5422.Demon: raks.as injury, demon; raks.as demon (RV.); rasah injury (Av.); rakkha demon (Pkt.); la~_s a female demon famous in legends, she-wolf; la~_sru~_ term of abuse for a woman (M.)(CDIAL 10550). ra_ks.asa demoniacal (AitBr.); demon (Kaus'.); rakkhasa, rakkhasi_ demon, ogre (Pali.Pkt.); ra_khas, ra_kas (P.H.); ra_kas (Ku.); virago, shrew (N.); ra_khas demon (Or.); ra_kas a spirit which breathes out fire and misleads travellers (Bi.); ra_khas, ra_kas demon (Mth.); ra_khas (H.G.); ra_khsi_ (G.); ra_khi_s-mukh the south; ra_khes-mohra_ facing south (M.); rakus demon (Si.); rakussa_ harsh or morose man; rakusi_ she-devil (Si.); rakis-bod.u bat (animal) (Md.)(CDIAL 10672). cf. arakkan- demon (Ta.lex.) ra.n:g- (ra.n:kt-) to be possessed by (a god)(Kol.); r.a_nja (r.a_nji-) (spirit, demon) possesses, inspires, excites; n. spirit-possession, demon-possession (Kui)(DEDR 5165). raks.as, rakkasa (Tadbhava of ra_ks.asa) demoniacal; an evil being or demon; a goblin; a yaks.a or attendant of Kube_ra; pun.yajana)

5423.Ashes: raks.a_ ashes (Skt.); rakkha_, raccha_ (Pkt.); rakha (S.); ra_kh (P.Bi.Mth.Bhoj.H.); ra_kha_ (OAw.); ra_khi_ (H.); ra_cha (OMarw.); ra_kh (G.M.)(CDIAL 10552). ra_kho~d.a_, ra_khu~d.a_ ash-heap, ash-pit, any place for ashes (M.)(CDIAL 10553). rachya_n dust-hole, rubbish-hole (N.); rasa_n.e~ glowing embers (M.)(CDIAL 10554). ra_khor.o, ra_khor.i_ layers of ashes or clay etc., ashes (G.)(CDIAL 10555). raks.e a mark made with ashes on the forehead; ashes of cow-dung; raks.e-bot.t.u a round mark or spot of ashes, lamp-black, etc. put on the forehead to save one from fear etc.; ragad.a abundance, lots, heaps (Ka.M.H.) (Ka.lex.)

5424.One who raises hopes of a gift: ra_ga_ru one who raises hopes of a gift, but does not fulfil them (Skt.lex.)

5425.Grain stored up: rastu grain stored up for an army (Ka.); rasada (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)

5426.Image: road: raste a road, a way (Ka.); rasta_ (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) rahata_ri < rahada_ri (M.) passport, pass (C.G.)(Ta.lex.)

5427.Ornament for hair-tress: ra_kad.i, ra_gat.i a golden circular ornament worn by females upon their hair-tresses (Ka.); ra_kid.i, ra_gad.i, ra_gid.i (Te.); ra_khad.i_ (M.)(Ka.lex.) ra_kkat.i, ra_kkit.i, ra_kkut.i, ra_kkot.i, ra_kko_t.i < ra_kkad.i_ an ornament worn by women on the crown of the head (Ta.lex.)

5428.Filing: ra_vat.am filing (W.)(Ta.); ra_pad.amu (Te.)(Ta.lex.) ra_yi a stone (Ka.); ra_, ra_yi, r-a_, r-a_yi (Te.); ra_cu, ra_yu to rub, to file (Te.); ara_vu (Ta.); ra_gu (Ma.); ra_yipud.i-sakkare a coarse-grained candy sugar (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) aram file, rasp; ara_vu (ara_vi-), ira_vu (ira_vi-) to file, polish, rub, grate (Ta.); aram file (Ma.); ira_vuka, ra_kuka to file (Ma.); arm (obl. art-) file (Ko.); ara, arna id. (Ka.); ara id. (Tu.)(DEDR 228).

5559.Saw: irampam a saw (Ta.); rampige shoe-maker's knife or awl (Ka.); rampi shoemaker's knife (Tu.); r-ampamu a saw; r-ampaka~_d.u sawyer; rampe cobbler's knife for cutting leather (Te.); rampa mattock (Pa.); rapam saw (Kond.a)(DEDR App. 55). rampa knife tc. (Pkt.)(CDIAL 10629).

5429.Mud: ra_d.i, ravad.i a mass of mud; slop; foul, turbid (Ka.); raba_d.a_, ra_d.a, ra_d.a_, ra_bad.i_ (M.)(Ka.lex.)

5430.A weight: ira_ttal < rat.l (U.) Arabian pound = 40 tolas; 1 lb. about 13 palams; a jewish measure of weight (Vivili. Lu_k. 19,13)(Ta.lex.) ra_tal a weight of twelve, fifteen, or sixteen ounces (Ka.); ratala (M.H.); r-a_ttal (M.); arratel (Port.)(Ka.lex.)

5431.Image: buffalo bull: ra~_go buffalo bull (Ku.N.); ran:ku a species of deer; ran:kuka (Skt.)(CDIAL 10559). ra_n:kava made from the hair of the ran:ku deer (Ka.lex.) ra~_kat. big and boorish (M.)(CDIAL 10538). cf. ran:ka slow, dull (Skt.)(CDIAL 10538). Image: deer: cf. ro_hi a kind of deer (R.)(CDIAL 10870). rauhis.a, ro_his.a a kind of deer (Ka.lex.) ron:ke, ran:ke the grunt of a wild buffalo (Ka.lex.)

5432.Image: fish: ro_his.a, rauhis.a a species of fish (Ka.lex.) Image: snail: rokoc a snail, a snail and the shell, a snail's shell; rokoc jel the snail (Santali.lex.)

5433.Slothful; poor: ran:ghar. a Moslem caste who are slothful agriculturists, conceited person (P.); ram.ka poor (Pkt.); ran:gur. poor (L.); ra_m.ka wretched, poor (OAw.); ra~_k poor; ra~_kar. poor stony ground (H.); ra~_k, ra~_kr.u~ poor, humble (G.); ra~_ku~ beggar (G.); ra_m.ga wretch (OAw.); ran:ka slow, dull (Skt.); poor, hungry; starveling (Skt.); ren:gec poor (Sant.)(CDIAL 10538).

5434.Tree: ruk birik, ruk birit trees; ruk birit nelte bam berellena? Did you not take notice of the trees before you settled down? rol a large forest tree, terminalia chebula; this tree yields the myrobalans of commerce; ruhen a large forest tree, soymida febrifuga; bir jungle, forest; birit trade, calling, profession (Santali.lex.) ru_ks.a tree (Skt.); rukkha tree (Pali.Pkt.); ruccha (Pkt.); rucha, lukha (As'.); rukh, ruk (Gypsy); rukkh (L.P.); ru_kh (Ku.); rukh (N.); rukha (MB.); ru_kh (Bhoj.Aw.H.G.M.); ru_ku (Kon:kan.i); ruka, rika (Si.); ru' (Md.); rukkhalla tree (Pkt.); rikilla twig (Si.)(CDIAL 10757). rukkhamu_la foot of a tree (Pali.Pkt.); vr.ks.amu_la (Mn.); rukmula (Si.)(CDIAL 10758). va_rks.a of trees, wooden (Ka_tyS'r.); rokhu~ wood, fuel (G.)(CDIAL 10871). cf. lakut.a club (Car.); ruvlo_ stick (Gypsy); laur stick (Bi.Mth.)(CDIAL 10875). vr.ks.a tree (RV.); ma_la_-vaccha an ornamental shrub or tree (Pali); vracha tree (As'.); vr.e_ha, vrachi (NiDoc.); vakkha, vaccha, vuccha (Pkt.); bri_c (Tir.); bich pine-tree (Mai.); buch, buc plane-tree (Sh.); pa_i~-bi_ch pinus excelsa (Sh.); bi_kh tree (WPah.); buk oak-tree (N.); bi_k willow (D..); bigye~_s (Dm.)(CDIAL 12067). cf. mor.o_ka_ plant (Go.); mr.ogla shoot of bamboo; eye, shoot of potato etc. (Kuwi); mul.a germ, shoot, young plant (Ma.)(DEDR 4997). cf. ur-uppa_ a tree, the timber of which is used instead of teak in shipbuilding, hopea decandra (Ta.)(DEDR 717). cf. gon.d.a a forest, jungle (Pkt.)(CDIAL 4276). cf. gond.a man of Gond tribe (Kol.)(DEDR 2077). vr.ks.a a tree; sarala, s'a_la (Ka.lex.)

5435.Image: sticking up or out: rokroko sticking up or out; deren rokroko nelok kantaea his horns are sticking out (Santali.lex.) cf. tur-ikka to project, protrude (Ma.)(DEDR 3369). ruh growth, sprouting (RV.)(CDIAL 10795). rujhn.e~, rujn.e~ to sprout, grow (M.)(CDIAL 10797). ro_ha growth (Pkt.Skt.); roh seed that has sprouted (M.)(CDIAL 10860). ro_hati grows (RV.); ro_hai grows (Pkt.)(CDIAL 10862). rocroco protruding (Santali.lex.) ruha rising, mounting, springing up, growing (Ka.lex.)

5436.Image: chisel; to pierce: ruka chisel; kund ruka a round chisel; rok to pierce (Santali.lex.) ruka, rukna a chisel (Mu.); rukhna (Sadani)(Mu.lex.) uruvu-tal to pierce through, penetrate, as an arrow, a needle (Tiruva_ca. 28,2) (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) cf. uruvuka to pierce through, penetrate (Ma.)(DEDR 663). Axle-bolt; linchpin: uru-v-a_n.i axle-bolt; linchpin (Upate_caka_. Civatturo_. 411)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) uru decorative work in wood carved with the chisel (Cir-upa_n.. 252, Urai.)(Ta.) (Ta.lex.) Image: hole: ro_ka a hole, an aperture, a cavity (Ka.); ruks.a a star (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ro_kam a hole (Skt.lex.) Image: particle, atom: rukhi an atom, a grain, a shred (Santali.lex.)

5443.Image: bit, piece: ro_ka_ < ruqqa_ (U.) bit, piece; chit, note (Ta.lex.) Image: breaking: ruj, ruk breaking; dashing to pieces; fracture (Ka.lex.) Image: broken: ruk- to break, smash (Kond.a); urun:ga_na_ to be broken; uruhta_na_ to break (Go.); run.- (it-) to be broken (Kond.a)(DEDR 662). Image: bend; breaking: ruj to break to pieces, destroy; to bend; ruja, ruja_ breaking, fracture; rugn.a broken, shattered; bent, curved (Skt.)(Skt.lex.) rujati breaks (RV.); causes pain (VS.); hurts, aches (Pali); rwi_n.o to break, break off, deprive wholly (Ku.); ridenava_ to feel pain (Si.)(CDIAL 10766). rugn.a broken, diseased (MBh.); cleft (RV.); rugga broken (Pkt.); rugur.ia_, ruga_ ailing (Or.); rigg handful (P.); lugga broken (of road)(Pali); broke, ill (Pkt.)(CDIAL 10760). ruja_ pain, disease (MBh.Pali); rua_ (Pkt.); rada-ya pain, ache (Si.); ruda_va (Si.Pa.); rihe pain (Md.)(CDIAL 10767). zuj to overthrow (Tor.)(CDIAL 10768). ro_ga disease (AV.Pali); ro_a (Pkt.);rov, ro_ (Si.)(CDIAL 10829). ro_gya producing sickness (Skt.); rog, rok, pl. ro_gi illness; rogo_t.u ill (Sh.); rog, ru_g (K.)(CDIAL 10830). ruje breaking, fracture, destruction; sickness, disease; ruta broken to pieces, divided; ruj, ruk breaking, dashing to pieces; fracture; toil, fatigue (Ka.lex.) Image: to gore: rok to gore (Santali.lex.)

5437.Image: snare: r.uka snare for birds (Pe.); r.uke id. (Mand..)(DEDR 5182). tuka a nest; on:gra pon.ra the whole nest (Santali.lex.)

5438.Image: to smelt: ru_khnai to smelt (Kuwi); ru_ga (ru_gi-), u_rka (u_rki-) to be dissolved (Kui)(DEDR 661). cf. uruku (uruki-) to dissolve, melt, liquefy, be fused (Ta.)(DEDR 661). Gold: ro_kah. brightness; ro_cis light, splendour, brightness, flame (Skt.); ro_cis.n.u bright, resplendent, shining, brilliant ; ruc, ruca_ light, lustre, brightness (Skt.lex.) Goldsmith: urukku-t-tat.t.a_r goldsmiths (Cilap. 5,31, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) Ceremony of melting gold for marriage badge: pon-n-urukku-tal to perform the ceremony of melting gold for the ta_li at an auspicious time (Ta.); urukku-tal to melt with heat, as metals or congealed substances; to dissolve, liquefy, fuse (Kantapu. Ma_rkka. 131)(Ta.); urukku (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) cf. uruku to dissolve (Ta.)(DEDR 661). urukku anything melted, product of liquefaction (Kampara_. Ka_rkka_. 91)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Copper; copper-smith: lo_ha-ka_ra, lo_ha-ka_raka a copper-smith; one who sells copper-vessels; a worker in iron, a smelter of iron, an iron-smith, a black-smith; lo_ha red, reddish, copper-coloured; any metal (cf. paca-lo_ha); gold; iron; steel; copper; a weapon; lo_hala iron, made of iron; lo_ha-vara the most precious metal, gold; lo_ha-ma_raka calcining metal; lo_ha-sandha_na soldering; lo_ha_bhiha_ra, lo_ha_bhisa_ra lustration or arms, a military ceremony observed by kings before commencing a campaign, or for making the army ready for attack and battle (Ka.); lo_hita red; the colour red; copper, metal; lo_ha-bhe_da a kind of metal or of iron; lo_ha-bhasma rust of iron or a medicinal preparation from it; lo_ha-dr.ti steel drops; lo_ha-kit.t.a rust of iron or iron filings (Ka.lex.) lo_ga clod of earth (RV.); loyo ball of dough (S.); loiya_ lump of mud used in building (Mth.); loi_, lohi_ lump (H.)(CDIAL 11127).

5439.Ready money: ro_ka buying with ready money; rokka cash, ready money; change; money in general (Ka.); rokka, r-okka (Ma.); rokka (Te.); ro_kad.a_, ro_khi_ (M.)(Ka.lex.) ro_kam buying with ready money, cash transaction (Skt.lex.) roku cash (S.); raukma golden (Mn.); rok cash (L.P.B.); rokh adj. in cash (B.); roka-t.hoka cash (Or.); rok (Mth.H.); rok, rokh in cash (G.); rokh, rokh-t.ok (M.); rokar.i cash (S.); rokir. cash book (L.); rokar. cash (P.B.H.N.Mth.); rokar.a cash book (Or.); rokar.i (G.); rokad. (M.)(CDIAL 10828). rokka-k-kuttakai lease of land for a fixed money rent (R.T.)(Ta.); rokkam cash; ready money (Pan.avit.u. 21,22) (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) A pice: ruvi, ruvvi a farthing, a ka_su (Ka.); ruvve (Te.); ruka_ the 12th part of an anna (M.)(Ka.lex.) Register: rokir. cash book (L.); rokar.a id. (Or.)(CDIAL 10828). rokor. hard cash; roka cash (Santali.lex.) Cash: roka ready money, cash; rokagele hataokeda we bought for cash (Santali.lex.)

5440.Resin: ru, ru_-ka_no, rua resin (Kt.); zo_-kende deodar (i.e. torch tree)(Ash.); ro_ka light, splendour (RV.)(CDIAL 10826). lu resin, tar; lo_u fat (Pas'.); lo_u, lo_u-mut.ha deodar (Gaw.); lo_ (Bshk.); lo_u resin, tar; lo_-mut. deodar (Phal.); lo_ light (L.Sh.K.); dawn (Sh.K.); lo light, dawn, power of seeing (P.); light (e.e.g moon)(WPah.)(CDIAL 11120). lua_t.ha_, lua_t.hi_ burning wood (H.)(CDIAL 11121). lo_kate_ sees (Dha_tup.)(CDIAL 11122). cf. lo_cana eye (MBh.); loyan eye (H.); loan.a (OG.)(CDIAL 11128). lo_i_ light (Pkt.); lu_i tomorrow (Pas'.); le_wil brightness (Wot..); loi light, lustre (H.)(CDIAL 11129). ro_ka light lustre (Ka.); rukma bright, radiant; gold; iron; rukma-ka_raka a goldsmith (Ka.); rukmin.i name of a daughter of king Bhi_s.maka, carried off and espoused by Kr.s.n.a; the goddess Laks.mi_; ruc light, lustre, brightness; a ray of light (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) rukma bright, radiant; rukmah. a golden ornament; rukmam gold; iron; rukma_n:gada wearing golden armlets; rukma-pus.t.haka gilded, coated with gold; rukmin wearing golden ornaments; gilded; ruks.a shining brilliant (Vedic); ro_cama_na shining, bright; ro_cana_ a kind of yellow pigment; ro_cana irradiating; bright; the bright sky, firmament (Skt.)(Skt.lex.) rucya bright (Skt.); rucci brilliance (Pkt.); luc torch (Kal.)(CDIAL 10764). cf. ro_cate_ shines (RV.)(CDIAL 10832). ro_ka light, splendour (RV.)(CDIAL 10826). cf. lo_ka light (Skt.)(CDIAL 11120). ro_caka, ro_cana making bright; ro_cama_na shining, bright; ro_ci, ro_cis light, splendour, flame; a ray of light; ro_cis.n.u shining bright; gaily adorned, elegantly dressed (Skt.Ka.) (Ka.lex.)

