.); goya_l cowshed (B.); go_val. (M.)(CDIAL 4293). indra-go_pa having Indra as protector (RV.)(CDIAL 1573). Herdsman: ko_van- herdsman, king (ko_va n-iraimi_t.t.an-n- : Ci_vaka. 455); ko_valar herdsmen, men of the sylvan tract (kruntan. kan.n.i-k- ko_valar : Ain:kuru. 439); ko_varttan-ar, ko_vintar herdsmen (Ta.)(Ta.lex.). gopana_ protecting, protection, care, watchfulness; gopaka a guardian, watchman; go_pita protected, guarded, watched; gopeti to watch, guard (Pali.lex.) X go_pya to be taken care of (Ya_j.); guppa to be hidden (Pkt.); gum.pha hiding (Pkt.); goph cave, hole (K.); gupha_ cave (S.P.N.H.G.M.); hermit's cave (L.); guppha_ cave (L.WPah.); guph cave, ravine, pass; gopha_ cave (B.); gu~pha_ cave, sylvan retreat of a hermit (M.)(CDIAL 4204). cf. guha_ secretly (RV.)(CDIAL 4221). gona_, gowna_ to hide (H.); go_payati guards (S'a_n:khS'r.)(CDIAL 4291). Image: shepherdess: ko_vi < go_pi shepherdess (Tiv. Periyati. 2,1,4)(Ta.lex.) go_pita protected, hidden, concealed; go_pi a cowherd's wife, especially applied to the cowherdesses of vr.nda_vana, the companions of Kr.s.n.a's sports (Ka.lex.) go_pa_laka a cowherd; go_pa_li-han.a a kind of gold fanam (Ka.lex.) cf. ko_pa tending, herding (Kui)(DEDR 2218).

2087.Image: place for feeding cattle: kava_d.iga a man of the cowherd caste; kava_d.agatti a cowherdess; kava_d.igage_ri a street of cowherds (Ka.lex.) gaun.d.a_, gon.d.a_, go~r.a_ cowpen, sheepfold, cowherd station (H.); gova~_dru~, ga~_dru~, go~dru~; n. ga~_dro, go~dro village pasture, confines of a village (G.); va~_vadar, ga_vadri_ village precincts (M.)(CDIAL 4331). kavan.ai place for feeding cattle (Ta.); kavan.amu id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) govada, govuda cowpen, cowshed (Si.); go_vraja cowpen (Mn.)(CDIAL 4332). gwa_r. cattle shed (Ku.); gawa_ri_, gowa_ri_, gua_ri_ cowhouse, dwelling house, family (H.); guva_r.o cowshed (Marw.); go_va_t.a hurdle for cattle (Hariv.); go_va_d.a (Pkt.); gu_wa_r station of herdsmen (K.); gua_r. temporary hut (WPah.)(CDIAL 4327). Richly manured land: gavyu_ti a pasture (RV.); go_yu_ti (Pa_n.. Va_rtt.)(CDIAL 4150). gor.a a field on high ground, in contras to loeon a low field and piri uplands, high ground (Mu.); gor.ha_ fields near a village (H.); gor.a-ar.a, gor.a-har.a collective noun for the cultivated clearances in the forest; gor.a-jonra the second earliest variety of Indian corn or maize, so called because it ripens at the same time as the gor.a baba, the coarser kind of rice growing on high ground (Mu.lex.) goe~r., goe~r.a_, go~r.ha_, gau~r.ha_ belt of land nearest homestead (Bi.); goe~r., goe~r.a_ richly manured land near houses (Mth.); gaun.d.a_, gon.d.a_ road to a village, field near a village (H.); go~ir. neighbourhood of a village (Brj.); gova~d., go~d. cow path (esp. over hill pasture), gathering spot of pasturing herds in the morning, cleft through a hill, lane in village between enclosures; gurdan.d. cattle track esp. over hill pasture (M.); gau~r.o path, short cut, narrow pass; gawan.d.a_ ditch (Pas'.)(CDIAL 4283). gohana track, path (OAw.); go_dhana cow station (R.); herd of cows (MBh.)(CDIAL 4285). gohari herd of cows (S.); gohar cattle path out of a village (P.)(CDIAL 4340). gavedhuka coix lachryma-jobi (Car. Su. 25.40). gave_d.u, gave_dhu, gave_dhuka_ a kind of grass eaten by cattle (Skt.lex.) Bull; cattle: ga_va ox (Pali); gava (NiDoc.); ga_a (Pkt.); ga_ (Gaw.Mai.); ga_u bull, bullock (H.)(CDIAL 4147). gava bullock (Si.); (in cmpd.) cow or bull (Skt.); cattle (Pkt.); gava_ cow (Pkt.); -gavi_- in cmpd.: e.g. stri_gavi_ milch-cow (Pa_n.. com.); gava- in cmpd. e.g. gava_ssa cows and horses (Pali); go horned reddish wild animal like a cow (WPah.); go_. bull (Tir.); go_ (Pas'.Tor.Sh.Bshk.); ga_ bull (Pas'.); gu_, pl. gu_wa (Phal.); gavum., gavam. (Pali); gau, gua (Pkt.); gau~ (S.L.); gau_ (P.Aw.H.); gau, gauwa_ f. (N.); gau cattle (Or.); gau bull (H.G.M.)(CDIAL 4093). gavaya bos gavaeus (RV.); gavaya species of ox (Pali); gavaya, gaua species of wild ox (Pkt.); gava, gahu_ bos gavaeus (M.)(CDIAL 4095). ga_o (g!) pertaining to cows (Kal.); ga_va_ adj. herd of cows (L.); ga_va_ ma_l property consisting of cows (L.)(CDIAL 4148). kavayam, kavayal bison, wild cow, bos gaveus; kavaya-ma_ (avaiya mit.t.an- kavaya-ma_) (Ce_tupu.Can:kara.19)(Ta.lex.) Cow: ga_vi_ cow (Skt.Pali.Pkt.); ga_i_ (Pkt.); ga_i (D..N.A.B.Bi.Mth.Aw.); gay (Bshk.); gah_u, ghe_yi_ pl. (Phal.); ga~_i (g!) (S.); ga~_, pl. ga~a_ (L.); ga_i_ (P.); ga_ (WPah.G.); goi~ pl. (WPah.); ga_i_ (Or.H.M.); ga_y (G.); ga_yi (Konkan.i); gawala cow (Pas'.); gavli_ affectionate term for a cow (M.); gaur.i_ cow (Garh.); ga_vr.i_ affectionate term (G.)(CDIAL 4147).

2088.Writer; settlement; guard: ka_viti ancient title bestowed on Ve_l.a_l.as by Pa_n.d.ya kings (Tol. Po. 30, Urai.); title conferred on Vais'ya ladies (Perun.. Ila_va_n.a. 3,144); minister (Tiva_.); accountant caste (Cu_t.a_.); collector of revenues (Ta.); ka_vitippuravu land bestowed upon the king's ministers (Nan-. 158, Mayilai.); ka_vitippu_ gold flower, the badge of the title ka_viti (Tol Er..ut. 154, Urai.); ka_vitimai accountant's work (S.I.I. ii,277)(Ta.lex.) ka_yastha, ka_yata a man belonging to the writer-caste; a tribe of bra_hman.as whose employment is writing (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kat, kaitha the Hindu caste, kayasth (Santali.lex.)

2089.Lord, master: kha_vand, kha_vanda_ lord, master (Kon.lex.) ka_vantu, ka_pantu < kha_wand (U.) careful protection (Ta.lex.) cf. ka_val defence, protection, preservation, keeping (Man.i. 22,209); id. (Ma.); ka_vali id. (Te.); ka_val dominion of a king as protected by him (Pur-ana_. 5,6)(Ta.lex.) Image: guard: ka_hi, ka_yi a person who tends, watches or guards (Ka.); ka_haka a guard, a guardian; ka_hu, ka_pu preserving; protection; watching; guard; custody (Ka.lex.) Tax to preserve forests: -ka_val- : ari-p-padi-k-ka_val a levy (Ta.)(SII 12.IEG.) ka_d.-ka_val tax for the preservation and maintenance of forests (Ta.) (SITI.IEG.) ka_val-per.u name of a tax; ka_val-ka_ni the right to guard temples (Ta.)(SII 12. IEG.) Uproarious man: ga_vila (Tadbhava of gra_mi_n.a) a villager, a rustic; a rude man; a blockhead; the headman of a village; gra_man.i; ga_val.iga an uproarious man (Ka.); ga_vara, ga_val.i sound, noise, tone, outcry; ga_va, ga_ve (Tadbhava of gra_ma) village (Ka.lex.) kavate_ cries out (Dha_tup.); kavi_ti (Skt.); kauti, kuvate_ (Dha_tup.); kavai makes a noise (Pkt.); kua_van. to call, summon (L.); ku_n.a_ to speak, say (P.); k noise (L.); ku_ cry out (Skt.)(CDIAL 2962). ku_vutal to call out, whoop, halloo; to cry out for help (Kantapu. Maka_ka_l.ar. 6); to call, summon (Tiv. Periya_r... 1,4,5); ku_val crying aloud, bawling, crowing (Kampara_. Cat.a_yuvuyir. 31)(Ta.lex.) cf. kupan:khi crow (N.); kovarnis raven (Lith.); xa_wara_, kawaro_ crow (Pas'.)(CDIAL 3107). kuva_kya censorious speech (Skt.); kowku, kowocu abusive, foul-mouthed (K.)(CDIAL 3359). kava an imitative sound of angry language (Ka.); kavvai abusive language (Ta.); kavaca a loud sound, a proclamation; a kettle-drum (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) gavuji, gavuju noise; hubbub (Ka.); gavagava (Tu.M.); gavur, gavuru, gavuri a loud, shrill, harsh sound (Ka.); gaure (Te.); gavuru-ka_l.e a kind of harsh-sounding ka_l.e or bullock (Ka.); gaureka_l.elu (Te.); ga_varisu to sound, to make a noise (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) gava_ra, gama_ra rustic, clownish (Ka.); gam.va_ra (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)

2090. Head of a village: kavt.a_ head of a village (Ta.); ga_vad.a_ id. (M.)(Ta.lex.) kavun.t.an- a caste title of certain Tamil and Kanarese folk, as kon:kave_l.a_l.an-, an-uppan-, ka_ppiliyan-, pal.l.i, cempat.avan-, u_ra_l.i, ve_t.t.uvan-; gavud.a id. (Ka.); kavun.t.an- man of the lowest caste, can.d.a_l.a; kavun.iyan- one born in the kaun.d.inya go_tra (Pur-ana_. 166)(Ta.lex.) ka_ra_vara a man of a mixed and low caste, employed in working in leather and hide (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) gra_maku_t.a, gra_maku_t.aka chief of a village (of S'u_dra caste)(Skt.); ga_maku_t.a sycophant (Pali); ga_mau_d.a, ga_mad.a village headman (Pkt.); ga_vd.a_ village official (M.)(CDIAL 4369). gra_man.i_ leader of a troop (RV.); ga_man.i_, ga_man.ika village headman (Pali); ga_man.i_ (Pkt.); gmun.u nom. prop. (Si.)(CDIAL 4370). kira_man.i headman of a village; leader or chief (Ku_rmapu. A_tavar. 4); title of some sha_n.ar and kaikko_l.as (Ta.lex.) kira_mam village in an agricultural tract (Man.i. 13, 102-3); kira_ma-me_rai allowance of a portion of the crop to the village officers and servants (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) gra_mastha belonging to a village (Skt.); ga_mt.hi_ rustic (G.); ga_vt.ha_ (M.)(CDIAL 4373). gavud.a, gaud.a, gavad.a (a formation from ga_va = gra_ma) the (generally S'u_dra) chief officer of a village, (though occasionally not so powerful as the s'a_nabho_ga)(Ka.); ga_m.vad.a_ (M.); gavud.a a title of honour among peasants; a good caste of peasants (Ka.); gavud.i, gavud.iti (a rustic female); a female servant; gavud.ike the business of a gavud.a (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: dealer in glass bangles: kavar-ai Balija caste among the Telugus (Ta.); kavar-a a tribe trading with glass bracelets, baskets, etc. (Ma.); gavar-iga a man of the basket- and mat-maker caste (Ka.)(DEDR 1330). kampae a kind of basket loosely made of simply juxtaposed haulms or some kind of long grass (Mu.); kapae (Sadani)(Mu.lex.) cf. kavar-u dice (Ta.Ma.)(DEDR 1329). kaead, kead, ked abrus precatorius (Mu.lex.) kurve, kurvea_ basket (larger than kurpa_n.o)(Kon.lex.) lakhera_ one who gathers gum-lac (P.); lahera_ lac-bangle maker (Bi.)(CDIAL 11001). kham.d.ua bracelet (Pkt.); khat.u~_, khat.ve~ wrist ornament (M.); ornament worn on wrist or ankle (Skt.); khad.u_, khad.atu_ id. (Skt.); khad.d.uka_ id. (Skt.); khar.u_a_ wrist ornament (H.); khaluya anklet; khad.ua_ pearl (Pkt.); khar.u bracelet, anklet (Or.); kha_ru bracelet (A.); kha_ruwa_ large iron ring (A.)(CDIAL 3775). kha_ru bracelet (A.); khar.ura_ caste of bracelet-makers (Or.)(CDIAL 3776). Village: gra_ma troop, village (RV.); ga_ma, ga_maka village (Pali); ga_ma (As'.); grama (KharI.); gama (Dhp.); grame pl. (NiDoc.); ga_ma collection, village (Pkt.); gav village, town (Gypsy); ; glam village (Ash.); grom (Kt.); gem (Pr.); gram (Dm.); la_, la_ma, lo_m, dlo_m (Pas'.; la_m (Nin:g.Shum.); ga_m (Wot..); la_m (Gaw.); grom (Kal.); gram (in cmpds. and place names)(Kho.); la_m (Bshk.); ga_m (Tor.); ga~_ (Mai.); gao~ (Gau.); gra_m (Sv.); gro_m (Phal.); giro_m cowpen (Sh.); giram clan, village (Bur.); ga_m village; ga_o~ (Sh.) < kut.i_; ga_m village (K.); ga~_u (S.); gira~_ (L.); gra~_, gira~_, gira_u~ (P.); d.l.a_u~, gra~_, gira~_ field (WPah.); gyeu~ village; gra~o (WPah.); gau~, go~ (Ku.); ga_u~ (N.A.); ga~_ (B.Or.); ga~_w (Bi.); ga~_o, ga_m (Mth.); ga~_u (Bhoj.Aw.H.); ga~_v (Marw.); ga_m (G.); ga~_v, ga_v (M.); ga~_vu (Konkan.i); gama (Si.); gra_mat.ika_ wretched village (Skt.); ga_mad.a (Pkt.); ga_mr.u~ small village (G.)(CDIAL 5368). gra_ma_nta border of a village (S'Br.); gra_ma_nti_ya place near a village (Mn.); gra_ma_ntika (Skt.); ga_manta in cmpd. 'neighbourhood of a village'(Pali); ga_mam.tiya living on the edge of a village; n. border of a village (Pkt.); ga~_va~_di_ neighbour (L.); gaa~tia_, gatia_ village headman (Or.)(CDIAL 4375). ga_maddha part of a village (Pkt.); gava~_d.h, gava_d.h neighbourhood (L.); gava~_d.h (P.); goya_r.a_ vicinity of a village (Bhoj.); ga~_vdhe~ hamlet, business in another village (M.); gava~_d.hi_, gava~_va_d.hi_, gava_d.hin. neighbour (L.); gava~_d.hi_, gava~_dhan. (P.)(CDIAL 4376). gra_min surrounded by a village (TS.); villager (BhP.); gra_mika (Skt.); ga_mika governor of a village (Pali); ga_mia village headman, villager (Pkt.); gmi_ adj. of a village (K.); gira_i~_ villager (L.); gara_ya~_ (P.); gaya~_ fellow-villager (A.); ga~_i, ga~_iya_, ge~ye belonging to a village (B.); ga_mi_ owner of a village (G.); gmiya_ villager (Si.); gra_mya of the village (Pa_n..)(CDIAL 4377). kira_ma-c-celavu village contribution for the performance of public functions like festivals (M.M. 331)(Ta.lex.)

2091.Image: turning round: kaval.i a turning or whirling round (Ka.)(DEDR 1340). kavantam oil-press (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) cf. kavvam churning stick (Ta.); kavvamu (Te.); kavva-k-kun-r-u Mt. Mandara with which the gods churned the sea of milk (W.)(Ta.lex.) kavvamu churning stick (Te.); kava id. (Go.); kavam, kavvam churning stick (Ta.); kavar to churn (Ta.)(DEDR 1325). Image: churn: karappu churn, mattu (Ta.lex.) korn:ga a Hindu caste of wood turners (Santali.lex.) Image: churning-stick; agitation: kava-k-kun-r-u, kavva-k-kun-r-u Mt. Mandara with which the gods churned the sea of milk (Ta.lex.) kavar to churn (Ta.); kavvare, kavval.e, kauvare, ko_vari, kaval.i a turning or whirling round, agitation, confusion (Ka.); kapparamu agitation of mind, confusion (Te.); kappara-pad.u to be confused, agitated (Te.)(DEDR 1340).

2092.Perfume: gavulu, gavalu, gavul.u a fetid smell, as that of sweat or of oil on the body (Ka.); ko_la-dala a kind of perfume; Synonym: nakhi; takko_lada bon:ke resin of takko_la; ko_laka, kakko_laka a kind of perfume, gavalakacu_ra (a kind of bad-smelling kaco_ra)(Ka.lex.) gaja-bhaks.ye is a synonym of the tree boswellia serrata; tadiku the gum olibanum tree, boswellia thurifera; taduku id. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) {It is probable that the construction: gaja-bhaks.ye was related to the synonym: gavulu kaco_ra = kakko_laka, ko_laka, berries from which a perfume is prepared}. Bdellium: kautika a fragrant gum, bdellium; kaus'ika bdellium; guggul.a; kaunti a sort of perfume; kunda olibanum, the resin of boswellia thurifera; one of Kube_ra's nine treasures (Ka.lex.) kavikam black dammar, resin; kukkilmarappicin- (Ta.lex.) kaus'ika bdellium (Skt.lex.) Incense: kapica, kapis'a incense, storax or coarse benzoin; agilu (Ka.); kapija, kapis'a (Skt.)(Ka.lex.) kapija, kapija-tailam storax or benzoin; kapija-lo_man a kind of perfume (Skt.lex.) Olibanum: kapi embilica officinalis, a species of the tree pongamia glabra, olibanum (Skt.); kapika_ vitex negundo (Skt.); kapila_ name of two plants (Pali); kaya_ edible pine cone (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2747). cf. kaya olive (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2747). Smell; a kind of perfume: kavul fetid odour; bad smell (Ta.); gavulu (Ka.); gaulu (Te.)(Ta.lex.) kavuru, kavut.u, kamaru, kavval the disagreeable, stifling smell arising from burnt oil, fish, raw meat, eggs, ulcers, ghee, hair etc. (Ka.); kamaru id. (Te.); kavar (Ma.); kapul, kavul (Ta.); gauru, gaulu, gaul.u (Te.); kavurid.u to create a bad smell; kavure_r.. a bad smell to arise (Ka.); kavacu, kaucu, kausu (Te.); kaviccu (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) kavul, kaul fetid odour, bad smell (Ta.); kavar, kaur offensive smell of the body (Ma.); kamat.u, kamut.u rankness, rancidity, fetid smell, esp. of dirty clothes; the disagreeable smell of burnt oil or ghee; kavut.u the disagreeable smell of burning oil, fish, raw meat, eggs, ulcers, etc.; kavuru, kavval a strong or bad smell; gavulu, gavalu, gavul.u a fetid smell, as that of sweat or of oil or the body (Ka.); kaun.t.u rancidity; rancid; kaun.t.uni, kaun.d.uni to become rancid; kaul.u odour, scent, smell, a kind of perfume, stench (Tu.); gaulu an offensive odour, stink or stench; kavucu, kaucu fish-smell, stench (Te.)(DEDR 1334). kapile a sort of perfume, re_n.ukabi_ja (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) cf. kapittam a plant that yields an odoriferous medicinal oil (Tailava.)(Ta.lex.) kapo_ta_n:ghri a kind of perfume (Skt.Ka.lex.) kapis'a incense, storax or coarse benzoin; cf. kapica = kapis'a; kapis'a, kapija (Skt.); agilu, incense, storax or coarse benzoin (Ka.lex.)

2093.Image: fish: kava_yi_, kavika_ the fish cojus cobojus (Skt.); ka_wai the fish anabus (A.); kai, kayi_, koi the climbing fish (B.); kai, kau the fish anabus scandens (Or.)(CDIAL 2959). Fisherman: kaivarta a fisherman (Skt.Ka.lex.) kaviccu stench of fish, of raw flesh, of rotten eggs (Ta.); kautsu (Te.); kavut.u (Ka.); kaviccu-k-kat.ai fish-stall (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

2094.Image: pack-saddle: kavican-ai wrapper, envelope, cover, sheath (Ma_r-an-ala. 120,248, Urai.); saddle-pad, saddle; ce_n.am (Can. Aka.)(Ta.); kaviyan (Ma.); gavisena (Te.); kavucan-ai wrapper, envelope, cover (Or..ivi. Yo_kak. 8); saddle; kavucan-am piece of cloth just sifficien to cover man's privies; ko_van.am (Ta.); kavaca, kabaca armour, mail, a coat of mail; a jacket (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) kavdy saddle, cloth put on pack-animal's back under load (Ko.); kavanti, kavantikai quilted cover made of rags to keep off cold (Ta.); kavanti (Tiruva_ca. 40,1) (Ta.lex.); kavad.ike, kavad.u an ornamental, small stitched binding of a do_tra; such a binding between the extremity and the selvedge of a cumly (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kavantikai (Tiruvicai. Karuvu_. Tirucca_t.. 3)(Ta.lex.) Image: quilt: cf. kavanti quilted cover made of rags to keep off cold (Tiruva_ca. 40,1)(Ta.lex.) Sheath: khopuva sheath, scabbard (Si.); khopnu to pierce (N.)(CDIAL 3937). kha_p layer (A.); cover (Mth.); sheath (H.)(CDIAL 3816). Image: saddle: kavdy saddle, cloth put on pack-animal's back under load (Ko.); kavadi, kavidi, kavudi quilted cover for the night, quilted rags used as a bed or as a saddle (Ka.)(DEDR 1324). kavul.ud.e a cushion, a pillow (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Bullock-load: kava_t.am a bullock-load of wood or grass or straw (Ta.); kaba_d.amu id. (Te.); kava_t.akka_ran- one who conveys burdens on bullocks (Ta.lex.) kaba_d.a, kava_d.a a bullock or horse-load of grass, wood etc. (Ka.M.Te.); kaba_d.i a person who brings and sells kaba_d.as (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Bundle; pack of betel leaves: kaval.i pack of betel leaves, its number varying in different places; bundlle, as of books (Ce_tupu. Ira_mati_r. 49; kaval.ikai id. (Ta.lex.) kavale, kavaled.u, kavalige (Te.Ka.) a pack of written leaves; palm leaves prepared for writing accounts (CITD.IEG.) kaval.ige, kaval.ika a quantity embraced: a pack or bundle of betel or plantain-leaves (Ka.); kaval.i_ (M.); kaval.ika a pack of written palm-leaves (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Bundle; double-handful: kavl.a_ quantity embraced, armful (M.); kauli_ armful, embrace (P.); armful, bundle of corn given to a village servant (H.); kapat.i_ measure equal to a double-handful (Skt.); kaval. loppings of bushes (M.); kapala part, half (S'a_n:khS'r.); kaula_ part of a wall between two doors (P.); side wall (H.)(CDIAL 2743).

2095.Image: monkey: kapi a monkey (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) kapittha_syah- a kind of monkey (Skt.lex.) kavi ape, monkey (Kampara_. Urukka_t.. 29)(Ta.lex.)

2096.Image: fist: kavittam hand with tightly closed fingers, fist (Kantapu. Ka_viri. 40); kavikai inverted palm of the hand, liberality, munificence, bounty (Pu. Ve. 9,29); kapittam a gesture with one hand in which the tips of the thumb and of the forefinger are closely joined while the other three fingers are held loose, one of 33 in.aiya_-vin-ai-k-kai (Cilap. 3,18, Urai.)(Ta.lex.)

2097.Feronia elephantum: kavat.h, kavam.t.h feronia elephantum (M.); kavit.u (S.); kat.hbel, kaith (H.); kai_t. (O.); kavitha, kavit.t.ha (Pkt.); kapittha (Skt.)(Block, p. 312). Wood-apple: kapittha the elephant or wood-apple tree, feronia elephantum (Ka.Skt.); bel.aval, bel.avalagid.a (Ka.lex.) kapittham fruit of the wood-apple tree (Skt.lex.) kapittam wood-apple (Pin..); a plant that yields an odoriferous medicinal oil, kot.t.ikkir..an:ku (Tailava.)(Ta.lex.)

2098.Image: headless trunk: kabandha, kavandha big barrel (RV.)(CDIAL 2758). kavantam < kabandha headless body (Ci_vaka. 2310)(Ta.lex.) banda body (Si.); kavanda headless trunk (Si.); kandh evil spirit without a head (A.) (< kau~dh?); kavandha headless (Pali); kabam.dha, kavam.dha, kayam.dha, kamam.dha, kapam.dha id. (Pkt.); kavandha headless trunk (R.); kabandha, kavandha belly (Nir.) [perh. with Austro-as. prefix connected with group of ban.d.a.](CDIAL 2758). [cf. ban.d.a maimed (in hands, feet or tail)(AV.)[Munda or Drav. origin]; van.t.a is poss. an IA.deformation of Indo.ir. vanta in Khot. vanda short; gwand (Dardic)[cf. kun.t.ha ~ Pers. kund) associated with similar Munda or Drav. words.](CDIAL 9124).

2099.Image: pole for carrying burdens: ka_vat.i pole for carrying burdens (Ta.); id. (Ma.); ka_vad.i id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) Shoulder: khavaya shoulder (Pkt.); khava_ (Pkt.); khawa_ id., shoulder-blade (H.); khava_ shoulder-blade (M.); khavo shoulder (Konkan.i); kha_m (G.); khabho shoulder (G.)(CDIAL 3852). khambhu, khambho plumage; khambhur.i wing (S.); khabbh, khambh shoulder-blade, wing, feather; khamb wing; khambhar.a_ fin (L.); khambh wing, feather (P.); kha_m, khabho shoulder (G.)(CDIAL 13640). kappu shoulder (Tiv. Periya_r... 3,1,5)(Ta.lex.) Image: hunch-backed: khavva hunch-backed, dwarfish (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3832). ka_vad. bamboo for transport of loads on the shoulders (M.G.); ka_va_t.hi_ (S.); ka_m.var (H.); kamat.ha (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 315). khava_ articulation of shoulder (M.); khabho (G.); khava_ (P.H.); khavao skandhah- (OM.); ?kaphan.i elbow (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 321). To bend: kawge to curve, bend (Malt.); kawgre to be bent, stoop (Malt.); kawgro bent, curved (Malt.)(DEDR 1344). kavin-, (kavinv-, kavnij-) to bend or lie face downwards (Kod..); kabbe, kabya topsy-turvy, upside down (Tu.); gap murung- to fall back (Go.); kap- to bend the head down (Kuwi); kavuru to capsize; kamur to be upside down (Ta.)(DEDR 1335). ko_t.i bend, curve (Tiruva_ru_. 134)(Ta.lex.) kabba_ left-hand (L.); kabb crookedness (P.); kabba_ crooked, perverse, obstinate (P.); ko_r left-hand (Bshk.); kavva_d.a right hand (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2995). Curved knife: ka_mpu-c-cattakam iron-handled curved knife, used in basket-making (Ta.lex.) cf. cattakam curved knife, small bill-hook; s'astraka (Skt.)(Ta.lex.)

2100.To cultivate a field from generation to generation: kami_-au to cultivate a field and hand it down from generation to generation in the same family (Mu.lex.)

2101.Land measure: kamma, kamba, kambha (Ka.< ?stambha, skambha) a land measure = 1/100 of a mattaru or nivartana.(IE 8-6.EI 12,19.IEG.) Grant of village for wife: kammattam zemindar's or inamdar's land which he cultivates with his own labourers; grant of a village for a wife's pocket expenses (M.M. 249)(Ta.lex.) kampatta-k-ka_ran- one who owns landed property (Ta.); kammatamu (Te.); kampattam agriculture, cultivation by the owner with his own stock; agricultural land (Ta.); kammatamu (Te.); kampal.am, kampal.atta_n- the Tot.t.iya caste; man of the Tot.t.iya caste (Ta.); kampal.ar men of the Tot.t.iya caste (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) kampat.i plot of land on the outskirts of a village set apart for growing bulrush millet (G.Tn.D. i,159)(Ta.lex.) Swampy ground: javal.u, javul.u, javugu, jo_gu swampy ground (Ka.); javuku, jauku to be marshy (Te.)(DEDR 2398). Inhabitants of an agricultural tract: kampalai agricultural tract (Ta.); kampal.ar inhabitants of an agricultural tract (Ta.); men of Tot.t.iya caste (Ta.lex.) kampal.atta_yi female demon worshipped by the Tot.t.iya caste; kampal.am the tot.t.iya caste (Tan-ippa_. i,339,51); kammava_r a Telugu agricultural caste (Ta.); kammava_ru id. (Te.); kama-t-tor..il tillage, cultivation; kamam cultivation, agriculture; field, farm (Ta.lex.) kampu-kat.t.i one who irrigates (Ce_kkir..a_r. Pu. 4)(Ta.lex.) kampan.a a district (Ka.); kampan.amu an administrative division (Te.): kampala, kampan.a an administrartive division (ASLV); kampan.a (IE 8-4.IEG.) a small territorial unit like a Pargana_. kampanah. (Skt. Mayrhofer)(DEDR 1237). kampal.ar inhabitants of an agricultural tract (Ta.)(DEDR 1237). ka_mpili, ka_mpiliyam name of an ancient kingdom in N. India (ka_mpili-k-ka_van-man-n-an- (Ci_vaka. 611); kampili a city in Northern India (Kalin.. 190, Putup.)(Ta.lex.) ka_mbiru coming from Ka_mbar, epithet of a particular kind of rice; ka_mbar a town in Ca_ndika_ (S.); kampilla a town in Punjab (Pkt.); ka_mpi_la name of a town (VS.); ka_mpilya a city of Paca_las (MBh.); ka_mpilla a country in the NW of India (Skt.)(CDIAL 3047). Peasant: ka_p Parja (i.e. speaker of Parji)(Go.); ka~_pu a cultivator, farmer; pertaining to the farmer, rustic (Te.); ka~_pata, ka~_pudi a peasant woman (Te.); ka~_pu~danamu the peasantry (Te.); ka~_puramu residence, abode, domicile (Te.); ka_ppiliyar [cf.ka_mpiliya] a caste of Kanarese cultivators, found chiefly in Madura and Tinnevelly districts, using the title kavan.d.an (Ta.lex.) ka_pu a cultivator, farmer; pertaining to the farmer, rustic (Te.); ka_p Parja (i.e.speaker of Parji)(Go.); ga_mpa, ga_n.pa a rustic; a simpleton, vulgar or vile man (Ka.)(DEDR 1456). Fisherman; toddy-drawer: kabbila huntsman, fowler, rustic; kabbiliga, kabbeya boatman, fisherman (Ka.); kabbili toddy-drawer; gamal.l.ava~_d.u man of the toddy-drawer caste; gavun.d.lava~_d.u a toddy-drawer (Te.)(DEDR 1227). Agriculture: kamam cultivation, agriculture; field, farm (Ta.); cf. karman (Skt.); kamampulam lands and fields (Ta.); kamava_ram share of the produce of land given in return for agricultural implements loaned for its cultivation (Ta.lex.) kaman, khamna forest; kamna t.a_li nilgai (Go.); kaman forest (Pe.); kaman. id. (Mand..); kambor.i, kamboni forest, jungle (Kui); kamn.a park, grove; forest (Kuwi); kambare uncultivated ground (Malt.)(DEDR 1228). ka_maru_a name of a people in West Assam (Pkt.); ka_maru_pa (Skt.); ka_m.varu_ (OB.); ka_n.ura (MB.); ka_u~ri (Or.); kawa~ru_ (Bhoj.); ka_m.varu_ name of a country famous for its magic: pop. etym. from ka_maru_pa assuming any shape at will (MBh.)(CDIAL 3043). Female demon: kampalai-ma_ri female demon worshipped especially by Veddahs; termagant, scold (Ta.lex.) cf. gumma bugbear, devil (Ka.); gumm id. (Tu.); ku_s'ma, ku_s.ma n. of an imp or goblin (Skt.)(DEDR 1758).

2102.Image: pillar, post: kampam < khamba (Pkt.) post, pillar; lamp-stand, candlestick; kampu pole for measuring wet lands = 2ft. + 1 span (Ta.lex.) kampu post for tying elephants; stake (Te_va_. 1092,4); kambu id. (Te.); kampu pole, rod, stick (I_t.u, 4,1, Pra.); pole for measuring wet lands = 2 ft. + 1 span (Ta.lex.) kha~_bn.i_ small post (M.); kha_mn.iyu~ one of the ropes with which the bucket is let down in a well (i.e. from the post?)(G.); khaman.a pit, hole, water-channel, lowland at foot of mountain (Or.); kha_mn.u~ small depression to stand round-bottomed vessel in, basin at root of a tree for water (G.)(CDIAL 13644). iskow peg (Kal.Kho.)(CDIAL 13638). skambha prop, pillar (RV.); khambha prop (Pali); kham.bha post, pillar (Pkt.); is'kyop, us'kob bridge (Pr.); khabba_, khambba_ stake forming fulcrum for oar (L.); khambh, khambha_, khammha_ wooden prop, post (P.); kham a part of the yoke of a plough (WPah.); kha_mba_ beam, pier (WPah.); pillar, post (B.); kha_mo a support (Ku.); kha_m pillar (of wood or bricks)(Ku.); post, stake (B.); post, pillar, mast (H.); pillar (G.); kha_ma_ post of brick-crushing machine (Bi.); kha~_bo pillar, post (N.); kha_mhi_ support of betel-cage roof (Bi.); khamhiya_ wooden pillar supporting roof (Bi.); kha_mh, kha_mhi_ pillar, post (Mth.); khamha_ rudder-post (Mth.); khambha_ pillar (Bhoj.OAw,); khambhiya_ prop (Bhoj.); kha_m.bhe pillars (OAw.); khambh pillar, pole (H.); kha~_bhi, kha~_bi post (G.); kha~_b (M.); kha_mbho, kha_mbo (Konkan.i); kap (Si.)(CDIAL 13639). X stha_n.u obstacle, stump (RV.); tree-root, lopped tree (AV.); kha_n.u post, stump, lopped tree (Pkt.); khan.n.u, khan.n.ua small post, peg (Pkt.); kan.u pillar (OSi.); kanu-va post, pile (Si.); t.ha_n.u lopped tree, post (Pkt.); t.ha_nu clump of bamboos (N.); tha_n.u stump of tree, pollard (Or.)(CDIAL 13750). kamha_r., kamhar., kamhan.d.a_ wooden frame suspended from roof which drives home the thread in a loom (Bi.)(CDIAL 13642). cf. sthu_n.a_ post, pillar (RV.)(CDIAL 13774). kam < ka water; pukat.t.utal to insert, introduce; to infuse, instil; to feed; to pour down the throat, as milk (Pirapulin.. Tuti. 11); pukut.i backwater, estuary; gate, doorway (Ta.lex.) One who irrigates: kampukat.t.i prob. kam + pukat.t.u one who irrigates (Kat.al varun.an kampukat.t.i : Ce_kkir..a_r. Pu. 4); pukat.utal to throw (Kampara_. Na_kapa_ca. 146); pukat.u ridge of an oven (Ta.lex.); pukar tawny coloured cow or bull (Kalit. 105); tawny colour (Ta.); id. (Ma.); pogaru id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) puku to attain, enter, reach (Kur-al., 346)(Ta.lex.) cf. kampat.i plot of land on the outskirts of a village set apart for growing bulrush millet (G.Tn.D. i,159)(Ta.lex.) cf. kam < karman act, operation, employment (Tol. Er..ut. 328); smith's work (Nan-. 223, Virut.)(Ta.lex.)

2103.Work: kami diligence at one's work (Mu.); ka_m work (H.)(Mu.lex.)

2104.Workshop: kamhala workshop (Si.); kammala smithy (Si.); kammasa_la_ (Pkt.); karmas'a_la_ workshop (MBh.)(CDIAL 2896). cf. karuman-, karumakan- blacksmith (Ta.lex.) Blacksmith; labourer: kamarsa_ri_ smithy (Mth.); kamarsa_yar id. (Bi.)(CDIAL 2899). karuman- blacksmith (Ta.); karu-makan- id. (Kampara_. Pampa_. 37)(Ta.lex.) karma_ra blacksmith (RV.); kamma_ra worker in metal (Pali); kamma_ra, kamma_raya blacksmith (Pkt.); kama_r (A.); ka_ma_r (B.); kama_ra blacksmith, caste of non-Aryans, caste of fishermen (Or.); kama_r blacksmith (Mth.); kam.bura_ (Si.)(CDIAL 2898). karmakr.t performing work, skilful in work (AV.); one who has done any work (Pa_n..); workman (Skt.); kam.bul.a doing menial work (Si.)(CDIAL 2891). karmaka_ra doing work without wages (Ka_s'.); karmaka_raka one who does any work (Pa_n..); kammaka_ra hired labourer, workman (Pali); kammaga_ra servant (Pkt.); kamma_riya_ female servant or slave (Pkt.); ka_mar slave (Sv.); kama_ra_ servant (L.); kama_ro slave (Ku.N.)(CDIAL 2888). karmakara workman, hired labourer (MBh.); kammakara (Pali); kammayara servant (Pkt.); kamera_ hired labourer (H.); kam.buranava_ to serve as a menial or slave (Si.)(CDIAL 2887). karmaka_ra_payati causes to work as a servant (Skt.); kama_ra_in.u to cause to work (S.)(CDIAL 2889). ka_rma active, laborious (Pa_n..); kamma connected with work (Pkt.); ka_mu, ka_mo slave (K.); ka_mma~_, ka_ma_ farm servant (P.); ka_ma_, ka_mo servant (WPah.)(CDIAL 3074). ka_rmika engaged in action, name of a partic. Buddhist sect (Ya_j.); Public officer: ka_mi_ public officer (S.); servant (WPah.)(CDIAL 3076). Work: karman act, work (RV.); kamma (Pali); kramam., kramane, kam.ma (As'.); kama (NiDoc.Si.); kamman, kamma, kamma_ (Pkt.); kam work, esp. smith's work (Gypsy); ga_m (Shum.Gaw.Bshk.); kam (Wot..K.); krum (Kal.); korum (obl. kormo)(Kho.); kam work, thing, booty (Gypsy); ka_m (Mai.Tor.Ku.); id. (N.A.B.Mth.Bhoj. H.Marw.G.M.); keram (Sv.); krom (Sh.D..); kom (Sh.); komu (K.); kamu (S.); kamm (L.P.WPah.); ka_ma (Or.Konkan.i); ka_mu (Aw.); ka_mu~ an office, administration (G.); krem, kam, klem (Ash.); s.lam (Ash.Wg.); kram (Dm.Tir.Phal.); la_m, s.am, kur.u_m, ga_m, plo_m (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2892). Fatigue: s'rama labour (RV.); fatigue (S'Br.AV.); sama fatigue (Pali); samam. energy (As'.); sama fatigue, effort (Pkt.); seu~ worry (WPah.); mehe-ya, me_-ya work, service (Si.)(CDIAL 12683). sammati is weary (Pali); s'ramyati is tired (RV.); sammai (Pkt.); s'amu_na to become tired (D..); s.omoiki, s.omo_nu (Sh.)(CDIAL 12693). santa tired (Pali); s'ranta wearied (RV.); sam.ta (Pkt.); s'a_ndn.u to tire (WPah.)(CDIAL 12692). Labourer: ka_mat.h, ka_mi_t. busy, diligent (M.); karmis.t.ha very active (Skt.)(CDIAL 2901). kama_t.hi_, kamet.hi_ beating (P.)(CDIAL 2890). ka_ma_t.t.i labourer, one who works with a hoe, digger of earth (Ta.Ma.); ka_ma_t.i (Te.Ka.); ka_ma_t.e (Tu.); ka_ma_t.hi (M.)(Ta.lex.) kamaveti causes to work, works (NiDoc.); kamma_ve_i earns, works (Pkt.); kama~_wun to work, earn, smelt (metal)(K.); kama_in.u to work, earn, slaughter (S.); kama_van. to work, earn (L.); kama_un.a_ (P.); kuma_n.a_ (WPah.); kamu_n.o to work, cultivate (Ku.); kama_unu (N.); ka_ma_na to earn, shave (B.)[cf. kammai does barber's work (Pkt.); kramoi_ki to use, employ, spend (Sh.)(CDIAL 2894)]; kama_iba to work, earn (Or.); kama_eb to serve, weed (a field)(Mth.); kama_vai earns (OAw.); kama_na_ (H.); kama_vvu~ to help to earn (G.); kama_vu~ to earn (G.); kama_vin.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 2897). kramo_nu hardworking; labourer, farmer (Sh.); kamun.a artisan (Si.)(CDIAL 2893). kra_mi_n low-caste labourer such as a D.om (Sh.); karmi_n.a competent (S'Br.); kami_n. labourer (man or woman)(WPah.); ka_min.a_ labourer (MB.)(CDIAL 2902). kammika overseer (Pali) kammi, kammia industrious; evildoer (Pkt.); i_yema blacksmith (Pr.); i_ma slave (Pr.); kami_ labourer (S.); kammi_ village labourer, menial (L.P.); ka_mi blacksmith (N.); ka_mi_ day labourer (Or.); industrious (H.M.); ka_mia_ servant who works in repayment of interes on money borrowed by his master (Or.); kamiya~_ agricultural labourer who works on advances (Bi.); ka_miya_ labourer (H.); kami artificer (OSi.); kamiya_ worker (Si.); ka_min.i female labourer (Or.); kamyulu farm labourer who lives in (K.); kamilo ant (N.); kamila_ useful (A.)(CDIAL 2900).

2105. Straining through cloth: kapr.aut.i_ straining through cloth (H.); a few folds of cloth (P.)(CDIAL 2873). Menstrual flow: kappr.a_ menstrual flow (P.)(CDIAL 2871). Coarse red cloth: kha_rva_ coarse red cloth (P.); kharuwa_ a coarse cloth (N.); kha_ruwa_ coarse red cotton cloth (A.); kha_ruya_ (B.); kha_ru_a_ (Or.); coarse red cloth (H.); kha_rua~_ (Bi.); kharua_ grey cloth (Bhoj.); kha_rwa_ coarse red cloth (H.); kha_rvu~ red cloth (G.); kha_rui_ garment worn by widows (G.); kha_rva_ coarse red cloth (M.); kha_rve~ loin-cloth made of it (M.)(CDIAL 3877). ka.yv sannya_isi's dress of orange cloth (Ko.); ka_vi cloth dyed with red ochre (Ka.); a reddish cloth (Te.); red ochre (Ta.Ma.Ka.Tu.); red (Tu.); colour of red chalk, reddishness (Te.); ka_vir-a_yi red chalk, reddle (Te.); gavarana redness (Te.)(DEDR 1490). Ascetic: ka_rpat.ika pilgrim (Skt.); kappad.ia beggar (Pkt.); ka_pir.i_ one of a caste of faqirs (S.); ka_pr.i_ a faqir on pilgrimage to Hi_ngla_j (P.); ka_par.i ragged beggar (Or.); ka_pr.i_, ka_pr.iyo ascetic (G.); ka_pd.i_ one of a class of mendicants (M.)(CDIAL 3071). {The semantic content of the element: pu_s-, pa_s- (in some forms with -s'-) in these compounded etyma provides a clue to a constituent morpheme providing the sense of: 'light green`. The initial element kar- is related to the kar- in: karpat.a- cloth (CDIAL 2871)}. Soiled: kappad.e dirty (Tu.); qape to touch filth, be soiled (Malt.)(DEDR 1217). Cloth: karpat.a patched garment, rag (Pacat.); kappat.a dirty torn rag (Pali); kappad.a old garment, garment, cloth (Pkt.); kapar-mat.t.i clay and cowdung smeared on a crucible (N.); kapr.a_ cloth, clothes (H.L.); kapar.u coarse cloth (S.); kapur cotton cloth (K.); kapr.u cloth (WPah.); ka_pro piece, bit (Ku.); ka_par, ka_por cloth, garment (A.); ka_par. (B.); ka_par.a_ (Or.); ka_para clothes (OAw.); kapr.o garment (Marw.); ka_par. cloth (G.); ka_pr.u~ bodice (G.); ka_pad. cloth (M.); ka_ppad.a (Konkan.i); ka_pur.iya_, ka_pur.e clothseller (B.); kapr.iyo id. (G.); ka_par.i_, ka_pur.ia_ (Or.)(CDIAL 2871). kapr.a~_dh smell of burnt cloth (P.); kapr.ahand (H.)(CDIAL 2872). Clothing: kappat.am < karpat.a clothing in rags, tatters; te_vaca_ti kappat.an. kat.t.i-k- kon.t.u cella (I_t.u, 6,4,5); cloth for wear; araiyir- ku_t.t.uma-k- kappat.am (Patin-o. Nampiya_n.. Tirutton.. 80)(Ta.lex.) Rag; parched garment: karpat.a parched garment, rag (Skt.)[< Austro-as. prefixed form of pat.a- of which -pa_sa- in karpa_sa is dial. form J. Przyluski] (CDIAL 2871). ka_rpa_si_ gossypium barbadens (Car. Ci. 7.96); the cotton plant; karpa_sa, karpa_si_ id. (Skt.lex.) cf. karpa_sa the cotton plant gossypium herbaceum (Sus'r.); cotton (Skt.); kappa_sa the silk-cotton tree; cotton; kappa_sa-at.t.hi a cotton seed; kappa_sa-pat.ala the film of the cotton seed; kappa_sa-picu cotton; kappa_sa-maya made of cotton; kappa_sika made of cotton; cotton stuff (Pali); kappa_sa-pan.n.a the leaf of the cotton tree, used medicinally; kappa_sa-sukhuma fine, delicate cotton stuff; kappa_si_ cotton (Pali.lex.) Raw cotton: kappa_cu prob. karpa_sa raw cotton (G.Tn.D.i,161)(Ta.lex.) kadsom, kasom, katsom, karsom, kaskom, kaksom gossypium herbaceum, the cotton shrub; to raise and gather a large or small crop of cotton (Mu.); kabsi (Oraon)(Mu.lex.) Coat: kuppa_cam coat, bodice, jacket (Ta.); kuppa_yam jacket, gown, robe (Ma.); kupa-cm (kupa.ct-) coat, men's special dancing dress with full skirt (Ko.); kuposm (kupost-) coat (To.); kuppasa, kub(b)asa, kubusa jacket (Ka.); kuppia Coorg man's coat (Kod..); kuppasa petticoat, bodice (Tu.); kup(p)asamu, kubusamu, ku_samu half-jacket, woman's bodice (Te.); kubasam bodice (Kol.); kubas'am id. (Nk.); ku_rpasa cuiras, quilted jacket worn as armour; ku_rpa_saka bodice, jacket (worn esp. by women), cuirass, corselet (Skt.); kuppa_sa, kuppisa id. (Pkt.)(DBIA.106). kuppa_camit.t.u-k-kur-ukke_ kavacamit.t.u (Tamir..na_. 192). kuppa_cam slough, cast-off skin of sepent (Ta.lex.); ven:ka n.o_-k-kir- kuppa_ya mile_ccan-ai (Ci_vaka. 431)(Ta.lex.)[Perhaps, ku_rpasa is a transform of ka_rpa_sa made of cotton influenced by: < kappu to cover (Ta.)(DED 1221) X ku_rca bunch, bundle of grass (TS.); ku~_c weaver's brush (H.)(CDIAL 3408)].

2106.Army: kampana, kampa_na (IE 8-3.IEG.) the army (in ancient Kashmir); kampan-a_dhipati (HD) commander-in-chief (in ancient Kashmir); same as kampanapati, kampanes'a, kampan-odgra_haka etc. (Ra_jatarangin.i_, V.447; VII.1362, 1366.) kavan-am war; army; perplexity, bewilderment; heat (Ta.lex.) cf. kadana (Skt.)

2107.Handle of tool: ka.v handle (Ko.); ko.f handle of tool (To.); ka_ma stem, stalk, handle (of axe, hoe, umbrella, etc.), shaft (Te.); ka_n butt of axe (Ga.); ka_me_ stalk of a spoon; ka_me handle of ladle (Go.); kamba, ka_mba handle (Kuwi)(DEDR 1454). ka_mpu bamboo (Ta.Ma.); ke.mbi (Kod..)(DEDR 1455). kamma-k-kut.am pot made by a smith (Nan-. 222, Mayilai.)(Ta.lex.)

2108.Image: conch-shell: kampu conch-shell (Iraku. Ilavan.a. 75); kampul. id. (Ta.lex.)

2109.Image: vibration, shaking, trembling: kampam < kampa vibration, shaking, motion (Man.i. 17,63); kampitam quivering, quaking, trembling, shaking (Tiruva_ta. Pu. Man.cumanta. 56)(Ta.lex.) kampan-am motion, vibration, shaking; quaking, trembling with fear (Ka_cippu. Tar..uvak.); kampalai trembling, quivering, quaking; uproar, tumult, quarrelling; kampittal to shake, toss (Kampara_. Paracura_map. 8); to tremble, quake (Tiruva_ca. 4,61); to shake, vibrate (Pirapo_ta. 23,12) (Ta.lex.) kampa tremor (MBh.); kam.pa tremor (Pkt.); ka_m trembling (N.); kampa_ id. (Or.); ka~_p (H.); shivering (G.M.)(CDIAL 2765). kampaka trembling (Pali)(CDIAL 2766). kampate_ trembles, shivers (MBh.); kampati (Pali); kam.pai (Pkt.); ka~_p (Dm.); kambu_m I shiver (Phal.); kamun (K.); kamban.u (S.); kamban. (L.); kambn.a_ to shiver (P.); ka_mn.o (Ku.); ka_mnu (N.); ka~piba (A.); ka~_pa_ (B.); kampiba_ (Or.); ka~_pal (Bhoj.); ka~_pab (Mth.Aw.); ka~_pna_, ka_pna_ (H.); ka~_pvu~ (G.); ka~_pn.e~ (M.); kapuma trembling (Si.); kam.pa_ve_i makes tremble (Pkt.); kamba_un.a_ (P.); kama_unu (N.); ka~pa_iba_ (Or.); kampa_iba (A.); kapa_eb (Mth.); ka~pa_na_ (H.); kapavuma trembling (Si.)(CDIAL 2767). kampana trembling (Sus'r.); tremor, earthquake (Pali); kam.pan.a trembling (Pkt.); kambin.i_ (S.); kambr.i~_ (L.); kamn.a~_ (L.); ka~pani (A.); ka~_pan, ka~_pani (B.); ka~_pan (Mth.)(CDIAL 2768). kampra trembling (Pa_n..); agile (Skt.); kam.pira trembling (Pkt.); ka~_pra_ given to trembling (M.); ka~_pra_, ka~_pre~ trembling (M.)(CDIAL 2769). kampa-va_tam shaking palsy, paralysis agitons (Ta.lex.) tun.ukkam trembling, palpitation of the heart through fear (Kampara_. U_rte_t.u. 97); vibration; tun.un:ku-tal to fear (Ta.lex.)

2110.Cultivator's contract: gapa a particular contract by which a cultivator having but one bullock or buffalo, obtains from another the loan of a pair to his own animal on condition that he ploughs the field of that other one day after having ploughed his own 2 days (Mu.lex.)

2111.Landlord's share: kuppattam Mirasdar's share of the produce or yield (C.G.); kuppattamu id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) Tribute: koppo, kappo, koppea_ tribute (Kon.lex.) kappiya suitable (Pali.Pkt.); Tribute: kapa suitable (esp. for offering to god or demon), an offering (Si.)(CDIAL 2945). kappa (EI 33. IEG.) (Ka.Ta.Te.Ka.) same as Skt. s'ulka or kara; periodical and customary payments by persons engaged in some professions. kappam tribute (Ta.); tribute, taxes (Ma.); kappa tribute (Ka.); id., an offering (Tu.); kappu tribute (Ka.); kappamu tribute, tax, subsidy (Te.); kappa tribute, tax, ransom (Apabhram.s'a)(DEDR 1218).

2112.Land tenure: kabu_l, kabu_la agreeing to; consent (Ka.); kabula (M.H.); kabu_la_ti an agreement, written or oral (Ka.); kabula_ta, kabula_yata (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) cf. kampalai agricultural tract (Ta.)(DEDR 1237). cf. kappa, kappu tribute (Ka.Te.); id. (Ta.Ma.Tu.); kappa a ring of gold or silver-wire for the wrist or foot, worn as an ornament or as the sign of a vow (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kavul favourable tenure of land; agreement whereby land is held for rent either perpetually or for a term of years (G.Sm.D. ii,22); qaul (U.); kavul-ta_r ryot holding lands on kavul; kavul-na_ma_ written agreement showing terms on which a land is held; kavul-va_n:kutal to take waste lands for rent either perpetually or for a term of years (Ta.lex.)