5441.Lighted torch: calo_ lighted torch (Sh.)(CDIAL 8766). eli (-v-, -nt-) to rub one stick on another for producing fire by friction, rub, grate (as bamboos); n. grating bamboo (Ta.); nis- kwi.l firesticks used at ti. dairy (To.) eli-ko_l piece of wood for producing fire by friction (Ta.); neyj firesticks (Ko.); nis-f- (nis-0-) to make fire by twirling firesticks; nis-y firesticks; nis- kon. hole in fireboard in which stick is twirled to make fire; (DEDR 2930). lua_t.ha, lua_t.hi_ burning wood (H.)(CDIAL 11121). [cf. ko_ra_n- torch tree, ixora parviflora (Ta.); goravi, goravu an evergreen tree which makes good torches, ixora parviflora (Ka.); kor-avi, korivi a firebrand, touchwood tree, sapindus tetraphylla or guarea molinoea; kor-akancu, kor-akaccu firebrand, burning piece of wood (Te.); kor-oy a burning torch (Kond.a)(DEDR 2229)]. oliki a funeral pile (Te.); oln:gam blaze of fire; olip- (olit-) to char, scorch (Pa.); o_lna_ to be on fire, (crop) is scorched by excessive heat; olodna_ to set fire to, scorch (Kur.)(DEDR 1001). Extinguish: lumba (lumbi-), d.umb- to be extinguished; luppa (lupt-) to extinguish (Kui); d.umb- (-it-), du_mbali, d.omb- to be extinguished; d.up- (-h-, -t-), du_ph- to extinguish (Kuwi)(DEDR 5199). cf. ol.i light, brightness, splendour, sun, moon, star, fire, sunshine, lamp, beauty; ol.iyavan-, ol.iyo_n- sun; ol.ir (-v-, -nt-), ol.ir-u (ol.ir-i-) to shine; ol.irvu, ol.ir-u brightness; ol.imai brilliance, brightness, beauty (Ta.); ol.i splendid, bright; the light; ol.ima, ol.ivu brightness; on.ma splendour, beauty; ul.ayuka, ul.iyuka to shine, glitter (Ma.); ol.a, ol.apu shine, blaze; ul.ku to shine, blaze, appear; ul.ku, ul.uku a shining substance, a meteor (Ka.)[cf. ulka_ (Skt.)]; ol.i light, splendour (Tu.); or.ini(ka) white, bright (Kond.a)(DEDR 1016). lo_i_ light (Pkt.); lu_i tomorrow (Pas'.); le_wil brightness (Wot..); loi light, lustre (H.)(CDIAL 11129). ul (obl. ut.-) in: mu.nd ul three days (Kol.); o_dil day (Nk.); ulla_ day; ulle~_r. two days; ullmu_nd three days; ullna_x four days; od.ul, undul one day (Kur.); ulle by day; ulli-mqi night and day; ullond day before yesterday; ullte, ullti of the day; ullu daylight (Malt.)(DEDR 677). lec adj. light, bright (Pas'.); lo_c dawn (Shum.); loj light (Tor.)(CDIAL 11131). lo_cyate_ is caused to shine (Dha_tup.); locan.u to desire, search for (S.); locan. to favour, wish (L.); locvu~ to desire earnestly (G.)(CDIAL 11132). ro_cis light, brightness (RV.); ro_ca bright (AV.); ro_cas light (MaitrS.); ro_i_ light (Pkt.); zuc daybreak (Ash.); wruc, zuz (Wg.); ruc, ric-kol (Kt.); urjuk, yurjuk (Pr.); ru_c morning (Gaw.)(CDIAL 10833). ros' pleasure (Kal.); ro_ca bright (AV.); gladdening (Skt.); ro_a liking, taste for (Pkt.)(CDIAL 10831). ro_cate_ shines (RV.); ro_cayati makes pleasant (AV.); ro_cyate_ is liked (R.); ro_cati shines (Pali); ro_ai (Pkt.); rozo_nu to be light (Sh.); ro_ce_ti is pleased (Pali); rocetu, locetu let them find pleasure in (As'.); ro_e_i, ro_ai gives pleasure (Pkt.); ro_cun, pp. ru_cu to be liked (K.)(CDIAL 10832). ro_cya shining (MaitrS.); ru_c, ro_c dawn (Gaw.)(CDIAL 10835). Excellent: rot sky (Pas'.); rotu, rucu good, excellent, beautiful, sweet (K.)(CDIAL 10755). le_su goodness, excellence, superiority (Ka.); an auspicious ceremony; excellent, good; goodness, excellence (Tu.)(DEDR 5193). ol.i excellence, fame, wisdom (Ta.); ol.l.iyan- good man, wise man; on.mai goodness, wisdom; ot.pam intelligence, wisdom (Ta.); ol.y, ol.yd good (Ko.); wil.y good; wil.t id., what is good (To.); ol.(u), ol.itu, ol.atu, ol.l.it(t)u that is good, handsome, excellent; ol.(u)pu, ol.uhu, ol.tana, ol.l.etana, ol.l.e goodness; ol.l.ida a good man (Ka.)(DEDR 1017). rutiya wish, desire (Si.); zut morning (Tor.)(CDIAL 10756). ruc shine (Skt.); ruca bright (VS.)(CDIAL 10761). ruci light, beauty (AV.); brightness, pleasure (Pali); rui beauty, charm (Pkt.); risi-ya wish, pleasant taste (Si.)(CDIAL 10762). rucita bright (S'Br.); rucia pleasant (Pkt.); ros't light, bright (Kho.); ros'ti daylight, light (Kho.); re_t, re_d tomorrow (Bshk.); ras't dawn (Sang.)(CDIAL 10763). rucya bright (Skt.); rucci brilliance (Pkt.); luc torch (Kal.)(CDIAL 10764). rucyate_ is pleasant (R.); ruccati finds pleasure in (Pali); ruccai to be liked, be pleasing (Pkt.); rucan.u to be pleased, excite desire (S.); rucn.a_ to be liked, be pleasing (P.); rucn.o to be liked, be wholesome, be digested, like (Ku.); rucnu to be pleasant; ruca_unu to like (N.); rusiba to be palatable (A.); ruca_ to be liked, be relished (B.); ruciba_ (Or.); rucai (OAw.); ru_cna_ (H.); rucvu~ to be liked, relish (G.); rucn.e~ to be liked (M.); russanava_ to be pleased with (Si.); rici desired (OSi.); risi-ya wish, pleasant taste (Si.)(CDIAL 10765). praro_cana praising (ChUp.); praro_cate_ shines forth (RV.); parne morning (Pr.)(CDIAL 8745). lo_ light, dawn (Sh.K.); light (L.); lo light, dawn, power of seeing, consideration (P.); lo light (e.g. of moon)(WPah.) (CDIAL 11120). Bright; handsome: s'ukra bright; brightness (RV.); s'ukla bright, white (AitBr.); bright half of month (Gr.S'r.); sukka bright (Pali); s'ukar pretty, pleasant; s'uka_r quietly (Gypsy); s'u_kri naked (woman)(Kal.); chuk good fortune (N.); suk bright, white; bright half of month (H.); su_kad.i sandal-wood (OG.); sukhar. (G.); sukkila, sukkilla bright, white (Pkt.); s'ukl.i_ moon (WPah.); s'uklo_ white (WPah.); s'ukula white (D..); sukilo white, shining (Ku.N.); xukula_ (A.); sukka planet, star (Pali); sukka the planet Venus (Pkt.); s'u_k-ta_ra_ (WPah.); suk-ta_ra_ Venus (B.); su_k, suk Venus, Friday (H.); su_k Venus (M.)(CDIAL 12506). s'ukrava_ra Friday (Su_ryas.); sukwa_r Friday (H.)(CDIAL 12507). White; silver: sii green, green colour (Pkt.); s'iti white, in cmpds. (RV.); white (Skt.); dark blue (Skt.); hiy jasmine (K.)(CDIAL 12439). X s'vitici_ white (RV.); s'vit be white (RV.)(CDIAL 12771). s'yeuo wild white cock (WPah.)(CDIAL 12440). s'viti whiteness (Skt.); sita white (Skt.Pali)(CDIAL 12771). s'vitra white (AV.); s'vitraka (MBh.); he_turu white leprosy (K.); sita white (Si.); cit.t.a silver (Wg.); chit.t.a truth (Dm.); chat.o white (Par.); chitte_, chitti white (K.); cit.o clear (S.); cit.t.a_ white (L.P.); chitto, chetto, che_ta, cit.t.o_ (WPah.)(CDIAL 12772). s'ukra bright; brightness (RV.); the planet Venus (MBh.); s'ukla bright, white (AitBr.); bright half of month (Gr.S'r.); sukka bright (Pali); s'ukar, s'uker pretty, pleasant; s'uka_r quietly (Gypsy); s'u_kri naked (woman)(Kal.); chuk good fortune (N.); suk bright, white; bright half of month (H.); su_kad.i sandal-wood (OG.); sukhar. (G.); sukkila, sukkilla bright (Pkt.); s'ukula white (D..); s'ukl.i_ moon; s'uklo_ white (WPah.); sukilo white, shining (Ku.N.); xukula_ (A.); sukka planet, star (Pali); sukka the planet Venus (Pkt.); s'u_k-ta_ra_ (WPah.); s'uk Friday (Ku.); suk-ta_ra_ Venus (B.); su_k, suk Venus, Friday (H.); su_k Venus (M.)(CDIAL 12506). s'ukrava_ra Friday (Su_ryas.)(CDIAL 12507). Good; clean: cokha_ rich (of soil (Bi.); cokh, cokha_ pure, genuine, good (M.); co_ks.a pure, clean (Mn.); cocha, cochaga good (of land)(NiDoc.)(CDIAL 4918). cf. cokucu refinement (Ta.)(DEDR 2829). cf. so_k- (-t-) to clean body (while bathing), rub, clean; so_kpis- (Kond.a)(DEDR 2872). cf. cukir (-v-, -nt-) to rub clean and smooth as a lute-string (Ta.)(DEDR 2645). Well-shaped; clever: sughat.a easily contrived (Skt.); su_ga_r, su_ger easy (Bshk.); suga_ (Tor.); sughar.u clever (S.); sughar., sughar.a_ elegant, clever, well-formed (P.); sughar. polite, clean (Ku.); sughar neat, clean (usu. of things)(N.); sughad.a well-formed, handsome (OMth.); sughara_i looks pretty (OAw.); su_ghar. well-formed (H.); sughar. neat, well-mannered (G.); sughad., sugad. clever, expert (M.)(CDIAL 13460). sughat.ita well arranged (Skt.); sughari neat, clean (of persons)(N.); xughari well-shaped, faultless (A.)(CDIAL 13461). sucajja_ well-doing, well-beloved (L.)(CDIAL 13462). Cleanliness: cokkal.ike elegance, beauty (Ka.); cokat.a, cokkat.a purity, cleanness; cokka niceness, elegance, beauty, charm (Ka.); cokka, cokku (Ta.); cokka (Ma. Te.); co_ks.a (Skt.); co_kha_ (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) cet.i splendour (Ta.); canu to be fit, suiting, proper (Te.); cem right, excellent, royal (Ma.); cer..umai, cevvi, ce_t.i elegance, beauty (Ta.); cokka, con:gu (Ma.); can (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cokka purity, cleanness (Ka.Ta.Te.); co_ks.a (Skt.); co_kha (H.); cokkadammula excellent tambhula; cokkani_ru pure water (Ka.lex.) cokkat.ada tanisukham = unique pleasure of purity or cleanliness; candana_digal.inda s'ari_ra cokkat.a ma_d.uvadu = sandalwood etc. used to purify or clean the body (Ka.lex.) co_khat.a, co_khat.a_, co_kho_t.a comeliness, beauty (M.H.)(Ka.lex.) To anoint; to clean: s'o_cayati sets alight, burns (RV.); s'o_cyate_ is purified (MBh.); soccai purified (Pkt.); s'o_cun, s'ro_cun to be purified (K.) (CDIAL 12621). s'o_cis flame, glow (RV.); splendour (BhP.)(CDIAL 12620). jo_ku, je_ki to wash (Kor.); so_ka_na_ to apply ointment, hot water, etc., to one's skin, rub, apply (oil, etc.); mat soka_na_ to apply medicine, anoint; ho_k- to rub on (oil, etc.); o_k- to rub; so_klal washerman; so_k to anoint (Go.); so_k- (-t-) to clean body (while bathing), rub, clean; caus. so_kpis- (Kond.a); ho_k- (-t-) to wash, rub, rub on (oil); intens. ho_bga- (Pe.); jo_ga (jo_gi-) to wash clothes; n. act of washing clothes; joh- to wash clothes (Kui); co_shing to soak, steep; wash by rubbing, scrub (Br.)(DEDR 2872). s'o_dhana cleaning (Mn.Nir.); so_dhana cleaning (Pali); so_han.a purifying (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12629). To purify: s'o_cyate_ is purified (MBh.); soccai purified (Pkt.); s'o_cun, s'ro_cun to be purified (K.)(CDIAL 12621). s'o_cis flame, glow (RV.); splendour (BhP.)(CDIAL 12620). s'o_ddhum to purify; s'o_ddhavya (Skt.); sodhan.u to examine (S.); sodhn.a_ to scrutinize, correct (P.); sod(h)n.o to find out, seek, look for (Ku.); sodhnu to ask, ask about (N.); xodhiba (A.); sudha_na to ask (B.); sodhiba_ to purify, scrutinize, correct (Or.); sodhna_ to cleanse, ask (H.); sodhai finds out (OMarw.); sodhivam. to clean (OG.); sodhvu~ to purify, search (G.); sodhn.e~ (M.); soddu_ka to find, search for (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 12626). s'o_dha purification (Skt.); so~h consciousness, understanding (G.)(CDIAL 12627). s'o_dhayati purifies (TS.); removes anything obnoxious (Mn.); so_dhe_ti cleans, clears; searches for (Pali); so_he_i cleans, searches (Pkt. ); caus.: so_ha_ve_i causes to be cleaned (Pkt.)(CDIAL 12630). so_hi purity, penance (Pkt.); su_h news, information (P.)(CDIAL 12631). s'o_dhya to be cleaned (Mn.); sojjha to be cleansed (Pkt.); sojjhaya washerman (Pkt.); sojha_ care; sojhla_ light, brightness (L.); sojha_ prudent (P.); soju~ clean (G.)(CDIAL 12632). Broom: s'o_dhani_ broom (Skt.); su_hni_ broom (P.); s'uain (WPah.); soin.i_ long pricker for cleaning pipe of hookah (S.); so_han.i_ broom (Pkt.); so_ne brush, broom (Ash.); sohni_ weeding (Bi.); sohan coarse rasp (Bi.); sohen id. (Mth.); sohani_ weeding (Bhoj.); sohni_, soni_ broom (H.)(CDIAL 12629). s'uvel broom; s'ulav to sweep (Gypsy); soin.u to weed, clean pipe of hookah (S.); s'oan.o~_ to brush (WPah.); sohab to weed (Bi.); sohna_ (H.); so~vu~ to sift, winnow (G.)(CDIAL 12630). Broom: suha_ri_ broom (S.)(CDIAL 12628). sa_varn.i broom (G.); sa_varn.o large broom (G.)(CDIAL 13014).

5442.Word not etymologically resolved: ru_d.isu to be commonly known and used; to cause to grow; ru_d.ha traditional, generally received, popular, customary, conventional, not to be etymologically resolved; having a special meaning or one not depending directly on the etymology; obscure; ru_d.ha-na_ma a noun of which the meaning is not to be etymologically resolved, a word not etymologically derived, a word used in a conventional sense; ru_d.hamu_la well-rooted, well-established; ru_d.hi spring up, birth, origin; customary usage, common currency, familiarity with; a popular or conventional acceptance of words (as opposed to their direct etymological meaning); the employment of a word in a sense not borne out by its etymology; ru_d.i ma_tu a commonly known and used word; ru_d.hi-s'abda id. (Ka.lex.) ru_t.i < ru_d.hi (gram.) term used in its conventional sense; it.ukur-ippeyar (noun connoting the primeval sense in which it has been used, as maram, dist. fr. ka_ran.a-p-peyar) (Nan-. 62, Can:kara.)(Ta.); it.ukur-i-marapu noun used in the conventional sense which it continues to bear from the remote past, as pan-ai for palmyra (Nan-. 275, Urai.); ka_ran.appeyar derivative name; ka_ran.appotuppeyar (gram.) noun used in its etymological sense and applicable to a class or group; ka_ran.a-c-cir-appu-ppeyar noun used in its etymological sense and applicable to a particular object in a class or group (Nan-. 62, Urai.)(Ta.lex.) ru_d.hi a tradition, custom, customary or traditional usage; s'a_stra_d ru_d.hirbali_yasi_ custom prevails over precept; ru_d.hi general prevalence, common currency; popular meaning, conventional acceptation of a word; samuda_yas'aktih- ru_d.hih-; ru_d.ha popularly accepted, traditional, conventional, popular (as the meaning of a word, or the word itself; as opposed to yaugika or etymological sense); certain, ascertained (Skt.lex.)

5444.Acknowledgement of money paid; written acknowledgement of debt: ro_kka_ a written acknowledgement of a debt (R.T.); an order issued by the government authorising specific payments or supplies (R.T.)(Ta.); ruqqa_ (U.)(Ta.lex.) Land register: or..uku (or..uki-) to be arranged in regular order, act according to laws; n. land record, register; or..un:ku (or..un:ki-) to be regular or in order; place in line, set in order; n. row, line, order, regularity, propriety, regulation; or..ukkam acting according to established rules, good conduct, decorum (Ta.); or..ukku natural, smooth, plain; or..ukkam plainness; or..un.n.uka to keep within bounds; or..un:ku order, regularity, good conduct, propriety (Ma.)(DEDR 1011). or. or. regularly; rahom rohom rule; t.hak t.hok in a plain manner; hora a line (Santali.lex.) Acknowledgement: roka an acknowledge-ment, as of money paid; rokae emadina he gave me an acknowledgement (of money paid)(Santali.lex.) cf. orun.n.uka to be ready; orukkam preparation; orukkuka to prepare, get ready (Ma.)(DEDR 992). rucum, rucu_m, ru_cu_m fees, money payments received by publoic officers, as perquisites attached to their office (R.T.)(Ta.); ru_su_m (U.)(Ta.lex.) cf. ro_ka buying with cash (Skt.)(CDIAL 10828). rukka_ note, chit, memorandum (C.G.)(Ta.); ruqqa_ (U.); rucu proof, signature (C.G.)(Ta.); ruju_ (U.); rucu-p-por-upppu burden of proof (I_ccuraniccayam, 38); rucu-p-po_t.u-tal to affix one's signature (C.G.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) ru_cu_vet.t.a_ an ancient tax on jagir land in certain villages in the Tanjore district (R.T.)(Ta.lex.) Pledge: ruju to present for acknowledgment, to give a pledge (Santali.lex.) ruju signature; proof (Ka.H.)(Ka.lex.) raci_tu < rasi_d (Pers.) receipt, acquittance (Ta.lex.)

5445.Piece by piece: rakamu an item or article (of an account); an amount (of money); an appointed quantity; a dose; a piece (Ka.M.H.); rakamuva_ru article by article, piece by piece (Ka.M.H.)(Ka.lex.) rakam < raqam (U.) class, sort (C.G.) (Ta.lex.)

5446.Image: ornamental figure: ran:go_le (Tadbhava of ran:gavalli), ran:gavali, ran:ga-valli, ran:gava_li ornamental lines and figures drawn with various powders on the floor, the walls, in front of the house, on the floor before an idol etc. (Ka.); ra_n:go_l.i_ (M.)(Ka.lex.)

5447.To rub fine: ran:gal.isu to press and rub fine, as small articles, with the fingers on the palm of the hand (Ka.); ragad.an.e_m. (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)

5448.Sandy land: rug, rugg sandy uncultivated land (L.)(CDIAL 10759). rakkar. poor soil (L.); hard and barren (of land)(P.); ra~_kar. poor stony ground (H.); ran:gur. poor, bad (of crops)(L.)(CDIAL 10538). Land which requires irrigation: runni_ poor land which requires to be left fallow (Bi.); ru_na_ land which requires irrigation (Bi.)(CDIAL 10780).

5449.Perfumed powder: re_tra perfumed powder (Skt.lex.)(CDIAL 10816). re_g dust, sand (Pers.); re_k sand (Bal.)(CDIAL 10809). cf. ni_r-r-u (ni_r-r-i-) to slake (as lime), reduce to ashes or powder, calcine (as metals), calcinate; nivar-u (nivar-i-) to be powdered (Ta.)(DEDR 3693). cf. darmu ashes (Pe.); ni_y-darambu id. (Mand..)(DEDR 3092). re_vat.a dust, whirlwind (Skt.); rew sand (H.); rev, re~v fine sand or gravel; reva_, re~va_ coarse sand or gravel (M.); re~va sand (Konkan.i); re_valia_ dust-devil (Pkt.); rer.o sand and stones, debris washed down by a stream (Ku.); revar.o dunghill (OMarw.); revd.a_ fine sand or gravel (M.)(CDIAL 10821). re_n.u dust, sand (RV.); pollen (MBh.); powder (Skt.); hare_n.u = re_n.uka_ a partic. drug or perfume (Skt.); re_n.u dust, sand, pollen (Pali.Pkt.); ren dust; ri_n grains of sugar or sand etc. (P.); ren a very small quantity (N.); ren. dust, particle (G.); ron-a dust, pollen (Si.)(CDIAL 10814). ret.u sandbank (S.); reti_ sand for blotting ink, filings (S.P.H.); re_t sand (L.); ret, reti_ sand, file; retn.a_ to file (P.); sekh file, sand (K.); retta_ sand, sandy land; retar sandy soil (K.); ret, letar sand; re_ti_ iron file (WPah.); ret, reto sand (Ku.); reti sand, sandy beach, file, saw; retnu to file, saw (N.); reti file (A.); ret line marked by sawyers with chalk or dust (B.); reta metal filings; reti file (Or.); ret, reti_ file, saw (Bi.); ret, reti_ sand; retarr.i_ file, saw (G.); sand, file (H.); retna_ to file (H.); reta sand (OMarw.); reti_ sand (M.)(CDIAL 10816). Barren soil: rethal. desert (G.)(CDIAL 10825). ne_bes ground (Pe.); ne_beh id. (Mand..)(DEDR 3768). rehu~ barren soil (i.e. furrowed and left fallow) (OAw.) (CDIAL 10810). re_tur. sandy soil (L.)(CDIAL 10816). cf. re_gad.i-bhu_mi sandy soil (Te.lex.) reh, rehi_ saltpetre with earthy mixture, manure (P.); reh brackish soil, fuller's earth (H.)(CDIAL 10824). ne_rna_ (ni_ryas) to get dry, lose moisture; nirna_ to dry up (Kur.); nre to get somewhat dry (Malt.)(DEDR 3777).