2113.Acceptance of a proposal: kabul, humani acceptance of a proposal, acknowledgement, affirmation; ka-p-abul to accept each other's proposal, to acknowledge each other; kabul-o to be accepted or acknowledged (Mu.lex.)

2114.Image: person with bent body: kabur.-kabur., kabur.u-kabur.u adj. with horo a man who has the habit of walking jerkily with bent body; to walk or run jerkily on all fours or with bent body (Mu.lex.)

2115.Daily provisions: ko_ppu daily provisions allowed by kings to their officers (J.)(Ta.lex.) Junket: komu junket (Si.); kumma_sa junket (Pali); grain such as beans slightly wetted (Pkt.); kulma_s.a half-ripe barley (ChUp.); sour gruel of fruit juice or rice (Sus'r.)(CDIAL 3349). Bulrush millet: kampu, kapu a sheathed flowering or fruiting spike as that of jondra, maize and keoraba_ (Mu.lex.) cf. kampu bulrush millet; Italian millet (Ta.lex.)[Semant. kampu, kompu branch of a tree; kampam-pul stalk grass, bulrush millet, panicum grossarium (Ta.lex.)] kommai a variety of kambu, sown in Purat.t.a_ci and harvested in Ma_rkar..i (G.Sm.D.I. i,219); thin and immature grain in the husk, chaff; kumma_yam well-boiled dhal (Man.i. 27,185); lime, mortar (Ta.Ma.)(Ta.lex.) cf. kamp-ari holcus spicatus (Ma.); kampu, kampam-pul bulrush millet, Italian millet (Ta.); kampu id. (Ma.); kampam a grain (Ma.); kambu holcus spicatus (Ka.Tu.); kambu_ = kuruvinda (Skt.)[pennisetum typhoideum = panicum spicatum = holcus spicatus](DEDR 1242). kumpa_l.ai a paddy growing solely with the help of rain (G.Tj.D. 95); kampacampa_ a kind of paddy resembling bulrush millet; kampan:ko_rai bulrush, typha elephantina (Ta.); kamapan:kal.i porridge made of the flour of bulrush millet; kamparici husked grain of bulrush millet (Ta.lex.)

2116.Scent: kub, in: ku(b) bat-- (two calves) take on the smell (from a mixture of scented plants in mud)[cf. pat-- to catch (To.)(DEDR 4034)]; kumpi slough or mire emitting stinking smell (Ta.); gumma stench, stinking (Tu.); gummi mire, deep mud (Te.)(DEDR 1748). To rub: ho_mb- to rub, stroke (Kui); hombali, ho_mbinai to scour, scrub (Kuwi)(DEDR 2879). Fragrance: kumbha a fragrant resin, guggulu, dhu_pada gid.a; kumbhaka stopping the breath by shutting the mouth and closing both nostrils with the fingers of the right hand; kumba-sa_ka a vapour bath: sitting well wrapt up over a chafing dish (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.) kumbham a fragrant resin, guggula (Skt.lex.) kumbhin a sort of fragrant resin, guggula (Skt.lex.) kumpakam < kumbha, kumbhaka (Yoga phil.) retention, holding in of breath, suspension of breath, a part of pira_n.a_ya_mam (Tiruman. 468); kumpi mud, mire or slough emitting stinking smell (Pin..); gummi id. (Te.); kumpi hot ashes (Ta.); kummu (Te.)(Ta.lex.) kumpu-tal to become overburnt, charred, smoked, as food when boiled with insufficient water (Ta.lex.) kumba synonym of dhu_pada gid.a, guggil.ada gid.a or incense tree or guggulu tree; dhu_pa, du_pa incense, frankincense, perfume; aromatic vapour or smoke that proceeds from fragrant gum or resin (Ka. Skt.) (Ka.lex.) guma guma anu, guma-guma_yisu to send forth a fragrant odour (Ka.); gumaguma fragrance, fragrantly; guma_yincu to spread, as an agreeable odour; guba_l.incu to emit fragrance, spread as fragrance; gubulu fragrance; gubbulu-konu to spread as fragrance, emit fragrance (Te.)(DEDR 1247b). Fragrance: kamm-en-al emitting of fragrance; kamakama (-pp-, -tt-) to be very fragrant; kamakamav-en-al fragrant smell; kamar.. (-v, -nt-) to emit fragrance (Ta.); gaml good smell (of food, incense); gamgam in- to be fragrant (Ko.); kamma, kampu bad smell, a pleasant smell, fragrance; n. fragrance; kampisu to be odoriferous; kammage, kammane fragrantly; fragrance; gama a term expressive of diffusedness and strength of a fragrance; gamana odour, fragrance; gampu fragrance; gabbu, garbu bad smell (Ka.); gamana smell (Kod..); kammena, kamyana smell, fragrance; gammu good or bad smell; gamagama fragrance, odour; gamasu id.; stink, stench; gamasuni to smell, scent, stink; gama_yisuni to be fragrant, odoriferous (Tu.); kampu smell, odour, stink; stinking, fetid; kamma sweet, delicious, pleasant (in taste or odour); kammana, kamma_tanamu deliciousness of taste or odour, sweetness; kammani delicious, sweet, pleasant; gabbu stink, stench; gamagama sweetly, fragrantly (Te.); kam, kamp a smell (Kol.); kap smell, odour (Nk.); kampu bad smell (Ga.); gabbu stink (Go.); kampu, kapu smell (Kond.a); gamgamrna_ (flowers) send forth a pleasant scent; gamgam-amba'ana_ to perfume, impregnate with a sweet odour; gamak smell, scent (< IA); gamka_rna_ to give forth a smell (pleasant or otherwise)(< IA)(Kur.); gamak fragrance (H.)(DEDR 1247a). cf. kamar-u (kamar-i-) to feel a pungent sensation as that produced by chillies on the fire (Ta.)(DEDR 1231). kammuval.a that is full of perfume: wind; kampuga_ti a woman who has a fragrant smell; kammuvad.e to get fragrance; kammitu, kammittu that which is fragrant; fragrance; kammida a fragrant man; kammidal. a fragrant woman; kammu breath to be fragrant; kammu a delicate smell, fragrance; kammagagre a species of basil with small leaves, ocymum sanctum; kammalar a fragrant flower; kammage fragrantly; deliciously; fragrance (Ka.); ghamaghama a term expressive of diffusedness and strength of fragrance (M.); gamagamana_r-u to smell strongly and sweetly (Ka.); guma fragrance (Ka.); gume gume fragrantly (Te.); gumaguma_yisu to send forth a fragrant odour (Ka.lex.)

2117.Aromatic: kumbhi the plant kat.phala (Ka.lex.) cf. kat.phala a small tree found in the north-west of India, the bark and seeds of which are used in medicine, and as aromatics; the fruit also is eaten; the common name is ka_yaphal; kir-iya sivani_, kir-iya si_vanni id. (Ka.lex.) sivanni = sivahonni, si_vanni the tree gmelina asiatica (Ka.lex.) si_vanni, sivanni, sivahonni, si_vani, si_vane (Tadbhava of s'ri_parn.i) gambha_ri, sarvato_bhadre, ka_s'mari, madhuparn.ike, bhadraparn.i, ka_s'marya, kumudike, kumbhi, kait.arya (Ka.lex.) Gmelina arborea: gambhari, kr.s.n.a vrindaka, shriparni, kasmari (Skt.); gambhara, kambhar, gumbhar, kambari (H.); gamari, gaenari, gumar, gumbar (B.); shevan (G.); shivanasal (M.); kumhar, gumhar (P.); gumar-tek, pedda-gomru (Te.); gumuadu-teku, gumadi (Ta.); kumbula (Ma.); kashmiri-mara, shivanni-gida (Ka.); kasmar (Santal); yamanai (Burm.); habitat: the lower Himalayas, the Nilgiris, the East and West coast of India; parts used: root, bark, fruit and leaves; root is an ingredient of the dasamula of the vaidyas. Gmelina asiatica or gmelina parviflora: biddari (Skt.); badhara (H.); lahan-shivan (M.); nilakkimnizh, nila-cumal (Ta.); challagumudu, shirigumudu (Te.); kumatha (Ka.); sivni (Konkan.i); gatta-demata (Si.); a species met with in Travancore and Coromandel coast, fairly common near Madras and Guindy; used in the treatment of gonorrhoea, dyrusia and catarrh of the bladder (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 584-586).

2118.Resinous juice of a tree: kumbhala_ the plant sphaeranthus hirtus (the flowers of which are compared with those of nauclea cadamba)(Skt.); kumbal.u the tree ailantus malabarica (Si.)(CDIAL 3313). cf. -pa_l suffix in: mat.t.i-ppa_l, mat.t.i-ppa_lai ailantus malabarica (Ta.); mad.d.i id. (Ka.); mad.d.i-pa_lu the resinous juice of ailanthus malabarica (Te.)(DEDR 4665). cf. gulgulu bdellium (TS.); guggulu (AV.); guguru the tree balsamodendron roxburghii and its gum bdellium (S.); gogul-dhup the tree ailanthus grandis (N.); gugul.a lignum aloes (Or.); guggal.i_ the plant argyreia speciosa (M.); gugulu bdellium, the tree moringa pterygosperma (Si.)(CDIAL 4215). Gum-plant: kumpai dikmali gum-plant, gardenia gummifera; white emetic-nut, gardenia lucida (Ta.); tikka_malli id. (Ta.); dikka_malli (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) kumbhi_ka the punna_ga tree (Skt.lex.)

2119.Agitated: gubu gubu e_r..u to stand up in a tumultuous or noisy manner; guba_ru noise of a crowd (Ka.); gubagubalu hubbub, tumult; gubagubal-a_d.u to be in great excitement or uproar (Te.); guba_r outcry (H.)(DEDR 1738). cf. kumur-u to resound, trumpet (Kampara_. Varaik. 34); have confused uproar (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 6,5,1)(Ta.); kumur-a-k-ka_ytal to be boiling hot, as oil heated to a degree; to boil up (Ta.); kumur-uka to make thundering sound (Ma.)(DEDR 1744). kumutam uproar, confusion (Tiruppu. 948); cf. tumula (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) kupyati is agitated (Sus'r.); is angry (MBh.); kuppati shakes, quivers, is angry (Pali)(CDIAL 3299). cf. kup shake, be angry (Skt.); ko_pa anger (MBh.Pali)(CDIAL 3516). koppai is angry (Pkt.); kopiba_ (Or.); kopai (OAw.)(CDIAL 3520). ko_pam anger, wrath, rage, fury, exasperation (Ta.lex.)

2120.Kurumba village; hut: koppa hut of the lowest grade of pariahs called ma_rimans'eru (Tu.); kombe Kurumba village (Ka.); kumba log-hut (Kur.); kompa house (used only in contempt)(Te.); kumbu house (balnce word of id.u id.)(Kui); kompe small village or hamlet, hut (Ka.); kuppam village, small village of fishermen and other low-caste people; kumpai settlement (esp. of pacamas)(Ta.); kuppamu small village or hamlet (Te.); kuppi hut (Kol.)(DEDR 1732). koppa, koppal a small village (Ka.); kuppam (Ta.); koppa a hut (Tu.); koppa frequently used in village-names; koppal a small hamlet; koppal.a name of villages (Ka.lex.) Cover for granary; shed on threshing floor; hut: kho~p cover of a granary (Bhoj.); hut (M.); kho~pr.i_ shed on threshing floor (Bi.); kho~p, kho~pi_ house for storing chaff (Bi.); kho~p hut, nest (Mth.); khop, khopi_ cottage, hut (M.); khopuru ruined thatched mud hut (K.); khopr.o hovel (Ku.); khopro slave's house (N.); khupari small dark room (A.); khopar.i_ hut (Mth.); khopd.i_ (M.); khopt.u~ cottage, hut (G.); khopat., khopt.i_ (M.)(CDIAL 3938).

2121.Image: notch; rung of a ladder: khop rung of a ladder (orig. 'notch in a plank or trunk used as a ladder')(A.); dint (M.); khupiya_ notch to place the foot on (A.); khopani pressing the toes in to prevent slipping (A.)(CDIAL 3937).

2122.Image: stringing; moustache; hair-combings: gumpha stringing a garland, a whisker (Skt.); guppha_ wreath, tassel, bunch (H.); go_pha_ twining (Aw.); go_ph moustache (A.); go~p(h) moustache; go_p-ha_r a sort of necklace (B.); gu~ph hair combings (M.)(CDIAL 4203). ko_ (-pp-, -tt-), ko_r (-pp-, -tt-) to string (as beads, flowers), arrange, reduce to order; ko_ppu stringing, threading, inserting; ko_vai, ko_rvai stringing, filing, arranging, string of ornamental beads; ko_tai garland (Ta.); ko_kka, ko_rkka to string together (as a garland, pearls, beads), thread a needle; ko_ccil what appears like a string, pod, legume; ko_ppu order, arrangement; ko_va, ko_rva what is strung together; ko_rmpal, ko_mpu string of pearls, bunch of things (Ma.); ko.v- (ko.t-) to string, thread; ko.d long strip of dried meat (Ko.); ko_ (ko_d-, ko_t-) to string (pearls, beads, etc.) upon a thread, thread; be threaded, be entered (Ka.); koya- (koyap-, koyat-) to string (Kod..); ko_p a string of fruits, fish etc.; go_puni to hold fast, join; go_pu a thin girdle; go_mp a string of fruits, fish etc. (Tu.); k(r)o_va a string as of pearls etc. (Te.); ko.nz- (ko.nst-) to string, thread; go_nzeng to thread (Kol.); ko_nj (j = dz) to string, thread (Nk.); ko_p- (ko_t-) to string (Pa.); ka_c- to thread needle, to string (garland, beads); ka_s- to string beads (Go.); kunye (kunc-) to string (as beads)(Malt.)(DEDR 2176).

2123.Skylark: kampul. a kind of water-fowl (Maturaik. 254); Indian sky-lark (Ta.lex.) Peacock: cubba_ peacock (Kur.); cuwe id. (Malt.)(DEDR 2676).

2124.Image: chignon: kopel, kopela_ chapel; crown for children (Kon.lex.) kupar, kupari chignon (Go.); koppu chignon, coil of hair (Ta.); female's hair tied in a tuft (Ka.); chignon (Te.); kudashpar. topknot of hair (Go.); koopagai the tuft of hair left on the head (Go.); kopu hair (Kond.a); kopa coil of a woman's hair (Kui); kupuli crest of a bird, tuft of feathers (Kui); ku_bbu_ coiffure (female)(Kuwi); kubbu chignon, woman's hair-bun (Kuwi); khopa_ young people's back hair when raised and folded up, chignon (Kur.); xoppa_ chignon (Kur.)(DEDR 2110). khop bunch of woman's hair tied unplaited at back of head (N.); khopa_ hair-knot (A.Or.H.); kho~pa_ (B.H.M.)(CDIAL 3939).

2125.An ornament worn on plaited hair; ear-ring: koppu women's ear-ornament worn at top of helix (Ta.); upper ear-ring of women (Ma.); ornament for the upper part of the ear, worn by women (Ka.); koppumbi long straight ornament worn through top of ear (Kod..); koppu a female's ear-ring (Tu.); kuppe an ornament worn by women on the plaited hair (Te.)(DEDR 2111). To work cotton with the hands: gon.a_ to work cotton with the hands, knead (P.); gutthi_ bundle (L.); guthli_ bundle, bag (P.); guthn.a_ to be tightly plaited or strung (P.); guthnu to wind round, to thread (N.); gu_th round ball of cotton (H.); gu_thna_ to plait; guthna_ to be entwined (H.); guthai strings, threads (OMarw.); gu_th knot (M.); gotanava_ to plait, knit, attach (Si.); gutti tying (Pkt.); gutan.u to plait, string tightly (S.); gutta_ tied, strung (L.); gutt plait of hair hanging down woman's back (L.); guttn.u_ to plait the hair (WPah.); gutnu to wind round, thread (N.); gutna_ to be threaded or strung or entwined (H.); gundan. to plait (L.); gundun. to braid hair (L.); gundn.a_ to weave, plait (WPah.); gundhan. to plait (L.); gundhan.u (S.); gu_thnu to string, thread (N.); gunthiba_ to string together (Or.); gu~_thna_ to plait (h.); gu~thvu~ to knit, plait (G.); gum.dhai plaits, strings (Pkt.); gumhan. to plait loosely (L.); gunnhn.a_ to braid, knead (P.); gu~_dhna_ to plait, mix, knead (H.); ghun.ai plaits (OMarw.)(CDIAL 4205). Twining: go_pha_ twining (Aw.)(CDIAL 4298).ko_vai, ko_rvai stringing, filing, arranging (Kampara_. Varaik. 1); ko_rva, ko_va (Ma.); ko_va (Te.); ko_vai series, succession, row (Ta.lex.) guppha_ wreath, tassel, bunch (H.); gumpha stringing a garland, a whisker (Skt.)(CDIAL 4203). guphati strings together (Pa_n.Ka_s'.); khuv to plait, weave, spin (Gy.); gubhai, guhai strings (Pkt.); guhna_ to thread, twist, ravel (H.); o_gumphe_ti strings, covers, dresses (Pali); gum.phai, gumhai strings (Pkt.); gu~phn.e~ to plait (M.); govn.e~ to string, thread, embarrass (M.); gon.a_ to work cotton with the hands, knead (P.)(CDIAL 4205). ko_-ttal to clasp, join, interlock (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 6,4,1); to unite, merge (Ta_yu. Porul.va. 3)(Ta.lex.)

2126.Image: leveller: koppir (pl. koppihk) leveller (for breaking sods)(Go.); kopur id. (Pe.)(DEDR 2109). ka_ipul, ka_ipula_ rake (Kon.lex.) Image: scraper: khavn.a_ large scraper; khavn.i_ scraping, scraper; khavan.n.e~ to scrape out (M.); skavana picking in danta-skavana picking the teeth (Skt.)(CDIAL 13647). Rammer: koban.u to beat ground level; kobo rammer (S.); koba_ wooden or iron beater for leather (P.); wooden hammer (Or.); kob blow with a striking or cutting instrument (A.); koba_iba to strike, whip (A.); koba_-kobi_ mutual beating (Or.); kubaln.e~ to beat (M.); kopa_na to strike, dig, cut, chop (B.)(CDIAL 3522). To cram in: ko~bn.e~, komn.e~ to thump, thrust, force in, cram in (M.)(CDIAL 3522). To stuff, pierce: cubukna_ to pierce (H.); cobnu to sink in, pierce (N.); hobanava_ to press, imprint (Si.); co~bn.e~ to stuff in (M.); coman. penis (M.)(CDIAL 4866). To sew: cumb to sew (Pas'.); combun to pierce, bore (K.); suma_iba to thrust into, cause to enter (A.)(CDIAL 4872). skauti picks, pokes (S'Br.); co_s.ku_yate_ collects (RV.); khavn.e~ to scrape or scoop (kernel of coconut, pulp of melon etc.)(M.)(CDIAL 13646). khub(h)an., khubb(h)an. to prick, penetrate, stick in the mud (L.); khubbun. to stick in (L.); khubbhun.a_ to sink into, penetrate, affect; khobhn.a_ to pierce; khubbhan., khobha_ marshy ground (P.); khubhna_, khubna_ to pierce, enter, affect, adorn (H.)(CDIAL 13657). cf. kompu horn (Ta.lex.) khu~pvu~ to pierce (G.); khupn.e~ to prick; kho~p hole from a blow (M.)(CDIAL 13658). khupiba_ to penetrate a little (Or.); khupa_in.u to drive in (S.); khuppai plunges in (Pkt.); khu_pvu~ to fix, settle (G.); khopn.e~ to be pricked (M.); khopnu to pierce (N.)(CDIAL 13656). khutti_ hole in the ground in a game with cowries (P.); khutt depression in earth or wall, hollow eyes (P.); sku pick, poke, press, cover (Skt.)(CDIAL 13655).

2127. Earth: ks.am earth; ks.ama in the earth, on the floor (RV.); khama_ the earth (Pali); khama_, chama_ (Pkt.); sama_ earth (Si.); tshomm earth (Kal.)(CDIAL 3656). ks.ma_ earth (RV. i.55.6)(Vedic.lex.) ks.me_, ks.ma the earth; ks.ma_m.s'a ground, the surface of the earth (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.)

2128.A tribe, a nation, a sect, a caste: kom < qaum (Arabic) a tribe, a nation, a sect, a caste (P.lex.) komphru, komphri cofraternity (Kon.lex.) kombe a fellow without family, one living singly (Tu.lex.) ko_mu caste, tribe (Ka.Te.); ko_ma (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) cf. co_ma-man.al sand containing silver ore (Ta.lex.) cf. soma (Vedic.lex.) [ibid. interpreted as electrum, gold-silver ore]. so_mapati a name of Indra (RV.); somaiyo the god Somna_th (G.)(CDIAL 13609).

2129. A division or group of people: gub a division or group of people; gubl crowd, herd; gum a plant (Ko.); kubil herd; kupy crowd, herd, bunch (of coins on neck-chain, or hanging from armlet)(To.); gumi, gummi, gummu, gumme, gumpu heap, crowd, multitude; gubaru, guburu thickness, crowdednes, thick foliage of a tree or shrub (Ka.); gumugumu noise of a multitude; gumpu flock, crowd, multitude, heap (Tu.); gumi crowd, multitude; gumpu id., group; kuva, kuvva heap, pile (Te.); gum assembly (Kol.); gum er- to assemble (Kol.); ghum er- id. (Nk.); kum- to heap on to (Pa.); gum ki- to assemble, collect (Go.); kumba a small heap conical in shape (Kond.a); kuma a heap (Kond.a); gumomo, gombu heap; gompu gompu ho_'nai to swarm; go_mbu heap (Kuwi)(DEDR 1741). Collection of men or things: gumm, gumma~_ collection of men or things (P.)(CDIAL 4217). Collection; heap: kuppa heap, pile, collection, assemblage (Te.); qopre to come together assemble (Malt.); kuppam heap (Ta.); kuppal, kuppai id. (Ta.); kuppa heap of dirt or refuse (Ma.); kuppe, guppe heap, pile (Ka.); kuppu to heap up (Ka.); koppal heap (Ka.); kuppe, guppe, kippe, kompa, kompe heap (Tu.); kopparamu, kopramu increase, rise, swell; kuppa_ heap (Ga.); kupa, kuppa, guppa heap, stack (Go.); kupa heap, stack (Pe.); kupa heap, to fill (Mand..); kuppa stack (Kuwi); xoppna_ to form into a pile, heap up; xoprna_ to be heaped up; xoporxola_, xoporka_ abundant, swarming (Kur.); qope to heap, pile up; n. heap, pile (Malt.)(DEDR 1731). Army unit: gulma a unit of the army (cf. Manu: VII, 190; Amarako_s'a II.536-7: patti = one chariot, one elephant, three horses and three footmen; sena_mukha = 3 patti's; gulma = 3 sena_mukha; gan.a = 3 gulma; va_hini = 3 gan.a; pr.tana_ = 3 va_hini; camu = 3 pr.tana_; ani_kini_ = 3 camu; aks.auhin.i_ = 10 ani_kini_). kulmam a division of an army consisting of 45 foot-soldiers, 27 horses, 9 chariots and 9 elephants (Ta.lex.)

2130.Heap; collection: ku_vai crowd, horde, gathering (vir-ku_l.iyar ku_vaika_n.in- : Malaipat.u. 422)(Ta.lex.) kuva_l heap, pile; collection, group (Tiruva_ca. 3,124); mound, hillock; abundance, excess (I_t.u, 2,7,3); heap of threshed paddy; kuvavu-tal to be piled up; to heap up, gather (Ci_vaka. 2110); kuvavu assemblage, collection, clump, group, army (Patir-r-up. 84,20); mound, hillock; heap, pile; greatness, largeness (Ta.); kuvi-tal to crowd, press up, as people; to be piled up, formed in heaps, as sand, grain; to become conical; to be accumulated, stored up, hoarded, as treasure; kuvi-ttal to heap up, to pile up conically (Ta.); kuvi id. (Ma.); kuvi-ttal to accumulate, hoard up, as treasure; kuviyal heap, pile; kuvivu heap, conical pile, accumulation; kuvai heap, conical pile; collection, accumulation, crowd, shoal, row (Kampara_. Ma_ri_ca. 46)(Ta.lex.) To be stored up; hoard up; accumulate; crowd; assembly: kumpu crowd, collection, group; kumpal id., heap; kumi to accumulate, crowd; kumiyal pile; kuvi- (-v-, -nt-) to crowd, be piled up (as sand, grain), be accumulated, stored up; (-pp-, -tt-) to heap up, pile up conically, accumulate, hoard up; kuvavu (kuvavi-) to be piled up; heap up, gather; n. heap, pile, assemblage, mound; kumpam, kumpi heap; ku_ppu (ku_ppi-) to heap up (as sand or grain); ku_vai crowd, gathering (Ta.); kumi heap (as of rice), stack, pile; kumiyuka to be heaped together; kumikka, kumekka to heap up; kuvika to be assembled; kuvikka to heap up; ku_mpikka to heap (Ma.)(DEDR 1741).

2131.Image: gate: go_pura, go_hura a town-gate (Ka.Skt.); a pyramidal tower over the gate of a city, over the gate of the encircling wall of a temple etc.; a gate so overbuilt (Ka.); a gate in general (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) Images: ridge of a roof; the top of a hill, summit: kumba small conical heap (Kond.a); kuppal mound (Ta.); kuppe, guppe dunghill (Ka.); kupp, gupp, kipp, kompa, komp heap (Tu.); kuppa dungheap (Te.); guppu to place in heaps or lots (Te.); kuppa~_gu_ra in heaps, abundantly; abundance (Te.); kopparamu, kopramu the top, summit, a turrret (Te.); koppu the crest or ridge of a roof (Te.); goppu small elevation in a field; gubbali mountain, hill (Te.); gubbal hillock (Go.); kuppa stack, mound (Pa.); koppa small hillock (Pa.); kope hill (Ga.); kupli mound of earth (Pe.); kupa hillock (Kui); ku_pa mound; kupli hillock (Kuwi); xoprna_ to be heaped up (Kur.); kofoy top of a hill, horizon (where sun is setting)(To.); kobe top of a coconut tree; kobal.u top of a roof (Ka.); kubal.u id. (Tu.); kub top of a coconut tree (Tu.); kobali top of the roof (Kor.); kobe top of a coconut tree (Kor.)(DEDR 1731). cf. sopi_ a cover for the head made of leaves (Kur.); copa umbrella (Malt.)(DEDR 2845). kuvavu mound, heap (Ta.); kuvai mound, heap (Ta.); kumpam, kumpi heap (Ta.); kumi heap (Ma.); ku_mpal heap (Ma.); gumpu heap (Tu.); kuva, kuvva heap, pile (Te.); kuma a heap (Kond.a)(DEDR 1741). Image: arched roof: kummat.t.am arched roof, arch, vault (Ta.lex.) Elevated place: kommai elevated place, mound; house; kumpa-ceytal to make a mound over a grave (Ta.lex.) Rampart: kommai rampart, bulwark (Ta.); kumbe wall on a flat roof that serves for a balustrade (Ka.); komma, ko_t.a-komma the upper part or coping of a fort-wall (Te.)(DEDR 2118). kommai largeness, bigness (Perun.. Ucaik. 40,210); circle, circularity (Ta.lex.)

2132.Image: projecting circular knobs of an oven: gubbe-mol.e a stout nail with a pommelled head (Ka.); gubbe-me_ku (Te.); gubbi-sarige a wire with a knob on one side (Ka.lex.) kommai projecting knobs of an oven; circle, circularity; conicalness, roundness, rotundity; projecting pin of a door (Ta.lex.) Dome, hump, swelling: gumr.u~ abscess, boil (G.); gummat. dome (P.); gu_m swelling from a bruise (Ku.); gu_mr.a, gumt.a_ swelling, lump (H.); gummat. knob on yoke (L.); gummi_ boil (P.); gummha~_ hard boil (P.)(CDIAL 4217). kumir.. knob (as of wooden sandals), stud (Ta.); knob (Ma.); kumir..i boss, knob (as of wooden sandals); kuppi ferrule (e.g. on scabbard, horn of ox)(Ta.); brass knob on tip of bullock's horn (Ma.); guba_ru swelling (Ka.); gubbi knob, protuberance (Ka.); kuppu, guppu an abnormal globular excrescence of the body; guba_ru swelling (Ka.); gubbi, gubb stud, ornamental knob, button (Te.); gubaka knob, boss, stud (Te.); gubba id., protuberance, woman's breast (Te.); guburu protuberance (Te.); kuppe knob (Te.); gomon. hump of ox (Pe.)(DED 1743). Image: swelling: gulma any glandular enlargement of abdomen (Sus'r.); gummha~_ hard boil (P.); gummi_ boil (P.); gu_m swelling from a bruise (Ku.); gu_mr.a_, gumt.a_ swelling, lump (H.); gumr.u~ abscess, boil (G.)(CDIAL 4217). cf. gulpha ankle (AV.)(CDIAL 4216). pong, ponga_ hump; pongo humped; gunt., gant. protuberance; dunkut. protuberance e.g., from a blow (Kon.lex.) cf. khuba_ any projection on the body (M.); khubar. hump on back, knuckle, joint (M.)(CDIAL 3904). gumut.u fighting, cuffing (Tu.lex.)

2133.Images: hump-backed; protuberance: kubja-kira_ta a hump-backed person and a dwarf (Skt.lex.) kumpam upper part of the back between the shoulders (Ta.lex.) kubhra hump-backed bull (Sat. xix.1); kumba hump, the portion that rises above; kubja hump-backed (VS. xxx.101) (Vedic.lex.) kubhra the humped buffalo (Skt.); kubd.a_ hunchback (M.)(Bloch, p. 317). kubja a hump on the back; kubja_ a young female servant of Kamsa, said to be deformed in three parts of her body (Skt.lex.) kat.wic bent, hunch-backed, applied to females; kat.wic mara aimai a hunch-backed jade; kat.be kot.be crooked, curved, bent; kat.buc round shouldered, hunch-backed, hanging the head; kat.ac kut.uc uneven, crooked; kat.bac kut.buc irregular, crooked (Santali.lex.) ku_vara, ku_bara a hump-backed man (Skt.lex.) kubi gai a cow with horns bent forwards; kuba crooked, bent; kuba d.an:gra an ox having horns bent forwards; kubja crooked, bent, curved; kubra, kubr.a, kubr.an. crooked, bent (Santali.lex.) ku_rpara the elbow, the knee (Skt.lex.) Image: humpbacked: kobu hump on back (K.); kobu humpbacked (K.); kubu hump (S.); kub bend, curve, distortion (L.); kubba_ humpbacked (L.); kubb hump on back (P.WPah.); kub (H.); kubro humpbacked, bent with age (N.); kubar. hump on back (H.); kubr.u~ (G.); kubad. (M.)(CDIAL 3301). kumba thick end (of a bone or club)(TS.); kumtale shoulder (Wg.); kum (N.)(CDIAL 3307). ku_ high mountain (Pr.); ku_ hump (Kt.)(CDIAL 3521). Crooked-armed: kumpa crooked-armed (Skt.); ko~pa_, kopa_ (B.)(CDIAL 3306). ku_bar. a crooked beam (Bi.)(CDIAL 3301). Images: knob, stud; protuberance: guburu protuberance (Te.); gubbi id., knob (Ka.); guba_ru swelling (Ka.); kumir.. knob, stud, pommel (Ta.); pommel, knob (Ma.)(DEDR 1743). kuppi ferrule (e.g. on scabbard, horn of ox)(Ta.); brass knob on tip of bullock's horn (Ma.); gubbi, gubbe stud, ornamental knob, button (Tu.); gubaka knob, boss, stud; gubba id., protuberance, woman's breast; guburu protuberance (Te.); kuppe knob (Te.); koparam hump of bullock (Kond.a); gomon. hump of ox (Pe.); guper. id. (Mand.)(DEDR 1743). gu'u hump of ox (Kuwi); qope heap, pile (Malt.)(DEDR 1731a). Image: upper part of the back between the shoulders: kub back, behind (To.); kumpam upper part of the back between the shoulders (Ta.); kumbi buttocks (Ma.); kipc id. (?Ko.)(DEDR 1747). kappu shoulder (Tiv. Periya_r... 3,1,5)(Ta.lex.) cf. cumal shoulder (Ma.); cuval nape of the neck, upper part of the neck (Ta.)(DEDR 2696). Bullock's hump: kumir.. hump of an ox, pommel (Ta.); pommel (Ma.); guper. hum of ox (Mand..); koparam hump of bullock (Kond.a); gomon. hump of ox (Pe.)(DEDR 1743). gu_mbat.u bullock's hump (S.); gumbat., gummat. bullock's hump (L.)(CDIAL 4217). gu'u hump of cow (Kuwi)(DEDR 1927). ku_u the hump on a bull's shoulders (Ma.); kunja_r.i hump of bullock (Go.); koonjaree id. (Go.); gunzam, guzam shoulder (Kond.a)(DEDR 1643). khu~_dh hump on the back (G.); khu~_dhu~ hump-backed (G.)(CDIAL 3902). Humpbacked; dwarfish; bent: khummia bent (Pkt.); khumle, khomle id. (N.); khumre decrepit, old (N.)(CDIAL 3905). khujja humpbacked, small, inferior (Pali); khujja, khujjaya, khujjiya humpbacked, bent (Pkt.); khuja_ dwarfish (M.); kuda humpbacked (Si.)(CDIAL 3903). khubar. hump on back, knuckle, joint (M.)(CDIAL 3904). kujja humpbacked, dwarfish (Pali.Pkt.); kuju hunchback (Sh.); ku~j hump on back (A.); hump (B.); kuja_, ku~ja_ humpbacked (B.); kuja hump (Or.); kuja_ humpbacked (Or.); kuja hunchback (OG.); ko~ja_, ko~jha_ dwarfish (M.); kubja humpbacked (VS.)(CDIAL 3300).

2134.Image: dome: gumat.a, gumut.a, gumuri, gummat.a, gummut.a a copula or dome (Ka.); ghumat.a (M.); gummat.a, gummad a dome; a paper lantern; a fire-baloon (H.Te.); kummat.t.a arch, vault, arched roof, pinnacle of a pagoda; globe, lantern made of paper (Ta.)(Ka.lex.); gumat.a a high, huge figure of stone, representing a Jaina saint (Ka.); gummat.e id. (Tu.)(Ka.lex.) kumbutalaya place of an elephant's frontal globes (Si.)(CDIAL 3314). kot.ko a mound, raised ground (Santali.lex.) Image: capital of a pillar: kut.a-ta_t.i capital of a pillar (Ci_vaka. 593, Urai); kut.am globe, ball, sphericity (Ta.lex.)

2135. Image: arch: komd.ed, komd.on with sa_n, curved, arched fire-wood (Mu.); gumbaz, gumbad an arch, a vault (Pers.)(Mu.lex.)

2136.Munda: kompat., kompa_t., kumpa_t. adj. with mund.a, a genuine munda, one of those generally called mundas simply, in contrast to mahali mund.a, ho_ mund.a, birur.u mund.a etc. (Mu.lex.)

2137.Woman's head cloth: ghumt.o woman's head cloth (N.G.); ghomt.a_ (B.); ghumbat.a_ (Or.); ghum covering of interlaced bamboo strips and leaves carried against rain (N.); ghumt.i_ leaf umbrella (G.).--Relationship of these not clear with ghu~_gha_t.u woman's head cloth (S.); ghun:g(h)at. ((P.); ghu~gut.o (N.); ghu~_ghat. (H.); ghu~ghat. (G.); ghu~ght.i_ (G.); ghu~ghu_t., ghu~ghat. head cloth (M.)(CDIAL 4484). cumbat.a(ka) coil, pad of cloth; a wreath (Pali); cumbhala garland for the head (Pkt.); cuppala id. (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4869). Head-pad: cumbat.a coil, pad of cloth, pillow (Pali); ma_la_-cumbat.a wreath (Pali); cu~bal, cummal, cumli_ pad on head on which to carry burdens (H.); cu~bal. (M.); sumbul.uva roll of cloth, esp. pad placed under a jar carried on the head, crown, garland, pillow (Si.)(CDIAL 4869). cummat.u load, load pad for head; cuma to bear (Ta.); cumattu to burden, load; cumati load, burdern (Ta.); cummat.u pad for head to carry burdens (Ma.); tamt. carrying pad (Ko.); simbi, simbe ring of cloth put under a vessel, etc., upon the head; a coil for setting a vessel on the ground; the coil of a snake; sivad.u, sivad.i, sivud.i, sivud.u pad to be put under a load on the head (Ka.); cumma, cumpa_ta carrying pad (pa_ta cloth)(Te.); cumma (c = ts) pad on head for carrying (Nk.); cumt.al carrying pad on head (Pa.); sumt.al (Ga.); cumar (Go.); simbor-i id.; suma a cloth rolled into a pad (Kond.a)(DEDR 2677).

2138.Image: insect: ko_pe, marka ko_pe a kind of insect (marka mango) (Go.); kopat.ora, kopolosi grasshopper, locust (Kui); gop'iri, gop'eri, go_peri, go_p'eri grasshopper (Kuwi); qopo id., locust (Malt.); ko_r..i grasshopper (Ta.); kho_r.a_ id. (Go.)(DEDR 2113). kumbhaka_ri_ wasp (Skt.); kuma_li_ a partic. insect (Ku.); kuma_l-kot.i, kamal-kot.i a kind of wasp (N.); kuma_rni the mason-wasp (A.); kumha_ri_ wasp-like insect which makes a clay nest (H.); ku~bha_r, ku~bha_ri_, ku~bha_ri_n., ku~bheri_ vespa solitaria (M.)(CDIAL 3312). susurban., kun:kal, barar.in. a wasp (Santali.lex.) Firefly: indrago_pa cochineal insect, firefly (S'Br.); indago_paka a sort of insect which comes out of the earth after rain (Pali); im.dago_va, im.dago_vaya, im.do_va, im.do_vatta firefly (Pkt.); indugavuva a red worm (Si.)(CDIAL 1573). kon.aj a fly infesting the eyes (Tu.); kon.uju, kon.usu a tick (Te.); kon.sul a tick (Ga.)(DEDR 2075).

2139.Centipede: gomhi_, gomi_ centipede (Pkt.); gom a partic. kind of centipede (H.M.)(CDIAL 4307). Spider: gurma spider (Mand..); kurma, gurma id. (Kui); kurma id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 1800). cf. puli-ko_ca a large venomous spider (Te.); ko_ndru spider (Pe.)(DEDR 2195).

2140.Gnat: kotuku, kocu, kocuku mosquito, gnat, fly (Ta.); kotu, kotuku mosquito, gnat (Ma.); kucune mosquito (Ir.); kwi0f sp. biting insect (To.)(DEDR 2086).

2141.Image: a cloth covering of a carriage: kuvara, kavvara, kovvari, gubaru a curtain, a veil; musur-u (a cover) (Ka.); kuva_l.a a tilt or cloth covering of a carriage (Te.)(Ka.lex.) ku_vari, ku_bari a carriage covered with a cloth or blanket (Ka.Skt.); ku_vara, ku_bara the pole of a carriage; i_su (Ka.Skt.); ku_vakambaku_kamba (Tadbhava of ku_pastambha) a mast of a vessel; ku_paka the mast of a vessel; a tree of post to which a boat is moored (Ka.Skt.); ku_va, kuvve, ku_ (Tadbhava of ku_pa) a mast (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ku_bari_ a carriage covered with a cloth or blanket; the pole of a carriage to which the yoke is fixed; ku_barin a carriage; kubra a cart (Skt.lex.) ku_viram < ku_vara ornamental stake in the form of a lotus-bud fixed in front of the seat in a chariot and held by the hand for support (Kampara_. Ira_va. 176); chariot, car; streamers or baners of a car; decorated pinnacle of a chariot (Ja_n-a_. 7,17); ku_viri lit. one having a ku_viram; chariot, car (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.)

2142.Image: cone-shaped heap; post: ku_mpu mast, cone-shaped pinnacle of a chariot (Ta.); mast, pointed heap (Ma.); ku_ve, kuve mast (Tu.); ku_va(ya), ku_vaga (Pkt.); ku_pa mooring post, mast (Skt.)(DEDR 1895). ku_pa mast of a boat (Pali); ku_va (Pkt.); kuvo (G.); kumbhaka mast of a boat (Pali. X stambha or skambha); kumbaya (Si.)(CDIAL 3401). kuva_tham mast of a ship (G.)(CDIAL 3403). ku_paka funeral pyre, hole under it (Skt.)(CDIAL 3401). ku_paka mast of a boat (Pali.) [< X ? ku_mpu (Ta.)](CDIAL 3401). ku_pakastambha stem of a mast (Skt.)(CDIAL 3403). Images: bud; peak; mast; heap: kumba, kokumba the mast of a vessel; kombu bud; peak; the mast of a ship (Ma.); kompu id. (Ta.); kumba a heap of boiled rice prepared in the name of a goddess at her festival (Ka.); kumbha (Te.)(Ka.lex.) kumpacey-tal to make a mound over a grave; kumpam heap (Ta.); cf. gumpha (Skt.); kumpi heap (Ta.); gummi (Ka.) (Ta.lex.) kuva_tham mast of a ship (G.)(CDIAL 3403). cf. ku_pa mooring post, mast (Skt.)(CDIAL 3401). Cone-shaped hut: ku_mp cone-shaped hut (Ta.); kuve mast (Tu.)(DEDR 1895). ku_t.a_ga_ra apartment on the roof of a house (R.); building with an upper storey (Pali); ku_d.a_ga_ra house shaped like a crest (Pkt.); kul.a_ra balcony, gabled house (Si.)(CDIAL 3398). Image: inverted v-shape: go_pa_nasi_ wood or bamboo framework of a thatch (BHSkt.); an inverted v-shaped (^) rafter supporting the framework of a roof (Pali)(CDIAL 4292). gopa_nasi_-vanka as crooked as a rafter (of old people); gopa_nasi_-vakra (BHSkt.); gopa_nasi_gan.a_ a collection of beams, the rafters; gopa_nasi_-bhogga bent like a rafter (na_ri_) (Pali.lex.) cf. ku_mpu cone-shaped pinnacle of a chariot (Ta.)(DEDR 1895). go_pura tower-gate of a city or temple (Skt.lex.) cf. komma the coping of a fort-wall (Te.)(DEDR 2118). ku_rpara elbow (Skt.); kaphaud.a (prob.) elbow (AV.); kappara elbow (Pali.); kuppara, koppara id. (Pkt.)[> kopparam (Ta.); kopparamu (Te.)]; kopriyu_ id. (G.); kopar, ko~par id. (M.); kopra_ corner (M.); khoppo_ru elbow (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 3413). kumpa crooked-armed (Skt.); ko~pa_, kopa_ (B.)(CDIAL 3306). To close: ku_mpu to close, shut; ku_ppu to close, shut in (Ta.); ku_mpuka to close; ku_ppu closing (Ma.)(DEDR 1894).

2143.Image: arch: kavi-ttal to cover over, as an arch (Cu_l.a_. Araci. 213); to invest with, as a crown (Kampara_. Vipi_t.an.a. 145)(Ta.lex.) Image: pillar, post: kappu small pilar, post; support, refuge (S'ri_vacan-. 244)(Ta.lex.) Image: stone beams covering the sanctum: kapur-a_lu the stone beams covering the sanctum (Te.inscr.); gavisena a cloth case or cover (Te.); kappud.u a cover or covering (Te.); gavasan.isu to cover, wrap (Ka.); gavasan.i, gavasan.ike, gavasan.ige a cover, wrapper, case (Ka.)(DEDR 1221). For semant. 'stone' cf. ar-ai rock, ledge, grinding stone (Ta.); ar flat rock (Ko.); ar- id. (To.); ar-e stone, rock, slab; ra_yi stone (Ka.); r-a_yi, ra_yi (stem r-a_-, ra_-) stone, rock; r-appa a small stone (Te.)(DEDR 321). ra_l.l.u pl. stones (Te.lex.) cf. aralai stone broken for roads (Ta.)(DEDR 209).

2144.Image: bull: go_pa a bull, saurabha, vr.s.abhanu; go_pati a bull; a bull roaming about at liberty (Skt.Ka.); go_pati-dhvaja whose banner is a bull: S'iva (Ka.lex.) ko_ bull (Ilak. Vi. 907, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) ko_pa_lan- Kr.s.n.a (Pa_rata. Kirut.. 34)(Ta.lex.) ko_yil-ma_t.u cow or bull belonging to a temple; trained bull taken by wandering mendicants, ko_yir-ka_l.ai; ko_vi shepherdess (Tiv. Periyati. 2,1,4)(Ta.); ko_vittiyar < go_pi_ women of the sylvan tract, shepherdess (Tol. Po. 20, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) go_pittam bile of cows, ox-bile (from which the yellow pigment, go_ro_cana_ is prepared (Skt.lex.)

2145.Image: king: ko_ma_n- king (Perun.. Ucaik. 44,93); person of eminence, lord (Te_va_. 1236,1)(Ta.); ko_ma_n king (Ma.); ko_ [per. go_-ma_n masc. nom. sg. of go_-mat] emperor (Tamir..na_. 126); id. (Ma.); king (Pin..); great man, eminent person; leadership, domination (Te_va_. 997,6)(Ta.lex.)(Ta.lex.) go_pa Indra; Kr.s.n.a; S'iva; a king; Brahma_; the sun; the moon; the mountain Me_ru; the bird Garud.a; go_pati the sun; Indra (Skt.Ka.); go_pati-dhvaja whose banner is a bull: S'iva (Ka.lex.) ko_n- king; master, lord (Tiruva_ca. 5,15); ko_n-mai rule, soverignty (Upate_caka. Civatturo_. 276)(Ta.); ko_nma (Ma.); ko_n-o_lai written order of a king (S.I.I. ii,351); ko_n.ikai an ancient village cess (I.M.P. Tp. 234); ko_n.attat.i a staff with a curved head, an emblem of authority (Ta.lex.) kon:ko buru, kun:ku buru a Santal godlet (Santali.lex.) cf. semant. mahis.i_ king's chief wife (RV.)(CDIAL 9972); buffalo cow (RV.)(CDIAL 9964). Queen: cf. ko_ king; ko_ma_n.an:kaiyar (ko_ma_l.= ko_makal. queen (Cilap. 25,161) + nan:kaiyar) queens-in-chief in a king's harem (Perun.. Ucaik. 40,63)(Ta.lex.) ko_n.-ma_ < ko_l. + beast of prey, as lion, tiger etc. (Kampara_. Iran.iya. 125); ko_n.-mi_n- planet, dist. fr. na_n--mi_n- (lunar asterism)(Cir-upa_n.. 242)(Ta.lex.)

2146.God of wealth; collection: kupe_ran god of wealth, lord of yaks.as, regent of the North; rich man (Ta.lex.) kuve_ra Kube_ra, the god of wealth (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kube_ra = kubhe_ra living in the region of the Kubha_; kuve_ra id. the chief of the spirits of darkness, the god of riches and darkness (AV. viii.10.28); kabairos (Gk.); kubha_ the river Ka_bul ()RV. v.53.19)(Vedic.lex.) kube_ra, kuve_ra the god of riches and treasures and the regent of the northern quarter; Kube_ra is the son of Vis'ravas by Id.avid.a, and thus the half-brother of Ra_van.a. Besides being the lord of riches and regent of the north, he is the king of the Yaks.as and Kinnaras, and a friend of Rudra. His abode is Kaila_sa. He is represented as being deformed in body, having three legs, only eight teeth, and a yellow mark in place of one eye; kube_ra_dri an epithet of mountain Kaila_sa; kube_ra-dis' the north (Skt.lex.)

2147.Rice: kubu, isinkubu, kubu mand.i rice imperfectly cooked and still somewhat hard (Mu.lex.)

2148.Image: saddle: kubir, kobir a saddle; to saddle (Mu.); khogi_r pack-saddle (Pers.); khughir (Oraon)(Mu.lex.)

2149.Image: moving quickly: khopp-en-al onom. expr. of moving quickly, swiftly or suddenly (Ta.); kupp-en-al expr. signifying suddenness (Ta.); gobbuna quickly, swiftly, at once (Te.); gupna, gopna fitfully, suddenly, hastily (Kui)(DEDR 2112).

2150.Image: bush; grove: ka_van.am grove, tope (Ka_cika. Viya_tan-ca_. 23)(Ta.lex.) gro~_ branch (Wg.); lawa_ (Pas'.); *grava branch? (CDIAL 4358). Image: creeper: kavut.am a creeper (Cu_t.a_.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) gavi a tree-like creeper; gavipphala the fruit of a gavi = rukkha-valli-phala (Pali.lex.) Small tree: gevd. thick bushy tree; gevd. va.lm bushy tail (of peacock, wild dog); gir.v plant (Ko.); cet.i shrub, bush; (-pp-, -tt-) to grow bushy, shoot out (as sprays, foliage)(Ta.); shrub, small tree (Ma.); kid.f shrub (To.); sid.umbu, sid.umbe a (thorny) tree, bush, thicket (Ka.); gid.a plant (Kod..); shrub (Tu.); cet.t.u tree, plant, bush, creeper (Te.); s'et.t., cet.t. bush, small tree (Kol.); s'et.t. tree (Nk.); set.(t.), sat.t. tree (Nk.); kat.t.a, gat.t.a shrub, small tree (Go.); kir.u a young plant (Malt.)(DEDR 1941). gid.a, gid.u, cet.t.u, sid.umbu, sid.umbe a plant as of chilli, of the brinjal, or pulse etc. (Ka.); cet.t.u id. (Te.); gid.a a small tree, a shrub (Ka.); cet.t.u id. (Te.); cet.i (Ta.Ma.); cer..i to thrive, grow well (Ta.); gid.a a tree in general (Ka.); cet.t.u (Te.); gid.a mu_like medicinal plants and roots; a herbal drug, medicine (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) jha_t.a forest, arbour (Skt.); jha_d.a bush, thicket (Pkt.); ja_d.i_ clump, mass of creepers (Pkt.); jha_r.u tree; jha_tari brushwood (S.)); jha_r. large tree (L.); thornbush (P.); hillside covered with bushes and grass (WPah.); grass (Ku.); jha_r small bush (N.); za_r thicket, clump; za_rni thick jungle (A.); jha_r. tuft of grass, bush, thicket (B.); jha_r.a bush, tree, forest; jha_r.i_ thicket, low jungle (Or.); jha_r brushwood; jha_ra_ land covered with brushwood (Bi.); jha_r. clump of trees (Bhoj.); jha_r., jha_r.a_, jha_r.i_ bush; cha_r., cha_r.i_ (H.); jha_r. tree, plant (G.); jha_d. bush, large or small tree (M.); jha_d.a bush (Konkan.i); jha_t.i_ brushwood (Or.); jha_t.ua_ broom (Or.); zand. small shrub (K.); jha~_t.a_ broom (B.); jha~_t.i land producing brushwood (Mth.); jhit.a small bush (S.)(CDIAL 5162). zul jungle (Ash.Kt.); jal, ja_l, jo_l, zal, zol tree (Pas'.); jala_ (Gmb.); jehal jungle (Kal.); zal grove, copse (of trees)(Kho.); je_l forest (Sh.); jhall jungle (L.); jhall reed-bed, thicket (P.); jhall bush; jhell, jhall thicket (WPah.); jha_l collection of vines or other plants (N.); jhala_r brushwood (H.); jha_l pendulous flowering and fruitage of trees (M.)(CDIAL 5355). Images: bush: khitti_ clump, bush (P.)(CDIAL 3427). Open place surrounded by thickets; image: bush: kuttur-, kuttar- bush, thicket (Ka.); gutti bush (Ka.); kwit open place surrounded by thickets (To.)(DEDR 1721). tu_r-u bushes, shrubbery (Ta.); tu.r bushy bunch of leaves of a tree (Ko.); bushes (To.); to_r-u thicket, bush (Kond.a)(DEDR 3401). jhun.d. shrub (H.); jhun.t.a_ bush (Or.); jhun.t. (H.); jhor brushwood (N.); jhor. bush (B.); jhu_r. bush (H.); jhot.o cluster (Ku.)(CDIAL 5400).

2151.Image: bush: xoppa_ shrub, bush (Kur.); guba a bush (Kui); gumpu forest, thick growth (Ka.); guppa scrub (Pa.); guppa undergrowth, thick forest; gupsal full of leaves, bushy; gubia_ dense tangle of tall grass and thorn at the foot of a thorny bush (Go.)(DEDR 1733). gubaru, guburu thickness, crowdedness, thick foliage of a tree or shrub (Ka.); guburu, gumuru thickness (as of foliage), a cluster (Te.); gumbra, kumra clump of trees (Kuwi); kumpal clump, cluster (Ta.)(DEDR 1741). Crowd; cluster; thicket: jhupuro cluster (Ku.); jhuppo (N.); zupura_ low and bushy (A.); jhu_pa_ collection, heap (H.); jhumu thicket (S.); jhumma huddled together (N.); jhumminu to crowd together (N.); zum herd (A.); jhum group (G.); jhumaku cluster (S.); jhumko, jhamko cluster (N.); jhumka_ earring with pendants (B.); cluster (H.M.); jhumkhu~ (G.); jhumkho (G.); jhumat.u thicket (S.); jhumt.o grove of trees (S.); jhumut.o flock, swarm (Ku.); jhumar crowd (P.)(CDIAL 5404). Image: cluster: gumma thicket (Pkt.); gumba, gumuva, gomuva heap, thicket (Si.); gulma clump of trees (VS.); enlargement of spleen, any glandular enlargement of abdomen (Sus'r.); bundle (e.g. of straw)(Kho.); gumba cluster, thicket (Pali)(CDIAL 4217). [mb ~ mm < lm suggest non-Aryan origin]. Image: bush: kompe a small thorn bush, a small bundle or load of thorny twigs (?Ka.); kampa thorny bushes used for fencing (Ga.Kond.a); kampa, krampa bramble; branch of a thorny tree or plant; thorn hedge; kar(r)a kampa id. (Te.); kappa id. (Nk.)(DEDR 1235). ka_van. a hut made of leafy branches (M.)(CDIAL 3036). ka_mpu flower-stalk, peduncle, pedicel, leafstalk (Ta.); ka_mu (Te.); ka_vu (Tu.Ka.); ka_mbu (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Branch: kambox branch (Kho.); kambol. thick branch (Kho.)(CDIAL 2766). kappu cleavage, cleft (Kampara_. Etir. 2)(Ta.lex.) kappu forked branch; branch, bough (Ta.lex.) koppu branch of a tree (Ta.lex.) [cf. kompu branch (Ta.)(DEDR 2115)].

2152.Garden: koppal.a a garden (Tu.lex.)

2153.Image: central upright pole: kol.kompu stick or pole for supporting a creeper; help, support, aid; central upright branch of a tree (Kampara_. Cat.a_yuvu. 130); kor..u-k-kompu, kor..u-kompu id. (Cevvantippu. Tirumalaicca. 9)(Ta.lex.) Image: women: kompan-a_r women, slender and supple as the twig of a plant (Tiv. Tiruppa_. 17); kompin-ar id. (Kalla_. 71,31)(Ta.lex.)

2154. Image: to seize with the mouth: kavvu-tal to seize, grasp with eagerness (Na_lat.i, 322); bite, seizing by the mouth as dog; eating (Poruna. 184)(Ta.lex.) kavala mouthful (MBh.); gargle (Sus'r.); kavad.a (Sus'r.); kabad.a, kapad.a (Skt.); kaval.am, kavar..am morsel of food (Ta.); kabal.a, kabala small piece, ball of food, mouthful; kabal.ika_ piece of cloth put over a sore (Pali); kavala mouthful (Pkt.); koro piece of fish (S.); kaur morsel, bit (L.); bar-kau~la_ goat's droppings (N.); kawar, kaur, kor mouthful (Bi.); kaur (Mth.); kavara (OAw.); kaur (H.); kol.iyo, kogl.o (G.); kaval. (M.); kavala (Si.); kawa_r. small piece (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2960). kavalayati swallows down (Skt.); kavale_i (Pkt.); kaval.n.e~ to seize with the mouth (M.)(CDIAL 2961). kappu (kappi-_ to cram into the mouth, to gorge (Ta.); kavvu (kavvi-), kauvu (kauvi-) to seize with the mouth, grasp with eagerness (Ta.); kabb- (kabbi-) to seize with wide-open mouth (of dogs, tigers, etc.)(Kod..); kappa (kapt-) to swallow liquid hastily, gulp, drink (Kui); kaval.uka to gargle, swallow (Ma.)(DEDR 1222). To cram; to seize with the mouth: kappu to gorge, cram into mouth (Ta.); kavvu, kauvu to seize with the mouth, grasp with eagerness (Ta.); kauvuka to seize with the mouth, bite (Ma.); kabb to seize with wide-open mouth (Kod..); kappuni to eat greedily (Tu.); kamucu to nibble at, swallow (Te.); kami a lump of food (Te.); kamikili a handful to eat (Te.); kamike~d.u a large handful (Te.); kavvu to seize by the mouth (Te.); kap to bite (Pe.); kappa to swallow liquid hastily, gulp, drink (Kui); kavali giva to chew the cud (Kui)(DEDR 1222). Prob. > kavala mouthful, morsel (Skt.); whence kaval.am, kavar..am morsel, mouthful of food, ball of rice or other food for an elephant (Ta.); kavala, kaval.a, kabala, kabal.a, kavan.a mouthful, pill (Ka.); kabal.amu mouthful, morsel (Te.); kavaka mouthful (Skt.); kavika_ bit of a bridle (Skt.)(DEDR 1222). kavaka mouthful (Skt.); koi_ piece, bit, grain (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2956). Mouthful: kavala gargle (Sus'r.); [cf. koppal.i to gargle (Ta.)(DEDR 2107); kopl.i mouth (Kol.)(DEDR 2114)]; kavad.a (Sus'r.); kabal.ika_ piece of cloth put over a sore (Pali); koro piece of fish (S.); kaval. mouthful (M.); kavala (Si.); kawa_r. small piece (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2960). kavale_i swallows down (Pkt.); kaval.n.e~ to seize with the mouth (M.)(CDIAL 2961). kavala mouthful (MBh.Pkt.); kaval. id. (M.); kavala id. (Si.); kawar, kaur, kor id. (Bi.); kaur id. (Mth.); kavara (OAw.); kaur (H.); kol.iyo, kogl.o id. (G.) kavad.a, kabad.a, kapad.a (Skt.)[NIA.forms except kawa_r. (Dardic) can all derive from kab/pala: like kavaka. prob. < Drav. e.g. kaval.am, kavar..am morsel of food (Ta.); kavvu to bite (Ta.)]; kabal.a, kabala small piece, ball of food, mouthful (Pali)(CDIAL 2960). kaval.am morsel, mouthful of food; ball of rice or other food for an elphant (Tir. Periyati. 4,8,1)(Ta.lex.) kaur morsel, bit (L.); bar-kau~la_ goat's droppings (N.)(CDIAL 2960). Food scooped up in the hand: ga_hu bait for fish, birds, etc. (S.); gra_sa mouthful (Mn.); ga_s (N.); gra_h, gara_h food scooped up in the hand, mouthful, morsel (P.); gara_ land given for maintenance (G.)[whence gara_siyo landlord](CDIAL 4379). ga_ssi_ mouthful (P.); gassa_ (H.); grasya (MBh.)(CDIAL 4381). To snatch: khasan.u to snatch, take by force, ravish (S.); khassan. (L.); khassn.a_, khasot.n.a_ to pluck out (P.); khasot.na_ (H.)(CDIAL 3858). ga~_sna_ to take in, enclose, surround (H.)(CDIAL 4380). Swallow: gras swallow (Skt.); grasai swallows (RV.); gasai (Pkt.); gihan.u (S.)(CDIAL 4359). gasia swallowed (Pkt.); gras'a_ obl. sg. mouthful (OG.); grasta swallowed (Skt.); gattha (Pkt.); gatho break in bank of canal (S.); pp. gi_tho (S.)(CDIAL 4361). grastr. swallower (of sun or moon)(Skt.); grast, grha_s wolf (Kal.); gra_sta (Phal.); grac wolf (Dm.)(CDIAL 4362). koe to beg, to ask for, to pray; kopoe reciprocal form of koe; kopet to stuff food into the mouth, to hold in the mouth as a quid of tobacco (Santali.lex.)

2155.Image: monkey: koye red-faced monkey (Go.); kovva id. (Pa.); kove id. (Ga.); kove, kovve, kowwe_, ko_ve, ko_ve_ id. (Go.)(DEDR 2142).

2156.Image: crab: ko_pi, kuppi, kupi crab (Kuwi); ko_ppa_n- female crab (Ta.); kupi crab (Kond.a.Pe.); kupe id. (Mand..)(DEDR 1734).

2157.Camphor: Dryobalanops aromatica or dryobalanops camphora: This is a tree closely related to the Indian 'sal', and the camphor-tree of Borneo and Sumatra, from which' baros' or 'barus' camphor is derived; bhimseni kapoor, himamaluka (Skt.H.); borneo and sumatra camphor (Eng.); bhimseni kapoor, kacha karpoor (M.); action: diaphoretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic and stimulant. Camphor is obtained from the breaking bark of the tree when 3 years old; taken raw and is not boiled as 'patri-camphor' usually called 'pakwa-kapoor' and China-Japan camphor. Mentioned first in Rajanighan.t.u and its first medicinal uses were found out by the Arabians. (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 466-467). Cinnamomum camphora or camphora officinarum: karpor, ghausar, himavaluka (Skt.); camphor, bhemseni camphor (natural), borneo-camphor (Eng.); kapur (H.Deccan.B.G.M.); karpooram (Te.Ta.Ma.); payo, paronk, piyo (Burmese); karpura, kapooroo (Si.); camphre (Fr.); kampher (Ger.); kafu, kafu, kafoor (Pers.); kaphur (B.); kapoor, karpoor (G.); kapoora (M.); pachai karpooram, karpooran-cheena, karuppuram, karpuram (Ta.); pacha karpooram, cheen karpooram (Te.); kafoor (Arab.U.); habitat: generally imported from China and Japan; parts used: the concrete volatile oil, i.e. camphor (stearoptene) obtained by distillation with water of the wood of the trees or plants... and purified by sublimation. It occurs in translucent white crystals. There are three varieties, viz.: (1) Formosa camphor; (2) Borneo of Barus camphor, known in India as bhimseni kapur; and (3) blumea or ngai camphor. The second variety is highly prized in India and is sold at a very high price. It is naturally formed in the stems of dryobalanops camphora grown in Dutch Sumatra and sinks in water... Camphor is of a very peculiar fragrant and penetrating odour, bitter, pungent, and aromatic taste. It is extremely volatile and inflammable burning with a bright light and muc smoke. It is good in typhus, confluent small-pox and all fevers and eruptions of the typhoid class; also in measles, febrile delirium, whooping cough, hiccup, spasmodic asthma etc. (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 250-253). "Camphor is of two kinds, one called camfora de borneo... it costs as much per pound as camfora de china costs per quintal... (the camphor of Borneo and Sumatra comes from a large tree, dryobalanops aromatica (dryobalanops camphora), of the family of dipterocarpeae... It is gum and not pith that exudes from the tree... capur and cafur are the words used by the Arabs ... " (G. De Orta, pp.86-98). ajakarn.a dipterocarpus sp. (Car. Vi. 8.144). Borneo camphor is a camphor naturally deposited in the clefts and hollows of the wood dryobalanops aromatica. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 377). Cinnamomum glanduliferum: nepal camphor wood (Eng.); gunserai (A.); malligiri (N.); habitat: a large tree of the south Himalayas from Kumaon eastwards to Assam, the Khasia hills and Sylhet; parts used: wood and leaves; constituents: wood and the leaves yield a crystalline product which has been shown by Schimmel and Co., to be d-camphor; essential oil; action: stimulant and carminative (Indian Materia Medica, pp. 330-331). Camphor: ka_pu_r camphor (M.); kapu_r (G.S.P.H.B.O.); kapura (Si.); kappura (Pkt.Pali); karpu_ra (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 314).

2158.Image: vessel: kumpa_latti light placed on a pot used in temple worship (Ko_yilo. 66); kumpa_ urn-shaped silver or brass-vessel (Pirapo_ta. 11,31); kumpa-mun-i Agastya, the sage, as pitcher-born (Tiruppu. 57); kumpan- Agastya (Kalval.ai. 74); a chief of S'iva's host (Kantapu. E_maku_. 15)(Ta.lex.) kumpam earthen pot, pitcher, jar; aquarius, a constellation of the zodiac (Ta.lex.) kuppi-vaippu process of chemical preparation in an alembic; a kind of sublimation; materials for chemical preparation (Ta.lex.) cf. kuppi vial, flask, bottle (Pur-ana_. 56, Urai)(Ta.); id. (Ka.Ma.Tu.); kumpi a hell in which the wicked are baked as if in potter's kiln, one of er..u-narakam (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 3,7,8); kumpi-pa_kam id. (Ka_cika. Civacan-ma_vai. 31)(Ta.lex.) Oil bottle; lamp without chimney or wick: ku_pi_ earthen or leather oil vessel (Or.); kupi_ large leather vessel, lamp without chimney or wick (B.); small glass bottle (G.); kum.paya oil vessel (Pkt.); kumpa_ large leather oil bottle (Or.); kumpi earthen or leather oil bottle (Or.); ku~po large glass bottle (G.); ku_pa_ jar (Gypsy); kopu leather bag (K.); kupo large leather vessel for oil, ghee, etc. (S.); kupir.o small earthen pot (S.); kuppa_ large jar of camel's hide (L.); vessel of raw hide for holding oil or ghee (P.); glass bottle (M.); leather oil vessel (H.Bi.N.); kuppo (G.)(CDIAL 3402). cf. cuppa oily (Pkt.); supi oil vessel (A.)(CDIAL 4865). ko_y vessel for taking out toddy (Pur-ana_. 300); small perfume box (ca_ntukko_y pukiya celva : Ci_vaka. 764)(Ta.lex.) Image: pot with brim: koyyaka-c-cat.t.i a kind of earthen pot with brim; koy to plait, gather into folds (Perun.. Ila_van.a. 5,165)(Ta.lex.) Toddy vessel: ko_y vessel for taking out toddy (Ta.); kwa.y bamboo pot used at ti. dairy (To.); xo_ cooking-pot (Br.)(DEDR 2225). xo_yna_ (xojjas) to measure, ascertain the extent, height, quantity or capacity of; xo_yta_rna_ to be measured (Kur.); qoye to weigh, measure; qoytre to have anything weighed or measured (Malt.); ka_hta_na_ to measure, count, to number, to count; kah- to count; ka'- to measure; kahca_na_, kahta_na_ id. (Go.)(DEDR 2227). kot.uva_y-k-kuyattu : Cilap. 16,30)(Ta.lex.)

2159.Hidden treasure: kopparige hidden treasure (Tu.lex.) cf. komme a corn-bin (Ka.lex.)

2160.Image: boiler with wide mouth: kopparige a cauldron, a boiler with a wide mouth usually made of copper (Tu.); karpara (Skt.)(Tu.lex.) kopparai brass or copper boiler with rings for handles, cauldron (Pirapo_ta. 11,31)(Ta.); koppera (Te.); koppara (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Image: small perfume box: ko_ppai cup, drinking vessel (Ta.); ko_pa (Te.); < copa (Portuguese) (Ta.lex.) Image: small pot: koppa, kopa, ko_pa_ an earthen pot (Go.); kopel small pot (Pe.)(DEDR 2102). ku_pa leather oil vessel (Skt.); ku_ya id. (Pkt.); ku~pi_ small glass bottle (G.); ku_pa_ small oil vessel (A.); kup leather oil bottle (B.); kupa_ a sort of glass bottle (M.)(CDIAL 3402). kuppi vial, flask, bottle (Ta.Ka.Ma.Tu. < U.)(Ta.lex.) kuppige, kuppi (Tadbhava of ku_pi) a vial, a flask, a bottle (Ka.); kuppe in: ga_ju-kuppe glass flask (Te.); kupi_ (M.); kuppima_tre medicine calcined in the form of a bottle (Ka.); ku_pi a flask, a bottle (Skt.Ka.); ku_paka a leather oil-vessel (Ka.); kopparige, koppara, kappara (Tadbhava of karpara) a metal boiler, used also for keeping oil or ghee in (Ka.); kappare, kappara a large potsherd (Ka.); kappara, kappare, koppara, kharpara a cup; a pot; a boiler; an iron saucepan or frying pan (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kopparai brass or copper boiler with rings for handles, cauldron (Ta.); koppara a boiler, chiefly of copper (Ma.); kopparige cauldron, boiler with a wide mouth (Tu.); koppera a metal cauldron or boiler (Te.)(DEDR 2104). kopra_ small iron pot (M.)(CDIAL 3519). kapparai < khappara (Pkt.) < karpara bowl of a beggar or mendicant (Tiruppu. 1147); earthen vessel; vessel kept for keeping sacred ashes in temples (Can.. Aka.); brass vessel (Ta.lex.) Synonyms: kappara, sa_ran:ga, so_ma (according to S'abdasan:graha by Gurura_va Vit.hala Mo_hare, 1874; loc. cit. Ka.lex.): sa_ran:ga camphor, gold; so_ma camphor (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. so_ma interpreted as electrum, silver-gold ore, op.cit. cf. karppu_ram < karbu_ra gold (Pin..); camphor (Ta.); karpu_ra (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) Semant. karbura greyish, variegated; a variegated colour; gold; sa_ran:ga of a variegated colour, variegated; sa_ran:ga ban.n.a a variegated colour (Ka.lex.)

2188.Image: portable stove: uma_i, uhma_i, umbha_i portable stove, brazier (Or.); u~pha_ylu~ lukewarm, tepid (G.); uma_na to simmer (B.); u_s.ma_yate_ emits heat or steam (Pa_n..); umha_ai is hot (Pkt.); uma_iba to sit (on eggs), brood (A.)(CDIAL 2442). u_s.man heat, steam (AV.); us.man (MBh.); usuma_, usma_ heat (Pali); umha, umha_ (Pkt.); wu_hu, u_hu (K.); um gentle heat (A.); hu_ma sweat (Konkan.i); usa sunshine (S.); huss, hussar. sultriness (L.); hussar. heat (WPah.); hummh sultriness (EP.)(CDIAL 2441). cf. ud.uku to boil, bubble with heat; n. heat, boiling (Te.); ud.ku heat (Go.); ur.turna_ to be agitated by the action of heat, boil (Kur.); udku hot (Ta.Keikadi dialect)(DEDR 588). cf. kumutam oven, stove (Ta.)(DEDR 1750). kumpi hot ashes (Ta.); kumpal inward heat (Ma.); gumulu fire burning in embers (Tu.); kummu smouldering ashes; kumulu to smoulder, burn slowly underneath without flame (Te.); kum smoke (Go.); kumuli_ fireplace (Pkt.)(DEDR 1752). mokku bowl of an oil lamp (Ta.lex.) Movable stove: uhma_i, uma_i, umbha_i movable stove, brazier (Or.); u~pha_ylu~ lukewarm, tepid (G.); uma_na to shimmer (B.); umha_ai is hot (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2442). kuma_ram gold melted and refined; kuma_ri solvent of gold; ?cf. kube_ra rich man (Tamir..na_. 206); the god of wealth, lord of Yaks.as, regent of the North (Kampara_. Cu_rp. 53)(Ta.lex.) ummal.ike heat; ummal.isu to be hot (Ka.); ummalincu to grive, sorrow (Te.); urbu sweat (Go.); ru_n.(u) heat of summer; sweat (Kond.a); ru_c sweat; ru_mi sweat (Pe.); rund- to ignite (Kuwi)(DEDR 656). cf. uppu salt (Ta.); upukku to swell, overflow; ubbu to become hot (Ta.); ubbike swelling (Ka.); ubbara, urbara overflowing (Ka.); ubbilla elation (Pali); ubbila_vita happy, elated (BHSk.); udvilya joy (Skt.)(DEDR 666). cf. uba_ran.u to boil (S.); uba_l.a_ bubbling up (M.)(CDIAL 2339). cf. uba, huba vapour, steam (S.)(CDIAL 2340). cf. kumpit.u-cat.t.i chafing-dish, portable furnace; kumutam oven, stove; kummat.t.i chafing-dish (Ta.); kuppad.ige, kuppat.e, kumpat.e, kummat.a, kummat.e id. (Ka.); kumpat.i id. (Te.)(DEDR 1751). Image: portable brazier: ko~bat., komat. warmish (M.); ko_s.n.a-, kavo_s.n.a- warm (Pa_n..); ku_s' damp (of ground,etc.)(Sh.); koso hot, warm (S.); ko_sa_ luke-warm; fever (L.); ko_ssa_ lukewarm (P.); kuhumi_ya_ tepid (A.)(CDIAL 3552). kumpit.u-cat.t.i chafing-dish, portable furnace, potsherd in which fire is kept by goldsmiths; kumutam oven, stove; kummat.t.i chafing dish (Ta.); kuppad.ige, kuppat.e, kumpat.e, kummat.a, kummat.e id. (Ka.); kumpat.i id. (Te.)(DEDR 1751). khumbhu fireplace over which washermen steam clothes; khumiro small earthen pot (S.) = kumir.. (Ta.); khumbh fireplace for steaming clothes (L.); khu~b, khumb copper in which clothes are boiled (P.); khu_m large, flat jar, earthen pot for storing grain (Bi.)(CDIAL 3308). kumr(h)aut.i_ potter's clay (Bi.)(CDIAL 3311) <? kumbhaka_ramr.ttika_ (Skt.) komat., ko~bat. warmish (M.); kuhumiya_ tepid (A.); koso hot, warm (S.)(CDIAL 3552). Withered: kumman.a, kuima_n.a withered (Pkt.); ku_ma_ijan.u, ku_ma_t.ijan.u, pp. ku_ma_n.o to wither (S.); kuma_van., pp. kuma_n.a to wither (L.); kumla_un.a_, kamla_un.a_ (P.); kumhla_unu, kumla_unu to fade, wither (N.); kum.bhila_i (OAw.); kumhla_na_, kumbhila_na_, kumbhla_na_ (H.); ko~bn.e~, komn.e~, komen.e~, komejn.e~, komajn.e~, koma_in.e~, koma_vn.e~, komaln.e~ (M.); kuruma_n.a withering (Pkt.); kurma_van, pp. kurma_n.a to wither (L.); karma_vu~, pp. karma_yu~ to fade, wither, pine away (G.)(CDIAL 3524). kumpu to become charred (Ta.); kumai to be hot, sultry (Ta.); kumpal inward heat; kummu expr. descriptive of heat; kummal sultriness, mustiness; kumur-uka, kumir-uka to be hot, close; kumur-al oppressive heat; kukkuka to be hot (Ma.); kuppu heat (Ma.); kome to begin to burn, as fire or anger (Ka.); kumpi, kumpiri mirage (Ma.); kumbi mirage (Tu.); gumulu fire burning in embers; gumuluni to be hot, feel hot as in a fit of fever (Tu.); kummu smouldering ashes (Te.); kumulu to smoulder, burn slowly underneath without flame, be consumed inwardly, grieve, pine (Te.); kum smoke; gubri_ fine ashes of burnt out fire (Go.); kumpo_d. smoke (Go.); kumuli_ fireplace (Pkt.)(DEDR 1752). u_s.ma_yate_ emits heat or steam (Pa_n..); us.ma_yate_ (Skt.); umha_ai is hot (Pkt.); umha_via copulation (Pkt.); uma_iba to sit (on eggs), brood (A.)(CDIAL 2442). aus.mya heat (Skt.); oso heat, thirst (S.)(CDIAL 2573). u_s.man heat, steam (AV.); us.man, u_s.ma_ (MBh.); u_s.maka (Skt.); usuma_, usma_ heat (Pali); umha-, umha_ (Pkt.); wu_hu, u_hu (K.); usa sunshine (S.); huss, hussar. sultriness (L.); hussar. heat (WPah.); hummh sultriness (P.); um gentle heat (A.); u~_ph warmth (G.); hu~ph genial warmth (G.); hu_ma sweat (Konkan.i); un.uhuma, un.usuma heat (Si.)(CDIAL 2441). Blaze: uru to burn; uruppam, uruppu heat, anger (Ta.); uruppam anger (Ma.); ury- heat (esp. of the sun)(Ko.); heat of fire (To.); uri to burn, blaze, glow; n. burning, flame, blaze (Ka.); blaze, flame (Tu.); uriyu to burn; uralu to burn, be ablaze (Te.); uripu, urisu to cause to burn, inflame (Ka.); ru_n.(u) heat of summer (Kond.a); rund to ignite (Mand..Kuwi); ruta setting fire to (Kui); hushing to set fire to, burn (Br.)(DEDR 656). us.n.a hot (RV.); un.ha (Pali.Pkt.); usin.a hot, heat (PKt.); wus'unu warm, hot (K.); una_h hot vapour, steam (H.); u_nh, u_n hot, heat of sun (M.); hu_na hot (Konkan.i); un.u hot (Si.); hut.t. sultry (P.)(CDIAL 2389).

2189.Image: bending: kumbu bending, bowing down: a bow, an obeisance (Ka.Ta.Ma.) (Ka.lex.) Image: salutation: kumbu bending, bowing down, obeisance; kumbid.u to bow down, do obeisance (Ka.); kump-it.u (it.uv-, it.t.-) to join hands in worship, make obeisance with the hands joined and raised, beg, entreat; n. worship (Ta.); kump-it.uka, kumm-it.uka to bow down, prostrate oneself, worship (Ma.); kub.ir.- (it.-) to bow down, pray; kumit.e- salutation used by Kota to Badaga or Kurumba (Ko.); kub-id.- (it.-) to salute (not used of religious salutation); ku.d.- (ku.d.0-) to bow, bend down (To.)(DEDR 1750). cf. ku_ppu (ku_ppi-) joining hands as in worship; to join hands as in worship (Ta.); ku_ppuka salute by joining both hands (Ma.)(DEDR 1894).

2190.Chief; image: hill: kur-uppu a chief (Ta.Ma.); kur-uva, kur-ava, kurva a hill, an island (Ka.); kur-u a hill (Ta.Ma.); kur-umba a caste of mountaineers (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kubhr.ta a mountain or a king (Skt.lex.) korave the Coravas, a certain tribe of mountaineers (Te.); cf. koraga, koraga_ra (Tu.)(Ka.lex.)

2191.Potter: ko_va a Kur-umba; a potter; kur-umbar; ba_mbar endum ko_var endum kumbar-ar; ba_mbar ene ko_var ene kur-ubar; ba_mbar ene ko_var kumbar-ar (S'abdaman.idarpan.a; Kabbigara Ke_ypid.i; loc. cit. Ka.lex.) kus'ava a potter (Ma.); ko_vara cakram potter's wheel (Ka.); ko_vida skilled, experienced, learned, wise (Ka.Skt.); kor-ava a man of a now settled tribe, who speaks Kannad.a, makes baskets, mats etc., is a musician; kur-ava a wandering tribe of basket-makers, snake-catchers and gypsies (Ta.Ma.); kor-avaji a female of the kor-avas, who commonly is a fortune-teller (Ka.Te.); kur-avaci, kur-atti (Ta.); kor-avajikathe a story about Arjuna disguised as a kor-avaji (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kur-uba, kur-aba, kur-umba a man of the shepherd caste, a shepherd (who worships maila_la lin:ga and the masan.i; ja_ba_la, aja_ji_va; ba_mba; golla (Ka.); kurupe, kuruma (Te.); kur-umpan- (Ta.); kur-umba (Ma.); kur-uba a stubborn, foolish man (Ka.); kur-umba (Ma.); kur-uba-heggad.e a chief among shepherds (Ka.); kur-uba a potter; kur-ubagitti a kur-uba woman; kur-ubitti, kur-ubati, kur-umbiti id. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kuvara a potter; ba_mba (a kur-uba or kur-umba; a potter; fr. ba_n, ba_na = a pile of earthen vessels), kummar-a (Ka.lex.) ko_valan- hero of the epic Cilappatika_ram (Ta.lex.)

2192.Potter: kumbhaka_ra potter (Ya_j.Pali); kumbhaka_ri_, kumbhaka_rika_ (Skt.); kumbhaka_raka (Pali); kum.bhaa_ra, kum.bha_ra (Pkt.); ku~bha_ru (S.); kumbha_r, kumbha_ri_, kubha_r, kubha_ri_ (L.); kumha_r, kumha_ri_, kamhea_r, kamha_r (P.); kuma_r, kumha_r (Ku.); kum(h)a_le (N.); kuma_r (A.B.); kumbha_ra, kuma_ra (Or.); kumha_r, kumhara_, ku~ha_r, koha_r (Bi.); kumha_r, kumhara_ (Mth.); ko~ha_r, ku~bha_r (Bhoj.); kumha_r (H.); ku~bha_r (G.M.); kumba_ru (Konkan.i); kumbala_ (Si.)(CDIAL 3310). kumpaka_ran- potter (Ta.); kumbhaka_ran id. (Ma.); kumo.r-n id. (To.); kumbhaka_ra (Ka.); kumbhaga_r-a (Ka.); kumba_r-a (Ka.); kumbar-a ((Ka.); kuba.re id., stupid fellow (Kod..); kumbaka_re potter (Tu.); kumba_re (Tu.); kumbare potter (Tu.); kumbhaka_ru~d.u (Te.); kumari (Te.); kummal (Pa.Go.); kumbarenju, f. kumbareri (Kui); ku_mbra, kumbra (Kuwi) (DBIA 109). Crucible: kuvai crucible, melting-pot, pon-n-ur-ukkum-kukai < guha_? [iruntai-k-kuvai yotteana (Tan.ikai-p-pu.Tiruna_t.t.u-p-pu.63)](Ta.lex.) ko_ve crucible, mould (Tu.); crucible (Ka.); kuva crucible (Ma.); kuvai, kukai crucible (Ta.)(DEDR 1816). Potter: kuvara, ko_va potter (Ka.); kusave id. (Tu.); kuyam (kucam- first member of compound) potter caste (Ta.); kuyavan- potter (Ta.Ma.); kucavan- potter (Ta.); kus'avan (Ma.); kuyatti fem. potter (Ta.Ma.); ko.v Kota man (Ko.); kwi.f Kota man (To.)(DEDR 1762). ko_la_la potter (Dardic); kula_la-cakka potter's wheel (Pali); kra_l potter (K.); kula_l.a (Or.); kara_l.iyo seller of earthenware (G.); karol.iyo potter (G.)(CDIAL 3341). ko_ potter (Ta.); kuvara, ko_va potter (Ka.); ko.v Kota man (Ko.); ko.ka.l Kota village (Ko.); kwi.f Kota man (To.); kwi.ko.l Kota village (To.); kuyam potter caste (Ta.); kuyavan potter (Ma.)(DEDR 1762). kuyam, (kucam- first member of compound) potter caste; kuyavan-, kucavan- potter; fem. kuyatti, kucatti; ko_ potter (Ta.); kuyavan, kus'avan potter (Ma.); fem. kuyatti, kuyavi, kus'avi (Ma.); ko.v Kota man (Ko.); ko.ty Kota woman (Ko.); ko. mog Kota child (Ko.); ko. ka.l Kota village (Ko.); kwi.f Kota man (To.); kwi.ty Kota woman (To.); kwi.ko.l Kota village (To.); ko_va, kuvara potter (Ka.); kusave id. (Tu.)(DEDR 1762). ko.ty Kota woman (Ko.); ko_ potter (Ta.)(DEDR 1762). ko_ve_l. potters (irun:ko_ve_t.kal.u cempu ceyarum : Man.i. 28,34)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) ve_t.ko_ potter; ve_t.ko_pan- potter; ve_t.ko_van- potter (ve_t.ko_ cir-a_ ar te_rkka_l vaitta pacumat. kuru_ uttiral. : Pur-ana_. 32)(Ta.lex.) ve_l. one belonging to the Ve_l.ir class (Pur-ana_. 24); Ca_l.ukya king; petty ruler, chief; title given by ancient Tamil kings to Ve_l.a_l.as (Tol. Po. 30); (cempiyan- tamir..ave_l. ennun. kulappeyarum : S.I.I. iii,221); illustrious or great man; hero; ve_l.vi (Ta.Ma.); be_luve sacrifice (Ka.); (mun-muyan- r-aritin-in- mut.itta ve_l.vi : Akana_. 220)(Ta.lex.) ve_l(u)pu god or goddess, deity, divinity, a celestial, demi-god, immortal (Te.)(DEDR 5544). ko_van- herdsman, king (ko_va n-iraimi_t.t.an-n- (Ci_vaka. 455); ko_valar herdsmen, men of the sylvan tract (kruntan. kan.n.i-k- ko_valar (Ain:kuru. 439); ko_varttan-ar, ko_vintar herdsmen (Ta.)(Ta.lex.). Prince; boy: kuma_ra boy (RV.); prince (Ragh.); young boy (Pali); boy, prince (Pkt.); kuma_raka little boy (RV.); young boy (Pali); kuma_la prince (As'.); koma_r youth (only in razakoma_r)(K.); ku~a_ro bachelor (S.); ku~va_ra, kua_ra bachelor (L.); ku~va_r bride (L.); kava_r, ka~va_ra, kava_ra, kua_ra, kama_ra bachelor (P.); ka~var prince (P.); kaur boy, prince (P.); ku~ar prince (Ku.); ku~wa_r, kuma_r unmarried, a caste of Chettris (N.); ku~wa_ro, kuma_ro boy, young bachelor (N.); ku~wa_r, kumar, kamar prince (N.); ko~war prince (A.); ko~ya_r prince (B.); kua~_ra bachelor; kua~_ra_ unmarried (of males)(Or.); kua~ra boy, family title of Ks.atriyas (Or.); ku~wa_r unmarried boy (Bhoj.); ku~ara prince (OAw.); ku~a_r unmarried (OAw.); ku~wa_r unmarried youth, prince; ku~war prince; ku~wa_ra_, kwa_ra_ bachelor (H.); kavara prince (OMarw.); ku~var, ku~ver boy, prince (G.); ku~va_r.d.u~ funeral ceremonies four days after death of an infant (G.); ku~var boy under five years old, prince (M.); komarun obl. pl. boys (OSi.); kumaruva_ child, prince (Si.)(CDIAL 3303). kumaran- young man, youth (Kampara_. Mitilaik. 157); son; Skanda, as son of S'iva (Kantapu. Kat.avul.. 16); kumari perpetual youthhood (Cilap. 10,123); kuma_ra-mat.ai-p-pal.l.i a sub-caste of mat.ai-p-pal.l.i who got their name from their ancestors having been cooks of princes; kuma_ran- Skanda, as son of S'iva (Kantapu. Kuma_ra. 16)(Ta.lex.)

2193.Image: hornless animal: kumaram hornless animal; < perh. kuma_ra (Skt.)(Ta.lex.)

2194.Temple: ko_vela temple (Te.); ko_vil palace, temple (Ma.)(DEDR 2177). ko_yil palace, temple (Ta.Ma.); ko_vil temple (Ta.); palace, temple (Ma.); ko_yilakam palace (Ma.); ko_yila, ko_vela temple (Te.)(DEDR 2177). ko_ emperor (Tamir..na_. 126); id. (Ma.); father (Kalit. 116); leadership, domination (Te_va_. 997); ko_-nakar capital city (Cilap. 27,255); temple (Kantapu. Tirunakarap. 88)(Ta.lex.)

2195.Image: hole: khob hole, cave (A.); khopa pigeon-hole (Or.); khop hole, cave (H.); khop ravine (N.); hole, cave (H.); khopi little hole; khopilt.o (N.); khopo hole in a wall (N.); khoppa_ hollow in a tree (M.); khopn.o to make a hole (Ku.) (CDIAL 3937). Grain pit: ku_pakhani pit (Skt.); ku_han. grain pit (P.); khu_han., khu_hun. well, mine, pit (P.)(CDIAL 3404). Pressed in: kho~p hole from a blow (M.); khu~pvu~ to pierce (G.); khupn.e~ to prick (M.)(CDIAL 13658). khovn.e~, khon.e~ to force in, drive in (M.)(CDIAL 13660). khuppai plunges in (Pkt.); khupan.u to be fixed in mud; caus. khupa_in.u to drive in (S.); khupiba_ to penetrate a little (Or.); khu_pvu~ to fix, settle (G.); khupn.e~ to be pricked, smart under puncture (M.); khopn.o to make a hole (Ku.); khopnu to pierce (N.); khopani pressing the toes in to prevent slipping (A.); khupkhupa_na_ to prick into, fall into a rage (H.); khupasna_ to thrust in (H.); khupasn.e~ to force in (M.); khupra_iba_ to poke gently (Or.)(CDIAL 13656). Pit and stake: ku_pa mooring post, mast (Skt.)[For semantic development pit ~ heap ~ post cf. ku_pya-, khad.a-, kha_tra-, me_thi-, skambha- and especially ku_paka- funeral pyre, hole under it (Skt.lex.)] ku_paghat.a well frame (Skt.); kohar. frame of the mouth of a well (H.)(CDIAL 3405). ku_pya being in a hole (VS.); ku_p trench, moat, pitfall trap for chikor, trap, cage (Dardic); kupp stack of chaff (P.)(CDIAL 3407). juva a well (Pa.); su_ve id.; suve spring (Ga.); cuva_, suva, cuhka_ well; cua well in sand, well (Go.); cuva id. (Pe.); huva id. (Mand..); cuwa id. (Malt.); co'a_(n), cu'a_n small pit into which water drains, cistern; coha_ a small well, coya_ a well of water in a dried river bed, spring, rivulet (H.); cu_taka a small well (Skt.)(DEDR App. 38). cf. cyo_ta well (Skt.)(CDIAL 4947). ku_pa hollow, hole, cave (RV.); pit, well (Skt.Pali); ku_paka id. (Skt.Pali); kupa, well (Dardic); ku_pa well (Dardic); kupe, kuvo id. (Dardic); ku_va, ku_vaya, ku_vi_i, ku_viya_ small well (Pkt.); ku_e, ku_i valley (Dardic); kuf (with bilabial f) well (Kho.); ko_i_ well (Bshk.); ku_ valley (Dardic); ku_i_ well (Dardic); ku nullah (Dardic); kuwa_ ditch (Ku.); well (N.); kue well (Ku.); ko < kuya_ well (B.); ku_a, kua~_ well (Or.); ku_a~_, kuiya~_ well without masonry lining (Bi.); kuia~_ id. (Mth.); ku_wa~_ id. (Bhoj.); kua~_ id. (Aw.); ku_a_, ku~_a~_, ku~wa_ id. (H.); ku_vo id. (Marw.); kuvo id. (G.); kui_ small well (G.); kuva_ pit, well (M.); ku_hai well (Psht.); ku_ye_ well (Tir.)(CDIAL 3400). Secret; hole; well: goh cave; gui a little hollow in the game of marbles (G.): guha_ hiding place, cave (VS.); guh id. (RV.)(CDIAL 4220). guhya secret (RV.MBh.Pali.); gujjha id. (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4222). khuhu Persian well (K.); khu_hu well (K.); khu_hu well (S.); khu_h well (L.P.)(CDIAL 3912). khuha_na_, khua_hna_ a place from which earth is dug (P.)(CDIAL 3914). ku_vai a well, hollow, hole, pit (Ta.); ku.va shallow well (where water can be dipped by hand)(Kod..); guvelu a well (Tu.); kuyyeli id. (Kor.); Prob. < Pkt.(DEDR 1909). khe_ya needing to be dug (Pa_n..); xev f. hole, opening, window (Gypsy)(CDIAL 3923). Trap, cage: ku_p trench, moat, pifall trap for chikor, trap, cage (Sh.); kupp stack of chall (P.); ku_pya being in a hole (VS.)(CDIAL 3407). khoppo hole in a wall (N.); khop hole, cave (H.); khopa pigeonhole (OLr.); khoppa_ hollow in a tree (M.); khopn.o to make a hole (Ku.)(CDIAL 3937). koppam keddah for elephants (Ta.); pitfall for catching elephants (Ma.)(DEDR 2103). Pit; well: gumme a deep pond (Ka.); go.b deep hole in the ground (Ko.); kur..umpu pit (Ta.); kup pit (Ko.); kul.umpe a hollow place where water accumulates (Ka.); gurumpu id. (Tu.); gumma depth (Ka.); gumi pit, hole in river (Kond.a); gummi pit (Go.); xurrum grain pit (Br.); kol.ambe a drain (Tu.); gurumbe anything hollow (Tu.); gurmpe, gurmbe pond, pool, puddle (Tu.); gurumpe puddle, temporary reservoir in a dry field (Tu.); kur.ub (pl. kur.bul) pit (Pa.)(DEDR 1818). kur.ub hole in the ground (Ga.); kur.up well (Ga.); kru_pa pool, spring, place for washing clothes (Kui)(DEDR 1818). gumbu, gumpu depth, profundity, secrecy (Ka.); gumpu secret, concealed (Tu.)(DEDR 1669). People; village: kuyic, kuyoc people of the king's country (Sh.); *ku_patya belonging to the hollow or valley (Skt.)(CDIAL 3406). andhaku_pa an overgrown well with mouth hidden (Skt.); a~dhaua_ a dry well (Brajbha_s.a_.)(CDIAL 14222). andha nook (Skt.); a~_dhi- in a~_dhi-sa~_dhi nooks and corners (B.)(CDIAL 14219). cf. andha blind (RV.); darkness (MBh.); e~dho covered, concealed (B.)(CDIAL 385). cf. andha-mu_s.a_, mu_s.a_, vakah, vaka-yantram, a_vartani_ crucible or cruset (Skt.lex. Monier Monier-Williams, 1851). muhi crucible (A.); muchi (B.); musa_ (Or.); mu_s (H.G.M.); musa_ (Si.)(CDIAL 10262).

2196.Crucible: ko_ve crucible (Ka.Tu.); mould (Tu.); kuva crucible (Ma.); kuvai, kukai crucible (Ta.)(DEDR 1816). karumaruvu kukaiyan-aiya ka_yatti n-at.uvul. (Ta_yu.32.); kukai-c-cat.t.i kettle; kukai-p-put.am calcination or refining of metal in a crucible; kukaime_n-a_ta-t-ti_ a drug which dissolves gold (Prob. kukai + me_l + na_tam +); kukutan- a tubular vessel of the body; kuvai crucible, melting-pot; pon-n-urukkun. kukai crucible for refining gold; iruntai-k- kuvai yottan-a (Tan.ikaippu. Tiruna_t.t.up. 63.)(Ta.lex.) kovo, kovea_ crucible (Kon.lex.)

2197.Hole in the ground for weaver's feet: kumbhal the cavity in the earth in which a weaver's treadles are placed; a dungeon (P.lex.) kamha_l hole in the ground for weaver's feet (L.)(CDIAL 2896). X karmas'a_la_ workshop (MBh.)(CDIAL 2896) Image: hole; nave of a wheel: kha hole, hole in the nave of a wheel to take the axle (RV.); open space, sky (S'Br.); khappa hole (Skt.); khapu, khapo notch, nick (S.); khappa_ hole (L.); cavity in wall, narrow passage in a hill (P.); kha_p notch, nick (M.)(CDIAL 3817). kappu, kappa, kappal hole in the ground, pit (Ka.); kappu to dig (Ka.); gabbarisu to dig, undermine (Ka.); gambu a hole in a tree (Ka.); karpu pit, hole, ditch (Tu.); garpelu scooping, burrowing (Tu.); kappu kheddah (Tu.); garpu to dig (Kor.); ka_vu pit, well (?Te.)(DEDR 1223). ga_b, ga_p rubble for filling in a wall, strong foundation stone of a wall (N.); ga_br.i_ filling of a hole (G.); ga_bd.e~ patch for a hole (M.); gamba mud building (S.)(CDIAL 4023). Grain-pit: kha~wa_r.a_ large pit for storing grain in (H.); kha~wa_, khau~ pit for storing grain in (H.)(CDIAL 3656). X ks.am earth (RV.)(CDIAL 3656). khamburu hollow left in a heap of grain when some is removed (K.); khama_ long pit, hole in the earth (Or.); khamia_ small hole (Or.); kha~_bar.o hole (Marw.); kha~_bhu~ pit for sweepings and manure (G.)(CDIAL 13639). kha_ma_r barn (B.); khama_ra barn, granary (Or.)(CDIAL 13641).

2198.Myrrh: go_pa myrrh (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) go_pa-rasa gum myrrh; go_paka myrrh (Skt.lex.) go_vandani a plant bearing a fragrant seed; priyan:gu (Skt.Ka.); cf. gundre the fragrant grass cyperus rotundus; a medicinal plant and perfume, commonly called priyan:gu (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) go_pura the fragrant grass cyperus rotundus (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) go_pa_dapa the svarga tree (Ka.lex.) ko_pa_la-va_rn-icu < copal + varnish (English) spirit-varnish prepared by mixing hot alcohol with 6 parts of piney dammar and one part of camphor (Ta.lex.) go_pa-ravam saffron; go_-s'i_rs.a a kind of sandal (Skt.lex.) go_pi the plant ichnocarpus frutescens (Skt.Ka.); go_pi = go_pi_candana (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ko_ sap, juice (Tailava.)(Ta.lex.) ko_pi Indian sarsaparilla, nan-n-a_ri (Tailava. Taila. 56)(Ta.lex.) ko_pi-cantan-am < go_pi_candana (M.) yellowish earth used by certain devotees of Vis.n.u for upright sectarian marks (ta_marait tiruman.iyu meyk ko_pi cantan-amum : Pirapo_ta. 10,13); ko_vi-cantan-am id. (Ce_tupu. Ce_tupala. 128); ko_ppi, ko_pi id.; ko_pi ko_pina_mam (Pirapo_ta. 6,31)(Ta.lex.) ko_vita_ram < ko_vida_ra holy mountain ebony, ka_t.t.atti (Malai.); ko_van.i common mountain ebony, a_tti (Ta.); prob. go_-parn.i_ (Skt.)21(Ta.lex.) Ichnocarpus frutescens: sariva (Skt.); kalidudhi (H.); siamalata (H.); dudhi, shyamalata (B.); illukkatti (Te.); udargodi (Ta.); palvalli (Ma.); root: properties similar to hemedesmus indicus; alterative, tonic, substitute for sarsaparilla; decoction of leaves and stalks: in fever (GIMP, p.139). Hemidesmus indicus: ananta (Skt.); magrabu (H.); anantamul (B.M.); uparsara (M.); nannari (Ta.Ma.); gadisugandhi (Te.); roots: used as substitute for sarsaparilla, demulcent, alterative, diaphoretic, diuretic, tonic, in loss of appetite, as blood purifier, in syphilis, rheumatism; habitat: upper Gangetic plain, eastwards to Bengal and the Sunderbans, and from the Madhya Pradesh to S. India (GIMP, p.132).

2199.Image: manger: gobhan. rack for fodder, pasture-land (G.); gavha_n., gohan. rack for fodder (M.)(CDIAL 4100). gava_dani grazing ground (Pa_n.. gan.a); trough for holding fodder; gava_dana id. (Skt.); gama_n. pasture-land, fodder-rack (G.)(CDIAL 4099).

2200.Image: to stretch neck: cf. go_pka to stretch the neck in order to observe something (Kui)(DEDR 2180).

2201.Image: bubble: kuval.a, kumal.a, kumil.a bubble (Ma.); koppul. bubble, pustule; kumal.ekka to bubble up (Ma.); kuppal.isu to blister; gebbe bubble (Ka.); gobbuli id. (Tu.); koppal.am, koppul., koppul.am bubble, pustule, blister; koppal.i, koppul.i to blister, rise in bubbles (as water), puff out the cheeks and blow; koppu_r.. pustule, blister; kumir.. to be spherical or conical, form into bubble; kumir..ppu bubbling up; kumir..i bubble; to bubble, rise in bubbles or pustules (Ta.)(DEDR 2106).

2202.Harlot: kuma_ harlot; concubine of Mehtar (Kho.); kumbha_ harlot; kumbhika catamite (Sus'r.); xumba id. (Av.); pa_tar harlot (P.N.H.G. cf. semant. kumbha- pot; pa_tra- pot); kumbha_- is hypochoristic for kumbhada_si_ harlot (Skt.)(CDIAL 3315).

2203.Imge: fish: kumpal.a-mo_cu tunny-fish cut and dried, brought from the Maldives (J.); kumpal.a_ < kumbhala_ black rock-cod, silvery-grey, attaining 30 in. in length, sparus berda (W.)(Ta.lex.) Image: shark: kompan-cur-a_ hammer-headed shark, deep grey, attaining 7 ft. in length, sygaena blochii (M.M. 850); kompu-k-kel.ir-u a fresh-water fish, bluish-laden, attaining 6 ft. in length, macrones aor (Ta.); kompan--kel.utti id.; kampu-k-kel.utti id. (Ta.lex.) Image: eel: gom generic name for several poisonous snakes (A.); gumu_ni female of a certain poisonous snake (A.); goman, gohaman, goban, gomani a partic. kind of snake (N.)(CDIAL 4307). kommire-pa_mu a sort of eel (Te.); kumre an eel-like fish (Nk.); kumr.a mi_n kind of fish called in Hi. ba_m (eel)(Pa.)(DEDR 1759). Snake: go_nasa a kind of large snake (Sus'r.); go_na_sa (Skt.); go_nasa_ snout of a cow; go_na_sa_ id. (MBh.); go_n.asa a kind of snake (Pkt.); go_na_s, gona_c snake (Pas'.); gosn.a_ (Psht.); gunas a short thick poisonous snake (K.); gun.s, gun.a_ a kind of cobra (WPah.); gun.so a grass snake (Ku.); gonas a large kind of snake (H.); ghan.as, ghan.sa_ a kind of boa constrictor (M.)(CDIAL 4288).

2204.Image: crocodile: kumbhi_ra long-nosed alligator, crocodile (MBh.Or.); kumbhi_la Gangetic crocodile (Pali); crocodile, long-nosed alligator (Skt.); kum.bhi_la alligator (Pkt.); kubir crocodile (N.); kumbhi_r alligator, crocodile (A.B.); kumi_r id. (B.); kimbhi_ra, kumbhi_l.a crocodile (Or.); kumbhi_ria_ infested by crocodiles (Or.); kumhi_r long-nosed alligator (H.); ku~bhi_r (M.); kimbula_ crocodile (Si.)(CDIAL 3317). Image: crocodile: kumbhin a crocodile; kumbhi_ra a shark; kumbhi_la a crocodile (Skt.lex.) kumbhi_ra crocodile (Ka.lex.) kimburi spout shaped like the mouth of a shark (Ta.lex.)

2205.Chameleon: ko_mpi chameleon, chamoeles vulgaris; bloodsucker, lacerta cristata (Ta.); go_sumbe chameleon, gecko (Ka.)(DEDR 2223). go_ha_ iguana (Pkt.); go_ lizard (Pas'.); go_wo, gho_wa (Gaw.); goha iguana (S.); go_h, goh (L.); goh (P.); go_ chameleon; go_h a long insect with two horns in front and able to contract itself (WPah.); go-sap iguana (B.); goh (H.); gho (G.); goya_ (Si.); gogikilo lizard (Gaw.); go_hia_ iguana, a kind of water-animal (Pkt.); go_he_ra an animal like a snake (Pkt.); gohi_ro a kind of lizard (S.); gohi_ra_, guhi_ra_, guhi_r.a_ male iguana (L.); gohro iguana (N.); guhera_ a venomous lizard (H.); ghorpad. iguana (M.)(CDIAL 4286).

2206.A lute: kin-n-arar; cf. kin-n-aram a kind of lute (Tiv. Periya_r... 3,6,5); hence, perh. choristers (Ta.lex.)

2207.Celestial lyrists: kimpurut.ar celestial lyrists, supposed to have the form of a horse and the head of a man (Cilap. 5,176, Urai.); cf. kimpurut.a-varut.am land between e_maku_t.am and ima_calam, one of nava-varut.am (Kantapu. An.t.ako_. 37); hence, perh. inhabitants of this land between the two mountains (Ta.lex.)

2208.A division of the earth: kimpurut.avarut.am one of nine divisions of the earth; land between e_maku_t.am and ima_calam, one of nava-varut.am (Kantapu. An.t.ako_. 37); cf. kimpurus.ah. a mythical being with a human head and the form of a horse (Skt.lex.); kimpurut.ar id. (Cilap. 5,176, Urai.)(Ta.lex.)

2209.Mud, mire; rot, ferment: kumpi mud, mire (Ta.); gummi mire, deep mud (Te.) (DEDR 1748). kumbu rottenness; rotten, decayed (Tu.); decay (of dry trees or bamboos)(Ka.); kumbi dry rot, rust (Kod..)(DEDR 1753). khobeti to ferment; antokhobha fermentation (Pali.lex.) sab- (-it-) to rot and produce an offensive smell (as cooked rice etc.)(Kond.a); hab- (hapt-) to go bad (Pe.); hab- to decay (Mand.a); hap- to be rotten; jabbar ganda_ bad smell (Kuwi); ca~_wa~_rna_ to get an unpleasant taste (Kur.); sav-, sowwa_na_, savva_na_, sauva_na_, sova_na_, hav-, av- to be rotten, go bad (food, eggs)(Go.); sam- to be rotten (Nk.); cam- to go bad, become rotten; camip- (camit-) to make to go rotten (Pa.); sam- to become rotten; cammi cen- to rot (as fruit); savur rheum of the eyes (Ga.); avi (-v-, -nt-) to ferment (as decayed fruit, vegetable matter, manure heaps); avical that which is decayed (Ta.); aviyuka to rot, spoil (as fruits laid on a heap); avikka, amikka to produce rotting (as of fruits for distillation)(Ma.); avi to rot, be spoiled, damaged (Ka.); aviyu to rot (Te.)(DEDR 2341). cf. cangro rotten (Malt.)(DEDR 2424). cf. savipuni to abrade (Tu.); same, save, savi to be destroyed, be consumed, be abraded (Ka.)(DEDR 2343). avi (-v-, -nt-) to become repressed, subdued, cease, desist from action, become extinguished, fail, diminish, perish; (-pp-, -tt-) to suppress, repress, subdue, extinguish, destroy; avivu extinction, annihilation; navi (-pp-, -tt-), navir.. (-pp-, -tt-) to extinguish (Ta.); avikka, amikka to destroy (Ma.); ofy- (ofs-) to calm down, cease talking (To.); avi to go out, be extinguished, perish (Ka.); aviyu to be destroyed (Te.); aviya_na_ to be tired; avka_na_ to tire; ayv- to be tired, exhausted (Go.); namb- (fire) to cool down, (lamp) to be put out; nap- to extinguish (Kond.a)(DEDR 267).