5450.Straightness: cf. likh scratch, write (Skt.); likha writer (Pa_n.. com.); lahiyo, laiyo writer, scribe (G.)(CDIAL 11047). cf. likhati scratches (AV.); writes (Ya_j.)(CDIAL 11048). cf. le_kha_ scratch, streak, line (S'Br.)(CDIAL 11107). cf. le_kha line, stroke (Ma_nGr..); writing (Skt.Pali); le_ha (Pkt.); le- (OSi.)(CDIAL 11101). cf. le_khaka scribe (Ya_j.Pali); le (OSi.)(CDIAL 11102). ne_r straightness, length, row, series, verticality (Ta.); straightness, direction (Ma.); ne_re_ adv. straight; ne_r-r-i straightness (Ma.); no.s.f- (no.s.t-) to measure the length of; no.b direction (To.); ne_r straightness, order (Ka.); ne_rpu straightness (Ka.); ne.re direct, straight (Kod..); ne_r straightness (Tu.); nerta straight (Tu.); nertama straight ploughing (Tu.); ne_n, ne_po, ne_pond. direction (Pe.)(DEDR 3772). nira (-pp-, -nt-) to arrange in order, divide equally; nirappam symmetry, uniformity (Ta.); niral (niralv-, niran-r--) to be placed in a row; n. order, arrangement, equality; niravu (niravi-) to lie in rows; nirai (-v-, -nt-) to place in a row; be in a row, form a column, be regular, orderly; (-pp-, -tt-) to arrange in order, classify, string together; follow in succession; n. row, column, line, series, order, regularity, arrangement, collection, herd; niraiccal, niraical screen, hedge with stakes covered with palm leaves in regular order (Ta.); nira line, row; nirakka to stand in a line, agree; nirattuka to put in a straight line, adjust, divide equally; nirappu evenness, agreement; niravu a straight line (Ma.); nerv- (nerd-) to stand or be in a line; nert- (nerty-) to make to stand in line (Ko.); ner- (ner0-) to go in a line (people, ants), be in a line (trees), sit in a line; ner row, line; nerm (obl. nert-) companion on journey; er- (er0-) to sit in rows, walk in single file (To.); nerake, nerike fence or wall of bamboos, palm branches etc. (Ka.)(DEDR 3673). re_ke (Tadbhava of re_khe) a line; regular arrangement, order, trim; re_ke-ma_d.u to put in proper order, to arrange properly (Ka.); re_khike, re_khika_ a line drawn from the outer corner of the eye; re_khe, le_khe a line; a streak, a stripe; a row, series; a continuous line; drawing; fulness, satisfaction; a small quantity, a little portion; re_khe gol.isu to put a line to (Ka.); re_kha_yila a man who delineates, paints or writes (Ka.)(Ka.lex.)

5451.Measure of rice-land: rekhja to divide rice-land; rek a measure of land [other measures are: bigha, kat.ha, mu~r.i~); kat.hi measure of 2 seers (Santali.lex.) cf. ra_jike field (Ka.lex.) rej the soaking of the ground produced by the overflowing of a river; the mud left by an inundation; soaked, well-watered (a bed in a garden)(P.lex.)

5452.Image: cleft: rakkhn.a_ a fracture, a cleft, a crevice, a hole, a flow; a breach in friendship (P.lex.)

5453.Image: a mould: rejja_ a kind of mould used by a goldsmith (P.lex.)

5454.Leaf: re_ku petal (Te.); rekka leaf (Kol.); re_ku, reku leaves of paddy plant (Kuwi)(DEDR 5173). re_ku the leaf of a flower; the petal of a flower (Ka.Ta.Te.)(Ka.lex.) re_kku petal of flowers (Ta.lex.)

5455.Gold plate: re_ku a thin plate of metal used in covering other metals instead of gilding or plating (Ka.Te.); ire_kku (Ta.); re_ku gold (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) pon-n-irekku gold-foil, gold-leaf (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) re_kku foil of metal (Tan-ippa_. i,378,21); re_k (U.)(Ta.lex.)

5456.Port: re_vu, r-e_vu descending, disembarking: a landing place, a beach, a port or haven (Ka.); ire_vu (Ta.); ir-an:ku (Ta.); ir-ajju to descend, go down, disembark; er-agu to come down, to alight; rava_ne sending off, sending on, despatch; a pass, a permit, a passport (Ka.); rava_na_ (M.H.) (Ka.lex.) re_vu landing place; port; ford; harbour (C.G.)(Ta.lex.)

5457.To sew: rok to sew (Santali.lex.)

5458.Image: stop: rokh, rokas hindrance (K.); rokan.u to prevent (S.); rokn.a_ to hinder (P.); rokn.o (Ku.); rukn.o to be stopped, remain (Ku.); roknu to stop (N.); roka_ to hinder (B.); rokiba_ (Or.); rokab to see that crops are not carried off (Mth.); ro_k obstacle (Bhoj.); rokna_ to stop; rukna_ to be stopped (H.); rokvu~ to stop, impede, surround (G.); rokhn.e~ to hinder (M.)(CDIAL 10827).

5459.Soymida febrifuga: rohini (Skt.); rohun (H.); rohan (B.M.); somadanam (Ta.); somida (Te.); sumbi (Ka.); bark: astringent, bitter tonic, febrifuge, used in general debility, intermittent fevers, diarrhea; habitat: dry forests of the W. Peninsula, extending northwards to Merwara, the Mirzapur hills and Chota Nagpur (GIMP, p. 232). ruhen soymida febrifuga (Santali.lex.)[cf. va_kai fragrant sirissa = acacia odoratissima (DEDR 5333)], soymida febrifuga, adina cordifolia (Shereen Ratnagar, Encounters, the Westerly trade of the Harappa Civilization, Delhi, OUP, 1981, pp.70-71; pp.100-104).

5460.Boat; ship: ro_ka a boat, ship (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ro_kam a boat, ship; moving, shaking (Skt.lex.)

5461.Image: pestle: ro~_kali a large wooden pestle (Te.); cf. ulakkai id. (Ta.)(DEDR 672); ro_ka pestle (Kol.); ru_ga- (ru_gi-) to be smooth; ru_sa (ru_si-) to crush, grind; n. crushing, grinding (Kui)(DEDR 665).

5462.To pack things for travel: ro_sa_na_ to lay flat things one on top of another (Go.); ros- (-t-) to arrange (as stones in construction), pile up, get things packed (for travel); to fashion, arrange, prepare, make (Kond.a); ro_h- (ro_st-) to make, construct, build (Pe.); ru_h- to build (house), make (bread)(Mand..); ro_nja (ro_nji-) to be level, smooth, well ordered, properly formed, prosperous; pl. action ro_ska (ro_ski-); ro_spa (ro_st-) to make level or smooth, fashion properly, give form to; n. levelling, fashioning (Kui)(DEDR 5177).

5463.To store: rohpa (roht-) to put, place, put by, store (Kui); ros- to put; ro_ssali (ro_st-) to put in; roh'- to put; ro_h'nai, ro_spinai to preserve; roh- (-t-) to put into (a tin, cupboard etc.)(Kuwi)(DEDR 5176).

5464.Dry: ru_ks.an.a making rough, rugged or harsh; making dry or thin; ruks.a rough, harsh to the touch, not smooth or soft (Ka.lex.) ro_r., ro_r.o, rohor. with daru, jilu, busu etc., contrary of berel, without moisture; dry, without inner moisture or dampness (Mu.lex.) roroc, rad.hua, rukar. dry; raga rogo, ragat, ragha rogho, rod.oak, ran:gha ron:gho, rod.ga, rod.go, rodot, rogda, rogda, rogdo rough (Santali.lex.) ru_ks.a dry, rough (S'Br.); lu_ks.a (TS.); rukkha rough (Pali.Pkt.); rukho dry, rough, stern, unkind (S.); rukkha_ rough, dry, without ghee (L.P.); ru_kho rough, dry, stiff; rukhyu_n.o to wipe off oil or grease (Ku.); rukho barren (N.); rukha_ rough; to be angry (B.); rough, dry (Or.); rukh dry (Mth.); ru_kh, ru_kha_, rukkha_ dry, rough, unsavoury, harsh, unfriendly (H.); rukha_ rough (M.); ruk-a pain, care, illness (Si.); lu_kha rough, coarse, meagre (Pali); lukkha, lu_ha rough, without grease (Pkt.); lochu, lyuchu, luchu, lichu rough, hard, cruel, irascible (K.); lukha_ dry, rough; nukhura_ not oily, not smooth or glossy (Or.); lu_kha_ dry, not greasy (H.); lu_khu~, lukkhu~ dry, not greased, unsavoury (G.)(CDIAL 10799). ru_ks.ayati makes dry (S'Br.); offends (Skt.); aru_ks.ita unroughened (RV.); rukha_ to be angry (B.)(CDIAL 10800). ruks.a dry (Skt.); shining, burning (RV.); rut.ha_ rough, dry (A.); dry, sapless, barren (Or.); ru_r.h, ru_r.ha_ rough, stiff, raw, angry; ru_d.hna_ to be offended (H.)(CDIAL 10807). cf. rude (English) cf. rus.t.a angry (MBh.)(CDIAL 10791). Hardiness: rar.ha, rar.hu, ra_r., rar.a_, rar.ua hardiness (Mu.lex.) f. ra~_t.h, ra_t.h rugged, rude, coarse, harsh (M.)(CDIAL 10593). Stiff hair: rat.a, rat.ha of hair, contrary of lapae; adj. with u_b stiff, wiry hair (Mu.); rat.h-rat.ha (Sadani)(Mu.lex.) Dryness: ular (-v-, -nt-) to become dry, wither, be parched up, pine away, droop; ularcci dryness, withered state, emaciated condition, weariness of the mind; ularttu (ulartti-) to dry, desiccate; ular-u (ular-i-) to dry up, wither, be injured, worn out (Ta.); ularuka to dry; ularcca dryness; ularttuka, ularkkuka to dry, air (Ma.)(DEDR 674).

5465.Day before yesterday: ro_hi day before yesterday (Pe.); roo_si, ro_si day before yesterday, the other day, some days ago (Kui); ro'ni, ro_'ni, ro_'oni, ro'oni, ro'la day before yesterday (Kuwi)(DEDR 5175). ro_ju every day (Te.lex.) poru last year; por the day before yesterday; porva_ the day after tomorrow; poiro every third day; porca_n at every third day (Kon.lex.) roj a day; roka, roka ruki the same day; arsin. barsin., ursin. barsin. a day or two (Santali.lex.)

5466.To flog; lagad.isu, laga_yisu to beat, to flog (Ka.); laga_vin.e_m. (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)

5467.Light: sallaghuka, sallahuka very light (Pali); sahallu light, easy (Si.) (CDIAL 13000). tayal (masc.), tayat. (non-masc.) light (in weight)J(Pa.); teori id.; teori inba to be light in weight (Kui)(DEDR 3087). cf. noymai, noyvu lightness, softness (Ta.); noccu, nocc light, minute (Tu.)(DEDR 3779). culaka light (not heavy)(Tu.); culuka(n) lightly, with slight or disregard, easily; culukana lightness, easiness, disregard, slight, contempt; culukani light, easy, unimportant, insignificant; sul.uvu easy; easiness, facility (Te.); su_lkara light (weight)(Kuwi); sulabha (Skt.); culaka, culuku lightness of temper or conduct, want of seriousness, levity; sul.uvu facility, lightness (Ka.); cul.uvu ease, facility, lightness, cheapness (Ta.); cul.v easy work, easy (Ko.)(DEDR 2703). sallahuka light; agaru light; sukara light; lahuta_ lightness (Pali.lex.) laghu light (AV.); slight, quick (Mn.); raghu (RV.); ram.h hasten (Skt.); nahla_ smallest trowel used by masons (Bi.); lahu light, quick; lahuka trifling (Pali); lahu, lahuka trifling (As'.); lahu, lahuga (NiDoc.); lahu, lahua light, small (Pkt.); lahu_ lahu_ slowly, gently (Pas'.); lau small (Sv.); lah lightly, gently (K.); lava_ young (L.); lahu (OG.); lahu-laha_n small and gentle (M.); luhu light, small, quick (Si.); lui, lu_ light (Md.); loko, loko_ light, small (Gypsy); lauka, lo_ka light, quick (D..); lo_ukeste_i light (Ash.); luk (Kt.); lahu_k, lamuk (Pas'.); lamuk (Shum.); lo_k light, younger (Bshk.); lo_ku light, quick, active (Sh.); lu_ku small, trifling (K.); lhka_ light; lauka_ (L.); lauhka_ small, young; lahuka_ small (P.); lahaka_, na(h)aka_ slender, weak (Or.); metath. harir.o light (S.); hla, haula_ (L.); haula_ light, gentle (P.); hau light (Ku.); halu~, halau~, halun.o (N.); haru_, harua_ (H.); halu_u small (OG.); hal.u softly, gently; hal.vu~ light, slow, soft (G.); hal.u_ light; hal.va_ ripening quickly (M.); hal.u slow (Konkan.i); halko light (S.P.H.); halka_ (P.WPah.); halko (Ku.); haluko (N.); ha_lka_ (B.); ha_l.uka_ (Or.); haluk (Mth.Bhoj.); haluka_, halka_ (H.); halku~ (G.); halka_ (M.); hal.ka_ (M.); lihoc light (Kal.); lhoc (Kho.); harua_ light, worthless (OAw.)(CDIAL 10896). lava_ young (L.)(CDIAL 14785).

5468.Images: line; first beard: re_kha scratch, streak, line (Gr.hyaS.); re_kha_ line, streak (Pali); re_ha_ line, row (Pkt.); reha line of downy hair on a youth's chin (S.); re_h spot; first beard (L.); reha line (MB.); re furrow (B.); reha line, long mark (Or.); reh furrow made in sugar-cane planting (Mth.); reha_ line (Mth.); rehna_ to mark with lines (H.); reha line (OG.); rahil furrow (P.); rikkha_ line, row (Pkt.); rikh scratch (Skt.)(CDIAL 10810).

5469.Writing: For -likka_ in muccalikka_ written obligation: cf. li_ka, li_ko line, streak (S.); li_kan.u to trace outlines (S.); li_k line, crack in soil; li_ka_ line (L.); li_k line, track, rut (P.); likh, lig line, rut, path (N.); lik line, rut, track (B.); li_k id. (H.G.)(CDIAL 11070). le_kha_ line, stroke (Ma_nGr..); writing (Skt.); le_kha writing (Pali); le_ha id. (Pkt.); le- id. (Si.)(CDIAL 11101). le_khaka scribe (Ya_j.); id. (Pali); le id. (OSi.)(CDIAL 11102). le_khana scraping (Sus'r.); act of scraping (Car.); instrument for scraping (Kaus'.); le_khani_ instrument for writing (MBh.); le_khana act of scratching (Pali); le_khan.i_ instrument for scratching lines (Pali); le_han.i_, nehni_ scraper used by tin-man; lehan the cut crop; lehni_ id. (Bi.)(CDIAL 11103). le_khayati causes to scratch (S'a_n:khS'r.); writes, paints (Ya_j.); le_khe_ti makes a scratch (Pali); le_khita drawn, pencilled (Pali); lekhita causes to be written (As'.); le_hai writes (Pkt.); lehn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 11104). le_khas'a_la_ writing school (Skt.); le_hasa_la_ school (Pkt.); lesa_la, nesa_la (OG.); nis'a_l. (G.)(CDIAL 11105). le_khas'a_lika pupil in a writing school (Skt.); lesa_li_ya pupil (OG.); nis'a_l.iyo schoolboy (G.)(CDIAL 11106). leya line, row (Si.); le_kha_ scratch, streak, line (S'Br.); scratch, line (Pali); le_ha_ line (Pkt.); li~_ha_ line (Pkt.); li_ha (S.); li_h line, rut (P.); li_h, li_hi_ line (G.)(CDIAL 11107). le_khya to be written (Ya_j.); writing (MBh.); document (Ya_j.); lekha document (NiDoc.); lekkha, likkha accounts (Pkt.); lyukhu, likha (K.); lekhu destiny; lekho account (S.); lekh fate (P.L.); lekha_ account (P.L.); lekkha_ account (P.); le_kh in: me_ le_khe in my opinion (WPah.); lekh document, opinion, destiny (Ku.); lekho account (Ku.N.); lekh, lekha_ (A.); lekha_ letter, drawing (B.); lekha_, nekha_ written; writing (Or.); lekha_ account (Bi.H.); lekha writings (OMarw.); lekham. calculation (OG.); lekhu~ account (G.); lekh (M.); leku_sa to count (Tor.); lekhu_m I count, divide (Phal.); lekhiba_, nekhiba_ to write (Or.)(CDIAL 11108). cf. ekm (obl. ekt-) counting, taking account of something (Ko.); akkam a numerical figure (Ma.)(DEDR 769). Writer: lekhaka engraver, writer; pustapa_la keeper of records; ka_yastha, devara, divira clerk, writer or accountant; prathamaka_yastha chief scribe (perhaps chief secretary to the administrative board, adhikaran.a (Skt.)

5470.Image: dyers' vessel: lan:gara_ earthen vessel used by dyers (P.); na_n.lo winnowing tray (N.); la_n:gi net (A.); la_n:gul basket of corn (B.)(CDIAL 10900).

5471.Vessel: luki a brass vessel often used to cook in; rojha a small earthenware dish (Santali.lex.) cf. lohra_ small iron pan (Bi.)(CDIAL 11160). lo_ha copper (VS.); iron (MBh.)(CDIAL 11158). cf. lo_hi_ iron pot (Skt.Pkt.)(CDIAL 11170). lokhar. iron tools (Ku.); lokhan.d. iron tools, pots and pans (H.)(CDIAL 11171).

5472.Wood: lakut.a club (Car.); lakut.in having a club (R.); lagud.a (MBh.); lakula (Pa_n..gan.a); lagura (Skt.); lakut., lagul.a club (Pali); la(g)ud.a, lau_la (Pkt.); ruvlo_ stick; ruvli, ruli, lauri, rauri stick, pole (Gypsy); laur.a_ stick, olive tree; laur.i_ stick (Pas'.); lu_ru, lo_re stick, club, pole (K.); lau_r.i, nau_r.i stick (Or.); laur stick (Bi.Mth.); lau_d.au_ stick (OG.); lakkud.a stick (Pkt.); lakyr tree (Gypsy); lakar. stick (Wot..); le_ker.i_ stick, firewood (Gaw.); lakar stick, cudgel (K.); lakur.u wattles (S.); lakkar. wood; lakkir. stick; lukr.i_ wood (P.); lakkar., lakkar.i_ (P.); lakkar. (WPah.); la_khar. (Garh.); la_kr.a_ pl. fuel; la_kar. (Ku.); la_kar., lakkar., la_kr.a_ cudgel, timber; lakr.i_ stick, firewood (H.); lakr.i_ (Mth.); la_kad.aum. wood (OG.); la_kr.u~, la_kr.i_ stick (G.); la_kud., la_kad. wood (M.); ra_kku_d.a firewood (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 10875). lakar.-ha_ra_ woodman (H.)(CDIAL 10880). la_kur.yo wooden (S.); la_kur. (G.)(CDIAL 11000). lakad.i wood (Ka.M.H.); mit.ha_-lakad.i sweet wood, liquorice root, madhuyas.t.ike; lagud.a, lakut.a a stick, a staff (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) cf. lakumi (Tadbhava of laks.mi) good fortune, wealth, prosperity; turmeric (Ka.lex.) laur.i to twirl a stick round fingers (Santali.lex.) lat.t.isu to roll out, as a piece of pastry or dough (Ka.); la_t.an.e_m. (M.); lat.t.an.ige a rolling pin (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) la_t.n.e~ to roll (M.)(CDIAL 10916). la_thro young sapling, soft young branch (N.)(CDIAL 10930). Stick, pole: yas.t.i stick, pole (S'Br.); liquorice (Sus'r.); yas.t.ika_ staff (R.); liquorice (Sus'r.); yat.t.hi staff (Pali); yat.hi post (KharI.); jat.t.hi stick (Pkt.); ja~_t.hi_, ja~_t.ho, ja~_t.h (Ku.); ja_t.ha_ stick (MB.); ja_it.(h) cylinder of an oilmill (B.); ja_t.hi iron rod used as a weapon (Or.); ja_t.h upright beam of oil mill (Bi.); ja_t.hi roller in cotton cleaning machine (Bi.); ja_t.(h), ja_t.(h)i_ central beam of oil or sugar mill (Mth.); ja_t.h beam in sugar mill, post in a tank (H.); yt.i-ya stick, measure of length (= 7 ells)(Si.); yat.t.hi-madhuka_ liquorice (Pali); jat.t.hi, jet.hi_ (H.)(CDIAL 10444). ya_s.t.ika carrying a club (Skt.); jat.hiyo club-bearer (Ku.)(CDIAL 10477). Stick: las.ta rod (Psht.); lat.t.hi, lat.t.hika_ stick (Pali); lat.t.hi (Pkt.); lal.t.i_ rod; la_es.t. fathom (Pas'.); la_t. branch (Bshk.); la_r (Tor.); lot.hu club (K.); lat.hi stick (S.); lat.t.h, lat.h axle of water-wheel, beam in an oil-mill (L.); lat.t.h id. (P.); lat.t.hi_ stick (P.); lat.h small drum-stick (WPah.); la_t.h log, timber (Ku.); la_t.ho stick (Ku.N.); la_t.hi stick; lat.hiya_ wooden lever (A.); la_t.(h)i stick (B.); la_t.hi, na_t.hi club (Or.); lat.ha_ long stick (Or.); la_t.h upright pestle of sugar mill (Bi.Mth.); la_t.hi_ stick (Bhoj.Aw.); la_t.h, la_t.hi_ staff, club; la_t.ha_ large staff, large club (H.); lat.t.ha_ rafter (H.); la_t.hi_ stick (Marw.); la_t.h, la_t. upright pestle of oil mill (G.); la_t.hi_ stick (G.); la_t.h, la_t. large beam, timber, water raising contrivance of three poles (M.); lar.h, lar.hi_ pole (S.)(CDIAL 10991).