2210.Large rice-field; deep, valley: kumburu deep (Si.)[with k- from Ta. Wilhelm Geiger, A Grammar of the Sinhalese Language, Colombo, 1938: 43, rice-field; cf. ka_mbiru epithet of a partic. kind of rice (S.)(CDIAL 3047); kumpa_l.ai a paddy growing solely with the help of rain (G.Tj.D.95)(Ta.lex.)]; gambhi_ra deep (RV.Pali); gam.bhi_ra deep (Pkt.); gam.bhi_ria depth (Pkt.); Gambi_r name of a valley and village in Tregam; Gambi_la name of a river in Bannu (Wg.)[cf. kumariya_r-u the Kumari river mentioned in Tamil literature as having once been the southern boundary of the Tamil land, and afterwards submerged in the Indian ocean (Tol. Po. 649, Urai); kumari a river (Tol. Pa_yi.); sacred waters at Cape Comorin (Man.i. 13,7)(Ta.lex.)]; ga~bhi_ru sedate (S.); gam.bhi_ra_ deep (OAw.); ghami_ra (OMarw.); ga~bhi_r deep (of water)(M.); gamburu deep (Si.); gambura depth (Si.)(CDIAL 4031). gambhan depth (VS.); gamba_ deep (Pas'.); gabu_n foot of mountain, bottom, tree-trunk (Sh.)(CDIAL 4029). Pit: kur..umpu pit (Ta.); kur..i pit, hollow (Ka.); gurumbe anything hollow (Tu.); kur.ub pit (Pa.); hole in the ground (Ga.); kor.i ditch (Go.); gumme a deep pond (Ka.); guri, gul.i hole, pit (Tu.); gurmpe, gurmbe pond, pool, puddle (Tu.); gurumpe puddle, temporary reservoir in a dry field; gurumpu a low-lying place where water accumulates (Tu.); groyyi, goyyi pit; groyyu to be formed into a hole or pit; groccu, kr.occu, kroccu to dig; kukki pit, hollow (Te.); kur.ub hole in the ground, pit; gummi pit (Ga.); kor.i ditch, hole, grave (Go.); gumiya pit (Go.); kur.k to make pits; gumi pit (Kond.a); kr.oy pit, hole, ditch (Pe.); kr.ay id. (Mand..); gumi pit, hole in river (Kond.a); kro_d.u (pl. kro_t.ka) tube, quiver; kr.a_u (pl. kr.a_nga) hole, pit, cave; kru_pa pool, spring, place for washing clothes (Kui); graiyu_ (pl. gra_nga) hole; gla_yu a well (Kuwi); gr.a_yu hole, pit (Kuwi); xurrum grainpit (Br.)(DEDR 1818). gumbu, gumpu depth, profundity, secrecy (Ka.); gumpu secret, concealed (Tu.)(DEDR 1669). Large rice-field: gahi_ra large rice-field, deep, a deep place (Or.); deep (Pkt.); gaira (Or.); gahra_ rich of soil (Bi.); gabhi_ra deep, solemn (RV.); deep (Pali); gahira_ muddy, deep-coloured, dark (P.); gair glen (Ku.); gairo deep (Ku.N.); valley (N.); ge_r mountain slope (Ku.); gahir, gaira_, ghaira_ deep, a hollow (B.); gahir. deep (Mth.); gahir (Bhoj.Aw.); gahira_, gahra_ deep (H.); gaharau deep, important (OMarw.); gahira_ deep (of water, colour, sleep)(M.); gahara cave, jungle (Pkt.); gahin deep, a hollow (B.)(CDIAL 4024). S.Bi.H. forms with gah(a)r- prob. < gahi_r- rather than < gabhara- (cf. gambhara-) in Pkt. gahara- cave, jungle (CDIAL 4024). gahvara deep, impenetrable (TS.); aghoru deep (S.)(CDIAL 4108). gahana deep, dense (MBh.); thick jungle (S'Br.); dense (Pali); thick jungle (Pali); dense forest (Or.)(CDIAL 4107). Cave, deep valley: kevi deep valley, cave (Ta.); gavi cave; cave, hole, cell (Tu.); cavern (Te.); gambu cave of wild animals (Ka.)(DEDR 1332).

2211.Collyrium: kap black dot (soot between eyes or on temples, or tattooed on woman's chin)(To.); karpu, kappu blackness, collyrium (Ka.); karpari_ collyrium (Skt.); ku to grow black, darken (Ta.)(DEDR 1395). Hair-dye: kappu fastness of colour of the dye used for dyeing cloth (Ta.Te.); a kind of red tint (G.Tj.D. i,121); hair-dye (Ta.lex.) Night: kappu darkness, blackness; kappiri duskiness, partial darkness (Te.); kap- (-t-) (clouds) to overcast the sky (Kond.a); kammu (kammi-) to be overcast, dark (Ta.); kammal cloudiness, haziness (Ta.)(DEDR 1221). ks.apa, ks.ap night (RV.); khava_ (Pkt.); cu_, cuai last night (Ash.); sh night (Kt.); chui (Kho.)(CDIAL 3652). ka_val.a, ka_vul.a, ga_val.a darkness (Ka.); ka_viri blackness (Te.)(DEDR 1489). cf. karukkal twilight, dusk (Ma.); darkness, twilight, cloudiness (Ta.); karikkal twilight, dusk (Ma.); karukkuka to be dusk (Ma.); karuku to become dark in evening (Ta.); kan.n.al darkness (Ma.); kagutm darkness (Ko.); kaga.r-f darkness (To.); karipu blackness (Ka.); ganga darkness, mist (Go.); katal, katalg darkness (Ko.); kas'tal, katal id. (To.); kartale, kar..tale, kattale, kattala, kattal, kastale id.; kattalisu to become or be dark (Ka.); kattale, kartale darkness; kattal(i)yuni to get dark, set (as the sun) (Tu.); kartale darkness (Kor.); ka_r darkness (Ta.Ma.Ka.); ka_ru, ka_ri dark (Tu.)(DEDR 1278).

2212.Flinging; casting: cimmu to discharge by means of two fingers, shoot with the finger, push forward by means of the foot or a stick, cast, fling, push away, butt or toss with the horns, squirt, sputter; break forth, flow forth, burst forth, gush out; brandish a weapon, shake, swing; cimmisu to cause oneself to spring out, gush forth; come forth suddenly; shake, swing; cimaku, cimiku, cimuku, civuku, cimakisu, cimikisu, cimukisu, civukisu to sprinkle; simpin.i sprinkling; simpisu, simpad.isu, simbad.isu, simmad.isu to sprinkle, besprinkle; cigi to discharge with or from the fingers (Ka.); cimki to splash; cimci to sprinkle (Kor.); cimmu to throw, cast, fling, toss, spurt, squirt, thrust, butt as with the horns; n. a spurt, thrust, butt; cimmud.u throwing, flinging, casting; cippil(l)u to gush, flow, overflow, well forth, rise; cimmanamu spurting, squirting (Te.); simpai, sippai to sprinkle (Pkt.); s'i~pn.e~ (M.)(DEDR 2548). To gush: kumur-u (kumur-i-) to gush out, as milk from the breast (Ta.); kummarincu to pour out; kummaril(l)u to flow out, gush out; gumma one spirt, jet or gush (of milk from the teat of a cow, etc.)(Te.)(DEDR 1745). Blink; wink: icimik blink (Bshk.)(CDIAL 4822). imai to wink, glitter, twinkle, shine; n. eyelid, winking of the eye, time spent in winking; cimir.. to wink., blink; cimit.t.u to wink, blink; to make a signal with the eyes; n. blinking of the eyes, significant wink (Ta.); cimil.i to wink; nimai to wink; n. eyelid (Ta.); ima eyelash; imekka to blink, twinkle; cima eyelash; cimpuka, cimmuka, cimpuka to twinkle with the eyes (Ma.); ime, eme, eve eyelash, eyelid; kenjeme eyelid; cimut.u, civat.u, civut.u to twinkle or wink with the eyes (Ka.); cimm to twinkle (Kod..) cimm blinking of the eyes (Kod..); ime, sime, simme eyelash (Tu.); cimut.u to wink (Te.); s'mi_l to wink, twinkle (Skt.)(DEDR 2545). cim closing the eyes (N.); cimlanu to blink (N.)(CDIAL 4822). Sparkle; startle; glitter; glare: camatka_ra, camatkr.ti surprise (Skt.); cmak winking (Orm.); camakka surprise; camakke_i startles (Pkt.); cau~kna_ to be startled (P.); cau~ka_ to glitter (B.); cahan:kiba_ to glitter, be startled (Or.) caum.kai to be startled (OAw.); cau~kna_, cau~k sudden start (H.); camaka glittering; cimko glitter (S.); camakn.a_ to shine (P.); camakn.o to shine, be mad (Ku.); camak gleam; camkanu to shine, be startled, be insolent (N.); samakiba to be startled (A.); camak flash; camka_na to glitter, be startled (B.); camakiba_ (Or.); camak glitter (Mth.); camakab to sparkle (Mth.); camakai (OAw.); camakna_ to glitter, be startled (H.); camakvu~ (G.); camakn.e~ to glitter (H.); camcam glare (N.); camcama_na_ to glare (H.); camcam burning (G.); camcama_t. dazzle (M.); camka_r, camka_ra_ flash (P.)(CDIAL 4676). Flash: jhamjham glittering (P.); jhamjhama_na_ to sparkle (H.); jhamakn.a_ to glitter (P.); jhamkanu (N.); jhamakiba_ to flash (Or.); jhamakna_ to glitter (H.); jhamaka_li_yo shining (OMarw.); jhamakn.e~ to glitter (M.)(CDIAL 5341). Jingle; tingle: chamacchamita crackling (Ma_rkP.); chamakn.a_ to fry (P.); chamchamnu to tinkle (N.); chamkanu to sprinkle, flash, be insolent (N.); chamcham startling (B.); chamchama_na_ to tinkle (H.); chamcham jingling, simmering; chamakvu~ to jingle, walk with airs (G.); samsam harassing care (M.)(CDIAL 4997). jhamjhama_unu to tingle (N.); zamzama_iba to cause a burning sensation (A.); jhamjham jingling (B.); with a jingle, with a burning sensation (G.); with a jingle (M.); jhamka_ clanging (H.); jhamak rhyme; jhamka_r tingling, tinkling (G.)(CDIAL 5342). jamkanu to look bright (N.); jamak brilliance (B.H.); jamaka_ to be bright, flourish (B.); jamakna_ to be bright (H.)(CDIAL 5140).

2213.Hunting axe: kapi hunting axe (Munda); kepi battle axe (Santali); ka-pak axe (Sakai). kapi a hunting axe with or without its handle; hr.kapi the smallest kind with an edge straight in the middle and corners horned backwards; karakond.e a triangular-bladed axe with straight edge (Pl.III,4); tabala an uncommon kind of karakond.e (Pl.iii,5); ombakapi an axe with concave edge and corners generally pointing forwards; pharsi an uncommon kind of ombakapi (Pl.IV,1); burukapi the most common axe with a convex edge or with an edge angularly protruding (Pl. III,6); gand.as the largest kind of axe (Pl.IV,2)(Mu.lex.)

2214.Periodical supply of merchandise: ke_pu the periodical supply of merchandise (Ka.); khe_pa (M.)(Ka.lex.) khe_pu a single time, a turn (Ka.); khe_pa (M.H.) (Ka.lex.)

2215.Boat: kumbha a very small boat (Jain.Skt.) Captain: kopit, kopita_ captain (Kon.lex.) Guard-ship: ka_var--kappal guard-ship, reconnoitering vessel (W.) (Ta.lex.) cf. kappal ship, sailing vessel (Ta.); ship (Ma.); kopol boat (To.); kappalu ship (Tu.); kappali id. (Te.)(DEDR 1219).

2216.Boat: cf. kopol boat (To.)(DEDR 1219). {The -v in ke_vat.t.a fisherman (Pkt.) may be related to the following etyma elaborating the rowing and casting or throwing of nets; and freight:} kheva_ boat man (P.); khe_vaya one who throws (Pkt.); ks.e_paka helmsman (Skt.)(CDIAL 3739). chip a swift boat (B.)(CDIAL 3688). cupi a rudder (Santali.lex.) Cargo on boat: kheva_ cargo on a boat, trip (P.); rowing (OAw.); khe~v, khe~va_ rowing (M.); khe_pa throwing (Pali); ks.e_pa clap (of wings)(R.); khew journey (ku.); khewa_ journey to and fro, trading trip (N.); khewa_ ferry fare (B.); (CDIAL 3738). khepa cargo, consignment (S.); boat load, one turn (Or.); khep load, trip (P.); trading expedition (A.); load, journey to and fro, a time (H.); washing given at one time, journey to and fro, fee for journey (G.); trip, time, occasion (M.); khe_p weight of luggage to be carried at one time, trip, journey (Mth.)(CDIAL 3742). Register: ke_l.vi-vari register of royal commands (T.A.S. i,165)(Ta.lex.) Sea freight: ke_l.vu charge for transporting goods by sea; freight (J.); ke_vu id. (Ta.Te.Ma.Tu.); ke_r..vu freight (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) khewa_ (U.)(Ta.lex.) cf. ke_ve_t.an- fisherman (Tiruva_ca. 2,17); cf. kaivarta (Skt.lex.)

2217.Casting net: khepa_ jump, casting net (Or.); khep casting net (Bi.); washing given at one time (G.); khapiya_r casting net (Mth.)(CDIAL 3743). Act of casting a net; wound thread; twine tightly; throw a shuttle: kheo act of casting and drawing a net or of throwing a shuttle, amount of thread thrown at one time (A.); khe, khei wound thread (B.)(CDIAL 3738). Shuttle in a loom: kaparni_ shuttle in a loom (Mth.)[? hapology from modern compound: kaparbini_ (Bi.)](CDIAL 2875). khipunu to sew with close stitches, twine (cord) tightly, to throw (cowries) carefully (N.); sipa to break, cut (Ash.)(CDIAL 3687)}. Made of cotton: ka_pa_sa made of cotton (A's'vS'r.);[?a compound of kheo throwing a shuttle + paci- cotton (Ta.)(DEDR 3836); cf. kore clothes (Ka.); ku_ra a set of cloths, thick cloth (Ma.); ku_rai cloth, clothes (Ta.)(DEDR 1925)]; kupa_ha_ id. (P.); ka_rpa_sika made of cotton (MBh.); kappa_sika id. (Pa.); ka_pa_hi_ (S.); kapa_si_ id., downy, light green (H.)(CDIAL 3072-3)[CDIAL 7688: pa~ji- ball of cotton (Skt.); pa~_zi wisp of cotton, roll of cotton or thread (A.); pa~_ij wisp, roll (esp. of cotton)(B.)]

2218.Straw: xami_ spear-grass (used for thatching houses, feeding cattle etc.)(Kur.); qami thatching straw (Malt.)(DEDR 1232). cf. kampu bulrush millet (Ta.)(DEDR 1242).

2219.Image: Adam's apple: go_ma_l.e, go_mala_l.i the Adam's apple (Ka.lex.)

2220.Pasture: go_ma_l.a a public pasture-ground (Ka.lex.)

2221.Forest cultivation: kume_ru a waste land cleared for cultivation (Tu.); kumari cultivation in hills (Ta.); kumari, kummari a piece of ground in a jungle, on which the trees are cut down and burned, whereafter it is cultivated for one or two years only; kumme_ri forest cultivation (Ka.)(DEDR 1740). kumarimu_ttal to be wasted, to lie fruitless (Man.i. 14,77); kumariruttal to pass away unused; to be wasted (I_t.u, 2,8,1)(Ta.lex.) kumar impregnability, unsullied condition (Pa_rata. Intirap. 32); kumari-p-pat.ai invincible army (Pur-ana_. 294); kumaraka-c-ca_n.am < kumara-gadiya_n.aka an ancient tax (S.I.I. iii,115); kumari a river (Tol. Pa_yi.); Cape Comorin; sacred waters at Cape Comorin (Man.i. 13,7); kumari-k-ko_t.u a mountain or banks of a river said to have existed near Kumari (Cilap. 11,20); kumpa_l.ai a paddy growing solely with the help of rain (G.Tj.D. 95); kumari-kan.t.am India, one of nava-kan.t.am, as bearing the name of Kumari, Bharata's daughter (Kantapu. An.t.ako_. 47)(Ta.lex.) cf. me_ru a fabulous mountain in Himalaya (MBh.); me_r mountain (Kho.); Teri_c (or Tiri_c) Me_r name of a mountain in Chitral (Kho.)(CDIAL 10330). me_ruve pyramid, pile, high top (Ka.); meruve, merve an ornamental post near a gurji (Ka.); me_ruvu pyramid, cone (Te.)(DEDR 5094).

2222.Image: betel leaf: kamme_ra_ku (Te.); kamma_r-ver-r-ilai a kind of betel-leaf which is dark-coloured and pungent (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

2223.Ear-ring: kammal ear-ring worn by women in ear-lobe (Ta.); woman's ear-ornament; kammalu ear-ring (Ma.); kamma a kind of large drop ear-ring worn by women; kammi nose-ring (Te.); kamma women's ear-stud (Kol.); kami nose-ring (Ga.); ear-ring (Kond.a); ad.i-kommu nose-ring; karsaka_mi ear-ring (worn by males only)(Kuwi)(DEDR 1245). kanaili_ stud worn in the cartilage of the ear (Bi.)(CDIAL 2835). kan.e ear-ring (Wg.)(CDIAL 2831). kanausi_ a ring in the ear worn by men and boys (Bi.)(CDIAL 2839).

2224.Rope: kampa cable, strong rope (Ma.); kamba strong rope (Si.); kampa_kam, kampa_n- ship's cable (Ta.)(DEDR 1240).

2225.Mushroom: ku_ku mushroom (Kol.); kuku-mugr.al mushrooms (Nk.); ku_ki (pl. ku_kul) mushroom (Pa.); kukun (pl. kukul) id. (Ga.); kukun.d.aka mushroom (Skt.)(DEDR 1875). ku_n, ku_n.u mushroom (Ma.); ki.n id. (Ko.); kyu.n id. (To.); ku_nu id. (Ka.); gu_nu id. (Tu.); ku_nji (pl. ku_hku) id. (Go.); ku_hk (sg. and pl.) mushroom(s)(Go.); ku_nd mushroom (Kond.a); pl. ku_tku id. (Pe.); gu_nd (pl. gu_tke)(Mand..); ku_ndu (pl. ku_tka) id. (Kui.Kuwi)(DEDR 1893). ks.umpa toadstool, mushroom (RV.Nir.); khum.pa_ cover made of grass to keep off rain (umbrella-shaped?)(Pkt.); khumbhi_ mushroom (S.); khumbh, khumbi_, khumbhi_ (L.); khumb, khu~b, khu~bh (P.); khu~pr.o large screen for keeping rain off (G.); phun:gi_ mushroom (S.)(CDIAL 3724). kumir.. mushroom (Ma.)(DEDR 1743).

2226.Image: breast: kommai breast, chest; breast of a youthful woman (Paripa_. 22,30)(Ta.lex.)

2227.Images: to tread; to pound in a mortar: kumai-t-tal to tread down, tread out into a mash (Te_va_. 44,6); to beat or pound in a mortar (Ta.); kume id. (Ma.); kummutal to pound in a mortar gently (Ta.); kummu id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Image: to pound in a mortar: kummu (kummi-) to pound in a mortar gently, knead (also kumukku) to beat with fists, pommel; kumi (-pp-, -tt-) to overpound (as rice); kumai (-pp-, -tt-) to beat or pound in a mortar; n. blow, stroke (Ta.); kummu to beat in a mortar or gently; kuma bruising, beating; kumekka to beat, bruise (Ma.); kum- (kumy-) to pestle (grain) with slow strokes to remove husks (Ko.To.); kummu to beat with a pestle, pound; n. pounding, a beat with a pestle; kummasu, kummisu to cause to pound (Ka.); ku_mpuni to peck, strike with the beak (Tu.); kummu to mix or beat mud, chunam or any other thing with a pestle or the feet (Te.); guppu to pound heavily with pestle (Te.); kuruma_na_ (kurmsi_) to grind or pound grain in a mortar (Go.)(DEDR 1850). kumma_yam lime, mortar (Ta.); lime, chunam (Ma.); kuma_ya, kumma_ya lime, mortar (Tu.)(DEDR 1755).

2228.Step, series: krama step, series (AV.); krame_n.a by degrees (R.); kama step, way; kame_na in succession (Pali); kama foot, series (Pkt.); -krem in: oi~n-krem and u~_-krem upper and lower (teeth)(Wg.); karo, karu_ pace, a man's pace; karo karo at each pace (P.); kema, kama row, succession; kemen by degrees (Si.); kram step (Skt.)(CDIAL 3577). Threshing: kraman.a stepping (RV.); stepping on (S'a_n:khGr..); kamana (Pali); kaman.a (Pkt.); kimmik threshing (Pr.)(CDIAL 3578). kramate_ steps (MBh.); kra_mati (RV.); kamati walks (Pali); kamai (Pkt.); kram to thresh (Kt.); kime (Pr.); kromik (Kho.)(CDIAL 3579). kramkram threshing floor (Kt.); kemkem (Pr.)(CDIAL 3580). kiramam order, propriety, rule, method, regularity, sequence (Te_va_. 1153,8); proper course of action, good conduct, strict observance of religious or moral rules (Uttarara_. Campuvan-. 29); kirame_n.a in regular course (Civacama. 39)(Ta.lex.)

2229.Image: penis: kumbi penis (Tu.); kumpi id. (Ma.)(DEDR 1749). Man's loin-cloth: ko_man.am, ko_van.am man's loincloth: tun-n-ampey ko_van.am (Tiruva_ca. 12,2); ko_van.an- lit. one with a loincloth, S'iva (Ta.lex.) Pudenda: ko_van.am, ko_n.am cloth worn over the privities (Ma.); kwi.n. perineal cloth (To.); ko_van.a small piece of cloth worn over the privities, the pudenda (Ka.); id. (Tu.); ko_man.a id. (Tu.); go_van.amu, go_n.amu, go_n.a_mu strip of cloth worn over the privities (Te.); kaupi_na small piece of cloth worn over the privities by poor persons, the pudenda (Skt.); kopi_na pudenda (Pali)(DEDR App.34). Diaper: ka_p small piece of cloth covering the privities (Pa.); ka_pa diaper (Kui)(DEDR 1452).

2230.Made of flax, linen: khun~a_ a coarse sort of silk (MB.); khu~ye id. (B.); komu fine cloth of goat's hair (Si.); ks.auma linen cloth (Ka_tyS'r.); kho_ma made of flax, n. linen cloth or garment (Pali); kho_ma, kho_maga made of flax, n. linen or cotton or silk cloth (Pkt.); kho_miya made of flax or cotton or silk (Pkt.); ks.auma prepared from linseed (Sus'r.); made of linen (La_t.y.); linseed (Sus'r.); ks.aumika made of linen (Skt.)(CDIAL 3755).

2231.Aloe indica: kanya_ or kuma_ri_ or ghr.ta kuma_ri_ aloe indica (Skt.); kanya_ (Skt.); ghikuma_ri (H.); aloes are also called mushabbar (B.)(Sanskrit Materia Medica, p.260). kuma_ri_ aloe perfoliata (Skt.); kuma_rika_ capparis trifoliata (Skt.); kuma_ri_, kum.a_ri_ a partic. kind of plant (Pkt.); ku~a_r-bu_t.i_ aloe perfoliata (S.); kua_r, kava_r (P.); ka~wa_ri_ a partic. kind of plant (N.); ku~wa_r aloe perfoliata (H.); ku~va_r, ku~ver (G.); ku~va_r-ka~_d.e~, ku~va_ri_ (M.)(CDIAL 3304). Aloe indica = aloe barbadensis: ghrita kumari (Skt.B.); ghi kanvar (H.); chirukattali (Ta.); kattalai (Ta.); chinna-kata banda (Te.); kumari (Ma.); used in piles and rectal fissure; root is used in colic (GIMP, p.13). cf. elu_a_, elwa_ aloe perfoliata (P.)(CDIAL 2523).

2232.Myrica nagi: kat.phala (S.); kaiphal (H.P.B.M.); marutam (Ta.); kaidaryamu (Te.); maruta (Ma.); bark: astringent, carminative, antiseptic, useful in fever, asthma, cough; powdered and used as snuff in catarrh with headache; mixed with ginger used as a rubifacient application in cholera; habitat: subtropical Himalayas from the Ravi eastwards at 3,000 to 6,000 ft., Khasia Hills and Sylhet (GIMP, p.172). kat.palam < kat.phala teak, tectona grandis (Malai.)(Ta.lex.) s'ri_pis.t.a the resin of the pine tree, turpentine, dhu_pa; s'ri_parn.a the tree premna spinosa or longifolia; s'ri_va_sa the resin of pinus longifolia, turpentine (Ka.lex.) kat.palam belleric myrobalan, ta_n-r-i (Ta.); prob. kars.aphala (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) kat.phala the medicinal shrub s'ri_parn.ike (Ka.lex.) Myrica rubra, morella rubra: Synonyms: box myrtle, bay berry, Chinese strawberry; it is an evergreen tree growing up to 20 meters in height... the flowers are minute and without perianth... a commonly cultivated tree in China and Japan... the bark is aromatic and astringent. A decoction of the bark is valuable in asthma, diarrhoea ... An oil prepared from the bark is dropped into the ears in earache... The powder of the bark is recommended as a snuff in catarrh with headache, and, combined with ginger, as a stimulant application in cholera. With cinnamon it is prescribed for a chronic cough, fever and piles. With vinegar it is applied to strengthen the gums. The bark is chewed to relieve toothaches... The fruit, when boiled, yields a kind of wax called myrtle wax which is used as a healing application for ulcers. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp. 221-222).

2233.Careya arborea: kumbhi a wild tree with big white flowers and big fruits and fibrous bark for ropes (Or.); ku~_bh, kumbi, khumbi, kumri, gumar the tree careya arborea (H.); khu~bha_, khu~bhi_ a wild tree with thick leaves and bark used for making ropes (M.)(CDIAL 3309). kumir.. coomb teak, small cashmere tree; ku_mpal coomb teak, gmelina arborea (Ta.); gummur mara_ careya arborea (Pa.); kumuda_ g. arborea (Skt.)(DEDR 1742). uka-maram careya arborea (Ma.); ogani, uguni, go_n.i, go_nu careya arborea or salvadora persica (Ka.); uvva dillenia speciosa (Te.); uka_, uva_ dillenia indica (Ta.)(DEDR 560). ka_rs.marya the tree gmelina arborea (TS.); khama_ro (N.); kambha_ri_ (H.)(CDIAL 3082). cf. pi_lu careya arborea or salvadora persica (Skt.)(CDIAL 8239). cf. ko_n.i sacks made of jute fibre (Ta.)(DEDR App.33). kumbir. careya arborea (Santali.lex.) Careya arborea: kumbhi (Skt.H.B.); ayma (Ta.); araya (Te.); alam (Ma.); bark and fruit: astringent, demulcent; flowers and juice of fresh bark: given with honey as demulcent in coughs and colds; bark: used as antipyretic, antipruritic in eruptive fevers, particularly in small-pox and in snake-bite; root, bark and leaves: fish poison; habitat: sub-Himalayan tract, Bengal, central and western and southern India (GIMP, p.51). kasmar gmelina arborea (Santali.lex.) gambhar, gmelina arborea, khambhari_, s'ri_parn.i_; ka_s'marya gmelina arborea (Car. Su. 4.24,38,41). Gmelina arborea: gumbhari (Skt.); gamari, khambari (H.); gamari (B.); shewun (M.); gumhar (P.); kattanam (Ta.); gummadi (Te.): juice and leaves: demulcent, used in gonorrhea, cough and to remove foetid discharges and worms from ulcers; plant: used in snake-bite and scorpion-sting; throughout India (GIMP, p.126). Gmelina asiatica: gopabhadra (Skt.); badhara (H.P.); lahan-shivan (M.); kumulamaram (Ma.); nilakkumil (Ta.); cherunelli (Te.); root: demulcent, alterative, astringent, aromatic, used for rheumatism, gonorrhea and catarrh of the bladder; habitat: northern circars, east Deccan and Carnatic (GIMP, p.126). Coomb teak: cf. ku_mpal coomb teak, gmelina arborea (Ta.); kumuda (Skt.)(DEDR 1742). kumbhi the plant kat.phala, a small tree found in the north-east of India, the bark and seeds of which are used in medicine, and as aromatics; the fruit also is eaten; the common name is ka_yaphal; kireya si_vanni, si_vanni, sivanni, sivahonni, si_vani, si_vane (Tadbhava of s'ri_parn.i), gambha_ri, sarvato_bhadre, ka_s'mari, madhuparn.ike, bhadraparn.i, ka_s'marya, kumudike, kaitarya; the shrub or tree gmelin arborea; the medicinal plant kat.phala (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) Gmelina arborea: gambha_ri_ (Skt.); s'ri_parn.i_, ka_s'mari_ (Skt.); gama_ri (B.); gambhar (H.); the root of this plant is described as bitter, tonic, stomachic, laxative, and useful in fever, indigestion, anasarca etc. It is an ingredient of das'amula and is thus much used in a variety of diseases... The fruits of gmelina arborea are sweetish bitter and cooling; they enter into the composisition of several cooling or refrigerant decoctions for fever and burning of the body. (Sanskrit Materia Medica, p.219). ka_rs.marya the tree gmelina arborea (TS.); ka_rs'mari_, ka_s'marya, ka_s'mari_ (MBh. ?whence, ka_s.mi_r); ka_s'mi_ri_, kambha_ri_, gambha_ri_, gambha_rika_ (Skt.); khama_ro, khama_ri, gamba_ri gmelina arborea (N.); gama_ri_ (A.); ga_mbha_ri_, ga_ma_ri_ (B.); gambha_ri_ (Or.); kambha_ri_, khambha_ri_, gambha_ri_ (H.); kha~ba_ri_ the plant costus speciosus (M.); kas'mir, kas'pir wild fruit tree with red berries, sugeretia oppositifolia (Pas'.) (CDIAL 3082). kas'mi_r id. (Psht. Skt.)(CDIAL 3118). kumir.. comb teak, cashmere tree; ku_mpal coomb teak, gmelina arborea (Ta.); kumir.., kumpil. g. asiatica (Ma.); kumul.e, kumbud.i, ku_l.e g. arborea (Ka.); kummi, kumbil.i (Kod..); gummud.u, gumud.u g. arborea (Te.); kumre id. (Kol.); gumr.i id. (Pa.); gummur mar.a_ the kumi_n tree, careya arborea (Go.); gumudu g. arborea; koomooree the koombhee tree (Go.); kumuda_ g. arborea (Skt.)(DEDR 1742). gambha_ri_ the tree gmelina arboria (Skt.); gamha_ri_ a partic. kind of tree (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 4030).

2234.Cultivator: kamata the cultivation which the owner carries on with his own stock, but by the labour of another who is paid for his work (Ka.Te.); ka_mat (Upper India); kamatiga, kammatiga the man employed to cultivate with the farming stock of the owner (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

2235.Collection of revenue: kama_yis.i collection of the revenue (Ka.Te.); kama_viti_ (M.); kama_yis.i the grain realized in an undertaking (Ka.M.); kama_yis.i-da_ra a toll-collector; a superintendent of customs (Ka.lex.) kama_un. to earn, to gain, to work; kama_i_ earnings, gain; work (P.lex.)

2236.Image: crack: kamar crack, chasm, cleft in the ground caused by drought (Ta.); kamari, kammari declivity, steep bank, cliff, ravine (Ka.)(DEDR 1229).

2237.Owl; horned owl: ghu_ka owl (Skt.); ghu_a (Pkt.); ghuvar., ghu_r. (G.); ghubad., ghud.ge~, ghuman. (M.)(CDIAL 4494). Owl: gui owl; uma gui a kind of owl (Pa.); kunji large owl (Go.); uma gunji owl (Kond.a); gunji id. (Kui.Kuwi)(DEDR 1647). ko_cikam owl (Upate_caka_. Civana_ma. 47)(Ta.lex.) ko_t.t.a_n- rock-horned owl (Tol. Po. 623)(Ta.lex.) kaus'ika owl (Sus'r.); ko_sika (Pkt.); ko_siya owl (Pali.Pkt.); kuhi_ a sp. of hawk (S.); ku_hi_ a bird of prey, a sp. of hawk (P.); kosiyo a partic. kind of bird (G.); kohelo, kuhelo a sp. of hawk (S.); la_t.o kosero owl (N.)(CDIAL 3567). ku_kai rock horned owl, bubo bengalensis (Tol. Po. 610)(Ta.lex.); ku_n- owl (Ta.); ku_man (Ma.); gumn (Ko.); ki.x (To.); gu_ge, gu_gi, gu_be (Ka.); gumma (Ka.); gu.mi (Kod..); gu_g, gumm (Tu.); gu_n:gu the cry of an owl (Tu.); gu_ba owl (Te.); gu.pa id. (Kol.); gugva (Go.); gupa (Go.); muzka gumberi a large owl (Kui); cf. ghubad. (M.)(DEDR 1871). kura_l a kind of owl (Ta.); korad.u owl (Te.); kurval (Go.); kurval(i) sp. small owl (Go.); kurva owl (Pe.Mand..)(DEDR 1777). kut.iai rock horned-owl, bubo bengalensis (Ta.); gud.la-gu_ba an owl (Te.); cf. ghud.ge~ owl (M.)(DEDR 1657). ko_t.t.a_n-, ko_t.t.uvan- rock horned-owl (Ta.)(DEDR 2200). kuruliya_iba to screech as an owl (A.); kuruli screech of an owl (A.)(CDIAL 3347). cf. ulu_ka owl (RV.)(CDIAL 2359).

2238.Jaundice: ka_ma_lai jaundice (Tiruppu. 153); ka_malai id. (Marutu_. 32); kamalai tawny, browny or swarthy colour (G.Tn.D. i,157); kapilai id. (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) ka_mala_ jaundice (Sus'r.); ka_mal, ka~_bal, ka~_bay (K.); ka~_ol, ka_o~la_, ka_mla_ (B.); ka~_a~_l.a (Or.); ka~wal (H.); ka_vi_l., ka_vi_n., ka_mi_n., ka_min.i_ (M.)(CDIAL 3044). kaml.o jaundice, orange (G.); kaval. a disorder of the bile producing jaundice (M.); kaura_ yellow-eyed (P.); kaa~ra_, kaara_ reddish brown (Or.); kamala pale red (TS.); kamala_ orange (Skt.N.B.); kau~la_ (H.)(CDIAL 2763). cf. kaula liver (D..); kaira_, kai~ra_ reddish brown (Or.); kol.u~ reddish brown (G.); kapilaka, kabiraka reddish (Pa_n..); kabila (Skt.)(CDIAL 2750).

2239.Red dye: ka_mpila name of a plant (Kaus'.); ka_mpilya, ka_mpilla (Skt.); kampi_la pigment from rottleria tinctoria; kampilya, kampilyaka, kampilvaka (Car.); kampilla, kampillaka (Sus'r.); ko~bil a certain medicinal plant used as a cure for herpes (K.); kambi_ri hairs from the fruit of rottleria tinctoria (used as a red dye and as a drug)(S.); kami_la_, kamela_ a drug obtained from capsules of rottleria tinctoria (used as a vermifuge and aphrodisiac)(H.)(CDIAL 3046). cf. pi_l.i, pi_l.u~, pi_yal painting women's foreheads, esp. with red (G.); piur.i yellow tawny colour (B.)(CDIAL 8233). pe~uri a yellow substance for painting women's foreheads (A.); pivuru a kind of yellow earth used for colour-wash on walls (K.)(CDIAL 8232). piyal.i red mark on forehead made with saffron and turmeric (G.)(CDIAL 8231).

2240.Sediment; fuller's earth; brackish: cavud.u (Ta.Te.) sediment; cavat.u, cavat.t.uppu (Ta.); cavud.u, cavud.uppu (Te.); savul.u (Ka.) fuller's earth; earth impregnated with soda; alkaline soil; sediment; cavat.t.u-n-ilam saline, barren soil; cavat.t.u-man.n.uppu carbonate of soda, sodiac carbonas (Ta.lex.) cavar astringent (Ma.); cavul.u, savul.u, saval.u brackishness (Ka.); cavul.u brackish, saline (Tu.); tabat.u unsavoriness, acerbity (Tu.); caud.u fuller's earth (Te.); cavaka brackishness (Te.); saul. rather brackish (M.)(DEDR 2386). cavar cf. ks.a_ra barren land; tcauru (Te.); savul. (Ka.); cavar (Ma.); cavul. (Tu.) brackishness (Ta.lex.) Image: ash-heap: cho_ro_r. ash-heap (WPah.); cha_ur dust, ashes (Mth.)(CDIAL 3676). Astringent; dyed red: kambeli, kombelli bitter (Kuwi); kaya to be bitter (Ta.); kai to be astringent (Ta.); kayar, kacar astringency (Ta.); kaca- to taste bitter (Ta.); kacat.t.ai astringency (Ta.); kaikka, kas'akka to be bitter (Ma.); kas'akas'a imit. sound of sour astringent tastes (Ma.); kac- to be bitter (Ko.); koy to be bitter (To.); kay, kam.yi, kayi, kayyi, kaypu, kaype bitterness; kasar to be astringent (Ka.); kayku to be bitter (Ka.); kasa, kasaku, kasaru, kasi, kasu, kasuru astringency (Ka.); kaipe, kayipe, kaipelu bitterness (Tu.); keymbur, ke_mbur bitter (Ga.); kay-, kaiya_na_ to be bitter (Go.); kaita_l bitter (Go.); kayle bitter (Go.); kaymul bitter; kaita_, kahita, kela_ bitter (Go.); kaymu_l bitterness (Go.); kembel bitter (Mand..); kasa brackish (Tu.); kasu raw, unripe (Te.); kassa sour (Kuwi); kombelli bitter; kambeli id. (Kuwi); qase to be come bitterish (Malt.)(DEDR 1249). ka_s.a_ya astringent (Ya_j.); kasat.a bitter (Pali); kasa_ya astringent (Pali.Pkt.); keha_ (A.); kasa_ (B.Or.); kahet.a_ (A.); kahat.a bitter, acrid (Si.); kasaila_ astringent (P.); kasa_va (Pali); kasa_ro of astringent taste (S.)(CDIAL 2974). ka_r.. to be pungent, acrid (Ta.); ga_t.u id. (Te.)(DEDR 1492). Astringent: kayar astringency; astringent matter, as juices that taint metals, linen, silk (Ta.lex.)

2241.Merchant: ka_yala_n- lit. native of the port Ka_yal, moorman, Tamil-speaking Muhammadan merchant (Ta.Ma.)(Ta.lex.) ka_yam pungency (Ta.Ma.); ka_yamu id. (Te.); curry stuffs, condiments, seasoning (Kur-al., 253, Urai); garlic (Cilap. 25,45); asafoetida; vegetable stimulants used in medicine (Tailava. Taila. 135)(Ta.lex.)

2242.Image: to roar: kur..umu-tal to roar in company, as tigers (Maturaik. 677); cf. kumur-u (Ta.lex.)

2243.Sun, heat: kamaru singeing, burning, smell of burnt hair, skin, or oil (Te.); to be singed, burnt or scorched (Ka.); kavi pieces of half-burnt wood (which are heaped up and reburnt before starting po_r.u cultivation)(Kond.a)(DEDR 1230). kamar-u to feel a pungent sensation as that produced by chillies on the fire (Ta.); kavara sourness, acidity (Skt.); kamarkka to have astringent taste (Ma.)(DEDR 1231). karukku to darken by heat,burn, scorch, toast, fry (Ta.); karuku to be scorched, blackened by fire or sun, become dark in evening (ta.); karikka to char, burn black, fire (a jungle), scorch (Ma.); karaku state of being scorched (Ka.); karn:ka state of being burnt or singed (Tu.); karapn.e~ to scorch (M.)(DEDR 1278-a). gharma heat (RV.); ghamma heat, hot season (Pali); heat, sweat (Pkt.); kham, gharmi, gam sun (Gypsy. whence gami moon); girom sweat (Sh.Dardic); guma id. (K.); gha_m sunshine (Ku.N.); heat, sweat (A.); sunshine, sweat (B.); sweat (Mth.); sunshine, heat of the sun (Bhoj.Aw.); heat, sunshine, sweat (H.M.); sweat (M.Konkan.i); ghamaura_ prickly heat (N.); ghamira (Or.); ghamauri_ (H.); gha_mol.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 4445). gha_mosi prickly heat (A.); gha_ma_ci id. (B.)(CDIAL 4446). ghamassar sultry weather (L.); ghamusur. sultry (L.)(CDIAL 4447). ghram.s (AV.); ghram.sa (RV.); ghim.su summer heat (Pkt.); granis noon (Kho.); le_ni_, la_ni_ noon (Pas'.Dardic)(CDIAl 4530).

2244.Deep column of water: kaya very deep column of water, in the course of a river caused by abrupt obstructions (Tu.lex.) cf. kaivarta fisherman (Skt.lex.) kayider tunny fish (Tu.lex.)

2245.Helper: kayya_l. an assistant, helper (Ma.)(DEDR 2023).

2246.Hut: ka_ya dwelling (Skt.); ka_yama_na hut of straw (Skt.); ka_i ghara_ or basa_ thatched hut (Or.)(CDIAL 3050).

2247.Image: body: ka_ya body (Ka_tyS'r.); body, heap (Pali.Pkt.); kaya body (Si.)(CDIAL 3049). xajj corpse (Kur.)(DEDR 1958).

2248.Sand for glass armlets; gold: ka_yccu-man. fine sand obtained by washing alkaline earth, for making glass-armlets (G.Tp.D. 175)(Ta.lex.) ka_yccurai gold purified by fire (Ta.lex.)

2249.Image: bracelet: ka_yu_ra, ka_yura, ke_yu_ra bracelet on the upper arm (Pali); ke_u_ra id. (Pkt.); keyura id. (Si.); ke_yu_ra id. (MBh.)(CDIAL 3466).

2250.Image: six: ka_ya six (IE 7-1-2.IEG.)

2251.Pearl: kai-y-e_ral pearl of medium size or quality (Ta.lex.)

2252.Settlement: ka_yade, ka_yide a rule, a regulation (Ka.M.H.); ka_yam fixed, settlement, permanent, confirmed (Ka.H.); ka_i_ma (M.); ka_yamgutta_gra_ma village-lands granted by the state at a permanent rent (Ka.); ka_y to guard (Ka.); ka_yu, ka_cu (Te.); kar..utu custody, ka_val (Ta.); ka_yisu to make guard, watch etc. (Ka.); ka_yike guarding (Ka.); ka_yika_-vr.ddhi interest obtained from capital; interest consisting in the use of an animal or any capital stock pawned or pledged (Ka.) (Ka.lex.) Permanent assessment: ka_yan-ti_rvai permanent assessment; qa_im permanence (U.)(G.Sm.D. ii,122); ka_yam-pe_rij id. (C.G.); qa_im + beri_z (U.); ka_ya-k-kuttakai permanent lease (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) Wages: ka_ya-me_rai a perquisite or wages of the village establishment (village carpenters, smiths, etc.) from the produce remaining with the ryot after the claims of government are satisfied (G.Sm.D. ii,49); ka_yakam profession, trade (Ta.); ka_yakamu (Te.); ka_yita_ < qa_ida (U.) order, rule; custom, usage, practice (Ta.lex.) cf. ka_yam-jo_t.i land on a fixed quit-rent not subject to variation with reference to cultivation or produce (C.G.)(Ta.lex.)

2253.Small wooden box: kiya_ small wooden box for keeping red lead (Kur.); kiya small wooden box (Malt.)(DEDR 1559).

2254.Sphaeranthus indicus: karantai Indian globe-thistle, sphaeranthus indicus (Ta.); karan.d.e id. (Ka.); karan.d., karn.d.e, karan.d.elu the shrub sphaeranthus hirtus (Tu.)(DEDR 1271).

2255.Dried fruit: karal.a dried fruit (Ma.); karad.a, karad.u, kad.d.a dried foddergrass (Ka.)(DEDR 1275).

2256.Balanos: Balanites aegyptiaca: (Modern Egyptian Arabic hegli_g; Greek baganos) This fiercely thorny tree was once very abundant in the Nile Valley, but is now rare. The fruit looks like a date with a brittle shell, including a mass with a hard kernel. [cf. ka_rakka a dried date fruit (Ma.)(DEDR 1470). cf. ga_ra_ seed of mahua (Go.)(DEDR 1468).] The oil derived from it is slightly yellow. The classical authors mention balanos as part of the famous Mendesian unguent. Theophrastus mentions that the Egyptian perfumers used the husks of the fruit which they bruised. The fruit is indeed frequent among archaeological finds... (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, British Museum Publications Ltd., 1989, pp.54-58; p. 81; pp.88-90; p.114; pp.129-130). Balanites aegyptiaca = balanites roxburghii: in:gudi balanites aegyptiaca (Car. Su. 27.146). hingan (H.B.); hinganbet (M.); nanjunda (Ta.); gari (Te.); bark, unripe fruit and leaves: purgative, anthelmintic; seeds: expectorant, given in cough and colic; bark: used as anthelmintic for cattle and its juice as fish poison; habitat: drier parts of India from south-east Punjab and Delhi to Sikkim, Bihar, Gujarat, Khandesh, and the Deccan (GIMP, p.32). cf. ga_ra balanites aegyptiaca (Te.)(DEDR 1475). Poison: gara any drink (S'Br.); poison (MBh.); a partic. poison (Pkt.); gar poisonous fecal matter of some animals and birds (G.); poison (M.); gara (Si.)(CDIAL 4035). garala poison (MBh.); snake-poison (Skt.); garala poison, snake-poison (Pali.Pkt.); garal (P.A.B.H.G.); garal.a (Or.); garal. snake-poison (M.); garl.a_ juice of certain herbs and drugs obtained by rolling them in betel leaf and chewing them; garl.i_ water or some crudity rising in the mouth (M.); garala snake-poison (Si.)(CDIAL 4038). kat.u poison, astringency, pungency (Ta.); kat.ukat.u to throb (as from the sting of a scorpion)(Ta.); qt.are to throb with pain (Malt.); xare_n bitter (Br.)(DEDR 1135).

2257.Tribute: kara tribute (Mn.); ka_ra tax (Pa_n..); kara (Pkt.); kar tax, toll (Ku.N.A.); land revenue (B.); kara (Or.); kar toll, tax, revenue (Mth.H.G.M.); karaya tax (Si.); kariya_ bondsman, slave (N.)(CDIAL 2780). nis.kara free from taxes (Skt.); nikaru exempt from taxes (OG.); nakru~ (G.)(CDIAL 7473). nikar.iya_ penniless (B.); nis.kapardika without cowries (Skt.); nikaur.i_a_ (Or.); nikaur.iya_ (H.); nikauriya_ (Bi.Mth.)(CDIAL 7472). kar a cess levied by zemindars; bonkar a cess levied on the rearing of the tassar silk worm; kar ut.hau to collect a cess (Santali.lex.)

2258.Image: cubit: kara a cubit, the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.)

2259.Image: the numbers two or six: kara the number two; the number six; khara the number six (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kara (IE 7-1-2.IEG.) two. ka_raka (IE 7-1-2.IEG.) six.

2260.Image: chequered lines: ce_ri one of the four chequered stripes on a pagad.e cloth (Ka.); id. (Ta.)(Ka.lex.)

2261.Hail: karaka, karaka_ hail (Skt.Pali); kara, karaya, karaa_ (Pkt.); kara_ hailstone (Or.); pl. hail (G.)(CDIAL 2782). karat.t.u-k-kal unpolished, rough stone; karat.u roughness, ruggedness, unevenness (Arut.pa_. iv, Patti. 6); karat.t.u-kkarat.t.en-al onom. signifying hoarseness (Ta.lex.) argal hailstone (Ko.); a_rikal, a_ri-varal (< paral), a_re-kal id. (Ka.); a.ri-ka.y id. (Kod..)(DEDR 378). a_li hail (Ta.Ma.Kur.); a_li-kal, a_le-kallu hailstone (Ka.); a_li-kallu hail (Tu.); ali hail (Malt.)(DEDR 384). e_dir, e_yir hail; a_dir, a_dur id. (Pa.); a_dur id. (Go.); a_nr-iga, a_nr-ga (a_nd.r-ga) id. (Kond.a); a_nja (Pe.); a_njgi id. (Mand..); a_ji id. (Kui.); ajji, a_ji (pl. -na), a_jinga hailstones (Kuwi)(DEDR 406). a.n-gal hail (Ko.); a_n.i-kallu, a_n.e-kallu, a_ni-kallu, a_ne-kallu, a_ne-gallu hailstone (Ka.); a_n.e-kallu id. (Tu.)(DEDR 355).

2262.Carob tree: Ceratonia siliqua (Ancient Egyptian: tree, ndm (sweet); pod pulp? d3rt; Coptic: pod xieipe or sapate; Modern Egyptian Arabic: tree and pod harru_b). "The carob tree grows on poor soil in warm climates. The pods are nourishing and contain protein, starch and sugar. They are now used as fodder... The green pod is not unlike cocoa in taste.. The gum contained in the seeds (carob gum) is used as a demulcent and lubricant... Carob trees grew in ancient Egypt... for carob beer... as vermifuge... for digestive disorder... Carob pod(?) occurs in countless prescriptions for a surprising number of eye diseases and coughs." (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, pp. 85-86). Ceratonia siliqua: kharnub (P.); pods: astringent, used in coughs; seed husk: purgative, astringent; seeds yield a fatty oil; a native of the E. Mediterranean region; introduced into India; has become naturalized in the Punjab (GIMP, p.59). Ceratonia siliqua: ceratonia, carob bean, commonly known as St. John's bread, is the dried fruit of ceratonia siliqua, a tree native to eastern Mediterranean countries... carob fruit... is used as a nutrient and in the preparation of carob syrup and liquors. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, p. 479).

2263.Caper: kari_ra capparis aphylla (a thorny plant eaten by camels)(S'Br.); its fruit (Sus'r.); capparis aphylla (Pali.Pkt.); kare_ri capparis trifoliata (Pali); kari_r capparis aphylla (H.); its fruit (G.); karir capparis aphylla B.); kaler (L.); kari_r (P.H.); kari_l, kari_la_ (H.); kaira (OG.); kerr.o, kerr.i_ (G.); kari_r its fruit (M.); kari_h, kari~_h, kari_, kari_t.a_ capparis aphylla; kri~_h (L.); kari~_h the fruit is pickled and the bud used as a vegetable (P.)[?karu-ve_ppilai, karuve_mpu, kar-ive_mpu curry-leaf tree (Ta.lex.)]; karvi_la_, karvi_lu~_ capparis horrida (of which fruit is made into pickles)(L.); karwi_l capparis aphylla (H.); kawi_r, kabi_r caper plant (Sh.)(CDIAL 2805). kar-i-mul.l.i, kar..i-mul.l.i Indian nightshade (Maturaik. 96, Urai)(Ta.lex.) cf. ulimiri the plant crataeva tapia or capparis trifoliata (Ka.); ulimid.i, ulimiri crataeva tapia (Te.)(DEDR 675). ton.t.ai thorny caper (capparis horrida); a_ton.t.ai id.; Ceylon caper, capparis zeylanica (Ta.); a_rudon.d.a, a_redon.d.a, a_don..a, a_radon.d.a capparis horrida, capparis zeylanica; don.d.a capparis (capparis horrida = capparis zeylanica)(DEDR 3500). cf. karavi_ram sweet oleander, herium odorum (Ta.lex.) cf. semant. ton.t.ai a common creeper of the hedges (= ko_vai bryonia epigaea)(Ta.); d.on.d.a coccinia indica (Kond.a)(DEDR 3499). cf. semant. ton.d.amu elephant's proboscis (Te.); tun.d.a trunk of an elephant (Skt.)(DEDR 3311). Caper bush: Capparis spinosa (Coptic kemegeoc or kemapic; Modern Egyptian Arabic las.s.a_f; kaba_r). "It grows in the Mediterranean and North Africa. The unopened flower buds are known as capers... The plant was known to Dioscorides, Theophrastus and Pliny... In The Assyrian Herbal a plant called baltu has been identified as caper, and finds in Iraq suggest that it existed in that part of the world. The Biblical avionah is believed to be the caper bush... Copts used it to treat a wound... powdered root bark is quoted by Prospero Alpini as a treatment for skin ailments, and as a vermifuge and emmenagogue." (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, p.83). Capparis spinosa: kabar (M.); kabra (H.P.); bussar (Kumaon); kokilakshamu (Te.); root bark: aperitif, tonic, diuretic, emmenagogue, in rheumatism, enlarged spllen; leaves: bruised and used as poultice in gout; habitat: plains between the Indus and Jhelum, Salt Range, lower inner valleys of the Himalayas, Bombay State, Sind, Konkan, Deccan, Baluchistan, Waziristan. (GIMP, p.50). kari_ra capparis decidua (Car. Su. 27.142, Ci. 30.82). kapi_ta name of a tree; kapi_taka berberis asiatica (Bhpr.); kawi_r the caper plant (Kho.); ka_wa-dach vine with small black grapes, berberis lycium (K.)(CDIAL 2752). Capparis decidua = capparis aphylla: karira (Skt.); karer (H.); delha, karil (P.); kari (M.); sengam (Ta.); kariramu (Te.); top shoots and young leaves: used as a plaster for boils and swellings; in powder form used to raise blisters and to relive toothache, and as antidote to poison; bark: acrid, laxative, diaphoretic, alexeteric, anthelmintic, useful for cough, ashtma and inflammation; fruit: astringent, useful in cardiac troubles and biliousness; root and root bark: pungent, bitter, given in intermittent fevers and rheumatism; habitat: Cutch, Sind, Baluchistan, W. Rajputana, Punjab, Upper Gangetic Plain, Madhya Bharat, Gujarat, Deccan, Tinnevelly (GIMP, p.49). Capparis zeylanica = capparis horrida: ardanda (H.); kalokera (B.); wag (M.); karvila (P.); adondai, tondai (Ta.); adonda (Te.); root bark: sedative, stomachic, antihidrotic, bitter, cholagogue and in cholera; leaves: counter-irritant and as cataplasm in boils, swellings and piles; habitat: throughout the greater part of India. (GIMP, p.50).

2264.Mirror: karpara a mirror (Skt.lex.)

2265.A perfume: karaja a sort of perfume (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

2266.Image: finger-nail: karaja a finger-nail (Skt.Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

2267.Image: date-palm: karavam wild date-palm, ka_t.t.i_ntu (Ta.lex.)

2268.Bael; wood-apple: karuvil.a_ wood-apple, bael (Mu_. A.); karuvil.am bael (Malai.) (Ta.lex.)

2269.Weight of camphor: kariju a weight used in weighing camphor (Ka.lex.)

2270.Image: betel: karppu_ra-k-kot.i a kind of betel (G.Sm.D. 215) (Ta.lex.)

2271.Frankincense: kar-purai frankincense (prob. karbura_) frankincense; ca_mpira_n.i (Tailava. Taila. 94)(Ta.lex.) cf. karppurai benzoin tree (Can. Aka.); karppu_ramaram blue-gum tree, eucalyptus globulus; Japan camphor tree, cinnamomum camphora (Ta.); karppu_rakkil.uvai hill balsam tree (Ta.lex.)

2272.Price for temple lands: karppu_ra-vilai sale-price paid for temple lands; price paid for cultivation rights of temple lands and in commutation of the taxes thereon (Ta.Skt.)(SITI.IEG.) karppu_ra-khan.d.a ?a field of camphor (Skt.lex.)

2273.Camphor: ka_pu_r camphor (M.); kapu_r (G.S.P.H.B.O.); kapura (Si.); kappura (Pkt.Pali); karpu_ra (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 314). karppu_ra-ti_pam lighted camphor used in worship (Pa_rata. Or..ipi. 42, Urai); kappuram, karppu_ram common camphor; camphor in its native state, one of five mukava_cam (Ci_vaka. 838, Urai)(Ta.lex.) karpu_ra camphor (Sus'r.); < prob. Austro-as.; kappu_ra (Pali.Pkt.); kopur, kopuru, kophur, kophuru (K.); ka_fur (Pers.); kapu_ru (S.); kapu_r (P.B.Bhoj.Aw.H.G.); kapur (N.); kapu_ra (Or.); kapu_ri_ white or fragrant as camphor (H.); ka_pu_r camphor (M.); ka_pu_ra (Konkan.i); kapura (Si.); kapu_ri_ pale yellow (P.); kapu_rya~_ slices of raw mango (G.)(CDIAL 2880). Camphor: karpu_ra camphor (Skt.lex.) karpura, karpu_ra, kappara, kappura, kapra camphor; kappura-val.iku camphor-crystal (Ka.lex.) kapur camphor (Santali.lex.) nis'a_kara camphor (Skt.lex.) va_luka_ camphor in general (Skt.lex.) cf. kappu_ra camphor (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 2880). Natural camphor is a white, dextrorotatory ketone, obtained from the wood of cinnamomum camphora (Fam. lauraceae), a tree which is widely grown in Formosa, Japan and south China; it is also produced commercially in India and Georgia. Synthetic camphor, which is optically inactive, is prepared from turpentine... Borneo camphor is obtained from dryobalanops aromatica, which found its way to Persia in the sixth century and Europe in the twelfth century. When laurel camphor was first prepared is not known... The wood is cut into chips and treated with steam, when a solid sublimate of camphor and liquid volatile oil pass into the receiver... Camphor occurs in small, colourless crystals.. has a characteristic odour and a pungent, aromatic taste, which is followed by a sensation of cold... Uses: Camphor is used externally as a rubefacient, and internally as a mild antiseptic, and carminative. It finds many non-pharmaceutical uses. Large quantities were once used in the manufacture of celluloid. (G.E. Trease and W.C. Evans, Pharmacognosy, 12th edn., London, Bailliere Tindall, 1983, pp. 451). Cinnamomum camphora: karpura (Skt.); intu, karppuram (Ta.); karpuramu (Te.); plant: considered sedative, anodyne, antiseptic, diaphoretic, anthelmintic, stimulant, carminative, used in insecticidal preparations; leaves: camphor 0.73%, camphorol 97%; habitat: planted in some gardens in India upto 4,000 ft. in the NW Himalayas; successfully cultivated at Dehra Dun, Saharanpur, Calcutta, Nilgiris and Mysore (GIMP, p.65). Cinnamomum pauciflorum: dinglatterdop (Khasia); in Philippine islands bark used as stomachic, cardiotonic and antiseptic; habitat: Sikkim, Himalayas and Assam. (GIMP, p.65). karppu_ram < karpu_ra common camphor; camphor in its native state, one of five muka-va_cam (Ci_vaka. 838, Urai.); karppu_ramaram, cinnamomum camphora; blue-gum tree, eucalyptus globulus (Ta.lex.) "By the term apakva karpura was probably meant the camphor obtained in Borneo from the trunk of dryobalanops aromatica = shorea camphorifera." (Sanskrit Materia Medica, p.224). karpu_ra, pacca-karpu_ra crude camphor, a brilliantly white drug (Ka.); paccai-karppu_ram (Ta.); Synonyms: ghanasa_ra, candra, soma (Ka.lex.) pacce camphor; pra_le_ya, ghanasa_ra; pacce name of a plant with fragrant ears; de_vakan.is'a; paccedimir gold-coloured unguent (Ka.lex.) paccai-k-karuppu_ram medicated camphor (Pata_rtta. 1075)(Ta.lex.) ghanasa_ra camphor (mentioned among white substances) (Skt.lex.) karpu_ra cinnamomum camphora (Car. Su. 5.77, Ci. 26.211, 28.153). karuppu_ram < karpu_ra (tokukaruppu_mu cumantut.an- vanta : Cilap. 14,109); karppu_ram camphor in its native state; karppu_ra maram Japan camphor tree, cinnamomum camphora; blue gum tree, eucalyptus globulus (Ta.lex.) Cinnamomum camphora: gum camphor, laurel camphor; kampher (Ger.); camphre (Fr.); Habitat: China, Japan and Formosa; Uses: camphor is employed externally in the form of spirit or liniment as a rubefacient; internally as an antiseptic and carminative... Borneo camphor is a camphor naturally deposited in the clefts and hollows of the wood of dryobalanops aromatica, a tree belonging to the dipterocarpaceoe family and growing in Borneo and Sumatra. (Heber W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Co., 1950, pp. 374-378).

2274.Clean, beautiful: garagarike pleasantness, neatness, beauty (Ka.); garakena clean, clear (Tu.); garagara clean, neat, tidy, nice (Te.); garagarika cleanness, etc. (Te.); xarxar perfectly clean, quite empty (Kur.); xarxararna_ to be perfectly clean, quite empty (Kur.)(DEDR 1259). karuku (Te.); karukku newness, freshness; neatness, tidiness; beauty (Kavikuc. 4); karukku-vara_kan- new pagoda coin on which the figures are well-defined (Ta.lex.) ka_r freshness, greenness; ripeness, maturity, flowering period, as of a plant (Pu. Ve. 12, Pen.pa_r-. 11)(Ta.lex.) Genuine, pure, good: khoru pure, genuine (K.); kharo good (S.WPah.); true (Konkan.i); honest (Ku.); real, keen (N.); khar quick, nimble (A.); khara_ good, clean (WPah.); pure, good, firm (H.); sharp, pure, good (H.); kharu~ real, good, well parched or baked, well learnt (G.); kha_ra_ very sharp, pure, true (Or.)(CDIAL 3819). karumai strength, greatness (Ta.); karu, kar-u stout, hard; karuma hardness, strength of a man; karuman one who is strong and able; karumana valour, etc.; karuttu strength, vigour, power; fortitude, courage; karuttan- a strong man, powerful person (Ma.); kas'-tu.r- any bush about 3-4 feet high (To.); kara, karu greatness, abundance, power (Ka.); karamu much, great, very; krandu-konu to be excessive, great or much; to spread (Te.)(DEDR 1287).

2275.To rattle; make a crackling sound: {Echo word} kharat.a in: kharat.a-kharat.a_-kr. to make a crackling sound (Ka_s'.); kharar.iba_ to fry slightly, fry vegetables in a little water (Or.)(CDIAL 3820). gharghara purring (Skt.); rattling (Skt.); gharghara_unu to grunt (N.); gha~_rgha~_r-ghurghur growl (N.); gharghariba_ to rattle (Or.); gharghar snarling (H.); ghargharn.e~ to rumble (M.)(CDIAL 4432). cf. ghurghura_ growling (Skt.)(CDIAL 4489). qar.qar.re to purl, murmur (Malt.); xar.ar-xar.ararna_ to rattle loosely together; xar.bar.arna_ to rattle; xar.ar.-xar.ar. the sound of articles loosely packed and playing against one another (the creaking of a cart, etc.)(Kur.)(DEDR 1110). kar-akar-a (-pp-, -tt-) to crackle in the mouth (as a crisp cake); utter a rattling sound; n. onom. expr. signifying rattling sound; kar-akar-appu crispness; rattling; kar-an:ku (kar-an:ki-) to sound; n. a sound; karakara (-pp-, -tt-) to be crisp in the mouth (as a fried cake); karakar-en-al being crisp in the mouth (Ta.); kar-akar-e_ imit. of gnashing and biting noises (Ma.); gar-a sound in imitation of that which is produced when very crisp substances (as well-baked happal.as, etc.) are eaten; gar-agu, gar-ugu state of being scorched by heat, fragile, brittle, dry and crumbling as flowers, leaves, grass, etc.; state of being very crisp by frying or baking (as happal.as, etc.); karakara sound made in gnashing the teeth, in chewing certain substances (as raw cucumbers), in scratching the body, in writing with a pen or an iron style (Ka.); karakara noise made in chewing, sawing, or writing; karukuru noise made in chewing any brittle substance (Tu.); gar-agar-a crispness, dryness, and brittleness; gar-agar-al-a_d.u to be crisp, be dry and brittle; kar-akar-a a harsh grating sound; karakara noise made in writing or chewing (Te.); kharkhararna_ to use in speaking a sharp tone which grates upon the ear (Kur.)(DEDR 1386).

2276.Crucible; to liquefy: karkarao to liquefy anything, such as oil or ghee etc. which has congealed; kar.e oil cake, refuse from an oil press; khari oil-cake (Santali.lex.) karai (-v-, -nt-) to dissolve in water, be reduced from solid to liquid form, wear away (as soil by action of water), become emaciated; (-pp-, -tt-) to dissolve in water, melt, liquefy, extirpate; karaiyal dissolving, melting, that which is dissolved; karaivu dissolving, tenderness of mind (Ta.); karakkuka to melt, dissolve (Ma.); karg- (kargy-) to dissolve, melt, be affected in the heart (by fear); kark- (karky-) to dissolve, melt (Ko.); karx- (karxy-) to dissolve, melt; kark- (karky-) id. (To.); karagu, karan:gu, kargu to be dissolved, melt away, decrease in bulk, become softened to pity or love, pine away; karagisu, karigisu, kargisu to cause to be dissolved, melt; karad.u to melt (Ka.); kar- (kari-) to be digested; karak- (karaki-) to digest; to dissolve; karak dissolving (Kod..); karaguni to melt, dissolve, liquefy, become thin, become affected, softened, melt with pity; karaga_vuni, karga_vuni to melt, liquefy, affect the mind, afflict; karavuni to be dissolved, melted, digested; karapuni to digest (Tu.); kara~gu to melt, dissolve, liquefy; kara~gincu, kara~cu to melt, dissolve, liquefy; karugu what is melted, a crucible; kra~_gu to be melted away; kra~_cu to melt (Te.); karn.-e_r to be melted (Ga.); kari-, kar.ita_na_, karn.- to melt, dissolve; karn.- to melt (Go.); karin.- to melt, be dissolved (Kond.a); karangali to be dissolved, be melted; karn:g- to melt (Kuwi)(DEDR 1292).

2277.Image: witness: kari witness; testimony, proof (Ta.); kari a witness (Te.)(DEDR 1276).

2278.Large ferryboat: gharnai a raft supported on empty earthenware waterpots (Santali.lex.) kar-na_v large ferryboat endowed to carry passengers free of toll (K.)(CDIAL 2780). karn.a-dha_ra a helmsman, a pilot; karn.adha_raka id. (Ka.Skt.) (Ka.lex.) karn.a-gra_ha a helmsman; karn.ika having a helm; a steersman; karn.in a helmsman (Skt.lex.) karai-pit.i-ttal to arrive at a port (Ta.); karapid.i (Ma.); karai-pit.i-tto_t.u-tal to sail along the coast (Ta.); karapid.i (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) To take a load: karaital to take, as a load (Ci_vaka. 63)(Ta.); kara id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.)

2281.Monkey: ka_r black monkey (Ta.lex.) karun.-kuran:ku black monkey, semnopithecus johni (Ci_vaka. 1893, Urai)cf. ku_lam monkey (Ta.lex.)

2282.Cultivator's right: ka_ra_n.mai cultivator's right (T.A.S. i,7); ka_ra_r..ma id. (Ma.); ka_ra_n.mai an ancient tax (S.I.I. ii,92,426); ka_rko_n- < ka_rkun (U.) director, manager, revenue inspector (C.G.)(Ta.lex.)

2283.Worker: karigol an artisan; karigar id.; na~ha~k do sanamko karigolena all are artisans now-a-days; karsaj, karsaji to do, work, business; inage karsajitako ojha do that is the work of the charm doctors (Santali.lex.) ka_ri artisan, worker (Pa_n..); action, work (Skt.); work (Or.); ka_ri_ worker (P.); remedy (P.) ka_r work (Kt.L.); ko_ (Wg.); ka_ (Pr.); ka_ri work, occupation, use (S.); ka_rin working (Ya_j.); in cmpd. (S'Br.); kr. do (Skt.)(CDIAL 3064).

2284.Village accountant: karn.am, karun.i_kam < karan.a office of village accountant or karn.am (Ta.); karan.ikamu id. (Te.); karun.i_kan- village accountant (Ar-ap. Cata. 86)(Ta.lex.) karan.an- accountant (Kantapu. Ma_rkkan..210); karan.atta_n- accountant (S.I.I., iii,23); karan.attiyalavar account officers working under a king, one of en.peru-n-tun.aivar; karan.ampalam ancient name for the office of the village headman; karan.ikka-co_t.i Karnam's quit-rent (S.I.I. ii,119)(Ta.lex.) ka_ran.ika teacher (MBh.); judge (Skt.); arrow-maker (Pali); ka_ran.iya teacher of Nya_ya (Pkt.); ka_rin.i_ guardian, heir (S.); ka_ran.i abettor in crime (N.); ka_rn.i_ prime minister, supercargo of a ship (M.); kul-karn.i_ village accountant (M.)(CDIAL 3058). ka_ran.ikan- judge; arbitrator, umpire (Ir-ai. 1, Urai)(Ta.lex.) karan.am instrument; implement, means, material (Kantapu. Kuma_rapuri. 65); accountant (S.I.I. i,65); work by one's hand (Cilap. 3,54)(Ta.lex.) na_t.t.u-k-kan.akku-vari tax payable for the maintenance of the revenue accounts of the country as a whole (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.)

2285.Purpose: karutu (karuti-) to intend; recollect (Tol. Po. 260); to judge calmly, take heed (Kur-al., 485); suppose, consider; regard (Tiruva_ca. 10,17); desire; ponder (Te_va_. 889,2); karuttu design, purpose (Pa_rata. Kirut.t.i. 32); gist, substance or pith of a matter (Nan-. 21); opinion, attention; desire (Kampara_. Tiruvat.i. 65); judgement (Kampara_. Kumpaka. 156); agreement (Pa_rata. Kirut.t.i. 32); mind (Kantapu. Me_rup. 56); will (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 2,2,8)(Ta.lex.) karutuka to conceive, think, meditate, aim at, attend to, prepare; karutal care, regard; karuttu id., courage; karuttan resolute (Ma.); karnd- (karndy-) to prepare (to do), have great desire (to do); kart purpose, aim strenuously, striven for (Ko.); karu to point, aim at (Ka.); kar-ada thought, idea, reflection, imagination, ntention (Te.)(DEDR 1283). ira_do, ira_dea_ purpose, e.g. of the sacraments (Kon.lex.) ira_da_ purpose, design, intention; will accord (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) Cause: ka_ran.a cause (Ka_tyS'r.); deed, cause (Pali); karan.a, ka_lana, ka_rana purpose (As'.); ka_ran.a cause, means (Pkt.); cause (Or.); kurren retaliation (Wg.); ka_ran (Pas'.); ka_ran.u cause (S.); ka_rna_ quarrel (L.); ka_ran. cause (P.); reason (G.); ka_ran cause (N.A.B.); reason (Mth.H.); ka_rana reason (OAw.); karun.a cause, object, thing (Si.); ka_ran.i, ka_n.e, ka_n.i on account of (S.); ka_n. (L.); ka_ran., karn.e (A.); ka_ran.e (Or.); ka_ran.iim. (OG.); ka_rn.e~ (M.); ka_ran.u (Or.)(CDIAL 3057). Etymological sense: ka_ran.a-k-kur-i noun conveying the etymological sense, opp. to it.u-kur-i (Kampara_. Ka_t.ci. 6); ka_ran.a-k-kur-i-y-a_kkam noun used in its etymological sense to suit an occasion (Nan-. 275, Virut.); ka_ran.am principle, origin, source, cause, of three kinds, viz., mutar-ka_ran.am, tun.aikka_ran.am, nimittaka_ran.am; reason, ground of an assertion or argument (Na_lat.i, 265); motive; means (Kampara_. Na_kapa_. 234); ka_ran.ikkam history; ka_ran.ikkan- accountant (Ta.inscr.)(Ta.lex.)

2286.Instrument: karan.a instrument (Pkt.); dan-karnu toothpick (N.); kan-karnu ear-pick (N.); karni_ mason's trowel (P.H.)(CDIAL 2790). karan.a act, deed (RV.); doing (Pali); occupation, trade, copulation (Si.); karana, kam.ram.na work (NiDoc.); karna_, kanna_ work, duty (B.); karn.e~ action, deed (M.)(CDIAL 2790). karan.i_ya to be done (MBh.); duty, business (Pali); karan.i_a, karan.ijja (Pkt.); karn.i_ work, act (S.Ku.G.); incantation (M.); karni_ act (P.); act (H.); karan.i_ work, authority (Or.); karni act, esp. the sexual act (N.)(CDIAL 2791).

2287.A hunt: karka a hunt, employed as a synonym for sendra; sendra a hunt, to hunt, to follow the chase, to search for; disom sendra, gipitic sendra the annual tribal hunt (Santali.lex.)

2289.Image: fish: kara gakhor a species of fish; ka~r.a~ hako id. (Santali.lex.) ka_ra a fish (Ma.); ka_rai a sea-fish (Ta.)(DEDR 1476). kur-u-val.ai a sea-fish, greenish, pellona indica; kur-uva_ vari-k-kar-r-alai mi_n, a sea-fish, reddish, lutjanus sebae; a sea-fish, silvery grey, attaining one foot in length, sciaena maculata (Ta. lex.) kur-avai black murrel, ophicephalus striatus; ophiocephalus punctatus (Ta.); kor-r-a a kind of fish; silurus boalis (Te.); korra-mut.t.u gobius lagocephalus (Te.)(DEDR 1845).

2290.Warriors: karantaiya_r warriors who rescue the cows that have been seized by the enemy (Cilap. 12, Murunte_r. Urai)(Ta.lex.) hr. to seize, take (Skt.)(CDIAL 2010). ka_d. rescue, take out e.g. from danger (Kon.lex.) Hidden: karantur-ai-kil.avi words that mask one's innermost feelings and purpose (Tirukko_. 50, Kol.u.); karantur-aiko_l. phenomena of the heavens, sometimes visible and sometimes not, for the most part regarded as ominous such as ira_ku, ke_tu, parive_t.am, va_lvel.l.i, va_n-avil (Perun.. Ucaik. 58,57); kara-ttal to conceal, disguise (Pur-ana_. 1,8) (Ta.lex.) karantai chaplet of karantai flowers (fragrant basil; Indian globe-thistle) worn by warriors when recovering cows that had been seized by the enemy (Pin..); karantai-ttin.ai theme of recovering the herd of cows seized by the enemy as a signal of declaration of hostilities (Pu. Ve. 2,1, Urai.)(Ta.lex.)

2291.Priest: karantai priest (Tan-ippa_. i,87,171)(Ta.lex.)

2292.Image: covered channel: karai ridge of a field (Ta.); bund, bank as of a tank (Tiv. Na_ycci. 12,4)(Ta.); kara (Te.Ma.); kare_ (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) kar-na canal (Kond.a); karna irrigation channel (Kuwi)(DEDR 1398). cf. udhar irrigation channel (Pas'.) (CDIAL 2010). karanta-kar-pat.ai covered drainage-channel in a city (Cilap. 14,65, Urai); karantu-pat.ai, karantur-ai id. (Ta.lex.) cf. kar--pat.ai stone pavement; closed drain; layer of brick or stone in a wall; secret way into a fort (Ta.); kar--pat.i flight of stone steps (Ta.); kalat.i (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Ridge: karai shore of a sea (Na_lat.i. 224); bank, bund, as of a tank (Tiv. Na_ycci. 12,4); bound, limit (Na_lat.i. 135); rige of a field (Ta.); kara id. (Ta.Ma.); kare_ id. (Ka.); karai-k-kat.t.u buttress for strengthening the bund of a tank (Ta.); karai-ya_n- fisherman living near the coast (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

2293.Image: stripe: ka_ran.e the ornamental red stripe or painting upon the lower part of the walls of a house (Ka.); ca_re, ca_rale, ca_rike a line, a streak, a stripe (Te.); nid.u-ga_ran.e long linear colouration (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

2294.Daily account: karad.u, kard.u, kharad.e rough, as an account (Ka.); khrard.e_m. a rude sketch, foul copy (M.); ha_t-karad.a_ (Te.); karad.u a daily account, a day-book (Ka.Te.); kharad.e_m. (M.); karad.u stout as paper (Ka.); karad.a_ (M.); kharad.a_ (Te.); karad.u scrawling, scribbling, a scrawl (Ka.); kharad.a (M.); karad.u drawing the pen over written letters as is done at school as an exercise (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

2295.Image: oblong drum: karat.i, karat.i-p-par-ai, karat.ikai a kind of drum (said to sound like a bear, karat.i)(Ta.); karad.i, karad.e an oblong drum beaten on both sides, a sort of double drum (Ka.); karat.a a kind of drum (Skt.)(DEDR 1264).

2296.Image: a shrine: garod.i the shrine of the demons called baideru (Tu.lex.)

2297.Cavern; house-site: garud.i, garad.i an abode, a place of resort (Ka.); garad.i, garod.i a demon-shrine; a veranda (Tu.); gharat.a_ a bird's nest; house-site; a hole in which a body might lodge (M.)(Ka.lex.) ghart.ha~_n. site of a ruined house (M.)(CDIAL 4439). ghar.eri place where a house has stood, ruin (N.)(CDIAL 4430). karan.t.ai rocky cave, cavern; the abode of sages, as mountain cave (Tiva_.) (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) ghara_ little hole or cavity (M.); ghar house (G.M.); ghara house (Konkan.i.BHSkt. ii,220); gharaka id. (BHSkt.); ghara, gharaka house (Pali); ghara, gharaga (Pkt.); ghar, khar, kher (Gypsy); go_r, obl. garas (D..); gara, ghar, gar, gharo_ (K.); gharu (S.); ghar (L.P.WPah.); kar (Wpah.); ghar (Ku.N.A.B.); ghara_ cell, drawer (B.); ghara house (Or.); ghara_ niche, groove (Or.); ghar, ghara_ house (Bi.); ghaur, gharo (Mth.); ghar (Aw.H.Marw.)(CDIAL 4428). gr.hakartr. house builder (R.); ghara_mi house or hut builder (B.); ghara_mi_ thatcher (H.); ghur.a_mi_ thatcher, lattice-maker (P.)(CDIAL 4429). ka_rat.aiya_-no_n-pu a ceremonial fast observed by women when the sun passes from aquarius to pisces, praying for the longevity of their husbands (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. gharin.i_ householder's wife (Skt.)(CDIAL 4442). garat, gharat respectable women (M.); gr.hastha_ (Skt.)(Bloch, p. 325). ka_rikai woman, lady; ka_lai yeytin-ir ka_rikai tan-n-ut.an- : Cilap. 11,67)(Ta.lex.) ka_raka m. ka_rika_ f. a servant (Pali.lex.) cf. ghara_n.o made or reared at home, of good family; parentage (S.)(CDIAL 4441). cf. gr.hastha householder (Gaut.); gahat.t.ha (Pali); ghare_th husband (WPah.)(CDIAL 4244). gharaia belonging to one household or family; gharana household; members of the house; ghar gust.i household, family; all the members of the household or family; gharna mistress of the house, a wife; gharonj, gharonji household, family (Santali.lex.) ghewa_ri_ patch of land adjoining house (Bi.); gr.hava_t.i_, gr.hava_t.ika_ land near a house (Skt.)(CDIAL 4243).

2298.Dealer in antidotes: ga_rud.ika charmer, dealer in antidotes (Skt.); ga_ror.i_ snake-bite charmer (S.); ga_ruri incantation for healing snake-bite, etc. (A.); ga_r.uri_ snake-charmer (MB.); ga_rur.ia_, ga_rir.ia_, garur.i_ (Or.); ga_rur.i_ snake-charmer, juggler (H.G.); ga_rud.i_, ga_rod.i_ (M.)(CDIAL 4139). ga_rud.a relating to Garud.a (MBh.); spell against poison (Skt.); ga_rud.a, ga_rula good as antidote to snake-poison; charm against snake-poison; science of using such charms (Pkt.); ga_rr.u_, ga_rru_ charm against snake-poison (H.); ga_rud. juggling (M.); ga_rol.a_ cat-eyed, of the colour of cat's eye (M.)(CDIAL 4138). For semant. garod.i 'demon-shrine' (Tu.) x 'jugglery' (?juggling on a pillar): cf. ka_rut.am jugglery (Ta.); ga_rad.amu id. (Te.); ka_rut.avicai id. (Periyapu. Tiruja_n-a. 1062); ka_rut.a-vittai id. (Ta.); ka_rat.am (Ta.); ga_rad.amu (Te.); ga_rad.a (Ka.); ka_rat.an- juggler (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

2299.Stake for impaling criminals: karut.akampam column in front of a Vis.n.u temple with an image of karut.an- fixed at the top (Aricamaya. Pattica_ra. 92)(Ta.) (Ta. lex.) garud.agamba a pillar of wood before a ca_vad.i to which culprits used to be tied (Ka.); a high stone-pillar before a tempe, on which, at festivals, a flambeau is put; its base bears an image of garud.a (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ka_ra_ prison (Skt.Pali.Pkt.); ka_ra (Pkt.); kara (Si.)(CDIAL 3062). ka_ra_gr.ha (Skt.); ka_ra_ghara (Pkt.); ka_hara (OB.)(CDIAL 3063). garad prison (Santali.lex.) kar..u stake for impaling criminals, sharp-pointed pieces of wood strung around cow's neck, trident (Ta.); kar..u, kar..uku stake for impaling malefactors (Ma.); ko.w pointed stick (To.); kar.., kar..u an instrument for perforating an elephant's ear (Ka.)(DEDR 1361). cf. kar..ai elephant-goad (Ta.)(DEDR 1370).

2300.Image: vulture: garud. eagle (Kon.lex.) karu vulture (Tu.); kor.l. kite (To.); kal.u vulture (Tu.); kar..u, kar..uku griffin vulture, gyps indicus, pharaoh's chicken neophron gingimanus, eagle (aquilinae falconidae)(Ta.); eagle, vulture (Ma.); kar..ukan id. (Ma.)(DEDR 1362). kar..u, kar..uku griffin vulture, pharaoh's chicken, eagle (Ta.); eagle, vulture (Ma.); kor.l. kite (To.); karu, kal.u vulture (Tu.)(DEDR 1362). garud.a a mythical bird (Mn.); garul.a (Pali); garud.a, garula (Pkt.); garar. the bird ardea argala (P.); garul eagle (N.); gar.ur (Bhoj.); garura blue jay (OAw.); garur. hornbill; garul a large vulture (H.); gurul.a_ bird (Si.); gor_ve_lik kite (Kal.)(CDIAL 4041). ku_l.i large species of eagle (Ta.); gu_l.i vulture (Te.)(DEDR 1920). kurara osprey (Ya_j.); kurala (Skt.); kurara, kurala (Pali); kurara (Pkt.); kurala, kurali_, kurura (Pkt.); kurla (S.); kural (L.); kurl (P.); kuruwa_ (A.); kurar, kural (B.); kurara, kurari_, kural.a, kurura, kururi_, kurul.a (Or.); kurari_ (Mth.); kuraraya_, kuralaya_ sea-eagle (Si.)[kurara = kirala_ lapwing](CDIAL 3323). kuvaya a partic. kind of bird (MaitrS.); kvayi (TS.); kuhi_ a bird of prey smaler than a hawk; ku_hi_ a bird of the hawk tribe (H.); ku_i_ hawk (H.)(CDIAL 3356).

2301.Image: fencing: karat.i fencing (Ta.); garid.i (Te.); garud.i (Ka.); karat.ik-ku_t.am school or gymnasium where wrestling and fencing are taught (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) garud.i a fencing school, a place for wrestling, boxing and other athletic exercises (Ka.); kal.ari (Ma.); kal.ari, kar..akam (Ta.); khalu_rike a place for military exercise (Ka.); garud.i-sa_dhaka, garad.i-sa_dhaka gymnastic exercises (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) karut.ar a class of demi-gods (Tiva_.)(Ta.); karut.i-vittai art of fencing (Ta.lex.) kar-utto_r enemies (Patir-r-up. 66,9)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) karut.i, kerut.i fencing, school or gymnasium where wrestling and fencing are taught (Ta.); garad.i, garud.i fencing school (Ka.); garad.i, garod.i id. (Tu.); garid.i, garid.i_ id., fencing (Te.)(DEDR 1262).

2302.Image: crown: kar-an.t.ikai component part of a crown (S.I.I. ii,90); kar-at.ikai id. (S.I.I. ii,211); karan.t.ikai id. (S.I.I. ii,87)(Ta.); karan.t.ikai name of a special part of the crown (karan.tikaiyir. ko_tta vat.am : S.I.I., ii,87)(Ta.lex.)

2303.Image: basket: karan.t.akam < karan.d.aka basket made of plaited coconut-leaves for carrying flowers for divine worship (Ja_n-ava_. Vaira_k. 74); karan.t.ikai flower-basket (Ko_yir-pu. Viya_kkira. 15)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

2304.Chunam-box; jewel-box: kar-an.t.ikai-c-ceppu a chunam-box (S.I.I. ii,5); karan.t.akam small metal box for keeping quicklime to be used with betel (S.I.I. ii,15)(Ta.lex.) karan.t.ai water-vessel, used by ascetics (Man.i. 3,86); karan.t.am jewel-box; water-vessel used by ascetics (Aka. Ni.)(Ta.); karan.d.a (Skt.)(Ta.lex.)

2305.Rammer: xarbna_ to give an extra pounding to rice, for cleaning it from grains unhusked or spoiled (Kur.); qarwe to clean rice by pounding; qarwre to br bruised or hurt by falling (Malt.)(DEDR 1295). kharcar.i a rammer, applied principally to the stick with which dhan is rammed down; kharcar.i aguipe bring water (the santals see a resemblance between a rammer and the water drunk during and after meal)(Santali.lex.)

2306.Image: the fraction 1/4: karuntalai a quarter, the fraction 1/4 (Tan-ippa_. 1,87,171); end, close (a_n-i-k-karuntalai); beginning; karutal-al.avai law of inference (Kur-al., 930, Urai); karutal inference (Ci. Ci. Al.avai. 1); karututal to infer, deduce; to recall to mind, recollect (Tol. Po. 260); to judge calmly, take heed (Kur-al., 485); to ponder, think deeply, meditate (Te_va_. 889,2)(Ta.lex.)

2307.A musical mode: ka_nir.o a partic. musical mode (S.); kanar.a_ a partic. Oriya metre and tune (Or.); ka_ner.a_ id. (Or.); ka_nd.a_ musical mode of Kannada (M.)(CDIAL 2848). karna_t.akam pure south Indian music; a musical mode (Parata. Ira_ka. 55); kan-n-at.am id. (Parata. Ira_ka. 55); ka_rvai a prolonged musical note, as in harmonium; karun.a_t.akam a melody-type (Parata. Ira_ka.55)(Ta.lex.)

2308.Kannada country; clayey soil: karn.a_t.a the Karn.a_t.a country, language and people (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kha~r.ti land reclaimed by a tenant at his own charges for rice cultivation; kharkhan.d. barren, unfruitful as certain kinds of soil; kharna saline soil, an unproductive kind of clayey soil; kharnat.ia clayey soil (Santali.lex.) karuntarai waste land; karuntit.ar high mound, hillock; karunilam barren soil; useless, waste land; karat.t.u-t-tarai rugged, uneven ground; hard, clayey soil (Ta.lex.) ka_rn.a_t.a-bha_s.a_ the Kanarese language (Skt.); karn.a_t.a, karn.a_t.aka name of a people (MBh.); kan.n.a_d.a, kan.n.a_la name of a country; adj. coming from it (Pkt.); kanar.a-cha~_da the Kanarese fashion (OB.); ka_ner.a_ the Carnatic (Or.); ka_nr.i_ belonging to the Kannada country (G.); ka_nd.a_ inhabitant of Kannada (M.)(CDIAL 2848). kar(u)n.a_t.akam Kanarese country and language; karunat.am name of the Kanarese country; language of the Kanarese (Pa_rata. Cir-appup. 18); karuna_t.akam id.; karuna_t.ar Kanarese people (Cilap. 25,156); karuna_t.akam (karu + na_t.u + akam), karna_t.akam the Carnatic, as ruled by the Nabobs; old fashion, an epithet applied in facetious disparagement, to a person of old-fashioned ways; karun-a_t.akam id. (Ta.); kan-n-at.am name of the Kanarese country including Mysore and the West coast between Malabar and Goa, one of 56 te_cam (Nan-. 272, Mayilai.); language of the Kanarese, one of 18 languages mentioned in Tamil works (Parata. Ira_ka. 55); id. (Ma.); kannad.amu id. (Te.); kannad.a (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) kan-n-at.an-, kan-n-at.ikan-, kan-n-at.iyan- native of the Kanarese country (Ta.); konod.yn Canarese man; fem. konod.yc; kar-no.t. Carnatic; ancient, of ancient times (To.); karn.a_t.a the Kannad.a country and its language; kannad.iga a man of the Kannad.a country; karn.a_t.aka the Kannad.a language; a Kannad.a man (Ka.); kannad.a, karna_t.aka the Canarese language; of or belonging to Canarese or Canara (Tu.); karn.a_t.amu, karn.a_t.akamu the country or language of Karnataka (Te.); kannad.i an inhabitant of Carnatic (Te.)(DEDR 1284).

2329. Jungle/burning/shifting cultivation: karuvi waste land, long grass in rice-fields; kari, karivi id. (Ma.); hargu forest (Kur.); qawru id., jungle (Malt.); karu-nilam barren soil, waste land; karampu, karampai waste land; (inscr.) kari failure of crops; (inscr.) karu-cey dry land, uncultivated waste (Ta.)(DEDR 1285). Scorched: karis'al that which is singed, scorched (Ma.); karippu jungle cultivation (Ma.); kari (-v-, -nt-) to be charred, scorched, become black (Ta.); kary- (kars-) to be singed, scorched (To.); karaku, kariku state of being scorched; kare blackness; karipu blackness; kern.t.i to become charred (Ka.); kari- (kariv-, karij-) to be singed (Kod..); karn:ka state of being burnt or singed (Tu.); kan:gu to be scorched, be burnt; kra~_gu to be burned (Te.); karw-, karv-, kar-, kar.- to burn; karv-, karsahta_na_, kar.ih- to burn; kar.ha field fit for burning cultivation (Go.); kare area set apart for penda cultivation when left fallow for a term (Go.); karapn.e~ to scorch (DEDR 1278). Famine: karuppu famine (Ta.); kar-avu, karavu, karuvu famine, dearth, scarcity (Te.); karu hunger (Kol.Nk.Go.); karuvu famine (Ga.); kar(u), kar, karru_, kar, karruv, karv hunger (Go.); kar.vu_, karvu famine (Kuwi)(DEDR 1286). Land measure: kari_s.a lit. the amount of manure required; a measure of land (Skt.); dry cow-dung (Skt.lex.); kars.aka who or what draws, attracts, etc; kars.aka a cultivator, husbandman (Ya_j.); kars.an.a drawing, dragging, pulling, bending (R.); ploughing, tilling; cultivated land (Skt.lex.); kari_sa a measure of seed, the amount of land requiring that seed (Pali); kiriya extent of ground for sowing eight bushels of rice (Si.)(CDIAL 2807). karacai, karicai a measure of capacity = 400 marakka_l (Ta.); garase, gerase id. (Ka.); garise id. (Te.)(DEDR 1261). Measures: 16 dro_n.a = one kha_ri [cf. Arthas'a_stra, ch.XX.]; 4 pa_vala = pa_li [big ladle or spoon (G.); MIAI, p.79; pa_l.i line, row, text (Pali); pa_r.o column in multiplication (G.); pa_r.a_ (H.), pa_li_ (Pkt.) boundary of field, bank of tank (CDIAL 8041).] 4 pa_li= ma_na; 4 ma_na= sei; 3 sei = padaka [equated to 2 tu_n.i in another series.] 4 padaka = ha_ri (= ?kha_ri); 4 ha_ri= ma_ni [cf.Gan.itasa_ra of Sridhara; MIAI, p.78.] [S'ukra states that 20 armana make one kha_rika; another equivalence is: 4 dro_n.a (tu_n.i) = one kha_ri; don.aka_ri is a compound in an inscription; MIAI, p.74.] 8 a_r..a_kku = one cir.u-na_r..i (520 cc.); 4 cir.u-na_r..i = one id.anga_r..i (or prastha); 20 id.anga_r..i = one podhi [cf. MIAI, p.83.]; 5 marakka_l = one parra or parai [cf. Cilappatika_ram, 14,208]. kerc flat basket for drying grain, placed in rack over fireplace (Ko.); kerase, gerase, gerise, gerese a kind of flat bamboo basket square in form (Ka.)(DEDR 1966). Land: ka_r paddy harvested in the rainy season (Pata_rtta. 799); water (Tol. Po. 6); ka_r-nel a kind of paddy (Ta.lex.) Image: turn; rainy season; SW monsoon: kr.tu (only in pl. kr.tvah. with words of number)'turns, times'(Skt.)(CDIAL 3425).[?>r.tu] r.tuvanta, r.tvanta end of the (rainy ?) season (Mn.)[cf.anta r.tu_na_m he_mantah (SBr.)]; wanda winter (K.); wandas, wandi in winter (K.)(CDIAL 2454). {The forms kara, kera are remarkable; they are concordant with the term for the principal season: ka.r black; ka.r may rain of SW. monsoon (Ko.); ko.r young grass at first rain after winter frosts (To.); ka_r blackness, rainy season (Ka.); ka_ri rainy season (Ka.); ka_ru black; season, time of year (Te.); ka_rka_la cloudy or rainy weather (Tu.); ka_r-hullu any grass that grows in the rainy season (Ka.); ka_r mugalu dark cloud (Tu.); ka_rial, ka_ryal, ka_riyal, karial, kar.al, kareyal, kari, karka_l black (Go.)(DEDR 1273-c). karppo_t.t.am southern passage of the rain clouds about the latter half of ma_rkar..i month (Ta.lex.) ka_r blackness; that which is black (Na_lat.i, 103); cloud (Tiv. Iyar-. Periyatiruvan. 86); rain (Kalit. 38); ka_rppeyal heavy rain, as in the rainy season (Pur-ana_. 120); ka_r-mukil black cloud heavy with rain (Kampara_. Va_liva. 75); ka_rmuhil (Ma.); ka_rumogulu (Te.); karppa-v-o_t.t.am southern passage of clouds (Ta.lex.) toli beginning, commencement; toluka_ru the rainy season; tolakari the beginning of the rainy season, the rainy season; tolakarincu to rain for the first time in the season [first/commencing + (rainy) season](DEDR 3516).} cf. suggi harvest in spring (Ka.)(DEDR 2647). Land tenure: ka_ra_n.mai, ka_ra_n:kil.amai a tenure with the hereditary right of enjoyment; cultivation right (T.A.S.i,7); an ancient tax (S.I.I.ii,92,426); tax for the cultivation right (Ta.); ka_ra_r..ma cultivator's right (Ma.)(Ta.lex.IEG.SITI.)

2330.Manure; cowdung for burning: kara~_so rubbish shoot at the back of a house, ground round a house (N.)(CDIAL 2808). kari_s.a dung, dried cowdung, rubbish (S'Br.); a_khukari_s. mole-hill (Skt.); kari_sa refuse, filth, dung (Pali); kari~_sa dried cowdung for burning (Pkt.); kari_h bits of cowdung (P.); karsi (N.); karsi_ manure (Bi.); karasi dried cowdung (Mth.); karsi_ (H.); karisa filth, dung (Si.); kharasi, tari_sa dried cowdung cake (Or.)(CDIAL 2806). karukal charred rice (Ta.); kari to be charred; n. charcoal, charred wood, lampblack (Ta.); kari, karu charcoal, coal (Ma.); kayr charcoal, soot (Ko.); kari- (kariv-, karij-) to be singed (Kod..); kari soot, charcoal (Tu.); kark- rice to burn while cooking; karr- to be charred or burnt (Go.)(DEDR 1278).

2331.Black grease: kere to prepare charcoal, to carry out the process by which charcoal is made (Santali.lex.) here, ere black grease for wheels (Ka.); heregombu a horn or hollow piece of bamboo in which such grease is kept (Ka.) (Ka.lex.) ere a dark-red or dark-brown colour, a dark or dusky colour (Ka.); er-e, er-upu (Te.); eruvai blood, copper (Ta.); irumpu iron (Ta.); inumu (Te.); irul. the colour black (Ta.); ere black grease for wheels; soil of a dark colour, black soil (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) erande sp. fruit, red in colour (Ka.); re_cu, re_cu-kukka a sort of ounce or lynx said to climb trees and to destroy tigers; a hound or wild dog (Te.)(DEDR 817). re_-gad.a, re_-gad.i clay (Te.)(DEDR 820).

2332.Medicinal drug: herege, herege ha_le a medicinal drug; Synonyms: s'r.n:gi, vr.s.abha, vr.s.a (Ka.lex.) her-, per- to thicken, to congeal, as clarified butter or ghee and curds (Ka.); pe_ru (Te.); hetta tuppa congealed ghee (Ka.lex.) perugu curds (Te.lex.) peruku curdled milk; pirai fermented buttemilk used for curdling milk (Ta.); piriyumka to coagulate (as milk); piriccal coagulation of milk; pirannuka to curdle (Ma.); pep solidified, curdled milk; pev- (pevd-) (ghee) solidifies, (butter) forms in churning; (pevt-) to make (ghee) solidify, make (butter) form; pet- (pety-) (liquid) solidifies (Ko.); pep coagulant agent put in fresh milk; per-f- (per-t0) (milk) solidifies; pes'f- (pes't-) (ghee or milk) solidified; pe.ry watery buttermilk (to.); per- (pett-) to thicken, congeal, curdle (ghee, curds, oil); heppu curdling agent (Ka.); pere cream (Kod..); perpuni to be curdled (as milk); perpu curdling agent; bejana, beana curds, curdled milk (Tu.); peru~gu curdled milk, curds; pe_ru, pe_r-u to congeal, curdle; pe_rud.u congealing, curdling (Te.); pereg (stem perg-, pl. pergul) coagulated milk ready for churning (Kol.); perag, perg curds (Nk.); part.ub, parup cream (Pa.); pergu curds (Ga.); pe_rgu_ curdled milk; pergu buttermilk (Kuwi)(DEDR 4421).

2333.Bullock-load: he_r-u a load, especially a bullock-load (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) he_ru a sack of corn (Tu.); pir-akku to heap, pile up; per-r-u a pile (Ta.); pe_r-r-u a load, esp. bullock-load (Ma.); pe_r-uka to load (as oxen), pile up (Ma.); pe.rn bullock-load (Ko.); pe_r-u to lift up and put upon, load, pile up; n. a load, esp. bullock-load (Ka.); po.r (po.ri-) to transport by pack-animal (Kod..); pe_ra_vuni, pe_runi to load, burden (Tu.); pe_ra_t.a lading, shipping (tu.); perike a bullock load, any burden (Tu.); periye a heap, pile (Tu.); pe_r(u)cu to pile or load up, arrange in a column or row (Te.); pe_r(u)pu piling or heaping up (Te.); per-ika_t.amu carrying grain on bullocks (Te.); per-ika a large sack or bag, a bullock which carries loads (Te.); per-uku to carry loads (Te.); par to pile up grain in a stack (Go.); per-- (peRt-) to take up, lift up (a load to carry on head or shoulder), heap up (burnt bricks of wood), lay (pot on fire); per-gis to cause to lift up (as load on an animal)(Kond.a); pez to pick up, lift (Pe.); piy to pick up (Mand..); pe_r.hali to lift; perh'nai to lift, raise (Kuwi); pehe to take up; pehre to take along; pehtre to assist in lifting (Malt.)(DEDR 4446). Load: boru load (K.); bharati bears, brings, keeps (RV.); supports, fills (Pali)(CDIAL 9397). Image: bag for pack animals or sack made of goat's hair: bora_ sack, coarse bag (for pack animals) (P.) gunny bag (made of jute) (B.Or.Bi.Mth.H.); stuff for carpet or sack, sack made of it (M.); bori_ f. sack, coarse bag (for pack animals)(P.); money bag (H.M.); boro sack (N.); a kind of carpet (G.); bo_ra_ large sack, measure of grain (L.); bori sack (Sh.); boro cloth made of goat's hair, bag or sack made of the same (= bori_ f.); bo_ri_ bag made of goat's or camel's hair (L.)(CDIAL 9320). To transport by bullock-load: por-e a load (Ka.); por-uppu burden; por-ai burden, load, weight (Ta.); por- (pot-) to carry or take in arms; or- (ot-) to carry, undertake, obey (Ko.); per burden (Ko.); pir- to carry (To.); par- a load (To.); por- to bear on the head, bear (as a burden), carry (Ka.); por-e a burden, measure, size (Ka.); pore a load; pori- (porip-) to carry; porid- (poridi-) to undertake an office (Kod..); pude load, burden (Tu.); por to load (Ga.)(DEDR 4565). Trust; support: bhara carrying, carrying away, booty (RV.); weight, mass (skt.); load, fullness (Pkt.); loaded cart (OG.); bar, pl. bari load (Sh.); bharu prop; bhari load (S.); bhari_ heavy load (L.); porter's load, sheaf of straw (P.); bhar fullness, surety (Ku.); faith, trust, support (N.); weight, reliance, support (A.); dependence (B.); load, fulness (Mth.); load (H.); cartload (of grass or fuel), fill, measure (G.); load (M.); bharilo abundant (N.); bharo tax, rent (N.); bhara_ load (A.B.Or.H.); a corn measure (M.); support (B.); bhari a small weight = 1 tola_ (B.); bara load (Si.)(CDIAL 9393). bha_ra burden, weight (RV.); load (Pali); bha_raka weight (Mn.); -bha_raka load (Pali); bhara, bara (NiDoc.); bha_ra, bha_raya load, weight (Pkt.); pharo heavy; bar trouble, vexation (Gypsy); ba_r burden, load (Ash.); ba_r (Kt.Shum.Dm.Pas'.); ba_ load, bundle (Wg.); pa_r, pye_r heavy (Wot..); pha_r load (Kal.); bha_r load (Kal.L.P.WPah.); id. (N.B.Mth.H.G.M.); load carried on pole over shoulder, weight, responsibility (A.); bar (with rising tone) load, burden, present of food on conclution of marriage from bride's house and the return present (Kho.); load, bundle of wood (Sh.); ba_r id. (Sh.); load (K.); bha_ru burden (Phal.); ba_ra heavy (K.); Heavy; debt: bha_ra_ heavy (L.P.); load (WPah.); debt (N.B.); load (H.); bha_ri bundle (N.); bha_ro_ load (WPah.); bha_ro load, debt (Ku.); load, beam (G.); bha_ri_ bundle of sticks (G.M.); bara, ba..ra load, weight; baruva weight on a fishing line (Si.); baru burden, load (Md.); bha_ra load (OAw.)(CDIAL 9459). bha_ratara heavy (Skt.); forming a heavier load (Pali); bharera_ heavy, fat, elderly (P.)(CDIAL 9461). bha_rika forming a load, heavy (Sus'r.); bha_ri ponderous (of tone)(Skt.); bha_ri_ heavy (P.Ku.); id.( Aw.H.G.M.); bha_ri (N.A.B.Or.Bi.); ba..ra (Si.); biru impossible (Md.); bura difficult (Md.); bha_rilla heavy (Pkt.); bharilo well-filled, stout and strong (N.)(CDIAL 9465). bha_rin bearing a load (Mn.); ba..rin.i_ pregnant woman (Si.)(CDIAL 9466).

2334.Flaw in a coral: karuppa-t-tul.ai inner hole or cavity formed at the first formation of a coral, a flaw in a coral (Cilap. 14,197); karai-p-po_kku-k-kal spurious gem, found in alluvial soil (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

2335.A division of the continent: harivars.a one of the divisions of the known continent (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

2336.Image: pupil of the eye: kharen the pupil of the eye (Santali.lex.)

2337a.Smeared; what is melted: eraka, er-aka any metal infusion (Ka.Tu.); urukku (Ta.); urukka melting; urukku what is melted; fused metal (Ma.); urukku to melt (Ta.Ma.); eragu to melt (Tu.); eraka molten state, fusion; erakaddu any cast thing; eraka hoyi to pour melted metal into a mould, to cast; erako_lu the iron axle of a carriage (Ka.); er-e to pour any liquids; to pour (Ka.); to cast as metal (Ka.); irasu, iracu, iricu, irucu, irci, ircu an iron axle-tree (Ka.); irusu (Te.); irucu (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) ks.ar flow (Skt.); ks.ara melting away (S'vetup.); khara wasting away (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3662). ks.arati trickles (RV.); melts away, perishes (Mn.); kharati flows (Pali); kharai drips, falls (Pkt.); char to be left behind (Gaw.); chorik to fall (Kho.); kharan.u to be spoilt, to curdle (S.); chariba_ to ooze, flow down (Or.); charna_ to flow, drip, leak (H.); ca~r. to pour out (Wg.); kharad.ai smears, pp. kharad.ia smeared, destroyed (Pkt.); kharad.ai besmears (OG.); kharar.vu~ to dirty; kharal, kharr.o salve (G.)(CDIAL 3663). ks.a_ra juice, essence (Skt.); ks.a_raka juice (Skt.); kha_ra flowing, dropping (Pkt.); sa_r dilute mixture of tamarinds, mangosteens and similar fruits squeezed into a pulse decoction with salt and asafoetida etc. (M.)(CDIAL 3675). ks.a_rayati causes to flow (Skt.); cha_r to send, put (Dm.); cereik to pour, shed, drop, sprinkle, make fall (Kho.); kha_ran.u to destroy, spoil (S.); kha_ran.a_ to cause to waste away, meke melt (P.); kha_rnu to clarify (e.g. butter)(N.); kha_riba_ to make an incision in flesh for draining (Or.)(CDIAL 3679). ks.a_la washing off (Skt.); kha_la, kha_la_ drain, gutter (Pkt.); kha_l. (G.)(CDIAL 3680). cf. jhara waterfall (Skt.)(CDIAL 5343). cf. jharai drips, falls (Pkt.) CDIAL 5346).