5473.Artocarpus lakoocha: lakucha (Skt.); dahua (H.B.); lahu (M.); kammaregu (Te.); lakuchamu (Te.); ilagusam (Ta.); wotomba (M.); seeds: purgative; bark: in powder form applied to sores to draw out purulent matter, in infusion applied to small pimples and cracked skin; habitat: sub-Himalayan tract up to 4,000 ft. from Kumaon eastwards to Assam, and southwards to Burma, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, in the west coast from Konkan southwards to Malabar and Travancore (GIMP, p.27). d.ahu artocarpus lakoocha, synonym: lakuca (Santali.lex.) nikuca artocarpus lakoocha (Car. Su. 26.84). cf. kuran:kam Darjeeling cedar, artocarpus fraxinifolius (Ta.)(DEDR 1768).

5474.Wealth: lukhi farm produce, live stock, wealth, prosperity, lucky, fortunate; lukhi banukantaea, ninak ho_ ban. he has no grain stored in his house, not so much as this; lukhi maejiu kanae, ghorkornae babaea she is a lucky woman, she lays past wealth; lukhi chad.a unfortunate, luckless (Santali.lex.)

5475.Man: roi people, man, person (Kho.)(CDIAL 10860). Place of residence; people; family, tribe: cf. loi place of residence, lover's village (S.); lo_ village (L.); loi people (OAw.); loe, loi_ (H.); loo place (KharI.); loke the people (Pali); lo_ka people (Mn.); lo_ga, lo_a people (Pkt.); lou tribe, family (S.)(CDIAL 11119). hor.ko people; hor. man; ne hor.ko ordinary people (Santali.lex.) rehet, neo foundation (Santali.lex.) cf. u_r village, town, city (Ta.); u.r village of Tamils or Badagas (To.)(DEDR 752). cf. o.l. man, Toda (To.); a_l. man (Ta.)(DEDR 399).

5476.Coarse cereal: lauhitya a coarse cereal (Car. Su. 27.17). Rice: la_n:gala a variety of s'a_li (Car. Ci. 14.95); la_n:gula id. (Car. Su. 27.8).

5477.Ficus bengalensis: nyagroda ficus bengalensis (Car. Su. 5.22, 25.49); vat.a id. (Car. Su. 4.33, Ci. 3.258).

5478.Image: bough: ranja a small bough for supporting climbing plants, a large peastick (Kui); ranja branch (Kuwi)(DEDR 5162).

5479.Red sandal: rajaka red sandal; raktacandana; rajan.ige a large jar for keeping sandal-paste, perfumed water, musk etc. (Ka.); ra_jan.a (M.) (Ka.lex.)

5480.Rope: rasi towline of a boat (S.); rasi_ rope; raso thick rope (S.); rassa_ cord (L.); rassi_ rope (P.); cord, reins (H.); rasa_ rope, halter (H.); rasi, rasa_ rope (A.B.Or.); rassi_, rassa_, rasri_ (Bi.); rasari_ (Aw.); rasi_, raso (G.); rassi_, rassa_ (M.); ra_s reins (N.Mth.H.); ra_sa (Or.); ra_s' rein; ra_s'r.i_ string (G.); rassa_ cord (P.Bi.M.); rope, halter (H.); rasra_ rope (Bi.); ra_ (Mth.H.); lajj rope (L. < rajju (SKt.); ras'mi rope, bridle (RV.); rasmi rein (Pali); rassi, ra_si rope (Pkt.); lass, la_s rope (P.); la~h, pl. la~ha~ rope (esp. of a boat)(L.)(CDIAL 10648). rasana_ rope, bridle (RV.); woman's girdle (MBh.Pali); rasan.a_ (Pkt.); rasan girdle; rahn-a, ra_n-a cord, rein, line (Si.)(CDIAL 10647). cf. rajju rope, cord (RV.); rope (Pali); raju (NiDoc.); rajju, lajju (Pkt.); rajuk (Kal.); ra_j, ra_z (Phal.); raz rope (Sh.); rajot.i thick string (Sh.); raz rope (K.); laja (S.); lajj, lajju well-rope (P.); raju_r.i_ rope (WPah.); rajet.t.o~ (WPah.); lezu (A.); lezuwa_ stringy (A.); lajuri_ pad on woman's head for waterpot (Bi.); well-rope (Bhoj.); lej, lejur rope (H.); ra_jju (Konkan.i); rodda, rodu string, cord (Si.)(CDIAL 10582). ras'mi, rasume a rope; ras'ane a rope; a rein, a bridle (Ka.); a girdle (Ka.Skt.); rajju a rope, a cord (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) la_ra string of any glutinous substance (S.); la_r line (P.); la_ri halter of twisted twigs for sheep (N.); la_r string (H.); la_ra at the back, behind (OMarw.); la_r line; la_ru long line; la_re behind (G.)(CDIAL 11024). ran.e a string, a rope; aggaran.e a rope, a tie; hagga, agga (Tadbhava of pragraha) a rope (Ka.lex.)

5481.Image: sun's rays: ra_si_ bright rays of setting sun on sky (S.); ras'mi ray of light (RV.); ram.si ray (Pali); rasmi ray (Pali); rassi, ra_i ray (Pkt.); ra_s' light of sun or moon or lamp falling on anythin (Sh.); rs-a beam of light (Si.)(CDIAL 10648). ras'miman.d.ala circle of rays (AVParis'.); rsmad.ala ring of rays round sun or moon (Si.)(CDIAL 10649). rasume, ras'mi rays of light to spread (Ka.lex.)

5482.Image: eyesight: ra_s' eyesight (Sh.)(CDIAL 10648). ras'mi an eyelash (Ka.lex.)

5483.Galangal: ra_sme (Tadbhava of ra_sne) the thorny shrub mimosa octandra, e_la_parn.i; ra_sme a tall perennial plant, the greater galangal, alpinia galanga; dumpa-ra_sme, dumpa id.; dumpa a root (Ka.); dumbe (Te.); ra_sne the ichneumon plant, na_kuli (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) na_kan.am an aromatic substance (Tailava. Taila. 43, Urai.)(Ta.); < perh. na_gagandha_ (Skt.)(Ta.lex.) cf. na_kuli < na_kuli_ galangal, arattai, alpinia; cf. ra_sna_ (Skt.); pe_rarattai alpinia galanga (Pata_rtta. 984)(Ta.lex.) cf. arattai galangal (Ta.)(DEDR 206). na_gasampange a middle-sized tree, mesuaa ferrea; na_ga-ke_sara the tree mesuia ferrea; the tree mimusops elengi (Ka.lex.)

5484.Juice of plants: rasa sap or juice of plants (RV.); condiment, taste (MBh.); rasaka meat-soup (Skt.); rasa juice, broth, taste (Pali.Pkt.); ras juice of plant or fruit (K.); raho broth (S.); rau sugarcane juice (L.); raha_ broth (L.); rauh sugarcane juice (P.); ras juice, syrup, soup (Ku.); ras juice (N.); rah (A.); ras sap, juice, broth (B.); rasa juice; rasa_ juice, gravy, broth (B.); ras sugarcane juice (Bi.Mth.); rasa sap, juice (OAw.); ras juice; rasa_ sauce, soup (H.); ras sap, juice; raso spicy liquid from boiled vegetables (G.); ras juice; rasa_ sauce of pounded spices with water (M.); rassu juice, essence (Konkan.i); raha, ra_, rh juice, flavour, sweetness (Si.); ras, raha taste (Md.); ras, rasai sap, juice (Sh.); rasu juice (S.)(CDIAL 10650). rasavant juicy, tasty (RV.); sweet (Pa_n..); rasamam.ta juicy, tasty (Pkt.); aruswo_ sweet (Kt.); rsem, ero-sto_ (Wg.)(CDIAL 10657). Drug: rasa_yana elixir vitae (MBh.); rasa_yan.a a partic. drug (Pkt.); rasa_in substance (e.g. wax or lac) put in the joint of a water-vessel to prevent it leaking (N.); rahan varnish (A.); rasa_n ingredients in working metals (B.); rasa_n.a substances for polishing metals (Or.)(CDIAL 10659). arasa sapless (Kaus'.); unable to taste (S'Br.); tasteless (Pali.Pkt.); sapless (Pkt.); arosu sapless, tasteless (K.)(CDIAL 606). To rub, grind, smear: ra_yu to be rubbed; ra_cu, r-a_cu to rub, grind, smear (Te.); ra_y- to rub (Go.); ra_s- (-t-) to plaster (walls), anoint (body or body parts); ra_say a_- to apply oil, turmeric, etc., to one's own body; ra_spis- to cause to apply oil, plaster; re_s- (-t-) to stir and mix, plate (metals)(Kond.a); rec- (-c-) to scrape (tongue with toothstick)(Pe.); re_sa (re_si-) to rub, chafe; n. act of rubbing; re_c- to smear, to rub (Kui); ra_ca tuh'nai/ mlekh'nai to rub; ra_c- to wash (clothes); ra_cali to clean; ra_jinai to launder (Kuwi); arayisu, arisu to cause to grind etc.; araccu to crush (Ka.); arai (-v-, -nt-) to become macerated, worn out; (-pp-, -tt-) to grind, pulverize; arakku (arakki-) to rub with the palm of hand or the sole of foot (Ta.); re- (ret-) to grind (Ir.); arv- (art-) to grind (chillies)(Ko.)(DEDR 228). urasuka to rub (Ma.); uraicu (uraici-) to powder (Ta.); urs- to wipe (sweat)(Ga.); urisa_na_ to sprinkle or crumble salt, sugar, sandal powder etc. (Go.)(DEDR 665).

5485.To be joyful: rasiya_ jovial (Ku.); rasiyo a partic. song at rice-sowing (N.); rahiya_ juicy (A.); rasia_ juicy, witty, foppish (Or.); a gallant (Mth.); rasiya_ voluptuary (H.); rasiyu~ merry (G.); rasin tasteful, libertine (Skt.); rasia juicy, voluptuous (Pkt.)(CDIAL 10663). reha pleasure, joy, gladness, desire, interest; reha a_va to be joyful, wish (Kui); ra_h- to be glad; ra_ha joy; rahagatti joyful; ra_ha_ pleasure; ra_ha_ ki- to make merry (Kuwi)(DEDR 5172).

5486.Gum-myrrh: rasa the sap or juice of plants; syrup (Ka.); the best or finest or prime part of anything, essence (Ka.Skt.); rasa-gandha gum-myrrh, raktaba_l.a; rasarasa_yana an excellent boiled fruit-juice; rase, rasa_ the plant boswellia thurifera (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.)

5487.Troop of horses: risa_lu, risa_le a troop of horses (Ka.); risa_la_ (M.H.)(Ka.lex.)

5488.Silk: re_s'me, re_s'ami, re_s'mi, re_s.me, re_simi, re_sime silk; silken (Ka.); re_s'i_ma silk (M.H.); re_s'ami_ silken (M.H.); re_s'mihur..a the silk worm (Ka.lex.)

5489.Trooper: ra_kutta-ra_yan < ra_vuttan- + ra_yan- trooper, cavalier (Tiruva_lava_. 28,83, Pim.); ra_vuttan- horseman (Kantaralan.. 37); a title (Ta.); raut (U.); ra_yar, ira_yar title of Vijayanagar kings (Ta.); ra_yaru (Ka.); ra_yalu (Te.); ra_yar title of certain kal.l.ar and other castes; title of certain brahmins; ra_yan- < ra_jan king (Tiruva_lava_. 28,83); title of certain castes like ma_dhva brahmins; ra_v title of Maharattas, ma_dhva brahmins etc. (Ta.); ra_o (U.)(Ta.lex.) ra_vu (Tadbhava of ra_ja)a king (Ka.); king (used as an honorific affix to names)(M.); ra_vuta, ra_vta, ra_huta a horseman, a trooper (Ka.); ra_hutu, ra_huttu (Te.); ira_vutta (Ta.); r-a_vuttu (M.); ra_-u_ta (M.)(Ka.lex.)