2337.Image: spy: harika_r-a a spy (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. he_raka spy (Skt.)(CDIAL 14165). Image: to look for; spy: cf. kira_v- to search (Kol.); kivar- (kivart-) to feel for in darkness (Kol.); kiray- to seek (Nk.)(DEDR 1561). e_rna_ look for (Kur.); e_ra spy (Ta.); er uk- (uky-) to play 'peeping tom' (Ko.); e_ra (e_ri-) to spy, scout; n. spying, scouting; pl. action e_rka (e_rki-) (Kui); he_nai to scout; he_ri kiyali to see; he_nd.- (he_t-) id. (Kuwi); e_rna_ (i_ryas) to see, look, look at, look after, look for, wait for, examine, try; e_rta'a_na_ to let see, show; e_ra_nakhrna_ to look at one another (Kur.); re to see, behold, observe; rye to peep, spy (Malt.)(DEDR 903). e_thrna_, etthrna_ to be visible, come into sight, seem; etthr-nakhrna_ to lie in sight of each other, associate, meet casually, have a bare glimpse of each other; e_dna_ to show, point out, display, prove; become visible (of the sun and moon)(Kur); de, te to show; appear (new moon); tre to be seen, appear (Malt.)(DEDR 892). he_raka spy (Skt.)(CDIAL 14165). {A possible sequence in phonetic transformation of morphemes with k- initial consonant: k ~~ h ~~ c.} he_raka, he_rika spy; hairika spy; thief (Skt.); he_rai looks for or at; vihi_rai watches for (Pkt.); he_ru_o_ was seen (K.); he_rnu_ to look at; hira_n.u_ to show (WPah.); he_ran., he_n.a_, he_rna_ (WPah.); hern.o (Ku.); hernu (N.); heriba (A.); hera_ to show (B.); heriba_ (Or.); caus. hera_iba_ (Or.); herab (Mth.); herai (OAw.); herna_ (H.); hervu~ to spy (G.); hern.e~ (M.); he_ria spy (Pkt.); heriu spy (Kal.); hero spy (G.); heru~ spying (G.)(CDIAL 14165). Spy: ca_ran- spy, emissary (Kampara_. Pirama_ttira. 162)(Ta.lex.) ca_ran.ar spies, secret agents, emissaries (Tiva_.); messengers, ambassadors (Vina_yakapu. 3,35)(Ta.lex.) cara spy (R.); caraka spy (Skt.); wanderer (S'Br.); cara secret emissary (Pali); cara-purus.a intelligence agent (NiDoc.); cara, caraya, cariya spy (Pkt.); car, cer, pl. ceri watchman, guard (Sh.); cer (Bur.); car spy (B.)(CDIAL 4683). ca_ra one who moves about; spy (MBh.Pali.Pkt.); ca_raka spy (MBh.); ca_rapa business of a spy (S.); ca_ru~ scout stationed by thieves to give warning (L.); sa_r spy (A.); ca_ra_ (Or.); ca_r scout (G.M.)(CDIAL 4754). ca_rin moving (MBh.); spy (Skt.); ca_ri moving; ca_ria spy (Pkt.); ca_ri_ spy, scout (S.L.); sariya_ (A.); sra moving, quick; sraya speed (Si.)(CDIAL 4765). Image: to look: a_ray, a_rayyu, a_rayu to search; to consider attentively; to investigate; to look to; to take care of; to be deliberate (Ka.); a_ra_y (Ma.); a_rayke, a_rayike searching; trying; observing; superintending; fostering ha_rayke id. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ha_r, ha_ru to look for; to investigate (Ka.); ha_ruva, ha_rva, ha_ru a bra_hman.a (Ka.lex.) cf. ara_y (-v-, -nt-) to investigate, examine, consider, seek; a_ra_ycci research, investigation (Ta.); a_ra_yka to seek, examine; a_ra_cca, a_ra_cci, a_ra_ycci, a_ra_r..cca, a_ra_r..cci search, examination, investigation (Ma.); a.ryek carefulness; a.ryeka.rn head cattle-boy (Ko.); a_rayisu, a_raysu to look for, look to, desire; a_re taking care of, etc.; a_reka_r-a a man who fosters; a_risu to collect, gather, pick out, select (Ka.); a_raisuni to expect, look for, desire; a_raik, a_re_kti care of, nourishing, protection (Tu.); a_rayu, arayu to think, consider, search, examine, inquire into, know, see, observe; arayika thinking, considering, knowing, understanding; ra_cu to investigate, inquire; a_reku~_d.u a watchman (Te.); rey- to search for; intens. reba- id. (Kond.a) DEDR 377). To know: ey (-pp-, -tt-) to know, understand; eyya_mai ignorance (Ta.); iy- (is-) to know how to (To.); etap- (etat-) to think (Ga.); nes (-t-) to know, be capable of (Kond.a)(DEDR 806).kiran.a (fr. kr., karoti to do) an occupation, place of work, workshop (Pali.lex.) kiriya, kiriya_, kriya_ action, performance, deed (Pali.lex.)

2338.Image: harrow: harike, halaku, halike a kind of harrow (Ka.) (Ka.lex.)

2339.Image: to show one's back, run away: xe_r kanning to show one's back, run away (Br.); xe_r behind (prep., adv.)(Br.); keri side (Pa.); ke_ri the side, flank (Kui) DEDR 2008). Image: swiftness: bir-ane, bir-a_ne swiftly, quickly (Ka.); bir-u swiftness (Ka.Te.); ver-i (Ta.); bir-unad.e a brisk, quick walk (Ka.); bir-uvari to run swiftly; bir-uvari a swift run; bir-uvarivari to run very swiftly (Ka.) Ka.lex.) vir-icu rocket (Ta.); bir-asu, bir-isu, bir-usu whirring, what whirs, a rocket (Ka.); birsu a kind of firework (Tu.); birusu~-gro_vi a kind of firework; birusulu a sort of firework called flower-pots (Tu.)(DEDR 5441). Image: to retreat: her-e, hed.a the state of being back; backwards; her-edege to go or come back; to retreat (Ka.lex.) Images: flank, outer corner of tye eye: kre_va a side; kre_-, as in kre_gannu outer corner of the eye (Te.)(DEDR 2008). karuvir..i apple of the eye (Ta.); karumir..i id. (Ma.); karuvari dark lines in the eye (Pu. Ve. 11, A_n.pa_r-. 3, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) kela side, vicinity, the right or left side; keladan a man who is on one side, or on both sides (Ka.); kela belly (Kod..); kila id.; kellu brink, edge, vicinity (Tu.); kalan:ku, kela~ku, kelanu side, part, region; (inscr.) kelavaga vicinity (Te.); kela side (in: a_ kela, akla that side; i_ kela, ikla this side)(Pa.)(DEDR 1969). Image: to raise one's head and see: e_r-et.u-ttal to lift up, as the head, eyes; e_r-et.uttu-p-pa_rttal to raise one's head and see; to look with favour upon (Arut.pa_. vi, Pa_n:kittalaivi. 5)(Ta.lex.)

2340.Buyer; purchase: khari_di purchasing; a purchase (Ka.); kharidi_ price, value (M.H.); khare, khariya, khareya true (Ka.); khara_ (M.)(Ka.lex.) khari_d purchase, buying, the price or cost of a thing; the thing bought; demand, want; khari_du_ a purchaser; khari_dna_ to buy, to purchase (P.lex.) garhak a buyer; kharid to buy, to purchase; khariddar a purchaser; kharidena, se auria? It is bought, or not yet? (Santali.lex.) hara bringing, conveying, carrying (Ka.); haraka_ra a courier (Ka.); haraka_ra_ (M.H.); harika_r-a, parika_r-a a courier, a runner; a swift, fleet man; a hawker, a chandler (Ka.lex.) {Echo word} cf. be_ra, vya_pa_ra trade (Ka.M.H.); be_pa_ra-sa_pa_ra (Ka.); be_rama_d.u to traffic (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Produce of a farm; trade: cf. ohar-dohar trade (N.); avaha_ra putting aside; truce (MBh.); acquisition (Pali); o_ha_ra (Pali); share (Pkt.); got.ha-ohara produce of a farm (NiDoc.)(CDIAL 882). harapriya Kube_ra; haravu to spread; harad.u to spread; haravad.i the state of becoming public or manifest; manifestation; display, parade; he_r-u to spread about, to display, to manifest; harada, parada a dealer, atrader, a merchant; van.ija, pra_pan.ika, naigama, vaide_ha; haradana-hal.l.i name of a village in Mysore; haradike trade, traffic; haradu id. (Ka.); hariba business, affair, work, concern (Ka.); haruvu, harvu a way, a means, an expedient; harubu (Tadbhava of parva) a feast (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. o_harati takes down (Pali); avaharate_ brings down (Ka_tyS'r.) (CDIAL 881). a_bhiha_rika fit for presentation; a respectful offering (Skt.); a_heri_, aheri_, a_hiri_, ahiri_ suitable to be given as a marriage present, of little value (M.)(CDIAL 1231). cf. a_harati fetches, gets (RV.); enjoys (MBh.)(CDIAL 1541). cf. a_ha_ra fetching (Ka_tyS'r.)(CDIAL 1544). cf. a_ha_rayati procures (S'Br.)(CDIAL 1545). cf. upaharati brings near, offers (food)(AV.)(CDIAL 2281). To trade: vyavaharati deals, trades with (A_past.); has intercourse with (Gr.S.); vo_harati administers, governs (Pali); vavaharai works, is busy (Pkt.); oran.u to talk over one's troubles (S.); bornu to confuse with, contaminate (N.); vuharai buys (OG.); vohorvu~, vorvu~ to buy, collect (G.)(CDIAL 12173). vyavaha_ra custom, business (Skt.); vo_ha_ra trade, business (Pali); vavaha_ra daily work, lawsuit (Pkt.); vuha_r, buha_r trade (P.); buha_r custom (WPah.); ohara_, ora_ a bout of the plough, the elliptical space ploughed (M.); vahara custom (Si.); viyoha_la-samata_ equity in judicial procedure (As'.); vihiva_ra business (OG.); vaheva_r intercourse, transactions (G.)(CDIAL 12174). sama_harati collects (AV.Pkt.); sohrn.a_ (H.)(CDIAL 13225). cf. ce_karam collection (Ta.lex.) sama_ha_ra collecting (Gr.hyas.); aggregation (A_s'vS'r.); sama_ha_rya to be collected (S'Br.); sama_ha_ra collection (Pkt.); hama_ra conclusion, end, half (Si.)(CDIAL 13224). Purchase on credit: cf. uddharati takes out (RV.); id. raises (Pali) CDIAL 2009). cf. uddha_ra act of raising (Gaut.); deliverance (MBh.); loan (esp. without interest (Skt.); tax, debt (Pali); taking away, protection, loan (Pkt.); udha_r debt (H.Bhoj.); buying and selling on credit (M.); loan (P.L.WPah.); id. (Ku.N.); purchase on credit (Bi.)(CDIAL 2018). haragan.e the act of removing superfluous standing corn by means of the kun.t.e (Ka.); haragu to remove superfluous standing corn by means of the kun.t.e; to clean (a field) by removing the grass, weeds, etc. from it with the kun.t.e before sowing (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) nirharan.a taking out (MBh.); nehrun weeding (Kal.)(CDIAL 7403). nirharati takes out, destroys (RV.); gets rid of (A_past.); niharati takes out, drives out (Pali); n.iharai (Pkt.); neranava_ to set aside, put out of the way; to protrude (Si.); neri to erase, put to flight (Ta.)(CDIAL 7404). pariharati leads round (TS.); puts aside (S'Br.); does not heed (A_past.); pariharati carries about, takes care of (Pali); palihat.ave to bring up (a child)(As'.); pariharai leaves (Pkt.); palhran. to forgive, forego (L.); pariharna_ forsakes (H.); pariharai, paraharai (OAw.); parharvu~ to remove, avert, abandon (G.)(CDIAL 7899). pariha_ra leading round (Ka_tyS'r.); shunning (S'Br.); pariha_ra attention, care (Pali); serving, desertion (Pkt.); pariha_r exile, refugee (Pas'.); perahara protection, safety (Si.)(CDIAL 7901). cf. prahara a watch (Skt.)(CDIAL 8900). cf. pratiha_ra a closure; door (BhP.); pad.hiya_r a caste of labourers (G.); pad.iha_ra doorkeeper (Pkt.)(CDIAL 8618). viharati separates (RV.); moves on (A_s'vS'r.); wanders (MBh.); passes time (R.); diverts oneself (Gaut.); viharan.u to transplant (rice etc.)(S.); viharati stays, lives (Pali); viharai walks, remains, amuses oneself (Pkt.); bihariba_ to walk about, pass the time, play (Or.); biharna_ to walk about, be pleased (H.); viharai wanders from place to place, accepts food (of an ascetic)(OG.); viharvu~ to amuse oneself (G.); viharn.e~ to ramble, play (M.)(CDIAL 12029). viha_ra roaming, pleasure ground (MBh.); monastery (BHSkt. ii,505); walking about, sojourning, monastery (Pali.Pkt.); arrangement (AitBr.); viha_raka hut (Pali); vihara-yatra, viha_la-ya_tam. pleasure tour (As'.); vihara monastery (KharI.); vihara (OSi. inscr. 1 cent. BC.: vahara, 4 cent. AD: vahera, 10 cent.: veher- (OSi. Bra_hmi_); vehera Buddhist temple, monks' residence (Si.)(CDIAL 12033). Acquisition; sojourn; to fetch; to take: viha_ra (fr. viharati) spending one's time (sojourning or walking about), staying in a place, living; place of living, stay, abode; jangha_-viha_ra wandering on foot; viha_ra a habitation for a Buddhist mendicant, an abode in the forest, araa-viha_ra or a hut; a dwellingl, habitation, lodging (for a bhikkhu), a single room; yatha_-viha_ran. each to his apartment; viha_ra place for convention of the bhikkhus, meeting place; place for rest and recreation (in garden or park); a larger building for housing bhikkhus, as organized monastery; viha_ra-pa_la the guard of the monastery; viha_ra-ca_rika_ visit to the monastery (The modern province Behar bears its name from the viha_ras.) viharati (vi + harati) to stay, abide, dwell, sojourn (in a certain place); to be, to live; saddhi-viha_rika co-resident; viha_rin dwelling, living; viha_hesi 3 sg. aor. he banished; caus. of vijahati (Pali) (Pali.lex.) abhyavaha_ra taking food (Mn.); vairn.e~, oya_rn.e~, orn.e~ to pour gradually from hand or vessel (rice etc. into water, grain into mill) (M.); vairan., oya_ran., oran. grist thrown at one time into the mill, a feed; vairn.e~ the hopper into which grist is poured (M.); vaira_, oyra_, ora_ the portion of rice etc. taken out for the day's food (M.)(CDIAL 527). cf. oryza rice; arici (Ta. ex.)

2341.Image: flowing: kern.a_ to pour, scatter, spread (P.) kr._ scatter (Skt.)(CDIAL 3467). kiran.a dust (RV.)(CDIAL 3171). kirati scatters, pours out, sows (RV.); kirai scatters (Pkt.); kiranava_ to weigh (Si.); kiran.u to fall (S.)(CDIAL 3172). kheravvu~ to let fall, shed; kheriyu~ scattered (G.); kher, kheri_, khero dust (G.); kher thrown away (M.); refuse, rubbish (M.); khe_ri destruction (Pkt.); khero destruction, waste, loss (N.)(CDIAL 13659). keri_ kiln dust, pounded bricks (P.)(CDIAL 3468). hari, pari, hara, haru running; flowing; harikan.i a channel for (water) to run; harigud.u to pay money for being ferried over a river; harina_l.i a channel (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ke_ra rubbish, refuse (Ka.); ke_ra, khe_ra (M.); ke_raso_n.i a broom (Ka.); ke_rasun.i_ (M.)(Ka.lex.)

2342.Weaver: ka_rukan- weaver (kat.t.u nun.vin-ai-k- ka_ruka rirukkaiyum (Cilap. 5,17); washerman (Ta.lex.) Weaver, washerman, artisan: ka_rukam spinning, weaving; menial service, servile labour as carrying burdens; ka_rukan- weaver; washerman (Ta.lex.) Washerman, weaver: ka_ru washerman; (malatta_n- malamar-ukkun. ka_ruvenna : Ja_n-va_. Te_vapu_cai. 56); ka_ruka-t-tor..il spinning, weaving (Cilap.5,17,urai); (kat.t.u nun.vin-ai-k- ka_ruka rirukkaiyum : Cilap.5,17); ka_ruvan-, ka_ruva_kan- washerman (Ta.lex.) ka_zi engaged in spinning and weaving (A.)(CDIAL 3079). ka_ryin active, assiduous (Skt.); pleading in court (Mn.); kajjiya busy (Pkt.); ka_jji_ (P.); ka_ji_ busy; artisan (H.)(CDIAL 3079).

2343.Wood; image: tooth of comb; shaft of arrow: karra tooth of comb, quill of porcupine (Pa.); shaft of arrow (Go.); karre_ the long thin pole of a carrying yoke (Go.); kar-u (pl. kaRku) a small piece of wood, dried plants, twigs, etc.; used as fuel (Go.); gar-i_ shaft of arrow (Go.); kara_li toothstick (Pkt.); kar-al firewood, fuel (Ta.); garl quill of feather (Ko.); kar-r-a wood, timber; stick, staff (Te.)(DEDR 1389).

2345.To smear: kharad.ai smears; pp. kharadia smeared, destroyed (Pkt.); kharad.ai besmears (OG.); kharar.vu~ to dirty; kharal, kharr.o salve (G.)(CDIAL 3663). kaR- to smear, daub, whitewash (Kond.a); ka_z- (ka_st-) to plaster, rub on (medicine); ka_spa- to rub on, smear on (Pe.); ka_ja (ka_ji-) to daub, plaster over holes; n. daubing, plastering; kahpa- (kaht-) to smear, plaster (Kui); ku_du_ kaiyali to plaster with mud (ku_du_ = ku_d.u wall); kah- to daub, smear (Kuwi); xasna_ id. (Kur.)(DEDR 1503). karat.am < karat.a aperture in an elephant's temple from which must flows out (Irau. Tikku. 120)(Ta.lex.)

2346.Image: elephant's trunk: kara an elephant's trunk (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) karn.ika_ the tip of an elephant's trunk (Skt.lex.) Root of an elephant's tusk: kari_ram root of an elephant's tusk (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) Image: male elephant; boar; male shark: karabha young elephant (BhP.); ka_lhur.i young bullock, heifer (Or.); kalr.o young calf (Ku.); kalabha young elephant (Pali.Pkt.); kalabhia_ f. kalaha m.(Pkt.); kalambaya_ young elephant (Si.)(CDIAL 2797). kal.ir-u male elephant (Ta.Ma.)(DEDR 1374). kal.ir- (man.t.amar murukkun. kal.ir-an-aiya_rkku : Man.i. 18,140) male elephant; male boar (Tol. Po. 589, Urai); male shark; kal.ir-r-i-ya_n-ai male elephant; kal.ir-r-aracu Indra's elephant, as the king of elephants; va_lven. kal.ir-r-aracu vayan:kiya ko_t.t.attu (Cilap. 5,143); kal.ir-r-u-t-ta_n-ai elephantry, one of six types of elephants; kal.ir-r-u-p-por-i elephant-shaped machine mounted on a fort for defence (Cilap. 15,216, Urai); kal.ir-r-u-p-pan-r-i boar (Tol. Po. 589, Urai)(Ta.lex.) kare_n.u elephant (MBh.Pali)< *kan.e_ru < perjorative ka- and *n.e_ru- tusk in Pa. re_ruka ivory, i.e. having no or poor tusks; kan.e_ru (Pali.Pkt.)[Derivation uncertain, just possibly connected with kara, trunk. karen.u (Skt.); but medieval vocabularies also give kan.eru.] a young elephant; metath. karen.u elephant; karen.u-lolita resounding with the noise made by elephants, of a forest (Pali.lex.) kare_n.u elephant; she-elephant (Ta.lex.)]; karun.i_, kuran.i_, karan.i_ (OG.); karen. (G.); ken.era young female elephant (Si.)(CDIAL 2812). karin elephant (Skt.Pali); kari (Pkt.); karin.a (Pkt.); kiriya_ (Si.)(CDIAL 2803). kal.apam young elephant; matakari-k-kal.apamum (Cilap. 25,49); elephant (Ta.lex.) karapam elephant (Kantapu. Acamukina. 22)(Ta.lex.) hatthia_ni_ka troop of war-elephants (Pali); ataniya id. (Si.)(CDIAL 14046). cf. hastin elephant (RV.)[Aryanization of karin- which was perhaps non-Aryan in origin; cf. karabha- (CDIAL 14039). hatthin elephant (Pali); hatthi (Pkt.); ha_thi_ (OB.Bi.H.S.P.WPah.Marw.G.); ha_ti (Ku.N.); id. (A.B.Or.) (CDIAL 14039). Elephant: hasto, ha_stu_ elephant (Sh.); hostu elephant (K.)(CDIAL 14025). cf. hastin elephant (RV.)(CDIAL 14039). ha_tisu~r. elephant's trunk (B.); ha_tisun.d.a (Or.); hastis'un.d.a_ elephant's trunk (Skt.)(CDIAL 14045). Elephant-headed: kaya-mukan- Gan.e_s'a, the elephant-headed (Cu_t.a_.); kayam elephant (Tiruva_ca. 9,18); gaja (Skt.); kaya great (Tol. Col. 320, Urai); karam elephant's trunk (Ta.lex.) zol.u, zol.ve trunk of elephant (Kon.lex.)

2348.Cinnamon: kar-appu, kar-ppa, kar-pa (Arabic. qarfah, Herodotus: karphea, whence karppu_ram, fr. kar-a sap issuing from trees, gum?) laurus cinnamomum; kar-ppurattailam oil of cinnamon (Ma.lex.) Cinnamomum macrocarpum: tejapatra (Skt.); karuva (Ta.); lavanga (Te.); oil from root bark and leaves: used in rheumatic affections externally; habitat: N. Kanara, Western Ghats and Nilgiris (GIMP, p.65). cf. karuva_ cinnamon tree, cinnamomum zeylanicum; cassia cinnamon, cinnamomum macrocarpum (Ta.lex.) cf. karuva_ (Ma.lex.) Cinnamon and cinnamon oil: Oil of cinnamon is sometimes called in Britain, cassia oil derived from cassia bark. History: References to aromatic barks of the cinnamon type are abundant in the Old Testament and in ancient Greek and Latin writings... cassia was known in China about 2700 BC... 13th century references... to the collection of cinnamon in Ceylon... In Sri Lanka about 26,000 acres are devoted to cinnamon plantation... The shoots are cut and tops and twigs removed with an instrument known as kathe (catty)... about 50 cm. long. About 20kg of quills per acre will be obtained from the first crop, about 4 years after planting... Boys tie the sticks in bundles with coir string and take them to the peeling shed or wadie near the workers' huts... The peeler uses the brass knife known as kochattetalane... He rings the bark at intervals of about 18 in. and makes two longitudinal slits on opposite sides of the shoot, working the knife under the bark... The separated bark is wrapped in coir matting and allowed to 'ferment' overnight. In the process used for the removal of the outer bark a piece of wood of suitable size is supported at one end by a wall or by means of a small tripod of sticks tied together at the apex. Each piece of bark is placed in turn on the stick and held at its upper end by the scraper's foot while the cork and cortex are removed with the curved ('U'-shaped), known as kochath-gane. The process of making up the quills involves the worker sitting with a board and a measuring stick 42 in. long, to which is attached a wooden lifter known as pethi kotuwa... The compound quill is assembled on the board and, when it has reached the required length, the end is cut off with a pair of scissors and it is gently lifted, with the help of the lifter, on to a mat.... Uses: cinnamon is used as a flavouring agent and mild astringent. The oil has carminative properties and is a powerful germicide. (G.E. Trease and W.C. Evans, Pharmacognosy, 12th edn., London, Bailliere Tindall, 1983, pp. 446-450). karuva_ cinnamon tree, cinnamomum zeylanicum, ilavan:kappat.t.ai maram; cassia cinnamon, cinnamomum macrocarpum; clove tree, eugenia caryophyllata; karuva_-ppat.t.ai cinnamon, the dry bark of cinnamomum zeylanicum (Mu_. A.)(Ta.lex.) 'The earliest Dravidian word in Greek of which we know the date was karpion, Ctesias's word for cinnamon (as heard from his Persian informants as that of a resinous Indian tree). Herodotus describes cinnamon as "the karpheas (dry sticks) which we after the Phoenicians call kinnamomon." Liddel and Scott say: "the word bears a curious likeness to its Arabic name kerfat, kirfah." This resemblance must, I think, be accidental seeing that Herodotus considered "cinnamon" alone as a foreign word... The word mentioned by Ctesias seems, however, to have a real resemblance to the Arabic word and also to a Dravidian one... This word is... karupu or ka_rppu e.g. Malayalam karappa-(t)-tailam "oil of cinnamon"... other forms of this word are karappu, karuva, karuva_ the last of which is the most common in Tamil... derived from the Tamil-Malayalam word karu (black, pungent)... the latter meaning doubtless supplies us with the explanation of karuppu cinnamon.' (Caldwell). qarfah, kerfat (Arabic); karphea (Greek); karuva_ (Ta.) Ctesias was a physician to a king; he says that the Greeks called it myroroda (unguent roses) and refers to its extra-ordinary smell and fragrance, prized as an unguent... Bishop Caldwell's assumption is that Ctesias referred to cinnamon oil... from Malabar trees... Dr. Gundert's Malayalam-English dictionary inverts Caldwell and traces karappa (Ma.) to Greek karphea through the Arabic qarfah... (loc. cit. R. Swaminatha Aiyar, Dravidian Theories, 1922-23, repr., Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1987. pp.114-116).

2350.Thorn; spike: kar thorns (Santali.lex.) sa.r (pl. sa.d.l), ca_r (pl. ca_d.l) thorn (Kol.); sa_r (pl. sa_d.l) id. (Nk.); ca_ka (Pa.); sa_p (pl. -ul), cappu_ (Ga.); sappu id., spine, spike (Ga.); sa_p, ha_p (pl. ha_hk), a_p(i) (pl. a_'ku) thorn (Go.); sa_mbu (pl. sa_pku) id. (Kond.a); sa_pu, ha_pu id. (Kui); ha_pu, (pl. ha_pka), ha_pu_ id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2468). cf. ca_li umbrella-thorn, acacia planifrons (Ta.)(DEDR 2474). cf. s'alya arrow, javelin (RV.); piercing sting (Pali); salla thorn (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12352).

2351.Low shrub: ka_rai low shrub with sharp spines, canthium parviflorum, emetic nut (Ta.); ka_ra a thorny shrub (Ma.)(DEDR 1475). karaha_t.a a bulbous root (Pali); the tree vangueria spinosa (Sus'r.); karaha_t.aka id. (Sus'r.); karaha_d.a, karaha_d.aya a partic. kind of tree (Pkt.); karha_r (H.); kharhar a kind of oak (H.); kara_r. a partic. kind of tall plant (G.)(CDIAL 2802). ka_re the spinous shrub webera tetandra (Ka.); ka_rai (Ta.); ga_re (Te.); ka_reya soppu; ka_reka_d.u a thorny jungle or thicket; ka_reka_yigid.a the tree furnishing myrobalans or ink-nuts, terminalia chebula; ka_remul.l.u a common spinous shrub, webera tetandra or canthium parviflorum; the strong sharp thorn of the ka_re; ga_re the tree terminalia catappa; ka_ki-gid.a a common spinous shrub, canthium parviflorum or webera tetandra (Ka.lex.) Canthium parviflorum: kirni (M.); gangeruki (Skt.); karai (Ta.); balusu (Te.); decoction of leaves and roots: prescribed in certain stages of flux; root: anthelmintic; bark and young branches: given in dysentery in Indo-China; habitat: Western part of the Indian Peninsula from Konkan southwards to Ceylon, ascending up to 4,000 ft. (GIMP, p.49). Spiny shrub: ka.r mul. gorse, ulex europaeus (To.); ka.re mara ramdoa di,etpri, amd uliginosa (Kod..); ga_ra balanites aegyptiaca (Te.)(DEDR 1475). [... genera canthium, randia, vangueria, griffithia, balanites, and ulex are spiny... randia dumetorum = randia malabarica common emetic nut...](DEDR 1475).man.akka_rai vangueria spinosa (Ta.); man:ga_re, madga_re, magga_re id. (Ka.)(DEDR 4669). marukka_rai, matukka_rai emetic nt, randia dumetorum (Ta.); man:ga_re-mul.l.u id. (Ka.); mran:ga, man:ga id. (Te.)(DEDR 4716). Vangueria spinosa: pindituka (Skt.); muyuna (H.M.); atu (M.); mullakare (Ka.); manakkarai (Ta.); visikilamu (Te.); fruit: refrigerant, cholagogue, strengthening and an expellant of phlegm and bile; powdered leaves: considered useful for diphtheria; habitat: N. Bengal, Konkan, Deccan, N.Kanara and most plain districts of the Madras State (GIMP, p.252).

2352.Afterbirth: hal afterbirth (K.)[semantics of ka~_r.o thorn, afterbirth (N.); kan.t.a, kan.t.aka thorn, fishbone (Pali)(CDIAL 2688).]; sa_l afterbirth (N.); sa_l dead foetus in womb; piercing pain (M.)(CDIAL 12352). Image: bow: cara_can-am < sara_sana bow (lit. seat for the arrows) (Pa_rata. Va_ran.a_vata. 56)(Ta.lex.) Image: arrow: caram arrow (Kampara_. Ve_l.vi. 9); kaus grass; cara-ma_ri shower of arrows (Tiv. Periya_r... 3,5,8); caravan.a-p-poykai a sacred pond in the Hima_layas amidst a thicket of kaus, where Skanda was born (Pu. Ve. 9,21, Urai.); caravan.am id. (Man.i. 18,92); caravan.a-pavan- Skanda (Kantapu. Tiruvil.ai. 16)(Ta.lex.) Arrow: s'arya arrow (RV.); s'e_ra, s'a arrow (Kal.); s'e_j afterbirth (WPah.)(CDIAL 12339). s'aru missile (RV.); arrow (AV.); s'ur arrow (Kt.); sari_ straight like an arrow (P.); sara arrow (Or.OAw.OMarw.); sar (Mth.H.G.); sara, sara-ya (Si.)(CDIAL 12336). Grass; reed: calli a kind of grass or reed (Ma.Tu.)(DEDR 2382). calki_ a special kind of grass from which brooms are made; a broom (Kur.); celaki a broom made of grass (Malt.)(DEDR 2375). rel.l.u a reed used to write with, saccharum sara (Ka.); r-ellu, rellu a reed, saccharum spontaneum (Te.); relli tuppa bulrush (Kuwi)[cf. tuppa small bush (Te.); tuft of reeds or similar plants (Pa.); shrub (Ga.); nest (Go.)(DEDR 3322)](DEDR 5171). ca_r a tree of the reed kind, which grows to a height of 7 or 8 feet (its wood is very hard and serves to make pen-holders and arrow-shafts); arrow-shaft, arrow (Kur.); caru arrow (Malt.)(DEDR 2469). Bar, rod; arrow: s'ara reed from which arrows are made (RV.); the reed saccharum sara, arrow (Mun.d.Up.); s'ari_ typha angustifolia (Skt.); sara- the reed s. sara, arrow (Pali.Pkt.); s'ur stiff grass (Kt.); s'a_r reed, high grass (Kal.); har pl. group of young shoots just bursting out of a tree in spring (K.); huru small piece of stick (K.); saru s. sara (S.); sar (L.P.H.); sari_ bar of iron, lash of whip (P.); saro (Ku.): sari_ stick, thin iron bar, penis (Ku.); sar shaft (e.g. of a spear) (N.); sar reed (B.); sara reed, handle of oar (Or.)[cf. Boatman's pole: callam boatman's pole (Ma.); jallu id. (Ka.); jalla id. (Tu.)(DEDR 2380). jalle, jar..ave a bamboo pole; a sugar-cane (Ka.); jalle cane of sugar (Kod..)(DEDR 2383)]; sara_ long straight bamboo (H.); sari_ reed, shaft of arrow (H.); sariya_ piece of reed or bamboo, gold or silver wire (H.); sariyo bar, rod (G.); sar, sara_ bamboo, pole (M.); siri the reed s. cylindricum, arrow (Si.)(CDIAL 12324). [cf. campu elephant grass, typha elephantina (Ta.); jambu a kind of reed or sedge, typha angustifolia (Ka.); jambu a bulrush, sedge (Te.)(DEDR 2347)].

2353.Image: to repulse: karapu to repulse, drive (Tu.lex.)

2355.Image: hand: karapam metacarpus, the part of the hand between the wrist and fingers (Tiruvil.ai. Ukkira. Ve_lval.ai. 39); karam hand (Tiruva_ca. 4,84); cubit (Kantapu. An.t.ako_. 6)(Ta.lex.) karam elephant's trunk (Ta.lex.) kara doing, causing (AV.); hand (RV.Pali.Pkt.); karu arm (S.); kar (Mth.); kara hand, shoulder (Si.); kara_ (Si.inscr.); kara_i_ wrist (S.); kara~_ pl. wristlets, bangles (G.)(CDIAL 2779). karatala palm of hand (R.Pali); karayala hand (OG.)(CDIAL 2794). karas'a_kha_ finger (Skt.Pali); karasa_ (Si.)(CDIAL 2801). Image: hand: kara hand (RV.Pkt.Pali.Si.); karu arm (S.); kar hand (Mth.); deriv. kara_i_ wrist (S.); Wristlets, bangles: kara~_ pl. wristlets, bangles (G.)(CDIAL 2779). kala_ci_ forearm; kala_cika_ id. (Skt.); kala_ia_ (Pkt.); kala_i_ wrist (P.); forearm, wrist, fetlock (H.); kavaciya_ forearm (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2930). caval. (caval.v-, cavan.t.-) to bend, be supple (as the arms of a fencer); cavat.t.u (cavat.t.i-) to bend, twist (Ta.); caval.uka to be flexible (Ma.)(DEDR 2393). Doing: kara doing, causing (AV.); shoulder (Si.); kara_ to (inscr.Si. < kara_ya)--Deriv. kara_i_ wrist (S.)(CDIAL 2779).

2309.Mud, mire: xe_r open gravelly ground at the foot of a hill (Br.) (DEDR 2007).

2310.Gourd: ka~_kara the creeping plant momordica charantia (Te.); ka_keri id. (Kond.a) (DEDR 1427). ka_rave_lla the gourd momordica charantia (Sus'r.); its fruit (Skt.); ka_ravella (Pali); ka_riyallai_ (Pkt.); karaila_, karaili_ (Bi.); karail (Mth.); karivila (Si.); ka_rellaya the fruit (Pkt.); ka_rilli_ the plant (Pkt.); kare_l the plant (K.); karelo (S.); kre_la_ (L.); karela_ (P.); karel a plant with very fragrant white flowers used for making scent (WPah.); karelo momordica charantia (N.); kerela_ (A.); karela_, kareli, karla_ (B.); karla_, kalara_, kaluri momordica charantia (Or.); karela_ (H.); ka_reli_ the plant; ka_relu~ the fruit (G.); ka_rli_, ka_rle~ (M.); karar.a_ (Or.); ka_reti_, ka_rete~ (M.)(CDIAL 3061).

2311.Pungent: ka_r.. to be pungent, acrid (Ta.); ga_t.u strong stifling smell as of tobacco, chillies, etc. (Ka.); pungency, acridity (Te.); hot, pungent (Tu.)(DEDR 1492). kar.ua hot, pungent; khara acrid, pungent, energetic (Santali.lex.) Caustic: ka_ram (Ta.Ma.); ka_ramu (Te.); ka_ra (Ka.Tu.) < ks.a_ra caustic; alkali, soda, potash, impure carobnate of soda; washerman's lye, lixivium; mordant, alkaline preparation for securing fast colours; tankara borax (Ta.lex.); ka_ram < bhr.nga_ra gold (Ta.lex.); ka_ram-pu_cu to imbue cloth with alum that it may retain colour; ka_ram-po_t.u to apply caustic, lye, alkali, as in washing clothes (Ta.lex.) ka_ram different salts; caustic (Ma.); ka_ra alkali; caustic (Ka.); ka_ruppu a strong or black sort of salt (Tu.) salt, brackish (Te.)(DEDR 1466). [Prob. influenced by ks.a_ra (Skt.)] kaR to smear, daub, whitewash (Kond.a); ka_ja to daub, plaster over holes (Kui)(DEDR 1503).

2312.Necklet, bangle: ka_r-ai gold or silver collar, necklet for women and children (Ta.); ka_r-a collar of gold or silver worn by Ma_pl.ichis and fisherwomen (Ma.); a kind of silver or gold neck-ring worn by boys of higher castes in Palghat (Ma.); ka.r- silver bangle worn on right leg by chief men (To.); ka_re a kind of necklace or collar (Tu.); kara silver necklace (Nk.)(DEDR 1506).

2313.Image: feather: garl quill of feather (Ko.); gar-i wing, feather (Ka.); gari id. (Tu.); gari, gar-i id.; gari, -gara a long leaf (of millet, corn etc.)(Te.); gar (pl. gad.l) feather (Kol.); gar (pl. -s'il) id. (Nk.)(DEDR 1394). kar-al firewood, fuel (Ta.)(DEDR 1389).

2314.Pith: garu pulp, pith, marrow (S.); gar (G.M.); gara_ lump of the pulp of jackfruit (M.)(CDIAL 4040). ka_r.. (-pp-, -tt-) to become hard, mature, be firm or strong in mind, implacable; n. hardness, solidity or close grain (as of timber), core, strength of mind; ka_r..ppu close grain (as of the heart of timber), essence; ka_r..i great strength, toughness, hardness; kar..untu heart or core of a tree (Ta.); ka_tal core, heart of tree, essence, pith, substance; ka_mpu pith, inner substance; kar..ampu pulp of fruit, pith, essence (Ma.); ka.dl flat band of muscle on either side of backbone (Ko.); ko.s.f- (ko.s.t-) to be envious (To.); kar..ime, ka_l.ime obstinacy, haughtiness (Ka.); ka_r.- to expand hood (serpent)(Pa.)(DEDR 1491).

2315.Abuses: jar-e, jar-i, jer-e, jer-i to rebuke, abuse, jeer at; n. an imprecation or term of abuse; jar-aha rebuke, censure; jarvu, jabbu, jabarisu, jabbarisu to chide, scold, abuse, rebuke (Ka.); jaripuni, jarepuni, jarpuni to insult, jeer, despise (Tu.)(DEDR 2422). garhati complains of (RV.); blames (Mn.); garahati blames (Pali); garahati, galahati (As'.); garahati complains (NiDoc.); garahai, garihai abuses (Pkt.); kha_r to call aloud; kar-, akar- to call, cry out, groan (Gypsy); ga_run to search eagerly for (K.); garahan.u to talk over one's affairs privately (S.); garahanava_ to reproach, mock (Si.); garh abuse (Skt.)(CDIAL 4067). garhan.a blame (MBh.); garahan.a blame (Pali.Pkt.); garahan.aya_ (Pkt.); ga_r(h)a_n.e~ complaint, supplication (M.)(CDIAL 4066). garha_ blame (MBh.); galhate_ (Dha_tup.); garaha_ blame (Pali.Pkt.); gariha_, gariha (Pkt.); garaha, garaha_ (As'.); galaha_ blaming (As'.); pl. ga_lhi_ abuse; ga_lh (L.)(CDIAL 4068). ga_li pl. abusive speech (Skt.Pkt.); gel di_ to scorn (Bshk.); gul dirt (Psht.); gal abuse (Tor.); ga_l (K.); ga_li (K.); ga_ri (S.); ga_l (L.); ga_lhi_ (L.); ga_l, ga_li_ (P.); ga_i (WPah.); ga_li, ga_i_ (Ku.); ga_ri (Ku.); ga_l discredit (N.); ga_li abuse (N.); ga_li (A.); ga_l, ga_li (B.); ga_l.i_ (N.); ga_r (Bi.); ga_ri_ (Mth.); ga_li_, ga_r, ga_ri_ (H.); ga_li_ (Marw.); ga_l., ga_l.i_, a_l.i_-ga_l.u~ abusive (G.); ga_l., ga_l.i_ (M.)(CDIAL 4145). ga_l.ya_ra_ abusive (M.)(CDIAL 4146). ga_l.i san:g, ga_l.i sou say abuses; ga_l., ga_l.i abuse (Kon.lex.) Word: gali word; gal kera_r says (Gypsy); gal shout (K.); gall, pl. galla_ word, thing (L.); gall word (P.); ga_l(h)ana_ to talk (OH.); ga_lhi, ga_lhu talk (S.); ga_lh word (L.)(CDIAL 4068). hagal gan.d.ia a term of abuse (Santali.lex.) cf. gala throat, neck (MBh.)(CDIAL 4070). celluka, colluka (colli-, conn-) to say, declare, order; collikka to cause to say, declare, order; collikka to cause to say, repeat, read (Ma.); col (colv-/colluv-, colli-) to say, speak, tell, mention, utter, express, recite, repeat, relate, quote, dictate, command, advise, inform, praise; n. word, term, saying, speech, proverb, maxim, declaration, promise, assurance, praise, incantation, curse, command, advice, part of speech; colavu saying, telling, proverb; cor-r-al saying, telling (Ta.); col word, command, advice, praise, fame (Ma.); col command (Ko.); sol, sollu to say, speak, tell; n. a word; sollisu to say, speak, tell; cause oneself to be said, be said, cause to speak, have said or told (Ka.); colli name (in songs)(Kod..); cul- to say (Pa.); jo_l-, jo_linai to speak; jo_lali to answer; jo~_lki aiyali to discuss, talk; jolpu speech (Kuwi)(DEDR 2855).

2316.Image: handful; scoop: ker- (-t-) to take handfuls or small quantities out of a mass (of grain, etc.), take into a ladle before serving, collect into a heap and pick up (Kond.a); gre- (-t-) to scoop up with the hand (Pe.); grepa- to scoop up (Mand..); gra_pa (gra_t-), gre_pa (gre_t-) to scoop up, shovel into with the hands, scrape together (Kui); grecali (gret-) to gather up, take handful (Kuwi)(DEDR 1959). To dig: ka_r, ka_r., ka_t, ka_c to dig (Go.); ka_r to dig, make a pit, dig out (weeds, etc.)(Kond.a); ka_rpa to dig up; n. act of digging up (Kui); ka_rhali, karh'nai to dig (Kuwi); ka_rh'nai to sculp, spade; ka_s to dig (Kuwi)(DEDR 1467). khan dig (Skt.); karolan.a_ to dig up with any small instrument, poke, feel with a stick (P.)(CDIAL 2778). kharavin.e~, khara_vin.e~ to excavate (M.); kharoln.a_ to poke, dig up with a small instrument (L.); karocn.a_ to scrape (P.); kharu~_cn.a_ to scratch with the nail (P.); khard.n.e~ to scrape, grub up, intr. to crawl along on the buttocks (M.); kharvad.n.e~ to scrape off; kharapn.e~ to scratch hard (M.)(CDIAL 13645). kallu (kalli-) to dig out (as a hole), hollow (as a rat), excavate, scoop out (as a nut), erode; kellu (kelli-) to dig (Ta.); kalluka to dig out, excavate (Ma.); kelv- (kelt-) to dig with fingers or paws (Ko.); kelc- to dig holes (as rats); kelong el bandicoot (Pa.)(DEDR 1319).

2317.Image: to unite with: kara-ttal to join, unite with (Upate_caka_. Civapura_n.a. 42)(Ta.lex.)

2318.Thieft; to seize; image: to lie hidden: karavu concealing, theft, fraud, deceit (Kur-al., 288; Aric. Pu. Ve_t.t.a. 9); karappu id. (Kur-al., 1053; Te_va_. 524,3); karappar-ai room to hide oneself in, retreat (Perun.. Ucaik. 33,17); karavar thieves; karaval concealment, as of an article that should be given away (Kampara_. Cat.a_yuka_n.. 21); karavat.am act or practice of stealing; deceit (Tan.t.alai Cata. 29); karavat.ar thieves, deceivers (Ta.); kara (-pp-, -nt-) to conceal, hide, disguise (Pur-ana_. 1,8); to steal, pilfer (Kantapu. Ma48); to destroy, i.e. to reduce to primal elements (Tiruva_ca. 7,12); to hide, abscond, lie hidden, keep oneself out of sight (Man.i. 2,26); to be injured, ruined (Tirukko_. 213)(Ta.lex.) karappu covering, hiding, concealing; theft (Ma.); o.garv- (o.gard-) to listen without speaking, be silent when called, keep silent (Ko.); kar- (kar0-) to steal, hide (To.); kar nar. (nar.0-) to have intercourse stealthily (To.); kare to hide (Ka.); kar-at.i a deceiver, a cheat (Te.); kharpara thief; kharapat.a name of the author of cora-s'a_stra-, otherwise called Karn.i_suta; in Tamil the treasure is known as karavat.a-nu_l (Cilap. 16,180, Arum.)(DEDR 1258). Theft; plunder: o_har place where stolen cattle are hidden (L.); apahara carrying off (Skt.); apaha_ra stealing (R.); avaha_ra (Pkt.)(CDIAL 471). apaharati snatches away, plunders (S'Br.); apaharati (Pali); avaharai (Pkt.); o_er-et they brought away (Wg.); auwerik to snatch from by force, take away (Kho.); vharta_ takes (Konkan.i); apabharati takes away (RV.)(CDIAL 472). apahr.ta carried away (S'Br.); avahad.a (Pkt.); vhello taken away (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 474). a_hat.a brought near, fetched (Pali); a_hr.ta (Mn.); a_had.a, a_haya brought, stolen (Pkt.); ha_d.ta_ brings (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 1547). hara in cmpds. 'removing, destroying'; name of S'iva (A_s'Gr.)(CDIAL 13978). haran.a removing (Kaus'.Pali.Pkt.); haran. forcible seizure (G.M.)(CDIAL 13979). harati carries, brings (RV.); takes away (Mn.); carries, brings, takes away, plunders (Pali); haradi takes away (NiDoc.); harai_ (Pkt.); harina (D..); ha_rim I take (Kal.); har- to take, take away (Mai.); ha_rum I take away (pret. hur.o)(Phal.); harna_ to take away, steal (P.); haroiki (Sh.); harun to take away, abandon (K.); harn.o (Ku.); harnu (N.); hariba (A.); hara_ (B.); hariba_ (Or.); harab to seize, take away (Mth.); harai (OAw.); harna_ to take, seize, plunder (H.); harna_, ha_ra, a_ra (OSi.); harn.o to take away (Marw.); harvu~ (G.); harn.e~ (M.); ar- to accept, agree (Pas'.); to hear; har- to hear (Pas'.); hyonu, pp. hyotu to take; heunu (K.); ho~iba (A.); nyunu to take; nyu_tu taken, accepted (K.); niba pres. part. nio~ta_ (A.); hari_yati pass. (Pali); herioi_ adj. gone astray (of cattle)(WPah.); hi_rati is taken (Pali); hi_rai, hi_rijjai, hijjai (Pkt.); hri_yate_ (AV.); hirna_ to be taken away, be plundered (P.); hiron.u_ to be lost; hira_n.u_ to lose (WPah.); hirn.e~, hira_vin.e~ to seze and take from forcibly (M.)(CDIAL 13980). hartr. thief (Ya_j.); ha_ri_ta (Skt.); ha~ri_r thie; hairua (Kal.)(CDIAL 13989). To lose; to defeat: ha_rayati causes to be taken (MBh.); has taken from oneself, loses (Skt.); ha_re_ti causes to be taken (Pali); ha_re_i destroys, is defeated (Pkt.); ha_run to take away, lose, be unsuccessful (K.); ha_ran.u to lose, be defeated (S.); ha_ran. (L.); ha_rna_ (P.); ha_rnu_, ha_na_ id. (WPah.); ha_rna_, ha_rn.a_ (WPah.); ha_rn.o (Ku.) ha_rnu (N.); ha_riba (A.); ha_ra_ (B.); ha_riba_ (Or.); ha_rab (Mth.Aw.); ha_rna_ (H.); ha_rvu~ to lose; harvu~ to be defeated (G.); ha_rn.e~ to take away, win (M.); harn.e~ to lose, fail, be conquered (M.); arin.ava_ to abandon, let go hold of, send, open (a door); arenava_ to be left on one side (Si.); harapita, ha_ra_pita_ni, ha_la_pita_ causes to be imported (As'.); ha_ravai is defeated (Pkt.); ha_ra_in.u to cause to lose (S.); hara_un.a_ to defeat (P.); haron.o to vanquish, lose, suffer loss (Ku.); hara_unu to lose (N.); hara_iba to defeat (A.); hara_na (B.); hara_iba_ to lose (Or.); hara_na_ to defeat (H.); ha_ravin.e~ to lose (M.); aravanava_ to cause to be put away or sent, cause to open (Si.); hara_pe_ti causes to be taken (Pali); hara_vidu defeated (Ap.); haravin.e~ to lose, cast away (M.); ha_rapn.e~ to be lost, to lose (M.)(CDIAL 14061). ha_ri losing a game (Skt.); loss, defeat (Pkt.); defeat (Or.); ha_r (K.L.P.Ku.B.H.M.); betrothal (Sh.); loss, defeat, fatigue (P.); defeat, bewilderment (N.); defeat, loss at play (B.); ha_ir id. (B.); ha_ri defeat (Or.); ha_ri (G.); harati marries (S'Br.)(CDIAL 14062). hr.ta seized, taken away (AV.); hat.a carried off (Pali); had.a, haya, hia (Pkt.); hu_r.o (pret. of ha_r-)(Phal.); hal.a, al.a (Si.); har. flood (WPah.)(CDIAL 14149). cf. sam.ha_ra bringing together (MBh.); destruction (Mn.)(CDIAL 13063). sam.ha_rayati caus. of sam.harati draws together (RV.); a-sam.ha_riya indestructible (Pali); sam.gha_riya stuck, killed (Pkt.); sa~gha_rn.a_ to destroy (P.); sam.gha_rai kills (OAw.); sa~ha_rn.a_, sa~gha_rna_ to destroy, kill (H.); sa~ha_rn.e~ to destroy (M.)(CDIAL 13064). sam.hr.ta drawn together (MBh.); sa_haya id., enveloped (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13065).

2319.Image: neck: cf. he_rki neck (Kuwi); se_rki back of the neck (Kui)(DEDR 2817). s.ak back of neck (Dm.); s.a_k (Phal.); s.akh collar-bone (Sh.)(CDIAL 13576). serom neck; sarasar neck and neck; taren neck of animal (Santali.lex.) ghar.wi ghao a sore on nape of neck (Santali.lex.) car (obl. carr-, pl. cartil) neck (Pa.); ar-u, ar-r-u neck (Te.); eruttu id. (Ta.); eruttam id., nape of neck (Ta.); erattu back of the neck (Ma.); eruttam neck, back of the neck (Ma.)(DEDR 2419).

2320.Image: snare: herh'nai to implicate, ensnare; her- (-t-) to be caught in snare; hervi- (-t-) to be caught, be trapped (Kuwi); hez- (hest-) to be caught, entangled (e.g. in snare)(Pe.); sehpa (seht-) to be entangled, caught and held fast, trapped (Kui)(DEDR 2793). s'irka_i, s'irka be entangled (Kon.lex.)

2321.Image: to scrape: here to scrape, as the surface of a wall, floor, fruit, bamboo-slit etc.; to shave, as the head; to make a pen or pencil; to grub as grass; herasu to cause to scrape etc. (Ka.) (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Bark of tree: here, ere, pere the slough of a serpent (Ka.) (Ka.lex.) cf. pere skin or slough of a serpent (Ka.); berad.u bark, rind, shell; barad.u bark of a tree (Te.); perevuni to be peeled, scraped (Tu.)(DEDR 4417). kerakalu scrapings (of rice burnt at the bottom of a pot); kerisu to cause to scrape; kere to scratch, scrape (Ka.lex.) Image: crack: biravu, biruvu a fissure, a crack (Ka.); biri to burst; to be rent asunder, to burst open, to split open, to part asunder, to separate, to crack (Ka.); viri (Te.Ta.Ma.)(Ka.lex.) Billhook; to clear a jungle: giri to cut through with axe; sigi to cut through deeply with axe (Santali.lex.) kiri, kere to shave (Ka.); cirai (Ta.); cire (Ma.)(Ka.lex.) Metath.: erukku (erukki-) to cut, hew, strike (as a bush), beat (as a drum), kill, destroy (Ta.); erk- to cut down bushes, etc., in clearing land (Pa.); erk- to cut down (grass, bushes); erkem (pl. erke) billhook (Go.); erga (ergi-) to make a clearing, clear jungle or thick grass or scrub; n. act of clearing a jungle (Kui); erg- (-it-) to cut, slash (Kuwi); en-gde to clear away weeds, cut down a jungle (Malt.)(DEDR 824). ?cf. vr.ddhi cutting off (Skt.); bur.ia_ small axe (Or.); va_d.h, ba_d.h cutting, killing (P.); va_d.hi_, ba_d.hi_ harvesting, harvest (P.)(CDIAL 12075).

2322.Image: birth: her-ige bringing forth, delivery (used only of women; not of animals (Ka.); her-igeka_la a woman's time of delivery; her-ige-tin:gal.u the last month of gestation; her-egemane a lying-in chamber (Ka.); her-u bringing forth; her-umbal.e a ring that is worshipped in the room of delivery in order to accelerate it (Ka.); her-uvike bringing forth; her-uha bringing forth (Ka.lex.) per-u (per-uv-, per-r--) to beget; pe_r-u childbirth; pir-a (-pp-, -nt-) to be born; pir-antai birth; pir-appu birth; pir-avi birth (Ta.); per-uka to bear, bring forth; pe_r-u birth, bringing forth; pe_r-r-i midwife; pir-akka to spring up, be born; pir-appu, pir-avi birth (Ma.); perv- (perd-) to be born; perp birth (Ko.); per-p, pe.r, pe.rf act of birth; pe.rf- (pe.d-) to be born; per-- to be born (To.); per- (pett-) to beget (Ka.); per- (peruv-, pett-) to beat (child)(Kod..); pedpa_vuni to assist a woman in childbirth; pedmedi lying-in woman; perga profit, gain; pe_tu parturition, childbed; pedikke birth (Tu.); pet.t.u to bear (young); perayu to obtain (Te.); pet.p (pet.t-) to bear young (said of animal)(Kol.); pet.t.- to give birth to (Nk.); pirr- to sprout from the ground; pirra_na_ to grow (of young wheat), sprout (Go.)(DEDR 4422).

2323.Image: to lift hand to beat: be_ru to lift hand to beat (Ka.); be_runi to be waved, lifted up, as the hand; lift up, as the hand (Tu.)(DEDR 4440).