5490.Petty chieftains; name of a people: a_rat.t.a name of a people and country in the Panjab (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) arat.t.an- ruler of a small territory, chief; arat.t.u petty chieftains (Tiv. Periyati. 3,4,10) (Ta.lex.) aracu an ancient title of ve_l.a_l.a chieftains (Tol. Po. 30, Urai.); king (Maturaik. 128); ira_cara_can- Kube_ra, the god of wealth(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Name of a people: vara_t.a, vara_l.a name of a country and its people (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. varut.a, varud.a name of a class of mlechchas (Skt.)(Skt.lex.) vira_t.am a country of central India, probably modern Berar (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) irat.t.i, ret.t.i name of a Telugu caste of cultivators (Ta.); rad.d.i, red.d.i Reddi, a petty baron, title of a caste of Telugu cultivators (Ka.); red.(d.)i, rad.(d.)i name of a certain caste, headman of a village (Te.); rat.t.ad.i, rad.d.i (Te.inscr.)(DEDR App.54). Cultivators: irat.t.i name of a Telugu caste of cultivators (Ta.); red.d.i id. (Te.); irat.t.ar Ra_s.t.ra-ku_t.a kings (Co_r..avami. Pak. 91)(Ta.lex.) Peasantry: ra_ju body of husbandsmen or subjects, peasantry (S.); ra_val., ra_vn.u~ caste meeting, merrymaking (G.); ra_vl.iyo, ra_vn.iyo man of S'u_dra caste, village watchman (G.)(CDIAL 10676). Fisherman: ra_r.hi native of West Bengal, a class of fisherman (Or.); ra_d.ha_ belonging to the district of ra_d.ha_ in West Bengal (Skt.)(CDIAL 10698-9). Desert tract: arat.t.am desert tract (Cinta_man.i. Nikan.t.u. 272)(Ta.lex.) Village servant: ra_van.iyo a village servant subordinate to the headman (G.)(CDIAL 10686). ra_dhati accomplishes (RV.); ra_dhayati (AV.); ra_dhe_ti pleases (Pali); ra_han. to cultivate; pp. ra_ddha_ (L.); ra_vun. to sow (L.)(CDIAL 10701). ra_dh accomplish (Skt.); ra_ddha accomplished, prepared (Ka_tyS'r.)(CDIAL 10705). arat.t.amukki (arat.t.(u)-amukki) one who keeps under control harassing petty chieftains; arat.t.at.akki (arat.t.(u)-at.akki) one who subdues harassers and haughty persons (Te_va_. 5,7,5); arat.t.ar harrying petty chieftains (Tiruvil.ai. Ukkira. Ve_lval.ai. 19); harriers, mischief-makers, wicked persons (Ka_cippu. Irupat. 384)(T.E.D.) To subdue: radhyatu let him subdue (AV.); raddha subdued (RV.); randhi imper. subdue; radham may I submit; radhra weak (RV.)(CDIAL 10611). rann to beat, strike (Bshk.); randhayati subjects (RV.); torments (R.)(CDIAL 10616). randh subdue (Skt.); randha subjection (Ka_s'.); randhi id. (RV.)(CDIAL 10615). vira_t.a name of the king of a partic. district (MBh.); name of a northwestern or midland district (VarBr.S.); vira_d.a name of a country (Pkt.); bira_r. the modern Berar (H.); varha_d.. (M.)(CDIAL 11856). varat.aya_ foreigner (Si.)(CDIAL 437). maddarat.t.ha country of the Madras (Pali); madurat.a a country in India (Si.); madra a country in North West India, pl. its people (S'Br.)(CDIAL 9783). gujra_t. kingdom of the Gurjaras (B.)(CDIAl 4213). cf. malla pl. name of a people (MBh.)(CDIAL 9908). cf. maldiva the Maldive islands (Si.)(CDIAL 9911). maha_ra_s.t.ra kingdom; name of a people (Ma_rkP.); maha_ra_s.t.raka, maha_ra_s.t.ri_ya adj., maha_ra_s.t.ri_ their language (Skt.); marahat.t.ha, (inscr.) maha_rat.hi (Pkt.); mara_t.hi of or belonging to the Mara_t.has, the Mara_t.hi language (N.); marhat.t.a_ a Mara_t.ha_ (H.); mara_t.ho, mara_t.hi_ the language (G.); mara_t.ha_, mara_t.hi_ adj. the language (M.); maharat.a the land of the Mara_t.has (Si.)(CDIAL 9952). sura_s.t.ra having good dominion (TS.); a country in the west of India (MBh.); surat.t.ha name of a country (Pkt.)(CDIAL 13504). saura_s.t.ra coming from Sura_s.t.ra, pl. its people (VarBr.S.); sorat.h a district in Kathiawar (G.M.)(CDIAL 13621). ra_t.a, rad.d.i, red.d.i, ra_j a king; arasu (Ka.); rad.d.i (Tadbhava of ra_t.) a king, a ruler: a reddi, a petty baron, a title of a caste of Telugu cultivators (who ruled the Telugu country from A.D. 1125-1439, and who at present still frequently are the headmen of villages (Ka.); ran.d.i, red.d.i (Te.); irat.t.i, iret.i (Ta.)(Ka.lex.) ra_s.t.raku_t.a name of a people (inscr.)(Skt.); ra_t.hor.u a caste of Rajputs, bold hardy man (S.); ra_t.haur a tribe of Rajputs (a caste name)(H.); ra_t.hor. (G.); ra_t.h title of Jats, Gujjars, and D.ogras, cruel hardhearted man (L.); gentleman, noble-hearted fellow (P.)(CDIAL 10722). ra_s.t.rin possessing a kingdom (S'Br.); ra_s.t.rika governor (Skt.); rat.t.hika governor (Pali); rat.t.hiya (Pkt.); rat.iya (OSi.)(CDIAL 10724). ra_s.t.ra kingdom, country (RV.); people (Mn.); rat.t.ha kingdom, country (Pali.Pkt.); ra_t.h faction, clan, separate division of a joing-family group (Ku.); rat.a district, country (Si.); ra' (abl. rarun.)(Md.)(CDIAL 10721). ra_ulla royal (Pkt.); ra_vlu~ assembly of kings and courtiers (G.); ra_jakulya of royal descent (Skt.)(CDIAL 10678). ra_j rule (Skt.); ra_ul.a_ra palace (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 10677). ra_s.t.rava_sin inhabitant, subject (Skt.); rat.t.hava_sin subject (Pali); rat.avsiya_ (Si.)(CDIAL 10723). ra_jana belonging to a royal family (Skt.); ra_n.a, ra_n.aya king (Pkt.); ra_n, re_n good (Bshk.); ra_n.a_ prince (P.M.); ra_in. (Ku.); ra_na_ title of Ks.atriyas whose ancestors have been killed in battle (N.); ra_n.a chief, king (Or.); ra_na_ a title (esp. among Rajputs)(H.); ra_n. king (G.); ra_n.o prince, menial servant employed in pounding rice (G.)(CDIAL 10680). ra_japutra king's son (RV.); ra_japutri_ f. (MBh.); ra_yautta, ra_utta warrior (Pkt.); raut master (Ku.); ra_ut a Chetri clan (N.); a caste of cowherds (Bhoj.); brave man (G.); calavier (Konkan.i); ra_(h)ut cavalry soldier (B.); ra_uta a Ks.atriya clan, soldier, gardener, cowherd (Or.); ra_u_t, ra_wat prince, a caste of sweepers who do not eat the leavings of others (H.); ra_u_t cavalier (M.)(CDIAL 10682). ra_japura king's palace (MBh.); ra_war king's palace, harem (H.)(CDIAL 10683). ra_jya kingship (RV.AV.); kingdom (AV.); rajja kingdom, rule (Pali.Pkt.); rajya, raja (NiDoc.); raji rule, government (Sh.); ra~_ju government (S.); ra_j rule, government (L.P.Ku.N.H.Marw.B.Mth.Bhoj.); ra_ja (Or.); ra_ji kingdom (Aw.); ra_z the people as a whole a country (A.); ra_jakula palace (Skt.Pali); ra_yaula, ra_ula, ra_o_la palace, king's family, collection of kings (Pkt.); raul head priest of a temple (Ku.); ro_w chief priest of the temple of Badrina_th (Ku.); ra_u_l. palace, temple (M.); ra_ul master, overseer (A.); prince, royal palace (H.)(CDIAL 10676). Image: king: ars king (To.); arasa, arasu king, lord (Ka.); arasu, arase king (Tu.); arusu king (Te.); aracan-, araiyan king (Ta.); aracu, araicu kingliness, king (Ta.)[Kur-al., 384, Urai.]; an ancient title of Ve_l.a_l.a chieftains (Ve_l.en-vum aracenavu murimai yeytin-o_rum : Tol. Po. 30, Urai) (Ta.lex.); arai politics (Ta.); arayan, aracan king (Ma.); aracu royalty (Ma.); ara-mana king's house, palace, court (Ma.)(DEDR 201). Happy: ro_ ~~ aro_ happy (Kt.); aro~_ (Ash.)[< a_ro_ka shining through (RV.); a_ro_ai gets happy (Pkt.); aro~_ happy (Ash.); aro_, ro_ rich, noble (Kt.)(CDIAL 1329).](CDIAL 14779). ra_jan chieftain, king (Skt.); ra_jaka petty chief (RV.); ra_ja_, gen. rao_ (Pali); la_ja, la_jine, raja, raya, gen. rao (As'.); raja, raya (NiDoc.); ra_a_, nom. ra_ya (Pkt.); ray lord, gentleman (Gypsy); ro_ rich (Kt.); era_-manas. (Wg.); ra, pl. raji, razi, ra_, ras' king (Sh.); ra_u prince, noble (S.); ra_i a title of honour (S.); ra_, ra_u, ra_i (P.); ra_ king (OG.); king, chieftain (WPah.); ra_u_ (Ku.); king (OAw.); ra_ya king (OAw.OMarw.OG.); ra_y prince, title of honour (A.B.); king, title of honour (H.); king (G.); at the end of titles (Bhoj.Mth.); rich man (title of honour added to names of Na_gar Brahmans)(G.); chieftain, king (M.); ra_ya, -ra_ at the end of titles (Or.); ra_o king, title of honour (H.); ra_ya_ king (H.); ra_va king (OMarw.); ra_v king, rich man (title of honour added to names of Na_gar Brahmans (G.); ra_vo king (M.); ra_yu king (Konkan.i); ra_ja, rad, rat (OSi.Bra_mi); rada (Si.)(CDIAL 10679). Trooper: ra_kutta-ra_yan < ra_vuttan- + ra_yan- trooper, cavalier (Tiruva_lava_. 28,83, Pim.); ra_vuttan- horseman (Kantaralan.. 37); a title (Ta.); raut (U.); ra_yar, ira_yar title of Vijayanagar kings (Ta.); ra_yaru (Ka.); ra_yalu (Te.); ra_yar title of certain kal.l.ar and other castes; title of certain brahmins; ra_yan- < ra_jan king (Tiruva_lava_. 28,83); title of certain castes like ma_dhva brahmins; ra_v title of Maharattas, ma_dhva brahmins etc. (Ta.); ra_o (U.)(Ta.lex.) Battle: ra_d.h quarrel (G.); dispute, fight (H.); ra_r.o quarrel (N.); ra_ri (OAw.); ra_t.i war, battle (Skt.); ra_d.i battle (Pkt.); ra_r., ra_r quarrel (P.); ra_r. (Ku.G.)(CDIAL 10697). ira_n.uvam army (Ta.); ra_n.uvam (Ma.); ra_n.uve id. (Ka.); ra_n.uva id., retinue (Te.)(DBIA. 307). ran.a battle (RV.Pkt.Pali); rin.u field of battle (S.); ran. (L.); ran battle (B.); rana (OAw.)(CDIAL 10595). cf. semantic concordance in homonyms: ran.a noise (Pkt.)(CDIAL 10596); a_rcu to cry (Ka.)(DEDR 367). To make war: a_r to fight, make war (Ta.); a_rppu battle (Ta.); arpali_pen to attack (Kol.)(DEDR 370). cf. ar-ai place of encampment, camp (Ta.); ar-uppu fort (Ta.); ar-upu to secure, preserve, keep (Te.)(DEDR 317). cf. -a_ra suffix in: hatthiya_ra weapon (Pkt.); hathia_ru (S.); hathea_r (L.); hathia_r tool, weapon, penis (P.); hatiya_r tool, weapon (N.); tool (A.B.G.); hatia_ra tool, weapon (Or.); hathiya_r (Mth.); hathi_a_ra weapon (OG.); ha_tya_r, ha_ter (M.); *hastaka_ra tool, weapon (Skt.)(CDIAL 14027). [For -a_r cf. a_r sharpness, pointedness (Ta.)(DEDR 371).] a_t.u to war, fight, join in battle; mar-r-avan-o_t.a_t.i...ma_yntatan-ai : Kantapu. Cin:kamu. 460); at.al fight, battle; victory (Ta.lex.) Frighten: arat.t.u to frighten, terrify; aral.(l.)u-tal to be terrified (Ta.); aral. id. (Ka.) (Ta.lex.) arat.t.al frightening, intimidation; arat.t.al-purat.t.al threatening speech, acts of intimidation; tossing restlessly, as in agonising pain caused by severe disease or venomous bite; arat.t.an- strong, powerful and arrogant man (arat.t.an-van tappu_cci ka_t.t.u kin-r-a_n-: Tiv. Periya_r... 2,1,4); arat.t.i fear, terror; arat.t.u-tal to frighten, terrify (Ta.); arat.t.u frightening, intimidation, severe rebuke; mischief (Ka_cippu. Civapun.. 10); prowess (Tiv. Periya_r... 2,1,4); fear, tremor; arat.t.u-purat.t.u bluff, frightening and deceiving (Campirata_yavakara_ti)(T.E.D.) arat.t.ai-y-at.ittal to swagger, bluster; arat.t.u-purat.t.u humbug (Ta.lex.) arat.ci confusion of mind, bewilderment (Ta.); aralu id. (Ka.); arul.(l.)u-tal to be frightened, terrified (Te_va_. 484,2)(Ta.); arulu id. (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) Terrible; heat: rudda, ludda terrible (Pali); rudda (Pkt.); rudu terrible, fierce, cruel, big (Si.)(CDIAL 10776). raudra ep. of Agni and other gods (RV.); terrible (MBh.); heat, sunshine (Skt.); rodda, rudda the first part of the day (Pkt.); rd sunshine; rda_iba to dry in the sun (A.); rod sunshine, sun's rays (B.); raudi_ ( = rodi?) drought (Mth.)(CDIAL 10872). cf. rund- (-it-) to ignite (Kuwi); rund- to ignite, set alite (Mand..); ruta (ruti-) to set fire to, ignite; n. setting fire to; ru- (rut-) to set light to (Kui); uru (-pp-, -tt-) to burn, smart, be angry; urumam heat (as of the sun, of the atmosphere), sultriness, noon (Ta.) (DEDR 656). Shining: rus'ant shining (RV.); rus' shine (Skt.); les' brightness, light (Pas'.) lus' bright (Pas'.) (CDIAL 10790). lus.t.iku matutinal, of the morning; lus.t.ika_l, lus.t.aiki morning; tomorrow (Sh.)(CDIAL 10792). Wrangling; haste; overbearing: orat.uni, orada_d.uni to wrangle; orada_t.a mutual wrangling; oran.t.u hatred, ill-will, retaliation; oran.t.uni to hate, retaliate (Tu.); u_rinai to ignore; u_r- (-it-) to disobey (Kuwi); orp- (orpy-) to act in overweening, desperate fashin, refuse to listen, (illness) is dangerous (Ko.); warp- (warpy-) to refuse to do something (To.); ura, uru impetuosity etc.; uravan.i, uruvan.e haste, rashness, passionate and overbearing behaviour; uruvan.isu, uravan.isu to act hastily, overbearingly etc.; urut.u to be overbearing; urut.u, orat.u, ort.u overbearing manner, gruffness; oran.t.u overbearing manner; oran.t.utanam the state of being overbearing (Ka.); orad.- (orad.uv-, orat.-) to answer (Kod..)(CDIAL 650). Angry; quarrelling; vexed: ro_s.ita angry (MBh.); ro_s.in angry (Skt.); ro_sia angry (Pkt.); rosi, rosia_ fretful, angry (Or.); rosu, roso quarrelling with a friend (S.); ro_sa_ entanglement (L.); rossa_ anger (P.)(CDIAL 10859). rot.t.ha_ anger (P.)(CDIAL 10874). uru_s. anger (Wg.); erehiya (Si.)(CDIAL 816). a_ro_s.ayati angers (Skt.); a_ro_sia (Pkt.); arova dispute (Si.)(CDIAL 1332). rus.ati is vexed (AV.); ris.yati, aor. aris.at, re_s.ayati hurts (RV.); ulus.ik to be torn, be torn in pieces (Kho.); ales.ik to tear, cut open (Kho.)(CDIAL 2062). parum.si_i is angry (OG.)(CDIAL 8741). Angry: virus.t.a very angry (Skt.); virut.t.ha a partic. place in hell (Pkt.); birut.hn.o to be angry (Ku.)(CDIAL 11868). rus.t.a angry (MBh.); rut.t.ha angry (Pali.Pkt.); rus. be angry (Skt.); rus'to, ros'to, rus'do (Gypsy); ru_t.hu become angry (K.); rut.ho pp. of rusan.u (S.); rut.t.ha_, rut.t.hra_ angry, annoyed (P.); rut.ho (Ku.); rut.ha_ angry (MB.); ru_t.ha_ (OAw.); rut.h anger (H.); rut.t.hn.a_ to be angry (P.); rut.hn.u (WPah.); ru_t.hn.o (Ku.); rut.ha_ to anger (B.); ru_t.hal to be angry (Bhoj.); ru_t.hna_, rut.hna_ to be offended (H.); rut.hvu~ (G.); rut.hnu to snatch by force (N.)(CDIAL 10791). rus.t.i anger (Skt.); rut. anger (B.); ru_t.h (H.)(CDIAL 10793). rus.yati is angry (MBh.); ru_sai is angry (Pkt.); rus' (Gypsy); ru_s' to sulk (Mai.); rusan.o to take offence, pp. rut.ho (S.); russan. to get angry (L.); russn.a_ (P.); rus'n.u_ (WPah.); rusa_ (B.); rusiba_ (Or.); ru_sab (Mth.); ru_sai (OAw.); ru_sna_, rusna_ (H.); ru_sai (OMarw.); rusvu~ (G.); rusn.e~ to be offended (M.)(CDIAL 10794). ro_s.a anger, fury (A_past.); ro_sa anger (Pali.Pkt.); ros. (Dm.); ros'el angry (Wot..); ro_s. anger (Gaw.); ros. (Kal.Sh.); ro_s. (Bshk.); st. roz (Sh.); zos, zos'il (Tor.); ru_s. (Phal.); ras', ro_s' (K.); ro_h, ruh (P.); ros (Ku.); roha sullen anger (A.); ros anger (B.); rosa (Or.); ros (Mth.Aw.H.); ru_s (H.); rosa (OMarw.OG.OM.); li_, rosa (Si.)(CDIAL 10856). ro_s.ati is hurt, is offended (RV.); ro_se_ti makes angry (Pali); ro_sai is angry (Pkt.); ro_s.an angry (Gaw.); rozoiki to be angry (Sh.); ro_s'un, pp. ru_t.hu (K.); rosiba_ (Or.); rosna_, ro_sna_ to be vexed (H.)(CDIAL 10857). ro_su to dislike, to feel disgust (Ka.); ro_yu (Te.); ro_s.a. (Tadbhava of ro_s.a:) ro_sa anger, rage, fury (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.)

5491.Ruler: ra_ja_, ra_jan [Lat. rego to lead, direct; Old Irish ri_ king; Gallic catu-ri_x battle king; Goth. reiks = OHG. ri_hhi = rich or Ger. reich; Anglo-saxon ra_ecean = reach; Ger. reichen; Öra_j = ditti, i.e. splendour (Dhp.)] king, a ruling potentate (Pali.lex.) uju, ujju adj. [Vedic r.ju, r.jyati, irajyate to stretch out; Lat. rego to govern; Goth. ufrakjan to straighten up; OHG. recchen = Ger. recken = Eng. reach; Old Irish ren span] straight, direct; straight-forward, honest, upright; uju-angin = ujjangin having straight limbs; an-ujjangin not having straight limbs, i.e. pliable, skilful, nimble graceful ( = kacana-sannibha-sari_ra); uju-gata walking straight, of upright life; anuju-ga_min going crooked, a snake; uju-cittata_ straightness, unwieldiness of heart; uju-magga the straight road; uju-vansa straight lineage, direct descendency; ujuka, ujjuka adj. straight, direct, upright; ujukata_ straightness, rectitude; ujuta_ straight (forward)ness, rectitude (Pali.lex.) ra_ja_ is a third stage in the constitution of a people, the two preceding being maha_-sammata (general consent) and khattiya (the land-aristocrats); there are a number of case forms; gen. and dat. sg. rao (Skt. ra_jah-) and ra_jino; instr. sg. raa_; and ra_jina_ (Skt. raja); acc. sg. ra_ja_nan; loc. rae; voc. ra_ja; pl. nom. ra_ja_no; gen. dat. raan; instr. raa_hi, ra_ju_hi, ra_jubhi. ra_ja_ is a term of sovereignship... it is primarily an appellative (or title) of a khattiya, and often the two are used promiscuously... used as a designation of 'king' in the sense of an elected or successory (crowned) monarch, but also in the sense of a distinguished nobleman, or a local chieftain, or a prince with various attributes characterizing his position according to special functions... cakkavatti ra_ja_ a world-king, over-lord... ra_ja_ (in a larger constitutional state) the crowned (muddha_vasitta) monarch (i.e. khattiya) as the head of the principality or kingdom; (in an oligarchic sense) member of a kula of khattiyas, e.g. the kuma_ras of the sakiyans and koliyans are all called ra_ja_no of the ra_jakula_nan, or at least the heads of those kulas; (in a smaller, autocratic state) a chieftain, prince, ruler; usually (collectively) as a group: ra_ja_no, thus indicating their lesser importance... 3 ranks: mahesakkha_ ra_ja_no, majjhima_ ra_ja_no, ni_ca_ ra_ja_no; ra_ja_ a wider range of meaning is attached to several sub-divisions (with ra_ja_ or without): officials and men who occasionally take the place of the king (royal functionaries), but are by public opinion considered almost equal to the king: padesa-ra_ja_, man.d.alika_, antara-bhogika_, akkhadassa_, maha_matta_, ye va_ pana chejja-bhejjan anusa_santi (i.e. those who have juridical power). In the R.gveda the ks.atriya is a person belonging to a royal family (RV. x.109,3) and ra_janya is an epithet of ks.atriya; ra_ja_ khattiyo muddha_ vasitta 'a crowned king'; khattiya_ bhoja-ra_ja_no the khattiyas, the (noble or lesser?) kings (as followers of the cakkavatti); ra_ja_ and maha_matta the latter occupies the position of 'premier' but is a rank equal to the king, hence often called ra_ja_ himself; ra_ja_-maha_matta royal minister; ra_ja and cora: a prominent figure in the affairs of state is the 'robber-chief' (maha_-cora). The contrast pair raja_no (so always pl.) and cora is very frequent... in this ra_ja_no refers to either smaller kings, knights or royals, i.e. officers of the kings or 'the king's guards'; (fig.) ra_ja_ king as sign of distinction ('princeps'), as the lion is called ra_ja_ miga_nan, Himavant is pabbata-ra_ja_; ra_ja_ga_ra king's (garden- or pleasure-) house; ra_ja_nga royal mark, characteristic or qualification; king's property; ra_jangan hatthi_ the elephants belong to the king; ra_ja_ngana royal court; ra_ja_n.a_ the king's command, ra a_n.a'; ra_ja_nubha_va king's power, majesty, authority, pomp; ra_ja_yatana name of a tree, 'kingstead tree', the royal tree (as residence of a king of fairies); ra_ja_-iddhi royal power; ra_ja_-isi a royal seer (Skt. ra_jars.i); ra_ja-kammika a royal official, one employed by the king; ra_ja-kut.umba the king's property; ra_ja-kumbhaka_ra a royal potter, i.e. a potter being 'purveyor to the king'; ra_ja-kula the king's court or palace; ra_ja-da_ya a royal gift; ra_ja-dha_ni_ a royal city (usually in combination with ga_ma and nigama); ra_ja-du_ta king's messenger, 'message', i.e. calling somebody to court, summons; ra_ja-nivesana the king's abode, i.e. palace; ra_ja-pi_la king's son, prince [cf. pilla child (Te.lex.)]; ra_japurisa king's man; only in pl. ra_ja-purisa_ the men of the king, those in the king's service (as soldiers, body-guard, policeman etc.); ra_ja-porisa servant of the king, collectively: king's service, those who devote themselves to government service; ra_ja-bali royal tax; ra_ja-bhat.a king's hireling or soldier; ra_ja-bha_ga the king's share; ra_ja-bhogga (1) royal, in the service of the king; ra_ja-bhoggan raa dinnan ra_ja-da_yaj brahma-deyan of a flourishing place, i.e. with power over it as if he were king or where the king has proprietary rights or explained as ra_ja-laddha. The BHSkt. has a curious version of this phrase: ra_ja_-agni-dattena brahmadeyyan dattan given by the king in the place of agni?... in the stock phrase 'ra_jaraha ra_jabhogga rao angan t'eva sankhan gacchati' i.e. worthy of a king, imperial, he justifies the royal qualitification, said of a thoroughbred horse, of a soldier, of an elephant... explained as 'royal possessions' in general; (2) royal, or royal power, one entitled to the throne. Either as bhogga, bhogiya or (khattiya_) bhoja-ra_ja_no; ra_ja-ma_laka_ra royal gardener; ra_ja-mudda_ the royal seal; ra_ja-muddika_ id.; ra_ja-vallabha the king's favourite, or overseer; ra_ja-vibhu_ti royal splendour or dignity (Pali.lex.)

5492.Thick grove, wood: ra_i_ (Pkt.); wood, thick grove (M.)(CDIAL 10687). Pleasure garden: a_ra_ma pleasure, fondness; a_ra_mia finding delight in, fond of; a_ra_ma a pleasure-ground, park, garden; a private park, given to the Buddha or Sangha for the benefit of the bhikkhus; a place of recreation and meditation, a meeting place for religious gatherings; ra_ma [Vedic] pleasure, sport, amusement; ra_makara having pleasure, sporting, making love; ra_man.eyyaka pleasant, agreeable, lovely; delightfulness, lovely scenery; rama delighting, enjoyable; manorama gladdening the mind; raman.a pleasing, charming, delightful; ramita having enjoyed; ramma grd. of ramati enjoyable, charming, beautiful (Pali.lex.)

5493.Image: mustard: ra_jika_ a certain (gold) weight (a seed-corn of sinapis ramosa); kansa sata-ra_jika_ 100 mustard seeds in weight, i.e. very costly; kanse sovan.n.e satara_jike (Pali.lex.) ra_jika_ mustard (sinapis racemosa)(Sus'r.); measure of weight ( = 1 mustard seed)(Pali); ra_ia_ mustard (Pkt.); ra_i_ seasoning with mustard, any seasoning (S.); mustard (P.); ra_i, la_i (Ku.); ra_yo (N.); la_i (A.); ra_i (B.Or.); la_hi_, ra_i (Bi.); ra_i_ (Mth.H.); ra_ya_ a variety with large seeds (H.); ra_i_ (G.M.)(CDIAL 10688). raita_ vegetable preparation with mustard and curds (Bhoj.); ra_yta_, ra_eta_ pumpkins or cucumbers sliced and pickled (H.); ra_itu~ a mustard pickle (G.); ra_yte~ seasoning made by mixing mustard, sour milk etc. with various fruits (M.)(CDIAL 10689).

5494.Decorated: ra_jita resplendent, decorated (MBh.); ra_iya shining (Pkt.); ra_yu~ in sound condition (e.g. of a house)(G.); ra_j shine (Skt.)(CDIAL 10690). vira_jita brilliant (MBh.Pali); vira_ia (Pkt.); voradi shining (Si.)(CDIAL 11855).

5495.Image: a stripe: ra_jike a stripe, a line, a row (Ka.); ra_ji a strip, a line, a row; a multitude; agreement (Ka.); ra_ji_na_me a written acknowledgement given by the plaintiff of a cause being finally settled; a deed of resignation, an acquittance; a written declaration of one's willingness to follow the directions of (Ka.M.H.)((Ka.lex.) ira_ci row, line, range, file (Ta.)(Ta.lex.) ra_s'i the figure or figures put down for an arithmetical operation (such as multiplying, dividing etc.)(Ka.); ra_s'i, ra_si a heap, a mass, a pile, a quantity, a number (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ira_ci (arith.) total out-turn, aggregate (C.G. 11)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Image: line, row: ra_ji a streak, line, row; ni_la-vana-ra_ji dark line of trees; pabbata-ra_ji a mountain range; di_gha-ra_ji adj. of long lineage; dvangula-ra_ji a band 2 inches broad; ra_jin adj. having streaks or stripes; uddhagga-ra_jin having prominent stripes (of a lion); ra_jimant adj. having streaks or stripes (Pali.lex.) ra_jimati_ shining, radiant (Pali.lex.) ra_ji streak, line, row (S'Br.); ra_ji_ (MBh.); ra_ji line (Pali); rada line (Si.)(CDIAL 10687).