2324.Image: eaves of a house: er-ake, er-akil a roof, a thatch (Ka.); ir..ai (Ma.); the eaves of a house (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) ir-ai, ir-appu inside of a sloping roof, eaves of a house; ir-ava_ram eaves of a house (Ta.); ir-a, ir-aka_li, ir-ayar-r-am eaves of a house; ir-ampu eaves, brow of a hill, edge; ir-ava_ram veranda (Ma.); e_raki eaves (Kod..); er-a, in: talliy-er-a the uppermost well-tube which forms a parapet round a well (Te.); r-e_kam roof (Kond.a); je_gom (Pe.); re_pa the lower slopes of a hill (Kui)(DEDR 528). ke_r a wall; ke_rgat.t.u a wall-like structure (Ka.); ke_ra, kya_ra (so that it joins or follows = ce_ra (Ka.); ce_ra (Ta.); ce_re jointly; near, close (Te.); ke_ra just then, afterwards (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ce_r (-v-, -nt-) to become united (Ta.); se_rpu neighbourhood (Kond.a); serna clingingly (Kui); ke_b nearness, near (Br.)(DEDR 2814). cf. ca_r (-v-, -nt-) joining (Ta.); ca_rttu (ca_rtti-) to cause to lean (Ta.)(DEDR 2460).

2325.Snake: ke_re, kya_re the rat-snake, also called the whip-snake, ptyas mucosus (Ka.); ce_re (Ma.); ca_rai (Ta.); sa_re, jerri-po_tu (Te.); ti_ra the boa (Skt.); ke_retuppa the fat of the rat-snake which is used medicinally (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ce_rai, ca_rai rat snake, ptyas mucosus (Ta.); ce_ra rat snake, amphisbaena or coryphodon (Ma.); ke.r va.b sp. harmless snake (Ko.); ke.r, ke.r fo.b sp. snake (To.); ke.re pa.mbi sp. non-poisonous snake; karin. ge.re pa.mbi rat snake (kari black)(Kod..); ke_r a kind of harmless snake (Tu.)(DEDR 2011). pen-jera a species of rock-snake; jer-r-i-po_tu whipsnake; jerri god.d.u a kind of snake (Te.); je_rigag sp. snake (Kol.)[H. dha_man]; je_ri id. (Pa.); se_ri, sargo_d.a_, sargod.al, hergod.al the rat-snake, dha_man; er(e)god.ali a kind of snake (Go.); god.al dhaman snake (Mu.) (DEDR 2816).

2326.Image: hair over the front part of the head: ke_ra_ < ghera_ (U.); hair over the front part of the head and adjoining the kut.umi (Ta.lex.)

2327.Mould; embossed work; form, mint: karuv-id.u to put bosses or raised figures, mould, model (Ka.); karukku-ve_lai work in stone or metal, raised work, bas-relief work, fretwork (Ta.lex.) karugu mould (Te.); karu embossed work, bas-relief (Ka.); karukku engraving, carving, embossed work (Ta.)(S.I.I. ii,5)(Ta.lex.) karukku-pan.i embossed work (Ma.); garra form, mint (Kuwi); d.a_lu-gara womb (Kuwi) [cf. karu-k-kur..i womb (Mar-aicai. 32); karu-p-pai womb (Tan-ippa_. i,120,3) (Ta.lex.)]; karavi a mould (Tu.); karuvu id. (Te.); karu mould, matrix (Ta.) (Tiruvil.ai. Iraca. 9); figure, mould (Ma.); a mould (Tu.); garu mould (Tu.); karat.u original of a copy (Ma.)(DEDR 1280). Mould: karu-kkat.t.u to make a mould (Ta.lex.) mudda_-kkhara-sampa_daka matrix (Pali.lex.) karu-k-kat.t.u to make a mould (Ta.lex.) To burn: karukku- to burn, scorch, tan, darken by heat; to burn up, consume (Aric.Pu. Maya_n-a. 33); to toast, fry, parch, boil (Tailava. Taila. 84)(Ta.lex.) cf. karappan- eruption in children (Ta.)(DEDR 1272). kappar-ai blank in the play of dice (Ta.lex.)

2328.Waste land: karampu waste land uncultivated though cultivable, of two kinds, viz., an-a_tikkarampu (immemorial waste land or an-a_ti-taricu), ceyka_r-karampu (arable land, allowed to lie fallow or waste); karampai land with a surface layer of alluvium (R.F.); hard, clayey soil (Perumpa_n.. 93); waste land (Patir-r-up. 28)(Ta.lex.) cf. karppu_ra-vilai price paid for temple lands (Ta.lex.) Back-water; brackish soil: kharwa_ salt (from boiling sea-water) (Mth.); ks.a_ra corrosive (R.); alkali (Ya_j.); any corrosive substance (Skt.)[NIA. ch forms mean 'ashes', kh forms mostly 'alkali']; kha_ra alkali, potash (Pali); biting, alkaline (Pkt.); alkaline (K.); potash, ashes of dried bark, ashes (Or.); envy (OG.); kha_ra, cha_ra, cha_raya alkali, ashes (Pkt.); char ashes (Gypsy); car sand, dust (Gypsy); ca_r earth, dust (Tir.); kha_raka sharp or dry (Pali); kha_rika alkaline (Pali); kha_ru alkali (S.); salt (Konkan.i); kha_ro brackish (S.); carbonate of soda (G.); bitter (Marw.); cha_ru ashes (S.); kha_r potash, the plant salsola griffithsii (from which it is made)(L.); potash (A.); alkali (P.M.); anger, ashes (Ku.); alkali, pungent fumes from burning ghee (N.); caustic alkali (Bhoj.); salt (G..); kha_ra_ brackish (L.P.); bitter (OAw.); alkaline (H.); saline (M.); cha_r ashes (P.WPah.Ku.B.Bhoj.); alkali, saltness (H.); salt (G.); alkali (M.); caustic (H.); alkali, ashes (H.); pungent fumes (N.); cha_r-kha_r reduced to ashes, destroyed (B.Or.); kha_ri saline (Or.); kha_ria_ saline (Or.); kha_ri_ land impregnated with sodium sulphate (Bi.); alkaline (H.); salt water (H.); salt (from boiling sea-water)(G.); kharia_ saline (Mth.); cha_ro weeds burnt as manure (Mth.); cha_ra ashes (OAw.); kha_ru_ alkaline (H.); cha_ra_ alkali, ashes (H.); non-cha_r brine (H.); kha_ru~ saline (G.); kara salt (of water), infertile (of land)(CDIAL 3674). khara_ni ashes (N.)(CDIAl 3677). kar..a_lai saline soil (Ta.lex.) ka_ri brackish ground (Ma.); a brackish ground, back-water, arm of the sea, a ford (Ka.); ka_ri-ne_la brackish soil; -ka_ri (second member of place names)(Te.)(DEDR 1471). ka_r brackish or saltish (Ta.); ka_ram caustic (Ma.); ka_ra pungency; alkali; caustic (Ka.); pungent (Tu.); ka_ru saltness; salt, brackish (Te.); karya saltness (Kond.a); kariya id. (Pe.); salty (Mand..); xare_n bitter (Br.)(DEDR 1466). ka_r-al pungency (Ta.); ka_r-ai mustiness, mould (Ta.); kar-al saltishness, brackishness (Ka.)(DEDR 1504). sauvarcala sochal salt (prepared by boiling down soda with myrobalan); natron (Skt.); so_vaccala, sum.cala black salt (Pkt.); so_caru lu_n.u (S.); sau~cal (P.); sa~cal. factitious salt prepared by fusing fossile salt with emblic myrobalan (M.)(CDIAL 13622). Fuller's earth: ka_i fuller's earth, natron (Or.); coating sticking to the side of a vessel in which milk or other liquid is kept (N.); ka_i_ starch (B.Or.); green scum on stagnant water (H.); thin layer or covering (G.); ka_vi_ green substance (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3109). ka_vi red ochre (Ta.)(DEDR 1490).

2162.Pot: kum a skin vessel for holding raw sugar, oil etc. (Santali.lex.) kumbhi a vessel for preserving grain; a pot (Ka.lex.) kuval.ai wide-mouthed vessel, cup; brim of a vessel (R.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) kumbha jar, pot (RV.Pkt.); khumbha (Indo-Iranian); xumba (in Avestan-Iranian) semant. pot > pool [cf. kun.d.a, d.abbara]. kumba jar (for ghee or oil)(Dardic); kumi_ pool (Dardic); kumire_ pitcher (Dardic); kumbhi contrivance to lift water from tank to field (Or.); ku~bu jar (M.); kumba jar (Si.)(CDIAL 3308). Large round pot: kumbhi_ large round pot (Pali); kumre~_ pitcher (Wg.); khumiro small earthen pot (S.); khu~bh, khumb copper in which clothes are boiled (P.); khu_m large flat jar, earthen pot for storing grain (Bi.)(CDIAL 3308). kummat.t.am cupola, dome; arch, vault, arched roof;[cf. kumital to accumulate, to be heaped up (Ta.Ma.); gumi (Te.)]; kummat.t.i chafing-dish (Tiv. Tirukkur-un. 5, Vya_.); kumpat.i (Te.); kumpat.e id. (Ka.); kumutam oven, stove (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Image: pot: kumbha a water-jar, a pot; the sign of the zodiac aquarius; kumbar-a, kumba_r-a a contraction of kumbaga_r-a a potter (tadbhava of kumbhaka_ra); kumbha-sambhava born in a water-jar, Agastya; kumbha a measure of grain, commonly called a comb; kumbhi a vessel for preserving grain (Ka.lex.) kopra_ small iron pot (M.); kopara_ a skull-like earthen vessel (Or.); pan (usu. brass)(N.)(CDIAL 3519). kumbhi_ small water-jar; an earthen cooking vessel; a measure of grain; kumbhi_-dha_nyam grain stored in jars sufficient for six days (Skt.lex.) kumpaka_ran- potter (Tiva_.); kumpa-campavan- lit., pitcher-born, Agastya (Kur-r-a_. Tala. Pura_n.avara. 18); kumpa-mun-i Sage Agastya, as pitcher-born (Tiruppu. 57); kumpan- Agastya (Kalval.ai. 74); kumpa-ti_pam pot-shaped temple lamp used in worship (Parata. Or..ipi. 42); kumpam earthen pot, pitcher, jar (Tiva_.); aquarius, a constellation of the zodiac (Pin..); kumpa_ urn-shaped silver or brass vessel (Pirapo_ta. 11,31)(Ta.lex.) Chafing dish: kumpit.u-cat.t.i chafing-dish, or portable furnace (Ta.); kumpat.i (Te.); kumpat.e (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) kumbha a pitcher, water-pot, jar; a measure of grain equal to 20 dron.as; an urn in which the bones of dead bodies are collected (Skt.lex.) kumbha jar, pot (RV.); xumba (Av.); kumbha round water jar; kumbhi_ large round pot (Pali); kubho, kumma pot (Dhp.); kum.ba jar (for ghee or oil)(NiDoc.); kum.bha, kum.bhi_ pot (Pkt.); kumi_ pool (Ash.); kumre~_ pitcher (Wg.); kum bucket (Dm.); kumbhi contrivance to lift water from tank to field (Or.); ku~bh jar (M.); kumba (Si.); khumbhu fireplace over which washermen steam clothes; khumiro small earthen pot (S.); khumbh fireplace for steaming clothes (L.); khu~bh, khumb copper in which clothes are boiled (P.); khu_m large flat jar, earthen pot for storing grain (Bi.)(CDIAL 3308). cf. kumbhaka_ra potter (Ya_n.)(CDIAL 3310). kuppad.ige, kuppat.i, kumpat.i, kummat.a, kummat.i a potsherd in which fire is kept, a chafing dish or portable furnace (Ka.); kumpi the heat of fire (Ta.); kuppu heat (Ma.); kumbal inward heat; kummal sultriness (Ma.); kummu to smoulder; smouldering ashes (Te.); kumai to be hot, sultry (Ta.); kumur-u to be hot, close (Ma.); kocci fire (Ta.); kuyul to be inflamed (Tu.); kumulu, kuma_rilu, gumilincu to smoulder, burn without flame (Te.)(Ka.lex.)

2163.Image: notched extremity: koppu, koppat.a, kol.pu the notched extremity or horn of a bow (Ka.); koppu, ko_pu (Te.); koppu an ornament for the upper part of the ear, worn by women; koppu a female's hair, tied in a tuft (Ka.Te.); kho_pa_, go_pha_ the hair-knot of women (M.); koppe, goppe, go_t.i the cap or hood made of gon:gad.i or cumbly; kaigoppe hand-hood: the hands joined to form a cup (from cold) (Ka.lex.)

2164.Feast: koppi-de_va, bella-patreya koppi-de_va, bilva-patreya koppi-de_va a god (Ka.lex.) koppi-p-pon:kal feast observed by Hindu girls on the first day of the month of Tai; kuppi-p-pon:kal id.; kummat.t.i romping, jumping; a rustic dance; kuman.t.ai a dance of delight, merry dance (Pa_rata. Patin-a_r-a_m. 51); kuman.t.ai-y-it.utal to cut capers; to leap for joy (Tiruva_. 40,1)(Ta.lex.) Festivity; harvest: ko_ppu a feast (Ma.); ko.pi festivity (Kod..)(DEDR 2219). ko_va (ko_t-) to reap, cut off; n. reaping, harvesting; ko_eri harvest, reaping (Kui); qoytre to have the crop reaped (Malt.); koyyal, koyttu reaping; koyil the hire of a fruit-gatherer (Ma.); koyilu, koilu reaping, harvest, a small paddy field (Tu.); koyyelu harvest (Tu.); ko~_ta cutting, reaping (Te.); koy- (ko-) to reap, harvest (Pa.); koy- (-t-) to reap, harvest (Kond.a)(DEDR 2119). Image: dance: ko_ppa_l.i a masquerade dance (Cilap. 3,13, Urai.) (Ta.lex.) gobbu a play, dance, game (Tu.Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Image: clapping hands: kommai clapping of hands, as in dancing; kommi a kind of dance accompanied with singing and clapping of hands (Arut.pa_. vi, Ma_ya_vil.a. 7); kommai-kot.t.utal to call a person by clapping hands; to invote (Ci_vaka. 1109); to pat on the back, as in appreciation (Ci_vaka. 529); kummi dance with clapping of hands to time and singing, especially among girls (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Image: circular dance: ghumbar circular dance (L.)(CDIAL 4485). kuman.t.ai a merry dance (Ta.); kummi clapping hands, a play of women (Ma.)(DEDR 1756). kummat.t.i a rustic dance; romping, jumping; kuman.t.ai a dance of delight, merry dance (Ta.lex.) Image: dancing: koppi a game of young girls attended with clapping of hands, singing, and dancing (<Te.); gobbu a play, dance (Tu.); gobbi a dance of young women accompanied with clapping of hands to a song by all; gobbil.l.u dancing, capering (Te.): kuravai dance in a circle prevalent among the women of sylvan or hill tracts (Ta.); kurral, kurval a kind of dance (Pa.)(DEDR 2108). kommai circle, circularity; conicalness, roundness, rotundity; cf. gumpha (Ta.lex.) Image: standing broad jump: kuppur-u (kuppur-uv-, kuppur-r--) to traverse, cross, leap or spring across; fall headlong (Ta.); kup broad jump with even feet; kup a.r- to make a standing broad jump (Ko.); kup leap (To.); kup-o.ry standing broad jump (To.); kuppu to leap, jump, leap over, join the feet together and jump; kupparisu, kuppal.isu to fix the feet together and jump; jump over; lift up and throw to the ground (Ka.); kuppisu to cause (an animal) to jump with joined feet; kippari to jump (Ka.); kuppincu to bring the feet together or take firm footing, holding in the breath, when about to jump; kuppigantu a leap, jump; gumpena a leap (Te.); kovk- (kovuk-) to jump (Ga.); gum- id. (Pe.Mand..); gup- to climb (Pe.); gumb- (-it-) to jump (Kuwi)(DEDR 1736). Image: to jump over: kuppal.isu, kupparisu to fix the feet together and jump; to jump over (Ka.); kuppincu (Te.); gobbil.l.u capering (Te.); kuppu to leap, to jump; to leap over; to join the feet together and jump (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ko_ma_l.am jumping, romping as of fat bullocks (Ta.Ma.); kumma_l.am < kuma_la jumping, romping, moving sportively, as children, calves etc.; a rustic dance (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

2165.Image: slender twig; climber: kommai a small water-melon, climber, citrullus; kommat.t.i id. (Caivaca. Potu. 297); country cucumber, climber, cucumis trigonus (M.M. 371); kampu slender twig of a climber, or shrub (Ven:kaikko_. 191)(Ta.lex.) cf. kumpal.am wax-gourd (M.M. 1021); kumbal.a id. (Ka.Ma.Tu.); cf. kumbhala_ (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) Colocynth; ficus infectoria: kaman.d.alu the tree ficus infectoria (Skt.); ka~vad.al. wild variety of colycynth with tripartite, rough and wrinkled leaves (M.)(CDIAL 2762). cf. kummat.t.i cucumis colocynthis (Ma.); kumbhan.d.a a kind of gourd (Pkt.)(DEDR App.28). Pumpkin; gourd: kumbhan.d.a a kind of gourd (Pali); kus.ma_n.d.a the pumpkin-gourd beninkasa cerifera (MBh.); kus.ma_n.d.i_, kumbha_n.d.i_, ku_s'ma_n.d.a, ku_s.ma_n.d.aka (Car.); khumham.d.a the gourd (Pkt.); kumham.d.i_ the plant; kum.bham.d.a (Pkt.); kubhin.d.o, kubin.d.o a gourd (N.); komora_ pumpkin (A.); kumr.a_ pumpkin-gourd (B.); kumbhr.a_, kumbar.a_, kumr.a_ white gourd (Or.); kumhar a variety of curcubita pepo (EBi.); kumhar., kumhar.a_ sweet pumpkin; komhr.a_ curcubita pepo (Mth.); kamr.ha_ (H.); komond.u, komad.u the water-melon curcubita citrulla (Si.)[cf. a_man.d.a castor-oil plant (Skt.); amad. water-melon (Si.)(CDIAL 1240)]; ko_ham.d.a gourd; ko_ham.d.i_ the plant; ku~_ham.d.a, ku_ham.d.i_, ku_ham.d.iya_ (Pkt.); kai~r.o young fruit of a pumpkin (N.); koho~r.a_ pumpkin-gourd (B.); ko~ra_ (B.); ko~hr.a_ curcubita pepo (Bi.); ko~hr.a_, kohr.a_, ko~har, kohar (H.); ko_hali_ the gourd plant (Pkt.); kohl.u~ a gourd (G.); kohl.e~, kohol.e~, koha_l.e~ the fruit of curcubita pepo; kovha_l.a_, kovha_l.e~ pumpkin; kovha_l.i_ the plant (M.)(CDIAL 3374). curai calabash climber, lagenaria vulgaris (Ta.); cura pumpkin, water gourd (Ma.); sore, so_re the bottle gourd, lagenaria vulgaris (Ka.); tore gourd (Kod..); tur, sur water gourd, pumpkin (Tu.); sora, sorra, so_ra bottle gourd, cucurbita lagenaria (Te.)[cucurbita lagenaria = lagenaria vulgaris](DEDR 2690). kumpal.am wax-gourd; kummat.t.i, kommat.t.i a small water-melon, citrullus; cucumber, cucumis trigonus (Ta.); kumpal.am curcubita pepo; kumpal.an.n.a pumpkin; kummat.t.i cucumis colocynthis (Ma.); kubal.m (obl. kubal.t-) sp. pumpkin (Ko.); kubil. ko.y pumpkin; kim gourd (To.); kumbal.a pumpkin gourd, benincasa cerifera (Ka.); kumbal.a pumpkin (Kod..); kumbud.a pumpkin or gourd, curcubita lagenaria; kumbava pumpkin or gourd (Tu.); gummad.i curcubita maxima, curcubita pepo (Te.); kovre pumpkin (Kol.); kumbar.e id., kumod., gumod., kumur.(i), kommar., gumor. id. (Go.); kumd.a id. (Pe.); kumd.a, kumn.d. id. (Kuwi); kumd.e id. (Malt.)[curcubita maxima; curcubita pepo; lagenaria vulgaris = curcubita lagenaria; benincasa cerifera = curcubita pepo; cucumis trigonus; citrullus colocynthis = cucumis colocynthis: six species](DEDR App. 28). Citrullus colocynthis:indrava_run.i citrullus colocynthis (Car. Ci. 14.138). mahendra-varuni (Skt.); indrayan (H.B.M.); makhal (B.); peyttummatti (Ta.); epipuchchha (Te.); peykommutti (Ma.); fruit and seed: purgative; root: purgative, used in ascites, jaundice, urinary diseases and rheumatism; occurs wild throughout India (GIMP, p.67). {Citrullus lanatus; citrullus colocynthoides (Ancient Egyptian bddw-k3; Modern Egyptian Arabic: fruit of citrullus lanatus battyh; seeds libb; fruit of citrullus colocynthoides gurma) 'Water melons grow in dry, tropical climates. Citrullus colocynthoides was cultivated from early times in Egypt, possibly from the Old kingdom... an oil can be extracted from the seeds. Bddw-k3 occurs in a mythological context also connected with fertility... Myrobalanos (dried fruit from India) is macerated in water melon pulp for one night. The women were told to take an ounce of this a day every morning before breakfast... to gain weight.' (Lise Manniche, An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, British Museum Publications Ltd., pp.92-93). cf. ka_rakka a dried date fruit (Ma.)(DEDR 1470). pucca colocynth, bitter apple, cucumis colocynthis (Te.); pucca ka_ya id. (Ga.)(DEDR 4248). Citrullus colocynthis: colocynth pulp, colocynth apple, bitter apple; coloquinte (Fr.); coloquinthenapfel (Ger.); part used: the dried pulp of the unripe but full-grown fruit; habitat: Asia and Africa; use: hydragogue cathartic. (Heber, W. Youngken, Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Philadelphia, The Blakiston Company, 1950, pp. 857-859).

2166.Image: a drum: kumpikai a kind of drum (Kampara_. Pirama_t. 5); kampalai a kind of drum (Kampara_. Pirama_t. 5)(Ta.lex.) Small drum: kummat.t.am a small drum (Ta.); gummet.a, gummeta a kind of small drum (Te.); gumela kind of drum (Go.)(DEDR 1754).

2167.Patience; silence: ks.amate_ is patient, endures (RV.); ks.am patient (AV.); khamati endures, forgives (Pali); ks.amitaviya, khamisati, chamitave to bear (As'.); khamai is patient, forgives (Pkt.); chomik to feel pain (Kho.); kha~van.u to bear with patience (S.); khamvu~ to endure, suffer (G.)(CDIAL 3657). cf. s'a_nti cessation (AV.); rest, peace (MBh.)(CDIAL 12391). ks.ama_ patience (Skt.); khama_ (Pali.Pkt.); chomik illness (Kal.); kama patience; maha forgives (Si.)(CDIAL 3659). ks.amyate_ is born (BhP.); khamn.e~ to be borne patiently (a fault, injury, etc.)(M.)(CDIAL 3660). ks.amayati asks pardon of (MBh.); cam to afflict, press (Wg.)(CDIAL 3658). ks.a_nti patience (Mn.); khanti_ patience, forgiveness (Pali); ks.am.ti, kham.ti, cha_tim mildness (As'.); ks.am.ti (NiDoc.); kham.ti patience (Pkt.); kha~_di (S.); kha~_t perseverance, eager pursuit, longing (G.)(CDIAL 3668). kha_me_i asks pardon (Pkt.); kha_in.u to endure (S.); ks.a_mayate_ bears patiently (R.); asks pardon for (MBh.); ks.a_myati bears patiently (Pa_n..); kha_ma_na_ to ask pardon, cause to be forgiven (H.)(CDIAL 3673). ka_yu (ka_d-) to wait (Ka.); ka_ton.uni to wait, expect (Tu.); ka_p- (ka_t-) to wait (Ga.); ka_p ki- to wait for (Kond.a); ka_- (-t-) to wait (Pe.); ka_t- (-t-) to wait for (me, etc.)(Mand..); qpe to wait for (Malt.); ka_ (-tt-) to wait for (Ta.)(DEDR 1416). kamm-en-al being calm, still, silent; kamukkam reticence, taciturnity (Ta.); kamukkam id. (Ma.); gamn state of saying or doing nothing (Ko.); kameke, kam(m)ene, kamek silent; kammeke silence; kummay man-, kemen man- to be silent (Go.)(DEDR 1248). Silent: cammake silent (Go.); cumma_ leisurely, without any occupation or work, in normal condition, in health, silently, quietly, in perfect peace and rest, bare, without any reason, uselessly, vaguely, unintentionally, at random, as a joke, gratuitously, gratis, freely, unceremoniously, continuously, repeatedly (Ta.); cumma without cause or emotion, gratis, quietly (Ma.); summa, summage, summane quietly, silently, causelessly, without proper or just cause, without a particular cause, in an objectless manner, for nothing, uselessly, without the intention of gettinglabour done, without the intention of exacting remuneration; ummane silently (Ka.); surmi silent; surum aneng to be silent (Kol.); surum silent; surmak a secret (Nk.)(DEDR 2678).

2168.Cylindrical basket: ku_m a large cylindrical basket in bamboo-work for catching fish (Kur.); kume a fishing coop (Malt.)(DEDR 1896). Corn-bin: komme corn-bin (Ka.); basket for storing things (Kod..); kummi, gummi a high basket for holding corn (Te.); ghummi large bamboo receptacle for storing grain (Nk.); komma a little bag of straw or cloth, purse (Ma.); kommai clothes-basket (Ta.)(DEDR 2117).

2169.Proud man: kobbiga a proud man; kobbisu to fatten; kobbu, korbu, korvu to grow fat; to grow; to be rank or luxuriant in growth; to become proud (Ka.); kovvu (Te.); kor..u (Ta.Ma.)(Ka.lex.) kuppa collection, assemblage; kuppa~gu_ra abundance; abundantly; kopparamu, kopramu increase, rise, swell; kopparincu to increase, rise, swell; kopparinta increasing (Te.); xoporxola_, xoporka_ abundant, swarming (Kur.); qopre to come together, assemble (Malt.)(DEDR 1731a).

2170.Fat, grease: kor..u fat (Na_lat.i, 46); kor..uppu fat, grease, lard (Ta.Ma.); plumpness, corpulency, fleshiness (Perun.. Makata. 4,42); thickness in consistency as sandal paste (Ta.); kovvu fat, grease, lard (Te.); kobbu (Ka.)(Ta.lex.)

2171.Luxuriance; richness; fertility: kommen-al expr. denoting luxuriance (Tol. Col. 298, Urai)(Ta.lex.) kobb, kubbu, korbu, korvu fat; fatness; rankness, luxuriance; pride, arrogance (Ka.); kor.., kor..uppu (Ta.Ma.); kovvu, krovvu (Te.); kombu (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) kor..u fat, flourishing, prosperous; n. fat; (-pp-, -tt-) to prosper, flourish, be rich or fertile as soil, grow fat, be plump, be of thick consistency as sandalpaste, be saucy, insolent; kor..uppu richness, fat, grease, plumpness, thickness in consistency, sauciness, impudence; kor..umai plumpness, luxuriance, richness, fertility; ko_r.. slippery, oily, fat, thriving, luxurious, rich (Ta.); kor..u fat, thick, solid; kor..ukka to grow thick, solid, stiff by boiling, grow fat, stout, arrogant; kor..uppu solidity as of broth or curry, fatness, stoutness, pride (Ma.); kol.- (kod.-) to be well in health (Ko.); kwal.p fat, in good circumstances; kow fat, stoutness, broadness, honeycomb; kwa.w pride; kog ir old buffalo; kog fol.y big dairy at To.r-o.r. village (To.); korvu, korbu, kobbu to grow fat, thick, stout, increase, grow, be rank in growth, become proud, presumptuous, insolent; n. fat, fatness, rankness, pride, arrogance (Ka.); komm corpulence, fatness; corpulent, fat (Tu.); k(r)ovvu to become fat, fatten, become proud; n. fat, grease, lust, pride, arrogance; krovvina fat, plump, headstrong, ungovernable (Te.); koru fat (Kol.); koru id. (Nk.); kor.-, kor.v- to be fat; kor.ukud. fatness, fat (Pa.); kor.kut., kod.ukut., kod.ukud. fat (Ga.); kor.vinj, kurwinj, kor.venj, kor.vonj, kor.vos fat; koru_- to become fat; koduvasaka, kosela_ fat (Go.); kor.vu fat of animals; kon.es fat (Kond.a); kr.o_- (-t-) to be fat; kor.va fat (Kond.a); kr.uva (pl. -n.) id. (Mand..); kro_ga fat, tallow, suet; kr.o_ga fat (Kui); korowa fat (of animals); kor.va fat; klo_wa candle (Kuwi)(DEDR 2146). cf. kopparai, koppari dried coconut kernel (Ta.)(DEDR 2105). khopa_, khopra_ the inner part of a coconut (H.); khobre_ id. (M.)(CDIAL 3936).

2172.Mercantile house or firm: ko_pu a mercantile house or firm (Te.) (Ka.lex.) ko_ppu means, device, scheme (Vir-alivit.u. 421); bundle, pack as taken on shoulders (Na_lat.i, 328); vegetables (Na_.); ko_ppumur-ai art or manner of fitting or arranging things (Perun.. Ucaik. 58,53); ko_pperun:kan.akkar chief accountant of a state (Perun.. Narava_n.a. 7,122); ko_pperumutiyar aged and experienced councillors in a state (Perun.. Ila_va_n.a. 2,164)(Ta.lex.) ko_ppu arrangement, nice order, method etc. (Ta.Ma.); ko_pu a sort, kind or variety (Te.)(Ka.lex.) Arranging: ko_ppu arrangement, order (Vina_yakapu. 62,15); decoration, embellishment (Tirukko_. 196)(Ta.lex.) kalpana arranging (Mn.); kappan.a_ arranging (Pkt.); ka_pn.i_ reaping a field, goldsmith's clip (G.)(CDIAL 2943). kappe_ti prepares, trims (Pali); kappe_i makes, arranges (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2944).

2173.An appointed place: kombu a fixed or an appointed place, a place of assignation; kol.a, san:ke_tasthala, pana (Ka.); kumba an enclosure round the place of sacrifice (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.)

2174.Cape, headland: ko_val.am cape, headland; town near a headland (Ta.); ko_l.am (M.); ko_valu_r Tirukkoyilur in S. Arcot district of historic interest (Pur-ana_. 99) (Ta.lex.)

2175.Image: notched extremity: koppu the notched extremity or horn of a bow (Ka.)(DEDR 2156). kombe a buck deer (Tu.lex.) kombel a horn used by a toddy-tapper to soften the flower-bud of a cocoanut tree in order to squeeze out toddy from it; kombu spadics, the tender flower-bud of a palm-tree (Tu.lex.)

2176.Distant: kombar. far; kho_mba_d. distant (Nk.); komad. id. (Pa.)(DEDR 2116).

2177.Image: protruding tooth: kombar ku_l.i protruding tooth; kombu a tusk (Tu.lex.)

2178.Image: scorpion: komba-ce_l.u a scorpion with sheers; komba_r pincers (as of a crab) (Tu.lex.)

2179.Image: thumb: komba-piral, kombiral thumb (Tu.lex.) [A cmpd.: komb + viral curved + finger].

2180.Image: sprout: ko~b, ko~ba_, ko~bi_ young shoot (M.); ko~ben.e~ to sprout (M.); kumu unopened flower (Si.)(CDIAL 3249). Image: to put forth the ear (corn): go_pka (< go_k-p-; go_kt-) to put forth the ear (corn)(Kui)(DEDR 2180). kud.mala-, kut.mala- filled with buds (MBh.); bud (BhP.); kud.umala-, kud.umalaka- opening bud (Pali); ku_mli_, pu_mli_ bud, young shoot (L.); pumli_ (P.); kumbel.e tuft of grass (WPah.); kuppila a kind of flower (Pali); kuppala-, kum.pala- bud (Pkt.); kopilo (N.); ko~pal, ko~pli_ opening bud (H.); ku~pal., ko~pal., ko~pl.o tender sprout, new twig (G.)(CDIAL 3250). kan.d.er tender pot-herbs (Santali.lex.) kur..ai tender leaf, sprout, shoot (Ta.); kor..unnu, kor..untu tender twig, young shoot, new-grown hair (Ma.); kwiz twig (To.); kor.ung new shoot, sprout; kor.c- to sprout (Pa.); kod.us-, kod.c- to sprout; kor.k-ila new leaf (Ga.); kor.sa_na_, ko_rsa_na_ to sprout, grow (of trees, plants, etc.)(Go.); kor.s- to sprout (Go.); kor.ta the month of Bhadra_ (Aug.-Sept.) when new paddy is worshipped (Go.); kor.ke_la_ tender, young (Go.); kr.ogi fresh, new (of leaves)(Pe.); kr.ugdi id. (Mand..); kor.gari (pl. kor.gai) new shoot, fresh stalk, something green, immature, or unripe (Kui); kor..untu tender twig, shoot; kor..umai freshness (as of shoots), beauty (Ta.); kor.un young shoot (Ga.); kor.i leaf-shoot (Ga.); koral. daughter-in-law, bride (Nk.); kor.o child (Kond.a); kor.gi newly sprouted (Kui); ko_r.u new shoot, fresh stalk, stem, or bud (Kui); ko_r.a a shoot, sprout, first sprout (of paddy after planting)(Kui); ko_r.a kod.a to sprout (of paddy); ko_na bud; go_n.i sprout, offshoot (Kui); khrogi ko_ma a soft twig (i.e. soft, young, tender)(Kuwi)[cf. kompu branch (Ta.)(DEDR 2115)]; kro_gi immature, young (Kuwi); xo_r leaf-bud, new leaves; korra_ fresh, pure (Kur.); qoro infant, Indian corn when green (Malt.); qoroce to sprout (Malt.); xarring to sprout; xarrun green, blue, black and blue; fruitful; xarruni greenness; wife (Br.)(DEDR 2149); ko_raka bud (R.); kora-, koraka- bud; kuru bud, tender leaves (S.); ko_raya bud (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3527).

2181.Young shoot: kuppala, kumpala bud (Pkt.); kopilo (N.); ko~pal, ko~pali_ opening bud (H.); ku~pal., ko~pal., ko~pl.o tender sprout, new twig (G.)(CDIAL 3250). ko_mala tender, soft (R.Pali.Pkt.); kovlo, komvla (Gypsy); ko_mala (Dm.Gaw.Sv.); ko_mil (Bshk.); ko_mal (Bshk.); kamal (Tor.); kemel (Tor.) kuholo (Chil.); ka~_wal (Gau.); ko_ma_lu (Phal.); kumolu (K.); ku~aro (S.); ku_la_ (L.); ku~_la_ (L.P.); ku_la_ (P.); ku_lr.a_ (P.); kau~lo, ko~_w (Ku.); kau~lo, kamlo (N.); kumli_ya_ (A.); ko~ala (MB.); kohal.a, kohal.a_, kaa~l.a, kaa~l.a_ soft, tender, young; kaa~l.ia_ softish (Or.); kom.vari_ delicate (OAw.); ko~war soft (H.); komal., kuml.u~ (G.); ko~vl.a_, kovl.a_ (M.); komala soft (Si.); komul. charming, coquettish (Si.); nomal, numaliya born late in the season (A.)(CDIAL 3523).

2182.Husband; master; god: gomke the master of the house; husband; god (Mu.Sadani) (Mu.lex.) gusia used in Biru in the meaning of landlord, master; gusiako pl. my husband; gusiako bankoa my husband is not at home (Mu.); gosa_in a master (Skt.H.) (Mu.lex.)

2183.Image: one horn: kob one horn (Ko.)(DEDR 2200). Image: stag's horn: kalan.-kompu stag's horn (kalai +)(Ta.lex.) Image: ox with horns meeting at the points: ku_t.u-kompan- ox whose horns almost meet at the points (Ta.lex.) ku_r..ai-k-kompan- ox with blunt horns (Ta.); ma_t.ai-k-kompan- bullock with horns bent downwards (Ta.lex.) Horned animal: kompan- tusked or horned animal, clever man (used ironically)(Ta.); kompan horned, male of cattle; a valiant, arrogant person (Ma.); kompikka to grow arrogant, angry (Ma.); kombn man who thinks well of himself, boastful man; fem. komby (Ko.)(DEDR 2115). kompu-k-ka_ran-, kompu_ti horn-blower; kompan--ya_n-ai tusker (Ta.lex.) Image: horn; buck-deer: komm horn (Nk.); kommu horn, musical horn, tusk (Te.); horn (Ga.); komma branch (Te.); kom branch of tree, horn (Kol.); kombe a buck deer (Tu.); kombelu a horn used by a toddy-tapper (Tu.); Image: horn; tusk; branch: kob branch, horn of an animal, tusk (Ko.); horn blown by Kota musician (To.); koppu branch (Ta.); kompu branch, horn of an animal, tusk of an elephant or hog (Tiv. Periyati. 4,2,4); horn, pipe, cornet (Maturaik. 185, Urai)(Ta.lex.); horn, tusk, branch, spear, mast (Ma.); kombu branch, horn of an animal, tusk, root (Ka.); branch, horn of an animal, musical horn, tusk (Tu.); kombe, kome branch (Ka.); kombi branch, horn of an animal (Kod..); koma branch of tree (Go.); koma (pl. komen) branch of tree; komu (pl. komku) horn (Kond.a); koma, komo horn (Pe.); kumu horn (Mand..); gopka_ branches (Kui); komma (pl. -na), ko_ma (pl. ko_manga) branch; kommu (pl. komka), ko_mu_ (pl. komka), kommu horn (Kuwi)(DEDR 2115). kompat.ittal to fight with horns,as oxen, buffaloes, rams, goats (Ta.lex.) Branch: kompar bough, branch, twig (na_ru malark kompar : Ci_vaka. 2019); kompu bough, branch, twig (Man.i. 24,86)(Ta.); kompu id. (Ma.); kombu id. (Ka.Tu.); kommu id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.)

2184.Bundle: ko_ppu bundle, pack, as taken on shoulders (Na_lat.i, 328)(Ta.lex.) khum bundle made by folding over two ends of cloth (A.)(CDIAL 3905). Bundle of sheaves: kumpit.ari (kumpit.u + ari) bundle of sheaves presented by the ryot to the chief of a village or to the temple, as a mark of respect (Ta.lex.) Image: pile: kamha_r pile of sheaves (Mth.)(CDIAL 13643). Bunch; large bundle of sheaves: gahra_, gaira_ large bundle of sheaves; gahal bunch, cluster (H.)(CDIAL 4363).

2185.To stuff into mouth: koe to beg, to ask for, to pray; kopoe reciprocal form of koe; kopet to stuff food into the mouth, to hold in the mouth as a quid of tobacco (Santali.lex.)

2186.Image: to butt, gore: kummu, krummu to butt, gore, pierce (as an animal with head or horns); n. a butt, goring, trouble, difficulty; gummu to butt, pierce, gore; n. a butt, thrust (Te.); guppu to butt with head (as calf while sucking)(Te.); gup- to pierce (Go.)(DEDR 1850).

2187.Image: to strike with the fist; to pierce: ku_mpuni to peck, strike with the beak; gummuni to blow, cuff; gumusuni to box, strike; kumpu to pierce (Tu.); kumpu to box (Kor.); gumuku, gubuku to strike with the fist, pommel (Te.); kummu, krummu to pierce (a man with the elbow, fist, etc.)(Te.)(DEDR 1850).

2357.A treasure: kharva, kharba one of the nine treasures of Kube_ra (Skt.lex.) kharb one hundred arbs, equal to 100 billion (Punjabi.lex.) arb corrupted from Sanskrit arbbud: one hundred millions (Punjabi.lex.) karvam a billion; one of the nine treasures of Kube_ra (Ta.); kharva id. (Skt.Ka.); kar-pam the number 1,000 trillion, ilaks.am-ko_ti (Pin..)(Ta.); ten thousand millions (or 37 cyphers preceded by 1)(Ka.lex.) khari, kahan, kahon an aggregate number consisting of 320 gandas or 1280 (Santali.lex.) kharva a large number, 10 billion (Skt.lex.) [cf. karor. ten million (H.G.N.); kiror.a crore (OMarw.); ko_t.i (Mn.); ko_t.i (Pali); ko_d.i (Pkt.); kod.i (OB.OG.); kel.a (Si.); koro_r (K.); kiror.i (S.); kror. (P.B.H.); kiror. (H.); kiror.i_ worth a crore (OMarw.)(CDIAL 3498); ko_t.i crore, ten millions (Tiruva_ca. 3,4)(Ta.lex.)] Strong-room: kalavar-ai strong-room, guarded chamber in a palace where ornaments are kept (Perun.. Ucaik. 32,61); kalavar-a (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Jewel; weapon: kalam jewel, ornament (nan-kalam paricin-ma_kkat.ku ... nalki : Pur-ana_. 6,15); weapon (Pat.t.in-ap. 70)(Ta.lex.)

2358.Treasury: karuvu_lam treasure, treasure-house (ta_kumey-k- karuvu_la-p- porul.ai : Pirapo_ta. 27,72); karuvu-kalam treasury, treasure-house (i_t.u, 2,7,7); karuku_lam treasure-house (karuku_lattu ... te_t.i vaitta kat.avun.man.iye_ : Mi_n-a_t..Pil.l.ait.Mutta.1); kari-ko_lam id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Image: tribute: kar-avu tribute, kappam (Tiv. Periyati. 10,7,10); kar-ai id. (Cilap. 23,127); kar-aiyo_r tax-payers, rate-payers (Man.i. 19,161) (Ta.lex.) Tribute, revenue: kur-ai tribute, revenue; request (Perun.. Makata. 15,37); needs (Kur-al., 680); vow requiring fulfilment; that which is indispensable (Kur-al., 612)(Ta.lex.) Fee for the safe-custody in treasury: karuvu_la-vari fee for the safe-custody of precious articles in the treasury; or fee for the watch of the treasury (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) [cf. the following etyma linked semant. to 'granary': karuppu famine (Ta.); kar.avu, karavu, karuvu famine, dearth, scarcity (Te.); karu hunger (Kol.Nk.); karuvu famine (Ga.); kar(u), karu_, kar, karru_, karruv, karv hunger (Go.); kar.vu_, karvu famine (Kuwi)(DEDR 1286). karu-nilam, karampu, karampai barren soil, waste land (Ta.); kari failure of crops (Ta.inscr.); karu-cey dry land, uncultivated waste (Ta.inscr.); kari, karivi, karuvi waste land, long grass in rice-fields (Ma.); hargu forest (?Kur.); qawru id., jungle (Malt.)(DEDR 1285). karuma hardness, strength of a man (Ma.); karu greatness, abundance, power (Ka.); karumai id. (Ta.)(DEDR 1287).] ki_r-r-u-vari tax on thatched sheds (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) ni_ra_n.ikka-vari tax for the supervision of the regulation of water supply in a village (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) pa_d.a-vari tax prob. on metallic mirrors (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) ma_t.t.u-va_ram system of sharing naja produce, in which the tenant's portion is determined by the number of yoke of oxen that he furnishes (Ta.lex.) mu_ngil-vari tax on bamboos (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) pon--vari a tax (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) s'at.t.u-vari tax for the grazing ground in the village (Ta.)(SITI.IEG.) uvacca-vari taxes payable by or for the maintenance of the uvaccar (drummers in temple service)(Ta.) (SITI. IEG.)

2359.Grain appraiser: kara_wa_ a watchman or grain appraiser put in by jagi_rda_rs in bat.a_i villages to see that the crop is not made away with by the cultivators before division; the pay of the man who watched the crop in the interest of the Sarka_r; muha_sil (Punjabi.lex.) karwa_n a tax gatherer, sarwan; a caravan (Punjabi. lex.) cf. sara_pha a shroff, a money-changer, a banker (Ka.M.H.Te.); a cash-keeper (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kar-avu tribute (Tiv. Periyati. 10,7,10)(Ta.); kar-ai-y-o_r tax-payers, rate-payers (Man.i. 19,161)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) kar-amattu < kara_mat (U.); generosity, liberal-mindedness (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) muhassil a field watch-man, appointed during the ripening and harvesting of the crop until it was divided. Muhassils are still appointed by proprietors of land to look after the crops grown by tenants and to prevent pilfering. They attach earthen seals (t.happa_s) to the heap of grain after it is threshed until divided, and to the heaps of each shareholder until removed. (Punjabi.lex.) karam-pativu, karam-pativu-k-kan.akku register of assessment (Ta.lex.) ?Metath.: s'abara, s'avara a wild mountain tribe in the Deccan (AitBr.)(CDIAL 12296). s'abare_s'vara chief of the s'abaras: S'iva; s'abaras'an:kara S'iva in the form of a s'abara (Ka.lex.) Tax: kara (IE 8-5.IEG.) dues (bha_ga) to be realised by the king for the enjoyment of royal land by using it for cultivation and for grazing cattle; tax in general. Rent or tax to be paid in grains when mentioned side by side with hiran.ya; (HRS.IEG.) tax in general; (1) periodical tax over and above the king's customary grain share; (2) emergency tax levied upon the villagers over and above the normal grain share; (3) tax upon merchant's profits (Arthas'a_stra); (Chamba; CITD; EI 29.IEG.) a tax or impost; royal revenue; rent, dues; toll, tribute. Large division of co-parcenary land: karai large division of co-parcenary land in a village consisting of dry and wet lands and garden fields (S.I.I. ii,114; G.S.A.D. i,288); karai-k-ka_ran-, karai-ka_ran- owner of a karai or determinate share in a co-parcenary village (Ta.); karakka_r village officer (Ma.); karai-k-ku_r-u-ceyva_r officer, whose duty is to measure the lands in a village (Ta.inscr.); karai-pat.utal to be divided into lots according to the shares in the land; karai-y-a_l.an- owner of karai land in a village; caste-title of Maravas and some It.aiyas; karai-y-it.utal to divide land into portions; to assign portions of land to be cultivated; karai-y-i_t.u tenure by which the lands of a village are exchanged amongst the co-parceners or owners periodically (Ta.); karai-y-e_r-r-utal to save, redeem; to raise from indigence; to reinstate in affluent circumstances; to marry and settle, as a destitute girl; karai-vi_tam land apportioned to the respective householders in a village (Ta. lex.) cf. kara tax, tribute (Mn.Pkt.); ka_ra tax (Pa_n..); kar land revenue (B.Or.Mth.H.G.M.); toll, revenue (Mth.H.G.M.); karaya tax (Si.)(CDIAL 2780).

2360.Rice growing amidst inundation: karbura, karvura rice growing amidst inundation (Skt.lex.) Gruel: karambha groats, gruel (RV.); karamba id. (Skt.); karam.ba concoction of sour milk and boiled rice (Pkt.); khurmi, khurmin millet-pap, groats (Gypsy)(CDIAL 14358). cf. kar-i vegetables (raw or boiled), meat (raw or boiled), pepper (Ta.); hot condiments, meats, vegetables (Ma.); curry (Ka.)(DEDR 1391).

2361.Image: male alligator: karavu < kara_ (Ta.) alligator (Tiv. Tiruva_y. 8,9,9); cf. gra_ha (Skt.); kara_ a species of alligator (kara_vatan- ka_lin-aikkatuva : Tiv. Periyati. 2,3,9); male alligator (Pin..)(Ta.lex.) kara_m a species of alligator (Kur-icip. 257); male alligator (Tiva_.); male alligator (mutalaiyu mit.an:karun. kara_mum : Kuricip. 257) Alligator: gha~r.iya_l alligator (A.B.); ghar.ya_lu long-snouted porpoise (S.); ghar.iya_l crocodile (N.); ghar.ia_l.a alligator (Or.); ghar.ya_l, gharia_r alligator (H.); ghan.t.ika alligator (Skt.)(CDIAL 4422). Alligator's snout: gha~t. protuberance on the snout of an alligator (A.)(CDIAL 4420). < ghan.t.a throat (Skt.); gha~_t.i_ throat, adam's apple, uvula, soft palate (H.)(CDIAL 4420). Crocodile: gra~ crocodile (Dardic); gra_h id. (K.); ga_h id. (H.); grah water animal which seizes a man in the river, the animal which swallows moon or sun when eclipsed (Kho.)(CDIAL 4382). {cf. Eclipse: ga_ha eclipse (Pali); grah id. (Kho.); gra~_ (Sh.)(CDIAL 4382). cf. naya a bait for alligators (Ma.Tu.)(DEDR 3603). [poss. sense of 'locked in'?][cf. Image: fish as baits for an alligator. gra_ha seizing (RV.); rapacious animal such as a crocodile living in the water (Mn.Pkt.); ga_ha grip, eclipse (Pali); seizing, obstinacy (Pkt.); ga_hi_ third smallest sheaf (Bi.); ga_ha_ one who takes (OAw.); ga_h seizure, plot (H.); gahe loc., with regard to the receipt (Si.)(CDIAL 4382). gaha seizure, demon (Pali.Pkt.); graha as much as can be taken (RV.); seizing (MBh.); grabha taking possession (RV.); gahu pledge, pawn, jewel (S.); gaha_ taking a thing forcibly as compensation for what is due (P.)(CDIAL 4363). ga_hu_ one who seizes (P.)(CDIAL 4384). gra_hayati causes to be taken (Ya_j.); makes learn (Skt.); ga_he_i causes to be taken (Pkt.); ga_hna_ to catch, stop, investigate (H.);-- ga_ha_pe_ti causes to be seized or brought (Pali); ga_ha_viya id. (Pkt.); ga_vn.e~ to be obtained (M.); ga_vat.(h)avin.e~ to catch, seize (M.)(CDIAL 4383). gra_hya to be seized (RV.); gajjha_, gejjha (Pkt.); gajjha store, heap, plenty, wealth (H.)(CDIAL 4385). kaya big (Ma.); great (Ta.); kayam, kayavu greatness (Ta.); gaja large (Te.Pe.); kaja, kajja big, great (Kuwi)(DEDR 1093). [cf. Pali.lex.: ka_ya deriv. probably from ci, cinoti to heap up; cf. nika_ya heaping up, accumulation, collection; ka_ya (Skt.)]

2362.Image: heron: kabba_re, kabba_re_ haddu a heron (Ka.lex.) Image: heron: gar.u_r a sort of black heron (Kur.); gad.ure the adjutant bird, a crane (Malt.)(DEDR 1155). cf. kolor a kind of heron (Pa.)(DEDR 1808). Eagle: garud.a an eagle or kite (Skt.Ka.); karu eagle, vulture (Tu.); kar..uku, kar..u (Ma.Ta.)(Ka..lex.)

2363.Gold: ko_vam gold cf. karbura (Skt.); ko_vai an ancient gold coin (I.M.P.N.A. 594)(Ta.lex.) kuma_ram gold melted and refined (Ta.lex.) kube_ran god of wealth, lord of yaks.as, regent of the North; rich man (Ta.lex.) karbu_ram gold; yellow orpiment (Skt.lex.) karppu_ram gold (Ta.); karbu_ra the variegated colour (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) karbo iron (Tu.lex.)

2364.Image: tiger: karvara, karbara tiger (Skt.lex.) Image: leopard: kirbn leopard (Ko.); kir-me.n. id. (To.); kir-aba, kir-uba id. (Ka.); kir-abu, kur-uba, kur-uva, katte-kir-aba, -gir-aba, -kur-uba, -gur-uva hyaena (katte ass)(Ka.); katte-kurbe id. (Tu.)(DEDR 1599). khar.yal tiger (Go.); khar.eyak panther (Nk.); kariya_l panther (Go.)(DEDR 1132). xarma_ wolf (Br.); garum go_li fox (go_li jackal < IA)(Pa.)(DEDR 1289). Image: wild cat: ?Metath.: cf. veruku wild cat (Ta.)(DEDR 5490). Image: spotted: karbu variegated, spotted (Skt.lex.) cf. kabbara spotted (Pkt.)(CDIAL 2882). Spotted snake: kaud.ia_ a spotted snake (P.)(CDIAL 2743). ko_-na_y wolf; o_n_y (Par..a. 292)(Ta.lex.) Panther: s'abala, s'avala variegated, spotted (RV.); sabala spotted (Pali.Pkt.); savala (Pkt.); sabala variegated colour (Si.)(CDIAL 12297). [karbu, s'abara, s'arvara are from Austro-as. word group with various prefixes.] kambara variegated (Skt.); kamiro spotted, variegated (S.); kamburu (Si.)(CDIAL 2770). karbara, karbura spotted, variegated (Skt.); kabbara id. (Pkt.); kabiro spotted (S.); kabari a species of jay (S.); kabra_ variegated, dirty, white, grey-eyed (P.); kabara, kabara_, kabal.a_ variegated (Or.); kabra_ (Aw.); spotted (M.); ka_bar, kabra_ speckled, grey (H.); mixture of sand and clay (H.); ka_bru~, ka_briyu~ spotted (G.); ka_bri_ seed of safflower plant (G.); kabara_ a large spotted lizard, hydrosaurus salvator (Si.); kabar-ranga spotted (Si.); kabaranga panther (Si.)(CDIA 2882-3).

2365.Images: camel or elephant: karabha camel (Pkt.); karahu, karaho (S.); karha_ (P.H.); karhau (Marw.); karahu (OG.); karaha_ (OM.); karaba young elephant or camel (Si.); kalabha young elephant or camel (Pacat.)(CDIAL 2797). karwa_n a camel driver, a caravan; karwa_nan.i_ the wife of a camel driver; karwa_ni_ camel driving (Punjabi.lex.)

2366.Image: male antelope; spotted antelope: kal.vha_t., ka_l.vi_t., ka_l.vi~t. male antelope (M.); ka_laput.t.ha, ka_lapit.t.ha a black deer (Pkt.); kalwi_t., ka_lwi_t. black-buck (H.); ka_lapr.s.t.ha a species of antelope (Skt.)(CDIAL 3089). ka_hlra_ black-buck (L.); ka_lasa_ra a black deer (Pkt.); spotted antelope (Skt.); black antelope (Mn.)(CDIAL 3093). Image: buck: kalan.-kompu stag's horn (Ta.Ma.); kal a.r. Nilgiri ibex (Ko.)(DEDR 1312). kalai stag, buck (kavaittalai mutukalai : Tol. Po. 600, Urai.); kala id. (Ma.); kalai-ma_n- stag (Tirukko_. 53, Kol.u); kalama_n (Ma.); kalai-yu_rti Durga_ who rides on a stag (Tiva_.); kalaikkompu stag's horn (Pata_rtta. 1138)(Ta.lex.) Image: markhor: s'arabha a kind of deer (AV.); s'uru the wild goat or markhor (Kt.)(CDIAL 12331). *s'arva horned animal (Skt.); cervus (Lat.); so_ mountain goat or markhor (Ash.); cow, co_ (Wg.)(CDIAL 12341). ucu horn (Pr.); so_ (Tor.)(CDIAL 12715).

2367.Image: pot: kalavat.ai mouth of a broken pot, also used as a rest; plaited coil of straw or coir used for resting water-vessels; circular piece of stone, of iron, of earth, fitted to the mouth of a mortar to keep the grain within (W.); kalam vessel (Na_lat.i, 345); kala (Ka.); kalam (Ma.); kara vessel (Tu.); kalayam < kalas'a small pot of earth or metal (Civap. Pirapan. Co_n.acaila. 10); kalacam small vessel, pot (Kampara_. Na_t.avi. 43); censer (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) kalas'a pot, jar, pitcher (RV. iii.32.15)(Vedic.lex.) Image: claypot with narrow neck: karava clay pot with narrow neck (Kod..); karvi narrow-mouthed earthen vessel for oil or liquor (Go.)(DEDR 1273A). karwa_ an earthen vessel with a spout like a tea-pot; karwa_ chauth a Hindu festival on which every married woman keeps fast and worships the karwa_ filled with water; karwa_l an earthen bucket for a well (P.); karwa_r a measure (Punjabi.lex.) cf. kar-avai-k-kalam milk pail (Ci_vaka. 69, Urai.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) kar-avai milking as a cow (Ta.); kar-a_vu (Ka.); kar-avu (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) cf. s'ara_va a partic. measure (TS.); shallow cup or dish, its flat cover (Gr.S'r.); sara_ shallow earthen vessel used as a lid (B.Or.)(CDIAL 12334). Image: earthen pot: haravi, paravi, haribi, harivi, harubi, haruvi an earthen water-vessel of the form of the kod.a but larger (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kari_ra, karira (Ka.M.)(Ka.lex.) karuwa_ small brass waterpot with a spout (N.); karna_ earthen vessel for milk or curds (Bi.Mth.); karha_ waterpot (esp. that used in the marriage ceremony)(M.); karwa_ pot for pouring water on plaster (Bi.); waterpot with a spout (Mth.); karaka water vessel (MBh.Pali); karaya, karia_ cup for serving spirituous liquor (Pkt.); karai_ spouted water vessel (Bi.); small earthen pipkin (H.); karua_ spouted water vessel (P.Ku.); id. (H.)(CDIAL 2781). kharva earthen cup baked in fire (TS. ii.5.1.7); mutilated (TS. ii.5.17)(Vedic.lex.) Waterpot: kal.as waterpot, pile of waterpots (G.); kalas'a waterpot (RV.NiDoc.); kalasa waterpot, woman's breast (Pali.Pkt.); kalasiya_ small waterpot (Pkt.); kalas, kalsi (N.); kalah (A.); kalas, kalsi (B.); kal.asa, kal.asi_ (Or.); kalas, kalsa_ (H.Bi.); kalas (Bhoj.); kalsia_ (Aw.); kalasa pitcher (usu. for religious ceremonies)(OMarw.); kal.s'iyo jug (G.); kal.as waterpot (M.); kal.so (Konkan.i); kalasa, kalaha, kal.aya (Si.); karasli_ small waterpot (G.)(CDIAL 2920). kalhot.a_ earthen jar for storing grain (L.)(CDIAL 2921). Leaf-cup: kallai plate made of leaves sewn together (Ta.); kala leaf-cup, cup (Kond.a); leaf-plate (Pe.); kali leaf-cup (Kui); kale id. (Malt.); khallaga, khallaya leaf-cup (Pkt.)(DEDR 1301). Measure: kalam a measure of capacity (Tol. Er..ut. 168); kalacam a standard measure of capacity = 1,000 pa_kku (Api. Cin. Pak. 204)(Ta.lex.) kal.s'i_ a particular measure equivalent to 16 maunds (G.)(CDIAL 2920). Image: spittoon: ka_l.a_ci spittoon; betel-holder (Pirapo_ta. 11,31)(Ta.); spittoon (Ma.); ka_l.a_ji spittoon (Ka.Te.)(DEDR 1498). kalaca-p-pa_n-ai spittoon (Ta.lex.) Image: censer; cup: kalam vessel; hollow utensil, as a cup; plate, whether of earth or metal (Na_lat.i, 345); bottle-shaped vessel (Pur-ana_. 56,18)(Ta.); kala (Ka.); kalam (Ka.); kara (Tu.); kalacam small vessel, pot (Kampara_. Na_t.avi. 43); censer; cup (Vivili. Mat. 10,42); dome, cupola (Ta.); cf. kalas'a pot (Skt.lex.) kalacam censer; kalaca-p-pa_n-ai censer (kalaca-p-pa_n-ai yon-r-u mu_kkum at.iyumut.pat.a : S.I.I. ii,5)(Ta.lex.) kalam bottle-shaped vessel (yavanar nan-kalan tanta ... te_r-al : Pur-ana_. 56,18); vessel; hollow utensil, as a cup; plate whether of earth or metal (Na_lat.i, 345); kalam id. (Ma.); kara (Tu.)(Ta.lex.) kalas'a, kalasa, kal.as'a, kal.asa, kalas'i a water-vessel, a jar, a jug, a pitcher, a vase; an ornamental piece of painted wood, stone, brass, etc., as fixed on the spires of temples, carts, etc., a rounded pinnacle or ball on the top of a temple, a dome; kalas'a-pu_je worship paid to a water-pot, a rite that takes place in many religious celebrations; kalas'a-pro_dbhuta Agastya (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) kalaca-mun-i Agastya, who was born from a pot (Nait.a. Can. 4); kalaca-yo_n-i id. (Tol. Po. 75, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) Vessel, ship: kalam vessel, plate, utensil, earthenware, ship (Ta.); pot, vessel, ship (Ma.); kalm claypot in the making (Ko.); kala pot, vessel (Ka.); big pot (Kod..); kara an earthen vessel (Tu.); kalamu ship (Te.); kalamari sailor (Te.); kalavar navigators (Ta.); kala_ boat (Skt.); kalas'a pot (Skt.); waterpot (RV.)(CDIAL 2920)(DEDR 1305). cf. gharnai_ temporary raft made of waterpots and bamboos (Bi.H.)(CDIAL 4408). Boat: kalam ship, boat (kalan:kavir.. ma_kkal.ai : Man.i. 16,120)(Ta.); id. (Ma.); kalamu id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.) kalamar a class of minstrels in ancient Tamil country (Aka. Ni.); kala_cu < khala_s (U.) shipping; kala_cukka_ran- Indian seaman (Ta.lex.) Plate, pot, ship: kalam vessel, plate, utensil, earthenware, ship; kalavar navigators (Ta.); kalam pot, vessel, ship (Ma.); kalm (obl. kalt-) clay pot in the making; k/gal, in: ap gal (appam rice cake)(Ko.); kala pot, vessel (Ka.); big pot (Kod..); kara an earthen vessel (Tu.); kalamu ship; kalamari sailor (Te.); kaland. broken earthen pot, any old pot (Br.); kala_ boat (Skt.)(DEDR 1305). kale_c spoon (Bshk.Phal.); kala_cika spoon, ladle (Skt.) (CDIAL 2929). Beacon light; light-house: kalan.-karai-vil.akkam (kalam + karai +) lit. light that invites vessels; beacon light; light-house (Cilap. 6,141) (Ta.lex.) Image: rice-pot: ke_l a large earthen waterjar (Ka.); ke_li rice-pot (Kor.); ke_lu (pl. ke_lku) earthen pot (Kond.a); ke_d.u (pl. ke_t.ka) earthenware pot (Kui); cf. Apabhram.s'a kela a vessel for liquor; ke_l.i_ a small vessel (M.)(DEDR 2015). Image: very small earthen pot: gurigi a very small earthen pot (Te.); kur'i pot (Kui); kuri pot (Kui); kurri pot (Kui); kurvi_ pitcher (black, for cooking); earthen jar (Go.); kurvi earthen cooking pot (Go.)(DEDR 1797). gar.vo metal waterpot (G.); gariyo wooden oil vessel (N.); karuwa_ spouted brass pot (N.); gud.uwa small metal pot (K.); gad.u~_ (S.); gad.vi_ (L.); gad.va_ (P.); gud.r.i earthen pot for boiling rice (WPah.); ga_r.u pitcher (B.); kal.a-ged.iya waterpot (Si.); gha_d.vo earthen pot for ghee (G.); gar.va_ brass jug (P.); gar.u waterpot with spout (B.); gar.ua_ narrow-mouthed waterpot [H. > gar.uwa_ earthen pot (Ku.N.)]; gad.uvana obl. pl. waterpot (OAw.)(CDIAL 3984). karna_ earthen vessel for milk or curds (Bi.MTh.)(CDIAL 2781). cf. gad.d.uka waterpot (Skt.)(CDIAL 3984). kar-avai-k-kalam milk pail (Ci_vaka. 69, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) kar-attal to milk (Te_va_. 192,3); kar-a id. (Ka.Ma.); to yield milk; kar-avai milking as cow (Ta.lex.) ka~rwas a small earthenware vessel in which a little dhan is placed and sent with a bride to her new home. The pot is ornamented with figures drawn in white; korpa to gather together by little, perquisites received by yearly servants when harvesting crops, also by daughters previous to marriage; kara a large iron pan used to boil sugar cane juice in (Santali.lex.) ka~r.chu, kar.chu an iron ladle (Santali.lex.) Vessel for sprinkling scented water: ka_l.aji a vessel of brass, silver etc. with which scented water is sprinkled (Ka.M.); rasapa_tre (Ka.lex.) Image: baked pot: kharva mutilated; pigmy (TS. ii.5.17); earthen cup baked in fire (TS. ii.5.1.7) khalla a little case or cap formed by rolling up paper etc.; a stone or vessel for grinding drugs etc.; khala a metal or stone mortar (Ka.lex.) Image: mortar: kar-ai mortar for pounding (kar-aiyat.i ya_n-ai : Perumpa_n.. 351)(Ta.lex.) Image: bowl: cf. kharpara a beggar's bowl or dish; the shell of a toroise; the half of a skull; the skull (Ka.lex.) khapri the skull; khapra pit.ha bread made from flour and water and baked in a piece of broken earthenware; khapra a large piece of broken earthenware (Santali.lex.) graha water-jar (MS. i.9.1); graha ladle, ladleful, spoonful (RV. x.114.5); Soma; grahya belonging to or fit for a graha, ladleful of any fluid, especially Soma (VS. iv.24); graho_ktha praise of the grahas assigned to various deities, a hymn sung while a ladleful of Soma is being taken up (AitBr. iii.8)(Vedic.lex.) Image: pot: cf. khappara shard, begging bowl (Pkt.)(CDIAL 3831). karpara an iron sauce-pan, a frying-pan; a pot or vessel in general (as of a potter); a potsherd, piece of a broken jar as in ghat.akarpara; the skull; a kind of weapon (Skt.lex.) kappari, kapari, karpari, kharpari a beggar's bowl (Ka.lex.) Ascetic: ka_rpat.ika pilgrim (Skt.); kappad.ia beggar (Pkt.); ka_pir.i_ one of a caste of faqirs (S.); ka_pr.i_ a faqir on pilgrimage to Hi_ngla_j (P.); ka_par.i ragged beggar (Or.); ka_pr.i_, ka_pr.iyo ascetic (G.); ka_pd.i_ one of a class of mendicants (M.)(CDIAL 3071). Image: bowl; skull: karpara, kopparai brass or copper boiler with rings for handles, cauldron (Ta.); koppera (Te.); koppara (Ma.); kopparige cauldron, boiler with a wide mouth (Tu.); kopra_ small iron pot (M.)(DEDR 2104). kopara_ pan (usu. brass)(N.); a skull-like earthen vessel (Or.)(CDIAL 3519). karpara bowl (Skt.) skull (Skt.Pali.Pkt.); kuppara id. (Pkt.); kuo_pe_ top of head (Tir.); ko_pe hump (Pas'.); ko_par top of head (Bshk.); kaperi earthen water jar (Sh.); kapar, kapra_, karap shard, broken bit of glass, bit (M.)(CDIAL 2876). kharpara skull (Skt.); khappara shard, begging bowl, skull (Pkt.); khapuru one half of the cranium (K.); khappar half a melon (P.); skull (N.); id., gourd-shell, earthen cup (H.); shard, coconut begging bowl (G.); khaprail tile (P.); khapra_ tile (N.); kha_pari tile (A.); kha_pra_ tile, shard (B.); khapara tile (Or.); khapara_ potsherd (Or.); tile (H.); khapar skull, gourd-shell, earthen cup (H.); kha_paraum begging bowl (OG.); kha_par tile (M.); khapri_ shard, broken piece of glass (M.); khapar. skull (Ku.); kha_par., khapr.a_ earthen pot for parching grain (Bi.); khapar.a_ tile (Bhoj.); kha_br.i_ tile (H.); kha_pr.u~ tile, potsherd (G.); khapot.u broken (of tiles)(K.); khabat.o, khapt.o potsherd (N.); khapt.a_ (H.); khamburu sharp-pointed stone or potsherd (K.)(CDIAL 3831). Image: pan: ka_vali, ka_vale a plate or pan for frying or baking; ka_valige frying pan (Ka.); ka_vali, ka_voli id. (Tu.)(DEDR 1488).

2368.Marriage: ka_rye, ka_ryea_ auspicious occasion, (so they call) a dinner; a marriage (Kon.lex.) Auspicious ceremony: ka_riyam final ceremony on the 16th day after death; effect, result, issue (Kur-al., 425, Urai); affair, thing, business, concern, matter (Kampara_. Cu_rppa. 43)(Ta.lex.) ka_rya to be done (AV.); business (Mn.); kayya (Pali); karya (NiDoc.); kajja action, duty (Pkt.); ka_ju work, festivity (S.); ka_j ceremonial feast, wedding (L.); business, wedding (L.P.); auspicious ceremony; work (Ku.N.); work, business (B.Or.Mth.Bhoj.); id. (Aw.H.); id. (G.M.Konkan.i); ka_ja_ id. (H.); ka_z work, funeral ceremony (A.); ka_riya, kayira to be done (Pali); ka_riya act, duty, work (Pkt.); ke_ra-, ke_raya concerning (Pkt.); arj for the sake of (Ash.); ori (Kt.); ka_ri, ka_ryo (Sh.); -ker, -kera_ gen. affix (H.); keren abl. affix, kerehi dat. and loc. affix (Si.)(CDIAL 3078).

2369.Image: wood to carry: ka_ri, ka_riye a piece of wood to carry boxes with (Kon.lex.)

2370.Image: black bull or ox: ka_ri a black bull or ox (Kon.lex.)

2371.Waterpot: ghariya_ drinking vessel (Bi.); small pot (Aw.H.); ghar.ya_ small pot (H.); ghar.i_ water-clock (G.); ghad.i_ (M.); ghat.i_, ghat.ika_ small pot (used for begging)(Pali); pot, water-clock (Skt.); khoro pot (Gypsy.European. why o < a?); gar.a_ waterpot (Pas'.); ghar.i_ small pitcher, water-clock (B.Or.); water-clock (P.); waterpot, water-clock (S.); gru water-clock (K.); gai earthen pot (Sh.); gol.i pitcher (Kho.); ga_ri pot, pottery (Gypsy); ghad.i_, ghad.ia_ pot, water-clock (Pkt.); ghat.a, ghat.aka pot (Pali.Skt.); ghad.a pot (Pkt.); ghad.aga small pot (Pkt.); ghat.a pot (Mn.); ghar.o waterpot (G.); large round earthen pot (S.); ghar.a_, ghar.o (P.WPah.); ghar. (Ku.); ghara_ (A.); ghar.a_ (B.Or.H.N.Bi.); ghar.u~ small waterpot (G.); ghad.a_ earthen pot (M.); ghar.olli waterpot (WPah.); ghar.ola_ waterpot (H.); ghar.elr.u (WPah.); gharil (Bi.); gol.i pitcher (Kho.)(CDIAL 4406). gha_ghari a kind of waterpot (S.); ghagri earthen pitcher (Or.); gha_gar waterpot (M.)(CDIAL 4403). gargara waterpot (Skt.)[PMWS 55: karkari_ waterjar (Bhartr..) < Mu.]; gaggari_ small waterpot (Pkt.); ga_gro waterpot (Ku.); ga_gar (Ku.); waterpot (H.); ga_guru waterpot (K.); ga_gir (L.); ga_ggar (P.); ga_gro earthen jar (N.); ga_gri copper jar (N.); ga_gari_ waterpot (A.); ga_gri_ (B.); gagara large metal water vessel (Or.); ga_gari earthen pot (B.); gagari_ earthen pot (Bhoj.); gagara_ jar (Aw.)(CDIAL 4043). garija:n, garija:dan-en a big pot (Sora.<Oriya?); gulu:mi, guli-mi a big vessel (Sora.lex.) ghia~_r.a_ earthen vessel for storing ghee (H.)(CDIAL 4503). Image: cup; lid: cara_kai metal cup (Catu.)(Ta.); cara_vam anything long and thin, as a bar, a rib (Cu_t.a_.); cf. s'ala_ka_ (Skt.); caruku-c-cat.t.i shallow wide-mouthed vessel (Intupa_ka. 62); caruva-c-cat.t.i, caruvam shallow wide-mouthed vessel saraka (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) cf. a_ru a pitcher (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) saraka a drinking-vessel, wine-glass, goblet; drinking spirits; distribution of spirituous liquor (Skt.lex.) ca_ra_yap-pa_va_lai vessel for receiving distilled spirits; cf. sara_va a lid, cover; a shallow dish, saucer (Skt.); s'ara_va a shallow dish, platter, an earthenware vessel, tray; a cover; a measure equal to two kudavas (Skt.lex.) ca_ra_yam spirituous liquor, arrack (Pata_rtta. 1490); id. (Ma.); sa_ra_ya (Te.Ka.); sa_ra_yi (Tu.); ca_ra_ya-p-pa_va_lai vessel for receiving distilled spirits (Ta.lex.) Metal vessel with a long neck: jha_ri_ metal vessel with long neck (S.); drinking vessel with spout (H.G.M.); jha_r.i_ (Mth.); jha_ri (N.); drinking vessel with spout (B.Or.Bi.); za_ri drinking vessel with spout (A.); ca_t.i *jar, waterpot (Pkt.); earthen vessel or pitcher (H.)(CDIAL 5377). Possibly, the S. form jha_ri_ may be the radical which resulted in all the Indian forms with extension of meaning in H.M.group. ca_t.i vessel, jar, measure of capacity (Pali); saliya, haliya earthen pot (Si.)(CDIAL 4736). Image: wide-mouthed earthen vessel: cara_vam < s'ara_va shallow wide-mouthed earthen vessel (Patin-o. A_l.u. 16)(Ta.lex.) caru a kind of vessel in which an oblation is prepared; caru-ce_lin name of S'iva; caru-stha_li_ a vessel for boiling rice, etc. for presentation to the gods and the manes (Skt.lex.) s'ara_va a partic. measure (TS.); shallow cup or dish, its flat cover (Gr.S'r.); s'ara_vaka (Sus'r.); sara_va, sara_vaka cup, saucer (Pali); sa-s'arava having a lid (KharI.); sara_va a kind of dish (Pkt.); sara_ shallow earthen vessel used as a lid (B.Or.); sara_u, sara_, sara_wa_ earthen cover; sara_i_ small earthen cover (H.); sara_vlu~, sa_vlu~ an earthen dish (G.); ceri_ water-jar (Ash.); ceri_, cari_ (Wg.)(CDIAL 12334). caru pot, saucepan (RV.); caluka small pot (Skt.); caru a kind of dish (Pkt.); co_rki_ kettle (Nin:g.); caru_ large copper vessel used by dyers (S.); carvi_ brass vessel (L.); saru earthen cooking pot (A.); carua_, carui_ earthen pot for storing grain or cooking (Bi.); caru_ pot, cauldron (H.); carua_ large earthen pot (H.); carui_ smaller earthen pot (H.); caru large copper pot (G.); carvi_ small copper pot; carur.i_ metal jug (G.); carvi_ sort of bowl or pan (M.)(CDIAL 4692). Image: porous earthen pot; a strainer: jharjhara a strainer (Bhpr.); jhajhari a large kind of hookah bottom (S.); jhajjhar, jajjhari_ earthen pot with a narrow neck (P.); jha~_jra_ cullender, strainer (B.); jha~_jhar porous (Bhoj.); jhajjhar large porous water jug (H.); jhajhri_ full of holes, riddled (H.)(CDIAL 5349). cf. ca_ro bowl, pan (Gypsy. European)(CDIAL 4739).

2372.Artisan, worker: karuva_ artist (Si.)(CDIAL 3066). Tool; weapon: karu tool, plough, weapon (Ma.); karuvi instrument, tool (Ta.)(DEDR 1290). karavi, karu, garu a mould (Tu.lex.) karan.am instrument; work by one's hand (Cilap. 3,54); implement, means, material, instrument (Kantapu. Kuma_rapuri. 65)(Ta.lex.) upakaran.a (kammaka_ra-) tool; means; ka_ran.atta instrumentality (Pali.lex.) karuvi instrument, tool, implement (Cilap. 16,186) (Ta.); id. (Ma.); means, materials, as for a sacrifice (Kur-al.. 421); armour, coat of mail; saddle; assembly, collection, flock, group (Tol. Col. 354, Urai); karuvi-p-put.t.il scabbard, sheath; karuvippai instrument-case, barber's bag (Ta.lex.) karu prong, barb, tine, spike (Arut.pa_, ii, Ar-anilai. 1)(Ta.lex.) Chief of the village: ka:rji the chief of the village (Sora.lex.) ka_ri artisan, worker (Pa_n..); work (S.); remedy (P.); work (Or.); action, work (Skt.); ka_ri_ worker (P.); kar work (Kt.); ka_r work (L.)(CDIAL 3064). ka_ru artisan (Mn.Pali.Pkt.G.); artist (A.B.); artisan, servant (Or.); ka_rua_ expert, deft (Or.)(CDIAL 3066). ka_ra making, doing; action (Skt.); doing, way of doing (Pali.Pkt.); ka_ra_ action, business, evildoing (P..); ka_r work, act (Or.); action, trouble (G.); ka_rima artificial (Pkt.); ka_rmu~ wonderful, strange (G.)(CDIAL 3053). kar..umu to join, unite (pent.ir...cent.i_-k-kar..umina_r : Pu. Ve. 7,28); to be fitting, suited; to be full, complete (Ta.lex.); denseness as a tuft of hair (Ta.); krammu to overspread, overflow (Te.); garja to spread out, increase, multiply, grow thick and outspreading (Kui)(DEDR 1368). cf. kr.ta- done; n. deed (RV.); kr.taka made, artificial (MBh.); karo_ti does (Pali); kareti (NiDoc.); kare_i, karai (Pkt.); ka_rn.o to sharpen (an edged tool)(Gaw.); ki_tta_ done; work (P.); work, business (OAw.)(CDIAL 2814). hastakr.ta made with hands (AV.); hatthakamma manual work (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 14026). hatia_ra tool, weapon (Or.); hatiya_r tool (N.A.H.G.)(CDIAL 14027).

2373.Image: saddle: karuvi saddle (Tiva_.); assembly, collection, flock, group (Tol. Col. 354, Urai.); means, materials, as for a sacrifice (Kur-al.. 421); karuv-et.uttal to gather ingredients for witchcraft (W.); karu ingredients for magical preparations employed in at.t.akarumam (W.)(Ta.lex.)

2374.Image: goldsmith's saw: karavata saw (OAw.); kara_ta goldsmith's saw (B.); karaut, karauta_, kara~_t saw (H.); karauti_ small saw (H.); karavata (OMarw.); karvat, karvati_ (G.); karvat, karvati_ (M.); karavata (Si.); kara_ti_ sawyer (B.); karati_ (Or.); kara~_ti_ (H.); karvatiyo (G.); karatiba_ to saw (Or.); karvatn.e~ (M.); karavan saw (Si.); karakaya saw (Pkt.); krakaca, krakara (Skt.); karapattra saw (Sus'r.); karapatta (Pkt.); kart.u (S.); kalvattar, kalvatri_ (L.); karvattar, karvat large iron blade for cutting a man in two (P.); karot.l.i small saw (WPah.); karau~ti, kara_ti saw (N.); karat (A.)(CDIAL 2795). Notched: khara notched (OAw.) (CDIAL 3819). karad.a saw (Apabhram.s'a) (DEDR 1265). karukku teeth of a saw, of a sickle; sharp edge of a newly ground cutting instrument (Ta.Ma.); karukku-va_y-p-pat.u to become sharp-edged, as a cutting instrument; karukku sharpness, karukku-va_l. sword with a sharp edge (Te_va_. 135,8)(Ta.lex.) karkkacam that which is rough, gruff, grating, unpolished (Iraku.Pa_yi. 7)(Ta.lex.) Rough: karad.u that is rough, uneven, unpolished, hard (Ka.); Image: notch; message: sharp toothed instrument: kar-aku, karku, kakku, gar-aku, garaku, garku, garasu a jag, notch, dent, toothed part of a file or saw, rough part of a millstone, irregular surface, sharpness (Ka.); garga_su a saw (Tu.); karagasamu a saw (Te.); kar-aku,kar-uku harshness, roughness, sharpness; rough, harsh, sharp (Te.); karat.i stubborn, brutish, villainous (Te.); kakku a notch or dent, toothed part of a saw, file or sickle, roughness of a millstone (Te.); karkara sharp (Go.); karat.u roughness, unevenness (Ta.); karukku teeth of a saw or sickle, jagged edge of palmyra leaf-stalk, sharpness (Ta.); karuma sharpness of sword (Ma.); karukku teeth of a saw or file, irregular suraface, thorns of palmyra branch (Ma.); karikku edge of teeth (Ma.); karkara hard, firm (Skt.); karkas'a rough, harsh, hard (Skt.); khara hard, harsh, rough, sharp-edged (Skt.); kakaca saw (Pali); khara rough; saw (Pali); karakaya saw (Pkt.)(DEDR 1265). To scrape: karan.t.u (karan.t.i-) to paw (as a dog), gnaw (as a rat), scrape (Ta.); karan.t.uka to scrape the inside of metal vessels with a grating noise (Ma.)(DEDR 1268). Sharp, rough: khara hard, rough, cruel, sharp (Pali.Pkt.); hard, sharp, pungent (MBh.); solid (Pa_n..); sharp, notched (OAw.); khara_ sharp (H.); khar sharp, hot (G.); kharad.ia rough (Pkt.); kha_ra_ very sharp (Or.); kharus. rough, rugged (Bshk.); karahu hard (Si.)(CDIAL 3819). cf. karkara hard, firm (Skt.)(CDIAL 2819). krakaca-, karapattra- saw; khara- sharp-edged, hard, harsh, rough (Skt.); kakaca saw (Pali); khara- saw (Pali)(DEDR 1076). [For -kas'a: cf. kas iron (Go.); kacci_ sword (Kol.)(DEDR 1096).] Sunshine: khara_ sunshine (Or.); hot, dry (B.); kara-ras hot-rayed, i.e., sun (Si.)(CDIAL 3819). khara sharp, hard (MBh.); solid (Pa_n..); hard, rough, sharp (Pali.Pkt.); sharp (OAw.); khar sharp (M); sharp, hot (G.); kharad.ia rough (Pkt.); karahu hard (Si.); kharus. rough, rugged (Bshk. < X parus.a)(CDIAL 3819). cf. trakoru hard, rough (K.)(CDIAL 2819).

2376.Market town: kharvat.am a market town; a village at the foot of a mountain (Skt.lex.) karuvi assembly, collection, flock, group (Tol. Col. 354, Urai.) (Ta.lex.) karvat.a the market town or capital of a district (of two hundred villages); karvat.am a city (Skt.lex.) Land surrounded by mountains and rivers: kharvat.a a market-town; a village at the foot of a mountain (Skt.lex.) karvat.am town surrounded by mountains and rivers (Tiva_.)(Ta.lex.) karat.u hillock, low hill (Ta.lex.) Mountain slope; valley; pasture-land: kava_n- mountain slope (Pat.t.in-ap. 138); multitude; collection, as of trees in a forest (Tacaiva_. 119)(Ta.lex.) gavi cavern (Te.); cave, hole, cell (Tu.); cave; gambu cave of wild animals (Ka.); kevi deep valley, cave (Ira_mana_. Uyut. 95, Pak. 391)(Ta.)(DEDR 1332). Image: mountain: karvat.a, karvat.aka declivity of a mountain (Skt.lex.) karuvu_r Karur in Trichinopoly district, the ancient capital of the Che_ra kingdom (Akana_. 93); karuva_ru_n-ilai the S'iva temple at Karur (Te_va_.)(Ta.lex.) kavut.am district of Gaur in Bengal (Nan-. 272, Mayilai.)(Ta.lex.)

2375. Rough; image: knot; knuckle: kharad.ia rough (Pkt.); kharus. rough, rugged (Bshk.)(CDIAL 3819).Pearl: kar-at.u crude or inferior pearl (oppu muttum. kur-umuttum. ... kar.at.um nimpol.amum (S.I.I.,ii,143);karat.i (Te.); karat.u a variety of pearl (Ta.) (S.I.I., ii,549) (Ta.lex.) karat.u ankle, knot in wood (Ta.); karan.a knot of sugarcane (Ma.);kurat.t.a knuckle of hand or foot (Ma.); karan.e, kan.n.e clot, lump (Ka.); karud.u lump, mass, clot (Te.)(DEDR 1266). karan.t.aikka_y-mo_tiram a kind of finger ring worn by Parava women on all the five fingers, four or five such rings being worn on each finger; karan.t.aikkai fore-arm (Ta.lex.)

2377.Bundle of firewood: herk a bundle of firewood (Go.); cer-aku in: van.t.acer-aku firewood for cooking (Te.)(DEDR 2794). Small bundle of crop for artisans: kera_ small bundle of crop given to village artisan at the division (Bi.)(CDIAL 3462). Image: tender twigs: ker.u firewood (WPah.); ker.o~ pieces of wood (WPah.); ker.o, pl. kya_r.a_ thin stick (Ku.); pa_t-kera_ leaves and twigs (N.); ker.a_ tender twig, sapling (H.)(CDIAL 3461). Image: young shoot of bamboo: xarra_ seedling bamboo, bamboo sapling (Kur.); kayal shoot or branch growing from the root (Ma.); koyl, ko.ly sp. bamboo (largest type)(To.); kar..ale, kar..ile bamboo shoot (Ka.); kan.ile tender bamboo shoot (Tu.); karrka bamboo (Nk.); karri (pl. karrul) bamboo shoot (Pa.); karka bamboo sapling; karr, kar, kar(i) bamboo shoot (Go.)(DEDR 1353). kari_ra (Skt.); kal.i_ra (Pali); kari_l (H.)(CDIAL 2804). karilla shoot of a bamboo (Pkt.)(DEDR 1353). karla immature bamboo; karil young shoot of bamboo; kanai branch from node of bamboo (Santali.lex.) cf. cilike stick and other small pieces of wood (Ka.)(DEDR 2586). cf. kil.ai a sprout, shoot, bud, branch (Ta.)(DEDR 1583). kil.ai branch, bough (Kantapu. A_r-r-up. 31); sprout, shoot, bud (Tiva_.)(Ta.); kil.a (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) e_rake, erake a sort of grass, which when plucked by Kr.s.n.a and his family turned to clubs (Ka.lex.) irg kindling (dry plants with leaves still on)(Ko.); ege small branch, sprout; en:kli thin branch (Ka.); egg a branch, bough; eggelu a small branch (Tu.); en:kili branch (Kor.); rivva, rivat.a a twig (Te.)(DEDR 826). vir-a-ttal to be dense, close; to be intense (Net.unal. 97); ver-a firmly, emphatically, verily (Ka.); ver-i fury, fear (Ka.); vir-appu crowdedness, density, intensity (Tol. Col. 347)(Ta.lex.) vir-appu intensity; mir-ai to become stiff as a limb (Ta.); bir-asa, bir-asu, bir-isu, bir-usu, bir-u hardness, firmness (Ka.); birsu hard, rough (Tu.); bir-usu, birusu hard (Te.); bir-r-u hardness (Te.); beriv solid (Kol.)(DEDR 5439). To heap up: beraju to gather together, collect, put together, heap up (Ka.); birajuni to collect, heap up (Tu.); vera~ju to take by large handfuls, plunder (Te.)(DEDR 5487). Stopple of wood: bir-ad.a, birad.e a peg or screw to tighten the strings of musical instruments; a stopple of wood, metal etc., a cork (Ka.); birad.a_ (Te.)(Ka.lex.) bir-asu, bir-isu hardness, firmness; bir-i firmness; tightness: fastening as a door by means of a piece of wood that on the inside is put across it: the wood itself (Ka.); bir-r-u (Te.); vir-a, ver-i to be narrow, straitened, pressed (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) vir-aka_l. firewood seller, one who hawks firewood (Tiruva_lava_. Pati. Pa_yi. 8); vir-aku firewood, fuel (Ci_vaka. 131); sacrificial fuel (Perumpa_n.. 499); vir-akukkat.t.u bundle of firewood (S.I.I. iii,188,7); vir-aku-ka_t.u heap of firewood (Takkaya_kap. 329, Urai.) (Ta.lex.) vir-uku firewood (Ma.); verg id. (Ko.); berkh id. (Ko.); bejakir dried leaves used as fuel; biriji slender piece of firewood (Tu.); biji firewood (Kor.); verrki, vark, vah-k, veh-ki, verk fuel, stick of firewood (Go.); ver-gu (pl. veRku) firewood, fuel (Kond.a); vezgu (pl. vesku) id. (Pe.); viyke pl. id. (Mand..); veju, vejgu (pl. veska) id. (Kui); vegu_ (pl. veska), vegu (pl. veska), vergu (pl. verka) id.; weggu, weska dry wood (Kuwi)(DEDR 5440).

2378.Sugar-cane: karva_ a bit of sugarcane (M.); karumpu (in cpds. karuppu-) sugar-cane; karupp-at.t.i jaggery made from palmyra juice, jaggery (Ta.); karimpu sugar-cane; karipp-at.t.i coarse palmyra sugar (Ma.); kab sugar-cane (Ko.); kab id. (To.); kapot.y jaggery (To.); karvu, karbu, kabbu sugar-cane (Ka.); kaybi_ id. (Kod..); karmbu id. (Tu.)(DEDR 1288). kar..al piece of sugar-cane (Ma.); kar..alu two or three of the uper joints of a sugar-cane that are insipid (Ka.)(DEDR 1352). kaln jaggery (Ko.)(DEDR 1414). ceruku sugarcane (Ka.); cer-aku id. (Te.); saragurak id. (Kol.); s'erak id. (Nk.); ser-oki id. (Kond.a); se_rku_ id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 2795).

2379. Toe-ring: kar..al anklet, toe-ring, sandal (Ta.); foot (Ma.); foot-ring, anklet (Ka.)(DEDR 1351). kal.ale a swelling at the joints (Tu.)(DEDR 1350).

2380.Image: rib of leaf: hirka_, hi_r rib of a leaf, fibre of certain kinds of wood (M.); hira band, strip (S'Br.); hir filament of a boiled silk cocoon coming out during spinning (A.); fibre of certain kinds of wood, the blea or part immediately under bark of a tree (H.)(CDIAL 14109). hira_ vein, artery (AV.); yuru vein (Kal.Kho.); pulse (Kho.); hirai hairlike first sprouts of ears of corn (WPah.); ira placenta of cow or buffalo (Or.)(CDIAL 14113). it.a-ttal to be stripped off, as the outer covering (S.I.I. 93,49)(Ta.lex.) i_r minuteness (Cilap. 6,146); rib of a palm leaf (Te_va_. 1061,2); i_rkku rib of a palm leaf; feather of an arrow; i_rkkil id. (Ta.Ma.)(Ta.lex.) i_n-ai vein of leaf (Ta.); i_n.a a sinew (Kuwi)(DEDR 556). Spleen, liver: i_ral internal organ of the body as the liver or spleen (Ta.Ma.); i_rul. id.(Ta.); i.ralu, i.rvo id. (Ir.); i.ruv id. (Ko.); u.ruf id. (To.); hi_ri id. (Ka.)(DEDR 546). Narrow stripe in the border of a cloth: i_r-k-kampi, i_rkku-k-kampi narrow stripe in the border of a cloth (Ta.lex.) Rope: i_r-vat.am rope made of the ribs of the palmyra leaf (Ta.lex.) i_r, i_rkku, i_rkkil rib of palm leaf (Ta.); i_rkkil, i_kkil, i_rkkal, i_l. stalk of coconut leaf, mid-rib of any palm leaf (Ma.); ci_kuru rib of palm leaf (Tu.)(DEDR 544). cf. ki_r-u a stripe (Ma.)(DEDR 1623). i_r minuteness; i_rmai subtlety, minuteness (Ta.); i_r slight (e.g. i_r en.d.a slight sunshine; i_r elu~gu low voice)(Te.)(DEDR 545). i_n-ai vein of a leaf (Ta.); i_ne midrib of a leaf, or any one of the ribs running from it (Te.); i_n.a a sinew (Kuwi)(DEDR 556). cf. errna_ (irryas) to sweep; errta'a_na_ to make sweep (Kur.); ere to sweep; erpo a broom (Malt.)(DEDR 828). cf. erek, reki leaf-umbrella; reki, rek leaf-hat (Go.); jekki a leaf-hat (Kuwi)(DEDR 821). ir..ai yarn, single-twisted thread, darning; (-v-, -nt-) to be reeled, as yarn; (-pp-, -tt-) to spin (Ta.); ir..a a single thread, long hair; ir..ekka to patch, mend; il.ekkuka to wind up thread (Ma.); el. thread in cloth (Ko.); er..e thread; er..tu the string or cord of the warp of the texture of a cot (Ka.); ile a hair, fibre; il.e, el.e a fibre, thread (Tu.); e_spa (e_st-) to spin thread; n. act of spinning (Kui)(DEDR 506).

2381.Workers in brass and bell-metal: ke~r.e~ ko~r.e~ an aboriginal tribe who work in brass and bell-metal (Santali.lex.)

2382.Image: duck: siri the nukhta or comb duck, sarcidiornis melanonotus (Ka.lex.)

2383.Decoration, beauty: s'ri_, tiru, siri, siriya beauty, grace; prosperity, good fortune, wealth, riches; decoration, ornament, dress; siriver-u to obtain prosperity; s'ri_ka possessing dignity; s'ri_kara causing prosperity (Ka.lex.) cf. cir-appu wealth, prosperity (Pur-ana_. 64,5); happiness (Kur-al., 1208); honours, privileges (Cilap. 16,109); regard, esteem (Kur-al., 195); courtesy, hospitality (Na_lat.i, 159); present, gift (Kur-al., 590); foodstuffs provided for the marriage parties at a wedding; pereiodical festival in a temple (Ta.); cer-apu (Ka.)(Ta.lex.)

2384.Image: laugh: kiri to grin, show the teeth (Ka.); ciricu to titter, laugh (Ka.); siri to smile (Ka.); ciri to laugh, neigh; n. laughter, smile (Ta.);laughter (Ma.); cirippu laughter, ridicule, jest, neigh (Ta.); siry joy (To.)(DEDR 1562). ki_ri_ derision (Go.); ke_ru to deride, ridicule (Te.); greh to mock (Kuwi)(DEDR 2010). isir., isir. sit.koc to grin (Santali.lex.) kerket.a laughing, funny (Santali.lex.) cir-i, cir-a, ciri lip; kir-i corner of the mouth (Ma.); kiri lip (Kod..)(DEDR 1591).

2385.Dence crowd; tank: ker-f- (ker-t-) (water) is dammed, (crowd) gathers; to dam (To.); girn, grn in a dense crowd (of people gathering)(Ko.); ker-e, kir- a tank (Ka.); cer-e (Ma.); ceruvu (Te.); cir-ai (Ta.); cir-e enclosure, dam (Ma.); ker-e kat.t.e the bank of a tank; ker-e-yod.alu the inner part of a tank; ker-eyod.e a tank to break down; to break down a tank (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cir-ai dam, bank, tank, boundary (Ta.); cir-a dam, limit, tank, reservoir, enclosure (Ma.); ker tank (Ko.); ker-e tank (Ka.); kere (Kod..); ker, kir, kedu an artificial tank (Tu.); ceruvu, cer-uvu artificial lake, tank (Te.); ceru tank (Kol.); saru tank (Nk.); ceru tank (Pa.); keh- to shut, dam (stream)(Go.); eru pond, tank (Go.); ket.- to shut (Ga.); keR- (-t-) to close, shut (as a door, box etc.), build a wall (as enclosure)(Kond.a); keRpi door; ser-u tank (Kond.a); geh- (-t-) to shut (Mand..); ker- to fence (Kuwi)(DEDR 1980). ker NE monsoon (Sept.-Dec.)(Ko.); ker- id. (To.)(DEDR 1982). kir- to confine; to make a fence; to shut as the mouth (Ka.); cer-i to narrow, to contract; to fasten, to close; to stuff, press in; to be thronged or crowded (Ta.); Image: oppose, resist: cer-ukku to fill up, dam up; to oppose, to resist (Ma.)(Ka.lex.)

2386.To enclose: kettu pp. of kir- to confine; kettu to enclose, to set as precious stones (Ka.); cerudu to shove or put in (Ma.); cer-ukku to enclose (Ma.)(Ka.lex.)

2387.Image: eruption: karappan- eruption in children (J.)(Ta.lex.) kar an eruption appearing on the legs, mainly of children (Santali.lex.) karappa_n- eruption, any cutaneous disease, rash, eczema, erysipelas etc. (Ta.); karappan eruptions, scurf (esp. on children's heads)(Ma.)(DEDR 1272). ka_ra a sharp eruption on the skin (Ma.); ga_ru a sharp eruption on the body from internal heat (Ka.)(DEDR 1469). gargad.i a kind of blister which becomes a sore (Santali.lex.)

2388.Clove: kara_mpu < quaranful (U.) < karnophullon (Greek) clove; the clove tree (Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

2389.Sirissa: karuva_kai fragrant sirissa, albizzia odoratissima, va_kai maravakai (Pata_rtta. 223)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.)

2390.Turpentine: karppu_ra-t-tailam oil or spirit of turpentine; karappurai benzoin tree, ca_mpira_n.i (Can.. Aka.); karppu_ra-k-kil.uvai hill balsam tree; kar-ai-vil.an:ku a species of white cedar (Ta.lex.)

2391.Asafoetida: ka_ravi the asafoetida plant or its leaf; the plant celosia cristata = mayu_ra; the plant nigella indica (Ka.lex.)

2392.Mercy: karun.a_ pity (R.Pali.Pkt.); kalun.a_ (Pkt.); kulun.a sympathy, mercy (Si.)(CDIAL 2811). karun.a mournful (MBh.); unhappy (Pkt.); kalun.a id. (Pkt.); karun. (G.); ka_run.a grieved, plaintive cry (Or.)(CDIAL 2809). ka_run.ika compassionate (MBh.Pali); ka_run.iya, ka_lun.iya (Pkt.); ka_run.i_ bewailing (Or.)(CDIAL 3067). ka_run.ya compassion, kindness (MBh.); ka_rua, ka_ruata_ (Pali); ka_run.n.a, ka_lun.a, ka_lun.n.a (Pkt.); ka_ru~_ a kindness (S.); ka_runa_ compassion (N.); karuna (OAw.)(CDIAL 3068). karun.ai compassion, grace, mercy, benignity (Tiruva_ca. 2,107)(Ta.); karun.a_karan- god as the storehouse of grace (Tiruva_ca. 6,28); karun.a_-niti god as the highest repository of grace; karun.a_layan- god, the storehouse of grace (Tiruva_ca. 27,1); ka_run.iyam mercy, grace, compassion (Tiruppo_. Can. Pil.l.ai. Cen:ki_rai. 5)(Ta.lex.)

2393.Coarse cloth: kharuwa_ a coarse cloth (N.); kharua_ grey cloth (Bhoj.); kha_rva_ coarse red cloth (M.); kha_rva_ coarse red cloth (P.)(CDIAL 3877). kha~_r.ik homespun cloth (N.); kha~_r.uya_ small piece of coarse cloth (B.)(CDIAL 3801). [cf. DEDR 1180: kan.d.uva_ uppergarment (Te.)] ka_rai cloth (Ya_n-aippa_kar a_t.aiyai-k- ka_rai yen-r-alum (Ne_mina_. Col. 10, Urai)(Ta.lex.) kha_rva_ coarse red cloth (P.)(CDIAL 3877). ka_rikkan- unbleached plain cotton cloth, mostly imported (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Unbleached cotton cloth: ka_rikkan-, ka_rikkam unbleached cotton cloth (Ta.); ka_rikamu unbleached (Te.)(DEDR 1472)(Ta.lex.) ka_rai cloth (Ta.); ya_n-ai-p-pa_kar a_t.aiyai ka_rai yen-r-alum (Ne_mina_. Col. 10, Urai); kariyal a kind of cloth (Cilap. 14,108, Urai). Dyed in red ochre: kar-kalai cloth dyed in red ochre; (va_rcecat.aiyun. kar-kalaiyum : Tiruva_n-ai-k. Tiruni_. 7)(Ta.lex.) kal red ochre, reddle; mukko_lun. kar-r-o_y mur..umat.iyum (Ilak.vi. 707, Urai); kairikam < gairika red ochre; gold (Ta.lex.) kalla_t.ai cloth dyed in red ochre, worn by those who have renounced the world (Te_va_. 509, 2)(Ta.lex.) kharen a kind of lacquer applied to the skin of the tumdak drum (Santali.lex.) Red cotton cloth: kha_ruya_ coarse red cotton cloth (B.) (CDIAL 3877). gairika_ red chalk (Sus'r.); gairika (MBh.); ge_ruka, ge_ruka_ yellow ochre (Pali); ge_ria, ge_rua red chalk (Pkt.); gyu_ru, dat. gi_ris red ochre (K.); geru_ (S.Or.Aw.H.M.); red clay (Bi.); dark red ochre (P.); ochre (N.); geri_ yellow ochre (L.); red earth (B.); light red ochre (P.); geru reddish colour (N.); red ochre (A.G.); giri-ma_t.i red earth (B.); geruya_ dyed with red chalk (B.); gerua_ ochre-coloured (Bhoj.)(CDIAL 4254). togaru red colour, scarlet (Ka.); red colour, thread of a red colour; red (Te.); do_ra reddish, half-ripe (Te.)(DEDR 3284). [Poss. geru reddish colour (N.) X tukil, tuyil fine cloth, rich attire (Ta.)(DEDR 3285); duku_la fine cloth made of the inner bark of this plant (MBh.); du_l fibrous plant anodendron paniculatum, its fibre (Si.)(CDIAL 6389)]. Image: red ochre; cloth dyed with red ochre: ka_vi red ochre (Ta.Ma.Ka.Tu.); colour of red chalk, reddishness,a reddish cloth; reddish (Te.); cloth dyed with red ochre ka.yv sannya_si's dress of orange cloth (Ko.); ka_ve red (Tu.); ka_vir-a_yi red chalk, reddle (Te.); gavarana redness (Te.)(DEDR 1490). ka_sa_yita stained (Pali); kasa_ia red-yellow ((Pkt.); kasa_iba_ to dye red (Or.)(CDIAL 2975). kas.a_yin yielding a resinous exhudation, astringent, dyed red (Skt.); kasa_i red-yellow (Pkt.); ka_i_ khaki coloured (Pas'.)(CDIAL 2977). ka_s.a_ya brownish red, dyed reddish (Kaus'.); ka_sa_ya, ka_sa_va yellow (of monk's robe)(Pali); ka_sa_ya dyed reddish brown (Pkt.); kaha in cmpds. yellow (Si.)(CDIAL 3119). ka_s.a_ya yellowish red, astringent (Ya_j.); kasa_ya reddish yellow, astringent (Pali.Pkt.); keha_ astringent (A.); kasa_ (B.); reddish, astringent (Or.); kaha turmeric, saffron (Si.); kasa_va reddish yellow, astringent (Pali); kas.ara mon's yellow robe (NiDoc.); ka_s.ar (Toch.); kas.a_r (B.); kr'z'kh (Sogd.); kr'z, kz'ry (Uigur.); kasa_ro of astringent taste (S.)(CDIAL 2974).

2394.Iron: karbuna, karbon girisa_ra, s'ila_sa_ra, a_yasa, lo_ha; iron (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) karum-pon- (lit. black + gold) iron (karumpon- iyalpan-r-i : Ci_vaka. 104)(Ta.lex.) karun-ta_tu iron (Ja_n-a_. 57,29)(Ta.lex.)

2395.Metal bar; ploughshare: ka_r-u bar [cf. vel.l.i-k-ka_r-u bar of silver, silver bullion]; limit, point, measure or extent of time, often used as an adverbial suffix; ploughshare (Ta.lex.); ka_r-u ploughshare (Ta.Ka.); ka_ru id. (Te.); karu id. (Kuwi); ka_rru plough (Kuwi); kar-r-u ploughshare (Te.); na_ngel kareng plough's point (Go.); kara plough (Go.)(DEDR 1505). tanka-k-ka_r-u gold in bars, ingot (Ta.lex.) kur ploughshare (L.); kurelna_ to poke (P.); to dig (H.)(CDIAL 3319). Plough; tool; instrument: cf. karuvi instrument, tool (Ta.); kari, karivi, karuvi, karu tool, plough, weapon (Ma.)(DEDR 1290).

2396.Gold; money: karuntan-am gold; money (Ni_tiner-i. 9)(Ta.lex.)

2397.Black: kar, kad blackness (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Abrus precatorius: karun.-kun-r-i a black species of crab's eye, abrus precatorius melanospermus (Ta.lex.) Black maize: karuco_l.am black maize, sorghum vulgare (Pata_rtta. 833)(Ta.lex.) Black fowl: karun:ko_r..i fowl of a black variety (Pata_rtta. 869); karin:go_r..i id. (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) Black dhal: karun.-kun-r-i black dhal; ka_liya_ntuvarai black dhal, low turning-weed, rhynchosia minima (M.M. 274)(Ta.lex.) Black fowl: ka_r-k-ko_r..i black fowl (Te_va_. 890,9); ka_ru-ko_d.i id. (Te.)(Ta.lex.)

2398.Vitex negundo: karlakki = kare_ lakkki a shrub or small tree, vitex negundo (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

2399.Mahua: ga_ra_, ga_r.a_ seed of mahua (Go.); ga_ra mahua fruit (Kui)(DEDR 1468). kal (obl. kadd-) fermented liquor, esp. of mahuas (Go.)(DEDR 1374).

2400.Rosewood tree; beech tree: kara_mam seaside Indian oak, ven:kat.ampu (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) kar.an. maran, kr.a_n. mra_nu Indian beech tree (Kond.a); ka_nagu dalbergia arborea (d. laceolaria, i.e. rosewood)(Ka.); korn:gi-mara, korn:gu-mara Indian beech tree (Tu.); ka_nugu, kra_nugu, ka_naga, ka_nige, ka_nuga, ka_nga, ka_nge, ka_gu, ga_nuga id., pongamia glabra (Te.)(DEDR 1507)[pongamia glabra = galedupa indica = g. arborea]. karaja the tree pongamia glabra (A'p.Pali); karajika_ (MBh.); karam.ja (Pkt.); karajho a thorny creeping plant the juice of which is drunk as a cooling medicine (S.); karza_ a partic. kind of tree with an acid fruit (A.); kara~j, kara~ja_, kaja_ the fever-nut, caesalpina bonducella, guilandina b., galedupa arborea (H.); kara~j the tree galedupa arborea (G.); kan.jhi_ a bitter plant (G.); kan.jhiyu~ medicinal oil made from it (G.); kara~j, karaj the tree galedupa arborea, pongamia glabra (M.); kara~ji_, karji_ its produce (M.); karanda pongamia glabra (Si.)(CDIAL 2785). karjel oil made from the tree pongamia glabra (M.)(CDIAL 2786). kro_vi, ko_vi, g(r)o_vi galedupa indica = pongamia glabra = galedupa arborea (DEDR 2247). cf. Pongamia glabra: ... the bark is used for making strings and ropes. The seeds yield a red-brown, thick oil known as pongam oil. Chopra calls the oil pangamol or hongay oil. This oil is used for illuminating and for medicinal purposes and shouls also be useful for the manufacture of soap and candles. (Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, pp. 424-425).