5496.To bestow: ra_ti [Skt. ra_ to give, bestow (Dhp. 369)] a_da_ne, with doublet la_] to take up (Pali.lex.) ra_dha carrying out, doing; favour, good-will, kindness; a gift; liberality; success; opulence (Ka.lex.) apa-ra_dha an offence, a crime (Ka.Skt.); a fine, punishment, penalty (Ka.Ta.Te.)(Ka.lex.)

5497.Field: ra_jike a field (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) Cultivated, sown: ra_ddha_, ra_dha_ pp. of ra_han. to cultivate, sow (L.); ra_dhan. to sow (L.); ra_bhan., ra_bhan to be cultivated, sown; pp. ra_dha_ (L.)(CDIAL 10705). ra_ddhi accomplishment, success (AV.)(CDIAL 10706). ra_dhas = ra_dha_ (in voc. ra_dha_na_m. pate_); (in voc. ra_dhas-pate_) favour (RV.); ra_dha_ name of one of the cowherdesses loved by Kr.s.n.a; ra_dhika_ (Skt.); ra_ha_, ra_hi_, ra_hia_ Ra_dha_ (Pkt.); ra_i (B.Or.); ra_hi_ (Mth.); a woman's name (M.)(CDIAL 10708).

5498.Settlement officer: rajjuka surveyor (Pali); rajuka, ra_ju_ka, laju_ka settlement officer (As'.)(CDIAL 10691). cf. rajju rope, cord (RV.)(CDIAL 10582).

5499.Success; pleasing: ra_ji willing, ready (Ka.M.H.); good will and pleasure; full consent, willingness, acquiescence, agreement; ra_ji ma_d.u to bring to terms (Ka.lex.) ra_ji compromise (Tu.lex.) ra_ji_ < ra_zi_ pleased, happy, contented; comfortable; ra_ji_ na_ma_ a deed of agreement or compromise by which the plaintiff or persecutor acknowledges that he has been satisfied by the defendant; rajj a sufficiency, enough; rajja_, rajjia_, rajji_ satisfied, full (P.lex.) ra_dheti (caus of ra_dh to succeed, ra_dhyate (Dhp. 420) sansiddhiyan, i.e. success; ra_dheti to please (Pali); abhira_dheti to please, satisfy, make happy; aor. pret. abhira_dhayi; pp. abhira_dhita; abhira_dhin pleasing, giving pleasure, satisfaction; abhira_dhita having succeeded in, fallen to one's share, attained; apara_dha sin, fault, offence, guilt; a_ra_dhita pleased; a_ra_dhana satisfying, accomplishing. satisfaction, accomplishment; a_ra_dhani_ya to be attained, to be won; successful; a_ra_dhaka successful, accomplishing or accomplished, undertaking, eager; pleasing, propitiating; a_ra_dheti to please, win favour, propitiate, convince; cittan a_ra_dheti to please one's heart, to gladden, win over, propitiate; to attain, accomplish, fulfill, success; pp. a_ra_dhita; a_ra_mata_ pleasure, satisfaction; vira_dheti to miss, omit, fail, transgress, sin; vira_dhana_ failing, failure (Pali.lex.) vira_ddha opposed, thwarted (Skt.); viraddha neglected, failed (Pali); vira_dhai transgresses (OG.)(CDIAL 11857). vira_dha opposition (Skt.); bira_u~, bira_m mistake (N.)(CDIAL 11858). vira_dhayati is at variance with (Skt.); vira_dhana failure (AV.); vira_dhe_ti misses (Pali); vira_he_i, vira_hai breaks (Pkt.); biraun.o to omit (Ku.); bira_unu to make a mistake, spoil (N.); bira_na_ to vex, rease (H.)(CDIAL 11859).

5500.Image: hearth: randha cooked (Pali); raddha pp. of randhati (Skt.); randhati to cook, pp. randha (Pali.lex.) ra_ndan. hearth (Kon.lex.) randhana destruction (BhP.); cooking (TS. com.); ram.dhan.a cooking (Pkt.); ranan (K.); randhin.o cookhouse (S.); randhin.i_ boiling (S.); ra_ndhani cook (A.); ra~_dhan, ra_nna_ cooking; ra~_dhuni cook (B.); ra_ndhan.a_ cooking, cookery; ra_ndhun.i_ cook; ra_ndhun.ia_ (Or.); ra~_dhan.-chat.h 6th day of light half of S'ra_van.a (when food is prepared for the next day, i.e. s'il.i_ sa_tam the cold seventh), ra~_dhn.u~ things to be cooked (G.); ra~_dhan. cooking (esp. by boiling), earthen baking plate (M.)(CDIAL 10615).

5501.Image: tooth: rada, radana tooth (Abhidha_nappadi_pika); lapanaja, dasana tooth (Pali.lex.)

5502.Image: awl: rada in : sannivesa-visit.t.ha-rada-visesa-yutta ?splitting; radati 'vilekhana' (Dhp. 159) to scratch (Pali.lex.) cf. rad scrape; rada scratching, scratch (Sk.)(CDIAL 10610). randha opening, cleft, open spot; flaw, defect, weak spot; randhamesin looking for somebody's weak spot; randhati [radh or randh, differentiated in Pali to 2 meanings and verbs: hinsa_yan and pa_ke] In the former sense, given as ran.d. in the latter randh. The root is frequent in the Vedas, in meaning 'hurting'. cf. Anglo-saxon rendan to rend. randhati to be or make subject to, to be in one's power; to harass, oppress, vex, hurt ra_dheti [ra_dh (DHp. 424) hinsa_yan] i.e. of hurting (Pali.lex.) a_ra_ [Skt. a_ra_, OHG. a_la = Ger. ahle; Anglo-saxon a_cl = Eng. awl; Old Icelandish alr] an awl; a_ragga [Skt. a_ra_gra of a_ra_, an awl, a prick] the point of an awl, the head of certain arrows, having the shape of an awl, or an arrow of that kind (Pali.lex.)

5503.Garlic: lasuna garlic (Gaut.); rasuna (Skt.); raso_na (Sus'r.); lasuna, lasun.a garlic (Pali); lasun.a, lasan.a, lhasun.a (Pkt.); lasan. (P.H.); la_san. (Ku.); lasun (N.); lahan (A.); lasun (Or.); lahsun (Bi.); lasun, lahsun, lahsan, lassan (H.); lasan. (G.); lasu_n., lasan. (M.); lasu_n.a (Konkan.i); luhun-a, lu_n-a onion (Si.); lahun-a garlic (Si.); rasun.a (Or.); rahun, ruhun garlic (K.); re_hen. (WPah.); rasun (B.); rasu_n, rassun (Bi.); rasun (H.)(CDIAL 10990). ka_yam garlic, asafoetida, pungency, curry stuffs (Ta.)(DEDR 1462). ul.l.i onion, garlic (Ta.) (DEDR 705). rasun garlic (Santali.lex.)

5504.Parched grain: la_ja, la_ji commonly in the plural: la_jan:gal. parched grain (Ka.); la_ja_jali an ajali filled with parched grain; la_ja_s'ma the marriage-ceremony of throwing grain into the fire and of performing the as'ma_ro_pan.a (Ka.lex.) as'ma a stone; as'ma_ro_pan.a a ceremony at marriages: the husband's laying hold of his wife's right foot and placing it on the grinding stone (Skt.Ka.) (Ka.lex.)

5505.Meadow: laccil, ol.accil a grove; a fenced wood near a house (Tu.lex.) laccil meadow (Kon.lex.) cf. val.aiccal growth (Ta.lex.)

5506.A title: ra_t.h a title given to ja_t.s, gujjars and d.ogas (P.lex.)

5507.Distribution of money: ra_t.ha_ cha_ri_ distribution of money to mira_sis at weddings and funerals as practised by ra_t.hs (P.lex.) ra_t.hi_ a first class su_a_ra_ (one who rides on cart, carriage, horse) who gives his daughter in marriage to a t.ha_kar; ra_t.hi_ ka_t.h men., jau gira_l men. the ra_t.hi_ in the stocks, the barley in the mill; the ra_thi_ is not well esteemed either for honesty or good behaviour (P.lex.)

5508.Layer of bricks: rada a layer of bricks in huilding; quantity laid on quantity, load piled on load (P.lex.)

5509.Panicum miliaceum: rad a plant, panicum miliaceum cultivated in some Punjab plains as about Multani for its grain and fodder; it is common in many parts of Himalayas upto the Indus; its grains are digestible and nutritious, and consumed unground; cf. chi_n.a_ (P.lex.)

5510.To watch, guard; to bring into use; to engage in: run.nu to watch, guard (N.); ruddha blocked, stopped (Pali.Pkt.); ru~du pp. of ro_zun to remain (K.); rudho pp of rujhan.u to be busy (S.); ruddha_ pp. of rujhan.u to be busy (S.); ruddha pp. of rujjhan. (L.); ru_dhiu pret. of ru_m.dhai obstructs (OG.); ruddhn.a_ to be engaged in, to engage, bring into use (P.); rudha_ to prevent (B.); rudhn.e~ to be blocked (M.); rodhna_ to block (H.); rodhn.e~ (M.); rubbhai is blocked (Pkt.); rubhan.u to be engaged in, be busy (pp. rudho)(S.); rumbhati obstructs, besieges (Pali); rum.bhai blocks (Pkt.); rumbhan.u to set to work (pp. rudho), rumbha, rumbho closeness of weather (S.); rumalnu to engage in work, overwork (N.)(CDIAL 10775). rudhyate_ is stopped, is obstructed (MBh.); rujjhati is destroyed (Pali); rujjhai is blocked (Pkt.); ro_zun to stop, remain (pp. ru_du)(K.); rujhan.u to be engaged in, be busy (pp. rudho)(S.); rujjhan., rujhan. to be engaged in, be filled up (e.g. of holes in ears for earrings)(L.); rujjhn.a_ to be occupied; rujjana~_ (P.); ru_jhna_ to oppress, harass, tease; rujhna_ to be blocked up, be stopped (H.); rujhvu~ to be healed (of a wound)(G.)(CDIAL 10779). rundhati obstructs (MBh.); run.addhi (RV.); rundhati obstructs, conceals (Pali); rum.dhai blocks (Pkt.); runnhn.a_, runnhana_ to engage, bring into use (P.); ru~dinu to become foggy; ru~d fog, mistiness (N.); rundhiba_ to confine, restrain, hold up (Or.); runhal to enclose (Bhoj.); ru_m.dhai stops (OAw.); ru~_dhna_ to confine, restrict, enclose; rundhna_ to be confined etc. (H.); ru_m.dhai obstructs (OG.); ru~dhvu~ (G.); ru~dhn.e~ to be blocked (M.); ru~_dna_ to tread on, tread out (corn)(H.)(CDIAL 10782). ro_dhayati stops (MBh.); ro_dhati (R.); rohe_i obstructs (Pkt.); ruha_iba_ to cause to stay, settle, restrain (Or.)(CDIAL 10844). cf. u_r..iyam serice due to a deity (Ta.)(DEDR 758). cf. varai to restrain (Ta.)(DEDR 5273). Fetter; rope: ro_ddhr. one who blocks (Skt.); ro_dhayati fetters (BhP.); zu_tr rope (Ash.Wg.); zet. (Pr.); ru_t rope (Dm.); ru_ti thin rope (Dm.); aru_ti rope (Kal.)(CDIAL 10842). cf. r.o- (-t-) to fasten, attach, suspend (Kond.a); to hang up (Pe.)(DEDR 5184). cf. vari to bind, tie, fasten (Ta.)(DEDR 5264). Rampart; dam, wall: ro_dha dam (Skt.); ro_dhas bank, awll (RV.); ro_dha dam, bank (Skt.); dam (Pali); ro_d high bank of a torrent (Bal.); ro_ha rampart, dyke (Pkt.); roha rampart (of fort)(OG.)(CDIAL 10846). ruddha stopped, checked, impeded, opposed; confined, surrounded; ro_dha stopping, cheking, arresting; stoppage, prohibition; confining, blocking up; seige; attacking; a dam, a bank; nyagro_dha, negro_dha growing downwards: the Indian fig-tree; prati-ro_dha opposition; an opponent; siege; ro_dho_bha_ga a mound, a rampart (Ka.lex.)

5511.Image: headless body: run.d.a a headless body, a mere trunk (retaining life and continuing to mix in battle; the head as separated from the body, a skull (Ka.M.); run.d.a-ma_le a necklace or wreath of skulls (Ka.M.); run.d.ike a field of battle; superhuman power (Ka.lex.)

5512.Go-between: run.d.ike the threshold of a door; a go-between (Ka.lex.)

5513.Rich in; wide extent: rundra rich in (Skt.); rum.da, rum.di_ wide extent (Pkt.); ru~d(h), ru~d(h)a_ broad, wide (M.)(CDIAL 10781). rundra large, great; rundi breadth, width (Ka.lex.)

5514.Elaeocarpus ganitrus: rudra_ks.a the tree elaeocarpus ganitrus (Skt.); ruddakkha a partic. tree (Pkt.); ruddra_kh seed of the tree elaeocarpus ganitrus (used in rosaries)(P.)(CDIAL 10777). Elaeocarpus ganitrus = elaeocarpus sphaericus: rudraksha (Skt.Ta.Te.Ma.); rudraki (H.); rudrakya (B.); rudraksh (M.); fruit: used in diseases of the head and epileptic fits; habitat: Bihar, Bengal, Assam, Madhya Bharat, Bombay and Nepal (GIMP, p.105). uruttira_kkam rudra_ks.a nuts, worn as sacred beads and used in rosaries by S'aivas, so called because these beads represent the eyes of S'iva (Tiruva_n-aik. Ko_ccen.. 49)(Ta.lex.)

5515.Thatched roof: ruwa_ rafter of a thatched roof (A.); ruya_ (B.); rua_ (Or.)(CDIAL 10846). cf. variccal reeper of a roof, transverse lath (Ta.)(DEDR 5264).

5516.Image: flow, current: raya the stream of a river, current; speed, velocity (Ka.Skt.)(Ka.lex.) re_tas a flow, current (Vedic); ri_ti moving, flowing; motion, course; a stream, river (Skt.)(Skt.lex.) raya stream, current (MBh.); current, speed (Pali.Pkt.); rava speed (Pali); ra sediment left by river after inundation (S.); rau small stream from the mountains, course or flow of river (P.); current, stream, torrent, line (H.); rai long narrow channel made for flow of water from higher level (Or.)(CDIAL 10638). cf. re_n.i mud (Pkt.); ren.i_ ingot (L.)(CDIAL 10639). ri_n. name of a deserted channel of the river Jhelam (L.)(CDIAL 10750). re_ve the Narmada_ river (Ka.lex.) ri_ti stream (RV.); ri_i path, fashion (Pkt.); ria shallow narrow channel for catching fish in dry season (Or.); ri_ method, manner (G.)(CDIAL 10751). reju, rejo irrigation, first watering before sowing (S.)(CDIAL 10820). ri_ti dropping, flowing; a course; ri_n.a dropping, trickling, oozing, distilling, flowing (Ka.lex.)

5517.Tenant: raita, rayata a subject as of a king; a tenant (as of a landholder); a ryot (Ka.); raiyata (M.); rayata (M.H.); rayata_pi peasantry; the condition, duties of a subject (Ka.); rayata_va_ (H.M.)(Ka.lex.)

5518.Brass; property: rayi riches, goods, property (RV. i.66.1)(instr. rayya_); rayi as a god (RV. viii.31.11); rayida bestowing wealth (RV. iii.54.16); rayi-dha_ran.a-pin.d.a lump of clay (Kaus'. xxviii.3); rayintama very rich (RV. vi.44.1); rayi-pati lord of wealth (RV. i.60.4; RV. vi.31.1: abhu_re_ko_ rayipate_ rayi_n.a_m thou alone hast been the lord of riches); rayimant rich, wealthy (RV. x.74.1); rayi-vat = rayimant (RV. vi.68.5; VS. xviii.47); rayi-vid obtaining or possessing wealth (RV. ii.1.3); rayi-vr.dh enjoying wealth (RV. vi.91.3); rayis.n.i bestowing or procuring wealth; rayi-s.a_c possessing wealth (RV. i.180.9); rayi-s.a_h ruling over wealth (RV. i.58.3; cf. -s.a_h in ba_ds.a_h ruler (U.lex.)]; rayis.t.ha_ abiding in wealth (TS. iii.4.1.2); rayis.t.ha_na possessing wealth (AV. vii.81.2) = rayistha_na (RV. vi.47.6); rayi_y (denom.) to desire wealth (RV. iii.62.2); ra_ya giving; ra_yas-ka_ma desiring wealth (RV. i.78.2; RV. vii.42.6); ra_yis-po_s.a increase of wealth, abundance (KS. v.t); ra_yaspo_s.ada_ giver of abundance (KS. ii.8); ra_van bestowing (Vedic.lex.) raitika, raitya brazen, made of brass; re_tyam bell-metal; re_tas, re_tram quicksilver (Skt.lex.) ri_ti brass, bell-metal; calx of brass; rust of iron; scoria of an metal; ri_tike brass, bell-metal (Ka.lex.) re_, rayi, rai property, possessions, goods, wealth, gold; costliness; grandeur, shine, glitter, lustre, beauty (Ka.); rai-dha_re a shower of gold; raivata, re_vata rich, wealthy; name of the fifth Manu; name of a mountain ; rai-to_ran.a a festoon of gold (Ka.)

5519.Image: flowing: rayya beauty, loveliness (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) ur-ai bell metal (Pin..)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) re_payati causes to flow or melt (Gr.); revvu~ to solder, cement (G.); revn.e~ to sink into, fill (M.); ahire_mai fills (Pkt.); ri_ melt, flow (Skt.)(CDIAL 10818). cf. ravan.aka a filter (BHSkt.); ren.i_ ingot (L.)(CDIAL 10639).

5520.Mountain: ro_dhas mountain slope (R.); rohu mountain, bare mountainous country (S.); roh mountain; rohr.i_ hill (L.); adj. rohela_ belonging to or coming from the hills; ruhella_, rahella_ inhabitant of Rohilkhan.d. (P.)(CDIAL 10845). cf. wi.ry steep hillside (To.)(DEDR 1062). cf. varai mountain, slope of hill (Ta.)(DEDR 5274).

5521.Image: tail: lot.u tail; lut.u, lat.ar short tail (K.); lat.kan.u to hang, dangle (S.); la_t. tail (L.); lat.kan. to be hung (Ku.); lat.akvu~ to hang down (G.); lat.akn.e~ to hang down (M.); latakka bent down (N.); latko hanging mass (N.)(CDIAL 10918).

5522.Images: woman's plaited hair; entangled or matted mass of hair: lat. lock of hair (P.); lat.uro lock of hair; lat.ulo cluster of hair (Ku.); lat.t.o cluster, lock of hair; lat.t.inu to become matted or entangled (N.); la_t. entanglement (B.); lat. curled lock; lat.a_ entanglement, matted hair (Mth.); lat.a_vai wraps round (OAw.); lat. curled lock; lat.a_ entanglement, matted hair (H.); lat.na_ to become entangled (H.); lat.i lock of hair (G.); lat.iya~_ pl. matted locks (G.); lat.vu~ to become entangled (G.); lat. entanglement, pubic hair (M.); lat.a-pat.a medley, nonsense (Si.); lat.huru woman's plaited hair (K.); lan.t.ha_ engagement, work, trouble (N.); lan.d.-lan.d.a confusion (Or.); ladda_ matted mass of hair (M.); lit.a matted hair (S.); lit. tangled hair, splinter in skin; lit.t.a_ matted hair (L.); li_dai is entangled (OMarw.)(CDIAL 10918).

5523.Dung: latti dung of horses, asses, elephants, camels (Ta.); laddi id. (Te. Ka.); lan.d.a excrement (Ka.Skt.); le_n.d.a (Skt.); ilatti dung of elephants, horses, camels and asses (Tiruva_lava_. 26,18); ilan.t.am dung (Tol. Col. 443, Urai.)(Ka.lex.) ldu dung-hill (K.); laddi_ elephant's dung (Pkt.); la_do excreta of belly, belly (Ku.); la_di excrement of goats and sheep, contemptuous term for food (N.); la_d round solid dung of animals; lada_ lump, solidified mass (A.); na_d dung of animals; na_di dung pellet (as of goats)(B.); na_da dung of animals (Or.); la_di (G.); la_da_ mass of kneaded dough (M.); la~_do clammy lump (G.)(CDIAL 10933). lid horse dung (Orm.); dert dung (Wk h.); led, lezu dung or horses, mules, asses, elephants (K.); lidi (S.); lidd, lid.d., lid., lid (S.); lidd (P.); lido dung of goats (Ku.); lidi dung of horses and other animals (N.); li_d, li_di_, liddi_ dung of horses and elephants (Bi.); lidda_ (Mth.); li_d (G.M.H.); nend piled up large solidified heap of stale boiled rice (K.); ledena_ faeces and urine of a sick person (A.); nedi cowdung cake (B.); neda, ledi, nedi solid circular bit of dung (Or.); led, leda_, ledi_ clod used as counterpoise on a lever (Bi.); ledho clod as counterpoise on beam of water-lift (Bi.); ledh (Mth.); lenta_ mass, collection, bundle (Or.); lentha_ id. (Or.)(CDIAL 11057). le_n.d.a excrement (BhP.); lim.d.a elephant's dung (Pkt.); lim.d.ia_ goat's dung (Pkt.); lin.d.u hard human excrement (S.); lin.d. big lump of human excrement (WPah.); li~_d.u~ globule of dung; lid.i_ small globule of dung (G.); li_n human excrement (Ku.); li_r. hard piece of human excrement (N.); le_d.y, le_d.ua, le_d.ukka,le_lu lump (Pkt.); ner, nera_ solid round lump of excrement (A.); ler., ner. (B.); led.u_n.o lump of horse's or camel's dung (S.); led.n.a_ camel's or donkey's dung (L.); led.r.a~_ ball of dung (L.); led.d.a_ camel's or horse's dung (P.); len.d.o lump of human excrement (S.); le_n.es horse dung (Pas'.); nena_, nen.a_ hardened excrement (L.); li_d., len_ hard long excrement (P.); len.d. big lump of hard long excrement (WPah.); len.d.a ordure (Or.); len.d .i tiny bits of sheep dung (Or.); le~r.i_ dung of sheep and goats (Bi.); le~d., le~d.i_, le~d.uk lump of dung (M.)(CDIAL 11055).

5524.Jujube: ilantai jujube tree, zizyphus jujuba (Tiva_.); ilanda (Ma.); elaci (Ka.)(Ta.lex.)

5525.Eagle-wood: ila_t.avi eagle-wood, akil (Malai.)(Ta.lex.) cf. ila_-varut.am a continental division (Ta.lex.)

5526.Image: attached to one another: lat.t.ha attached to one another (Pkt.); lond.u eave-border of the edge of a thatch (usu. made of birch bark and mud)(K.); latranu to lean over (N.)(CDIAL 10918). Skein of silk: laccha_ several skeins of cotton joined together (P.); la_cha_ tassel of sheep's wool plaited into a woman's hair (N.); laccha_ necklace of silk or beads, bundle or skein of silk (H.); la_cho skein of silk (G.)(CDIAL 10944). lar string of necklace (K.); lar.i_ strand of cord (L.); lar. (L.); lar.i_ (P.); lar. garland, string (Ku.); lar.o cord (Ku.); lar.i garland, string of beads (Ku.); lari, lariya_ skein of cotton removed after spinning (N.); lari_ string of pearls (OAw.); lar., lar.i_ (H.); lar.a (OMarw.); lar strand of rope (Mth.); lad., lad.i_ string of pearls (M.)(CDIAL 10921). Image: skein: luti, lati a skein, to wind into a skein; lati sutam a skein of thread (Santali.lex.) lat.i < lad.i_ (H.) skein of lace, nearly 440 yards (Ta.lex.)

5527.Image: bee: luti a small, wild honey bee (Santali.lex.)

5528.Image: creeper: lat.a_ creeper (B.); lat.a_, lat.i creeper (Or.); lat.iba_ to creep, trail (Or.); lund.u creeper (K.)(CDIAL 10918). lata_ creeper (Mn.); latika_ slender creeper (Skt.); lata_ creeper (Pali); lada (NiDoc.); laya_, laa_ (Pkt.); la cucumber, pumpkin (Sh.); lau creeping plant (WPah.); la_ creeper used for binding, betel creeper, (euphem.) snake (Or.); liya creeper (Si.); laia_ creeper (Pkt.); lei-jal vine; layu_ twig (Pas'.); lei vine (Sh.); lai_ tamarix dioica (S.); lai, nai creeper (Or.)(CDIAL 10928). Woman: lata_ young woman (Skt.); landa young woman (Si.)(CDIAL 10929). late, lata_ a creeper (Ka.lex.)

5529.Image: skin-bag: loth, lot skin (Ku.); lot money bag; loto strip of leather (N.); loti strip of leather or metal (N.); lotha_ bag (H.)(CDIAL 11138). lu_do fold of fat round belly (N.)(CDIAL 11137). loi_ blanket made of fine wool (H.); lo_ad.i_ blanket (Pkt.)(CDIAL 11155).

5530.Image: buried treasure: lota_, nota buried treasure, stolen property (Or.); lotta, lutta loot (Pkt.); lo_ptra stolen property (Ya_j.)(CDIAL 11145).

5531.Image: to turn back: laut.au to return, to turn back (Santali.lex.)

5532.Iron utensils and implements: lot.a lut.i brass house-hold utensils in general; luti, loha luti iron utensils and implements (Santali.lex.)

5533.Pot: lohta the lower part of a kan.d.a or waterpot, which has been broken across through the middle (Santali.lex.) lotta a hollow, ravine, pit (Ka.); dent, depression, small pit or hollow; loddi a valley (Te.); loddi_ id. (Go.)(DEDR 5197). Hollow: lot. a handful, as much as the hand held scoop-wise will contain (Santali.lex.) cf. lot.alot.a (-pp-, -tt-) to be hollow or empty, become uselessl; lot.alot.t.ai anything hollow or empty, anything useless; lot.ukku emptiness, hollowness (Ta.); lot.t.a empty, vapid (Ma.); lot.t.e emptiness, hollowness; lod.d.u, lad.d.u pithlessness, weakness (Ka.); lot.(t.)a hollow, dried up, hollowness; lot.a_ramu empty, useless, pithless (Te.)(DEDR 5194). Pot: lot.a small metal or earthen pot (K.); lot.o (S.); lot.a_ waterpot (L.); lot.t.a_ (P.); lot.iya_ (Ku.); lohot.o (N.); lot.a_ (A.B.Or.H.M.); not.a_ (Or.); lot.ia_ (Mth.); lot.iya_ (Aw.); lot.o (G.)(CDIAL 11133). Image: drinking vessel: lut.i a small drinking vessel (Santali.lex.)

5534.Image: quarrel: lokt.a, lokt.ha to quarrel, to dispute mainly with regard to possession of land or trees (Santali.lex.)

5534a. Symplocos racemosa: lodh (H.B.); lodra (G.); lapong-dang, dieng lamaki (A.); lodhra (M.Skt.); loddugu (Te.); ludam-daru (Singhbum). The Sanskrit name lodhra: semant. stoppage of ocular discharges. Habitat: plains and lower hills of eastern and central India; bark: in digestive disorders, eye diseases and ulcers; in excessive bleeding during menstruation. (S.K.Jain, Medicinal Plants, National Book Trust, 1968, pp. 140-141).

5535.To stir: no_n.t.u (no_n.t.i-) to stir, dig up, grub up, root out, pick off as the scab of an ulcer, pick out as wax from the ear, pilfer, pluck as an ear of grain (Ta.); no_n.uka to stir, dig, tease (Ma.); no_d.ad.runi, no_d.a_vuni to rake up, stir (Tu.)(DEDR 3795). lud.ati stirs; nud.ati strikes (Dha_tup.); lulita crushed, shaken (MBh.); lun.d.i_-kr.ta rolled up together (Skt.); lo_d.ayati agitates (MBh.); lo_layati (R.); lo_d.ati (Dha_tup.); lo_d.yate_ is set in motion (MBh.); lul.ati stirs (Pali); lod.vu~ caus. lod.a_vvu~ to swing, rock (G.) lulai rolls, swings (Pkt.); lur.an.u to shake, swing (S.); lud.an. to rock to and fro (L.); lo_lai stirs up (Pkt.); rolun. to sift (L.); lod.an.u to swing, rock (S.)(CDIAL 11080). lut.yati rolls (Skt.); lo_t.ati id. (Dha_tup.); lot.t.ai rolls, sleeps (Pkt.); lo_t.ana shaking, upsetting (Pali); lud. roll, swing, agitate (Skt.)(CDIAL 11156). lol. rolling over (M.); lo_la tossing, hanging (MBh.)(CDIAL 11136). lol.o, lol.ya_ contusion, bruise (Kon.lex.) hon.d.ak to stir when cooking (Santali.lex.) X van.d.u to cook, dress, boil, prepare (Te.)(DEDR 5329). To roll: nalan:ku (nalan:ki-) to grow faint, wilt, suffer, pine, lose stiffnes, become crumpled, bend as a bow; nalakku (nalakki-) to crumple, as cloth or paper, soil slightly, sully, tarnish; nali (-v-, -nt-) to waste, pine away, suffer, be in distress, yield before a foe, fail, slide, fall down; afflict, distress; (-pp-, -tt-) to afflict, cause distress; n. suffering, pain, thinness, leanness; nalivu trouble, distress, affliction, ruin, destruction; nalun:ku (nalun:ki-) to become lean, be distressed; nalku_r (-v-, -nt-) to suffer, be wearied (Ta.); nalagu, nalugu to become rumpled or fuffled (as cloth or paper), become rumpled or flabby by the heat of the sun etc., droop as vegetables etc., grow weakened, faint or feeble from sickness, trouble, grief; nalagisu, nalugisu to rumple, etc.; nalavu, naluvu weakness (Ka.); nalaguni to fade, wither, be reduced by sickness (Tu.); nala~gu, nalu~gu, naliyu to be crushed, bruised, broken or reduced to powder, be crumpled or rumpled, fade, wither, diminish (as brightness); nala~gud.u, nalu~gud.u state of being crushed, bruised or troubled; nala~cu to crush, bruise, rub; nala_kuva, nalukuva illness, indisposition; nalata disease; nali illness, indisposition; dust, powder; nalikamu smallness, littleness, thinness; naliguli greatly crushed or broken; nal(u)cu, nal(u)pu to crush, rub; nalapu to crumple (flowers, etc.), harass (Te.); nalpap- to squeeze (Ga.); naln.i- (-t-) to be squeezed in handling; nalp- to squeeze, crush; naln.is- to cause to squeeze (Kond.a); naln.u rubbing, massage (Kuwi); nalabna_ to clean by rubbing a little water or a moist cloh on; nalbrna_ to rub oneself with oil; nilibna_ to crease, crumple, crush by rubbing between both hands, rub roughly (Kur.)(DEDR 3611). nolng- (nolonkt-) to thrash about on ground Kol.); nor.an- to roll on the ground Nk.); nokka_na_ to writhe in death, or in a fit; nohka_na_ to writhe; nor.k- to crawl on stomach; nor.kus- to make (child) crawl on stomach (Go.)(DEDR 3789). lu~d.iya_na_ to roll (H.); lol.n.e~ to roll (M.)(CDIAL 11080). lud.hai rolls, lies down (Pkt.); lut.hati rolls, wallows (Dha_tup.); lo_t.hayati sets in motion (BhP.); lo_t.ati, ro_t.hati knocks down (Dha_tup.); lur.han.u to roll, float away, be lost, be dying (S.); lur.han., rur.han. to roll, be swept away by a stream (L.); lut.ha_ to roll, wallow (B.); lur.hna_, lur.hakna_ to roll, slip, lie down (H.); lut.hvu~ (G.); lut.hn.e~ (M.); lor.han., ror.han. to roll, sweep away (L.); ror.hn.a_ to roll, put (a cart) in motion, cause to flow (P.); lut.h roll, set in motion (Skt.); lud. roll, swing, agitate (Skt.)(CDIAL 11079).

5536.Sound produced by beating oneself on the mouth: laba, laba_, labo_, laba laba a sound in imitation of that produced by beating one's self on the mouth (Ka.); gabble, clack (M.)(Ka.lex.) lapo_-lapo_v-en-al expr. of beating the open mouth with the palm of the hand on account of sorrow (Ta.); labalaba noise made by crying and beating the mouth; crying, weeping (Tu.); labalaba beating oneself on the mouth (Te.)(DEDR 5185).

5537.Traders: labbe a caste of people who originally were Arabs; they are still Mahomedans, but speak a low dialect of Tamil; they sell ghee, cloths etc. (Ka.Te.H.)(Ka.lex.) lappai a class of Tamil-speaking Muhammadans found chiefly on the coasts of South India (Ta.lex.) ?lappam [prob. le_pya] putty, a kind of cement used to fill up cracks in wood (Ta.); lappamu (Te.); leppa (Ka.)(Ta.lex.) leppa-ga_r-a a plasterer, a bricklayer; one who moulds or models; le_paka (Ka.); le_pya, leppa to be smeared; spreading over, plastering (Ka.Skt.); making models, moulding (Ka.); le_pa_l.iga a man who cover with unguents (Ka.lex.) Priest: levai, leppai < levi (Hebrew) priest in a mosque (Ta.lex.)

5538.Traders: lamba_d.i, lama_n.i, lamba_n.i a lumbadee (or brinjari), a migratory caste who trade in salt, grain, bullocks etc., and often have the character of being thieves (Ka.Te.); ilamba_t.i (Ta.); lamma_gal. (Ma.)(Ka.lex.) suka_liga a lamba_d.i (Ka.); suka_li a sort of gypsies (Te.)(Ka.lex.)

5539.Writing: dipi writing (As'.); id. (OPers.); lipi writing (Skt.); limpi writing (Skt.); lipikara plasterer (R.); livi_ writing (Pkt.)(CDIAL 11058). cf. lipyate_ is smeared (I_s'Up.)(CDIAL 11061). limpa one who smears (Pa_n..); le_mbi_ plastering with mud (L.); le~bi_ (P.)(CDIAL 11065). cf. limpati smears (TBr.)(CDIAL 11066). cf. le_pana act of smearing (A_s'vGr..); lewan ashes smeared on cooking pot (Bi.)(CDIAL 11111). cf. let plaster, paste (H.)(CDIAL 11113). cf. le_pya to be smeared (MaitrUp.)(CDIAL 11114).

5540.Gum; mud, plaster: le_pa smearing (Ya_j.); ointment, plaster (MBh.); plaster (Pali); le_va (Pkt.); leh lime (Wg.); liwa in cmpds.'plastering' (K.); leu coating of mud outside a pot (S.); le_ mud, plaster; le~_ (L.); leu, le plaster (P.); leu old cowdung plaster that is becoming loose (N.); plaster, coating of mud outside a pot (A.); leoya_ a smearing (B.); lew, lewa_ ashes plastered on cooking pot to protect it from fire; process of flooding a rice field and ploughing to kill weeds, sowing in a wet field (Bi.); leu old plaster off a wall; lewa_ plaster, ashes smeared on cooking pot (H.); leva_ coating (of paint etc.)(M.); lei_ paste (S.); le_vi_ (L.); levi_, lei_ coat of plaster on wall (P.); lei paste (A.); lei gum (B.); le(h)i, neha_i paste (Or.); lei mud mortar (Bi.Mth.); le(h)i_ paste (H.); leur. plaster fallen from a wall (P.); leur.a_ plaster (H.); let.i_ plaster, paste (S.); let.t.i_ thick paste (L.); let.i_ plaster, paste (P.); lyet.o paste of flour and water boiled with salt and spices (Ku.); lit.o paste, flour gruel (N.); let. plaster, paste (H.); li_t. muccus, snot (G.); lip smear (Skt.)(CDIAL 11110).

5541.Image: quilt: le_pu a sort of quilt (Ka.); le_pa (M.); le_pu a mattress; a bed (Ka.Te.)(Ka.lex.)

5542.Cassock: lob, loba_, lo_b cassock (Kon.lex.)

5543.Frankincense: loba_n, loba_na frankincense (Kon.lex.)

5544.Resin; deodar: lu resin, tar; lo_u fat (Pas'.); lo_u, lo_u-mut.ha deodar (Gaw.); lo_ (Bshk.); lo_u resin, tar; lo_-mut. deodar (Phal.)(CDIAL 11120). zo_i-zal pine tree (Pas'.)(CDIAL 10833). zo_-kende deodar, i.e. torch-tree (Ash.); ru, ru_-ka_no, rua resin (Kt.); zo, wro_ deodar (Wg.); zumugda (Pr.); lo_-mut. (Phal.); jo_ (Gmb.); rog (Kho.); rae a partic. coniferous tree (WPah.); rk deodar (Dm.); ra_, arak (Kal.)(CDIAL 10826). cf. ra_la resin of shorea robusta (Skt.); resin (S.); ria_la resin (S.); ra_l.a tar, yellow resin (Or.); ra_l. resin (G.M.)(CDIAL 10715). da_mbor, da_mbora_ resin (Kon.lex.) dhu~r.a_ resin (Santali.lex.) cf. jir gum, any adhesive (Ko.); jerre_ gum resin (Kur.)(DEDR 2556). cf. ya_ a tree, harwickia binata (Ta.)(DEDR 5150). cf. ja_la_ri shorea talura = shorea laccifera (Ka.); vatica laccifera (Te.)(DEDR 2473). cf. ru_ks.a tree (Skt.); rukkha tree (Pali.Pkt.)(CDIAL 10757). cf. nu_kku sissoo wood, dalbergia sissoo (Ta.)(DEDR 3721).

5545.Smoke-hole: dum-lo_enek smoke-hole (Pas'.)(CDIAL 11128). lat lopak holes and cavities; lopak hole in a bank (Santali.lex.) duvor, duvra_, dur, dura_ smoke; dompl.o, domplea_ hole (Kon.lex.)

5546.To hide: lep- to hide, cover (Kt.); lapvu~, lapa_vu~ to be hidden, hide oneself (G.); lo_pya concealed (VS. com.); lipn.e~ to hide (M.); luciba_ to hide oneself (Or.); lukkai hides (Pkt.); lu_kna_ (D..); lukan.u (S.); lukkan., lukan. to be hidden (L.); lukn.a_ (WPah.); lukn.o (Ku.); luknu (N.); lukiba (A.); luka_ (B.); lukiba_, nukiba_ (Or.); nukab (Mth.); loka_vai (OAw.); lukna_ (H.); lukai (OMarw.OG.); lhikka hidden (Pkt.); likkhai, likkai hides (Pkt.); likn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 11083). lip to hide (Kon.lex.) Image: spy: ul.l.a_l. traitor in the guise of a friend, spy (W.); ul.avan- spy; he who is in the secret; secret agent (Kumare_. Cata. 91)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) cf. or-r-u (or-r-i-) to spy out; a spy (Ta.)(DEDR 1022). cf. ol.i (-v-, -nt-) to hide; lurking-place (Ta.)(DEDR 1015). Image: to conceal oneself: ul.i a thief; to conceal one's self; to hide; hiding; an ambush, a lurking place; a hunter's hut (Ka.); ol.i (Ta.Ma.); od.i id. (Ma.); ul.avu (Tu.); olavu a secret (Te.); ul.iga a man who hides or lurks; ol.iga id. (Ka.)(Ka.lex.) cf. ol.i to hide (Ta.); ul.avu spying (Ta.)(DEDR 1015). ol.i (-v-, -nt-) to hide, steal away; (-pp-, -tt-) to hide, conceal, disguise, lie hid (Ta.); ol.ippu slinking away, hiding, concealing, keeping secret (Ta.); ol.i concealment, ambush (Ma.); ol.ika to be hidden; ol.ikka to hide oneself; ol.ippikka to conceal; ul.iyuka to stoop, peep (Ma.); oyl. (ol.c-) to hide (Ko.); wil.y- (wil.c-) to hide (To.); ul.i to conceal oneself, hide; n. hiding, ambush; thief (Ka.); ol.i (ol.ip-, ol.ic-) to hide (Kod..); ol.a secret, private (Tu.); on.pi to hide (Kor.); o_lamu a shelter, cover, screen (Te.); ol-, ol.- to bend down (Ga.); o_lta_ nanna_ to hide; o_la_ resting-place of a wild-beast, hiding-place or lair (Kur.)(DEDR 1015). alota_ screen (H.)(CDIAL 1404). pralu_na cut of (Skt.); pralava chip (S'Br.); paluni small wickerwork screen to cover doors as a curtain (Ku.)(CDIAL 8763).

5547.Diminish: lup destroy (Skt.); lupyate_ is lost, is removed (TS.); apalupyate_ perishes (AV.); lupyama_na bewildered (MaitrUp.); lumpati destroys (Skt.); steals (BhP.); elides (RVParis'.); lupta robbed of, lacking, lost, destroyed (MBh.); lo_payati neglects, infringes (MBh.); eliminates (R.); luppai is destroyed (Pkt.); lumpati breaks, injures, plunders (Pali); lum.pai destroys (Pkt.); lutta- broken, cut off (Pali); disappeared (Pk.); (CDIAL 11083). lo_pya to be removed (Skt.); lopro bit, chip, shaving; lopra_-lopri parings (N.); lo_psyati will remove (Gr.)(CDIAL 11146). avalumpati takes off, cuts off (TS.); o_lumpe_ti wrests off (Pali); o_lum.pa crushing (Pkt.); ol.avvu~ to misappropriate (G.)(CDIAL 839). alupa small piece (Si.)(CDIAL 1406). a_lumpati tears out, separates (AV.); a_lumpati breaks off (Pali) a_lum.pai takes aaway ; a_lo_viya covered (Pkt.); alopvu~ to disappear; alpa_vu~ to be hidden (G.)(CDIAL 1406). cf. vilo_pa loss, destruction (MBh.); theft (Skt.); plunder (Pali); vilo_va (Pkt.); volo_ (Si.); villu-chun to pillage, plunder (Wg.)(CDIAL 11912). pralumpati plucks out (Skt.); palumpati plunders; pralupyate_ is robbed, is destroyed (MBh.); palovan.a_, palon.a_ to destroy (P.)(CDIAL 8768). ullupta taken or drawn out (AV.); ullo_pam (Kaus'.); ullumpati takes out, saves (Pali); ullo_pana saving (Pali); ulvan. the threads which remain in the comb after the completion of the web (M.)(CDIAL 2382). ula (-pp-, -nt-) to become diminished, be wasted, be devoid of, die, terminate; ulakkai end, ruin, death; ulappu wasting, perishing, defect, death, limit; ulai (-v-, -nt-) to perish, be ruined (as houses, land, crops); (-pp-, -tt-) to ruin; ulaivu ruin, destruction, defeat, poverty, trouble (Ta.); ulakkuka to shrink up; ulayuka to be impoverished, ruined; ulaccal, ulavu ruin (Ma.)(DEDR 671).

5548.Wife of Agastya: lo_pa_mudra_pati husband of lo_pa_mudra_: Agastya; lo_pa_mudra the wife of Agastya (Ka.lex.) Image: composition: parts of different animals: lo_pa, lo_pa_mudra_ name of a daughter of the king of Vidarbha and wife of the sage Agastya. She is said to have been formed by the sage himself from the most beautiful parts of different animals, so as to have a wife after his own heart, and then secretly introduced into the palace of the king of Vidarbha where she grew up as his daughter... Agastya was asked by her to acquire immense riches before he thought of having any connection with her. The sage accordingly went to king S'rutarvan, and from him to several other persons till he went to the rich demon Ilvala and, having conqurered him, got immense wealth from him and satisfied his wife (Skt.lex.)

5549.Image: vulture: lo_co, lu_c vulture, mite (Pr.); lo_pa_ a kind of bird (TS.); lo_pa_yika_ (Skt.)(CDIAL 11144).

5550.Hunting: lu- (lut-) to beat game; lup, lup gat. part of the forest where the beaters are stationed (Pe.); luh- (-t-) to hunt with group of men (Kuwi)(DEDR 5190). lubdha covetous, greedy (Gaut.); hunter; lubdhaka hunter (MBh.); luddha greedy; luddhaka hunter (Pali); luddha, loddha, lud.d.ha greedy; hunter (Pkt.); ludhir.o otter (S.); luddhi_ kite (L.); lodha_ hunter (Or.); lu_dhad.i_ adj. desirous (OG.)(CDIAL 11084). vilo_bhati allures (MBh.); vilo_he_i tempts (Pkt.); bil.ohiba_, bilohiba_ to allure, charm (Or.)(CDIAL 11913). lutstso rascal (Kon.lex.) Covet: lipsa_ desire to gain (MBh.); liccha_ id. (Pkt.); licch rent paid by cultivators to landlord (L.)(CDIAL 11062). lubh be desirous (Skt.); luhna_ to be infatuated, covet (H.); aor. alubhat (Dha_tup.)(CDIAL 11085). lubhyati is eager, is desirous (MBh.); lubbhati covets (Pali); lubbha (Pkt.); lubev to be vicious; lubni, lublin harlot (Gypsy); lubha_na to excite desire (H.); lubha_vai (OMarw.)(CDIAL 11086). lo_bha eager desire (Mn.); greed (Pali); lo_ha (Pkt.); lo_ longing (L.); loh desire (A.); loho tenderness, affection (M.); loba desire, greed (Si.)(CDIAL 11147). a_lo_bhi_t aor. is desirous (Dha_tup.); lo_hati (Skt.); lohan. to desire, wish (L.)(CDIAL 11148). lo_bhana allurement (R.); greediness (Pali); lohan gentle persuation by holding out false hopes (A.)(CDIAL 11149). lo_bhin covetous (BhP.); lilohi_ greedy (OH.)(CDIAL 11150). lo_bhyate_ is enticed (Skt.); lo_bhayati entices; lo_bhijjam.ta (Pkt.); lu_bun to feel desire (K.)(CDIAL 11152). cf. vilo_bhayati perplexes (Skt.)(CDIAL 11913a). pralubdha seduced (Mn.); pralubhyati is lustful (S'a_n:khGr..); paluddha seduced (Pali); paludu fond of, greedy; desire, passio (Si.)(CDIAL 8762). pralo_bhayati causes to lust after, enices (MBh.); palo_bhe_ti is greedy (Pali); palo_bhe_di tempts, entices (Pkt.); polobanava_ to entice (Si.)(CDIAL 8769). pr.a_nj- (pr.a_nc-) to hunt, wander about in search of game (Pe.); pla_mba (pla_mbi-) to hunt, chase, seek; n. hunting, a hunt (Kui)(DEDR 4612). Violence: lohar lust, violence, oppression (P.)(CDIAL 11147). a-lo_bha the not going astray (of ratha) (AitBr.)(CDIAL 11147a). lubh agitate, disturb (Skt.); lubdha confused (AitBr.); lujhan.u, luchan.u to be agitated by grief or anger (S.); lujjhan. to quarrel (L.)(CDIAL 11084a).

5551.Bird: lipi-or.a_ skylark (Kur.); lipi id. (Malt.)(DEDR 5189). lipi name of several kinds of birds; lipi, goe~tha lipi, lipi ce~r.e~ the ashy-crowned fich lark, pyrrhulauda grisea; kumba lipi a small bird so named from the shape of the nest it builds, the Bengal bush lark, mirafra assamica assam (Santali.lex.)

5552.Image: fox: raopi a sort of dog-like animal (Av.); lo_w fox (Kho.); lo_i, lo_o (Sh.); lo_i_, lo (WPah.); zu_wi fox (Pr.) lo_pa_s'a fox, jackal (RV.); lo_pa_s'ika_ (Skt.); liwas'a, laus'a fox (Wg.); lowoc, lo_ec jackal (Pas'.); lo_ec, lwa_inc (Shum.); los'u, lo_h, lohu, lhu fox (K.)(CDIAL 11141). lo_paka a kind of jackal (Sus'r.); lo_pakika_ (Skt.); ru_paka fox or jackal (AV.); lowa_ fox (H.); zo_ki, zo_ki_ fox (Ash.); rwe_ki (Kt.); wriki_ (Bashg.); lawak (Kal.); ro_pak (Dm.)(CDIAL 11140). lowiri fox skin (Kho.)(CDIAL 11143). lo_mat.aka fox (Skt.); lomat.i_ foxes (NiDoc.); lamasik fox (Gaw.); lumai (Bshk.); lama_ jackal (Tor.); lu_me_i (Phal.); lombar.u fox; lombir.i_, lu~_bir.i_ (S.); lu~_bur, lu~_br.i_, lumbar. (L.); lu~_br.i_ (P.); lomr.i_ (H.); lomr.i_ (N.); loba~_ (H.)(CDIAL 11153). lo_pa_s'a a jackal, a fox (Ka.lex.)

5553.Image: hair on body: ro_mam < ro_ma hair (Ta_yu. Cukava_ri. 4) (Ta.); ulo_mam < lo_man hair growing over the body of men or of animals, pur-amayir (Can.. Aka.)(Ta.) (Ta.lex.) lo_man hair on body of animals or men (RV.); lo_ma body hair (Pali.Pkt.); lum a single hair (Dm.); lu_m hair, wool (Pas'.); down on body (of men or animals), single hair of down (K.); lu~a, lu~_ body hair (S.); lu~_, lu_i~_ (L.); lu~_, lu_i~_ body hair, down (P.); nom body hair (A.); lom (G.); lo~v, lo~, la~v (M.);. lom hair, wool, fur (Si.)(CDIAL 11154). loi_ blanket made of fine wool (H.); lo_ad.i_ blanket (Pkt.)(CDIAL 11155). ro_man hair (esp. short hair) on body of men and animals (RV.); body hair (Pali.Pkt.); ru_m hair or down on body (K.); body hair (S.); ru~_, rom, roa~_ body hair, nap on cloth (P.); ru~_ body hair (Ku.); rau~, ru~ (N.); ro~, ro~ya_, ru~ya_ (B.); ru~a~ down on body, fur (Or.); roma body hair; ruma hair, wool, fur (Or.); roa~_ body hair (Mth.); ro_wa~_ (Bhoj.); rovam., ro~_wa~_ (OAw.); roa~_, ru_a~_ body hair, down, fur, pile on carpet, moss (H.); rom, ru~u~ body hair (G.)(CDIAL 10851). ro_mas'a shaggy (RV.); lo_mas'a (TBr.); ro_masa hairy (Pkt.); roa~_sa_, ru_a~_sa hairy, woolly (H.)(CDIAL 10854). Tail: lumbi_ bunch (Pkt.); li_m, lembe_ tail (Pas'.); lu_mna_ to droop (H.); lu_m bunch; lumvu~ to droop (G.); lo~bn.e~ to hang; lo~bad., lo~bat. cluster (of coconuts etc.)(M.)(CDIAL 11089). lime_t. tail (Dm.); lu_ma, lu_man tail (Skt.); lumat. (Bshk.); lume_t.i (Phal.); lo_man tail (Skt.); rum tail (Kho.) (CDIAL 11096). lamba pendent (MBh.Pali); lam.ba long (Pkt.); lam big branch (Dm.); la_mba_ tuft of wool (Pas'.); lamba, in cmpd. lam- long tail (K.); lamma_, lamba_ long (L.P.); lammo long, tail; lamma_, la~_ba_ long; snake (WPah.); la_mo long, tail; lamlamo tall (Ku.); la_mu long; la_m-kiro snake (N.); lamba_ long; lama_ long bunch (A.); lamba_ long, tall (Or.); nama_ long (Mth.); la_m long, straight (Bhoj.); la_m.ba tall (OAw.); la~_b, lamba_ long, tall (H.); la_m.bau long (OMarw.); la~_bu~ (G.); la~_b (M.); lamba pendent; lambaya plumbline (Si.); lambaka id. (Skt.); lamkano long (Ku.); lamkanu to take long strides (N.); lamb hang (Skt.)(CDIAL 10951). lame_ra_ longer (L.)(CDIAL 10953). lambate_ hangs down, loiters (MBh.); lambati hangs down (Pali); lambai (Pkt.); lamun to pull, pull at, tow (K.); laman.u to hover (of birds)(S.); lamyu_n.o to pull down, catch a falling thing (Ku.); la~_bta_ hangs (Konkan.i); lamkun. to hang (L.); lamakn.a_ to hang, be long on hand (P.); lamar.n.o to decline, sink, drop (Ku.)(CDIAL 10954). Image: tail of goat or sheep: lambana hanging down (MBh.); fringe, long necklace (Skt.); laman pulling, delay (K.); lemn.i_ tail of goat or sheep or wild beast (WPah.); la_man.-divo hanging lamp (G.); la~_bn.e~ a sort of well-bucket (M.); limun.i_, limn.i_, lin.un.i_ tail of goat or sheep (WPah.)(CDIAL 10955). lambayati causes to hang down (Skt.); lame_w to hang up (Par.); lambe_ti hangs up (Pali); lam.be_i (Pkt.); lam- (Pas'.); 1 sg. lamu_m (Phal.)(CDIAL 10956). lambita hanging down (MBh.); supported on (R.); lambita hanging down (Pali); lam.bia, lam.biaya (Pkt.); lambur barrage (Kho.)(CDIAL 10957). lamu_tra_ longish (L.)(CDIAL 10958). lambo_dara pot-bellied (MBh.); a name of Gan.es'a (Skt.); lam.bo_dara, lam.bo_yara adj. and m. (Pkt.); lambo_ra_ a name of Gan.es'a (Si.)(CDIAL 10959). la_ma length (S.)(CDIAL 11022). Come and go customarily to work: ramb hang down (Skt.); rambate_ hangs down (RV.); lambate_ stays behind, loiters (Skt.); ra~_bn.e~, ra_bn.e~ to continue, stay, come and go customarily to work, live (M.); ra_bta_ stays, rests (Konkan.i)(CDIAL 10631).

5554.To wander about: rumvu~ to wander about (G.); rumalinu to loiter (N.); rulai lies down (Pkt.); ro~val.n.e~, ro~l.n.e~ to wash rice (M.); rulan.u to wander about (S.); roln.a_ to separate rice from husk (P.); rulivaum. wandering (OG.); rol.vu~ to roll (G.); rul.n.e~ to roll, trail along (M.)(CDIAL 10786). ula_ttu-tal to take out for a walk as a child (Ta.); ula_ttu (Ma.); ula_ttu-tal to ride about, pass in procession (Ka_l.at. Ula_. 223); ula_ttu walking up and down for amusement, display or exercise; moving to and fro (Ta.); ula_ procession (Can:kara. Ula_.); ula_vu-tal to move about (Periyapu. Pa_yi. 1); ula_vu (Ma.)(Ta.lex.) To patrol: ro_ntat.i-ttal to patrol, to keep watch at night; to roam, wander about; ro_ntu < ronde (French) night patrol (C.G.)(Ta.lex.) la_ntu-tal to walk about, wandering about (Ta.) (Ta.lex.) ra_mpa_t.i < ra_mba_d. (M.) a wandering caste; cf. lampa_t.i a wandering caste (Ta.); lamba_d.i (Te.); lamba_n.i (Ka.)(Ta.lex.)

5555.Chew the cud: ro_mantha act of chewing the cud (Skt.); ramo_t (Wkh.); ro_manthaka adj. chewing the cud (Pali); ro_mam.tha act of chewing the cud (Pkt.); ro~th (H.); rova~th, rava~th, ro~th, ro~t (M.); zo_mo_tr chewing the cud (Ash.); zemetr (Kt.); loimula_ (Pas'.)(CDIAL 10852). ro_mantha_yate_ chews the cud (Pa_n..); ro_manthayate_ (Sus'r.); ro_manthe_ti, ro_manthati chews the cud (Pali); ro_mam.tha_ai, ro_mam.thai (Pkt.); ro~thna_ (H.); rava~thn.e~ (M.)(CDIAL 10853). ?irami-ttal to rejoice, feel delight; rami-ttal < ram- id. (Takkaya_kap. 327, Urai.)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) manta, mantu, mantha churning round, stirring round (Ka.lex.) mattu churning stick (Ta.lex.)

5556.Image: eyelid: irappai, rappai, reppai eyelid (Ta.); r-eppe, r-appe id. (Ka.); reppe id., hair of eyelashes (Kod..); repp eylid, eyelash (Tu.); ramp eyelid (Tu.); r-eppa, reppa id. (Te.); kand.-repa id. (Kol.); kand.le reppa eyelash (Nk.); kand. reppa eyebrow (Go.); r-epa eyelid; r-ema eyelash (Kond.a); reppa id. (Kuwi)(DEDR 5169).

5557.Boat: ramas an oared boat in use in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf. (Shereen Ratnagar, Encounters, the Westerly trade of the Harappa Civilization, Delhi, OUP, 1981, p. 160).

5558.A maple: raman.i_ aloe indica; ra_man.a diospyros embryopteris (Skt.); ra_ma_ aloe perfoliata and other plants; ra_mi_ leaf of laurus cassia; ra_mat.ha alangium hexapetalum (Skt.); wrama~_ willow (Wg.); ramo_ (Kt.); rome_n aspen (Kho.); rameno poplar (Yid.); ra_ma a kind of maple (Kal.)(CDIAL 10627). ira_mat.am, iramat.am < ra_mat.ha asafoetida (Mu_. A.)(Ta.lex.)

5560.Branch: rembe, rambe twig, small bough, branch (Ka.); remma, rebba branchlet, twig (Te.); r-iva twig (Kond.a)(DEDR 5170).

5561.Sun: a_r..va_n- the sun (Ta.)(DEDR 396). ravi sun (Mn.Pali.Pkt.); rivi (Si.)(CDIAL 10646). ilaku (ilaki-) to shine, glisten, glitter (Ta.); el sun, light, splendour (Ta.); lustre, splendour, light (Ma.); ilakuka to shine, twinkle (Ma.); ilankuka to shine (Ma.)(DEDR 829). arka flash, ray, sun (RV.); a_k sun (Mth.); akka sun (Pali.Pkt.); aka lightning (Si.); vid-aki lightning flash (Si.Inscr.)(CDIAL 624). aks.an.a_ lightning (Skt.); akkhan.a_ id. (Pali); akan.a, akun.a id., thunder (Si.)(CDIAL 27). pakal sun, the morning sun, day, daytime (Ta.)(DEDR 3805). esa~gu to arise, appear, exist, happen, shine (Te.); ese to shine, be brilliant (Ka.); esaka shine, splendour, beauty, appearance, state of being, fate, delight (Ka.); esakamu joy, delight, splendour (Te.)(DEDR 778). aru sun (Skt.); yor (Kho.)(CDIAL 612).

5562.Desire: lavalavike, d.avad.avike ardent desire, longing (Ka.); lavan.e_m. the mind to incline or be affected towards (M.); lavalavisu to desire ardently (Ka.) (Ka. lex.)

5563.Image: rim: ne_mi rim, felly (RV.); framework for well-rope, foundation of wall (Skt.); ne_ma boundary, foundation of wall (Skt.); ne_mi rim, felly (Pali); ne_ma edge, point, root (Pali); n.e_mi, n.e_mi_ felly (Pkt.); ni_u~, ni~_ foundation (P.)(CDIAL 7592). lewa_ra_ second pair of spokes of a cartwheel (Bi.); neba_ra_ (Mth.); nima_ra_ (Bi.); niwa_r (H.)(CDIAL 7595). Image: upright post for the churn: nehn.i_ upright post supporting staff of churn (L.)(CDIAL 7259). ni_u~, ni~_ foundation (P.); niu~ (WPah.); neo (B.); nia~ (Or.); new foundation of a house wall (Bi.); nei~_ (Bhoj.); niu foundation; neiya~_ earthen support for jars (Aw.); ni~_w, neu, nei, ni_wa_ foundation (H.)(CDIAL 7592). ni_m dhu_ri_ the second pair of spokes of a cartwheel (Mth.); ne_miya having a rim (Pali)(CDIAL 7593).

5564.Image: joining pins; rungs of a ladder: nen-pu rung of a ladder; nempu ribs joining together the two beams of a well-sweep, serving also as steps for the man who treads it, ribs (Ta.); rung or round of a ladder (Ta.); numpu a nail with two points to join planks (?Ma.); nemmu an iron nail pointed at both ends, used in joining boards (Te.)(DEDR 3743). Joining pins for jewels: nempu joining dowel or nail, pins for jewels (Ta.)(DEDR 3743).

5565.Dalbergia oujeinensis: nemmi dalbergia oujeinensis (Ka.); nemmi id. (Te.); nemi- id. (Skt.)(DEDR 3744).

5566.To sift, winnow: ne_mpu (ne_mpi-) to winnow; no_mpu (no_mpi-) to separate by winnowing (as stones from rice); na_vu (na_vi-) to winnow and clear grain from stones (Ta.); ne_mpuka to winnow rice grain; na_vuka to cleanse rice from stones (Ma.); ne_mu to winnow, sift (Te.); e_ma_na_ to sift out husks of rice, pulse, etc.; e_m- to sift, winnow sideways (Te.); e_mba (e_mbi-) to separate rice grains from straw by shaking (Kui); na_bna_ to thresh rice, winnow; tread as paddy, trample, throw down, beat (Kur.)(DEDR 3769).

5567.Order: n.io_a order, engagement (Pkt.); niyo_ga order (Mn.Pali); tying in: niyo_ga-pa_s'a carriage trace (Skt.); niyo_ determination (Si.); noi_ rope for trying cow's feet when milking (OAw.); noa_, noi_ (H.); ne_hi_ frame of churn; ne_ho~ branching stick on which pots are hung (L.); ne~hi~_ (P.)(CDIAL 7257). ner-i way, road, path; religion, precept, rule, principle, path of virtue, righteousness, style of poetic composition, order, row, series, line, lineage, method, means; ner-imai rule, rectitude, honesty, usage, literary usage (Ta.); er-i way; ner-i straight path, rectitude; ner-ivu proper road, equity (Ma.); ner-i, nir-i orderly arrangement, beauty, fineness, elegance; nir-i, nir-u to be properly arranged or prepared, be ready; nir-ate, ni_r-ate properness, beauty, charm, prettiness, elegance; nir-isu to arrange, adjust, prepare; n. arrangement, display; nir-ige, nir-uge arrangement, properness; ni_r-a a fine, handsome man, beau; fem. ni_r-e (Ka.); ner-i beauty, custom, justice, propriety, order, arrangement (Te.)(DEDR 2934). cf. ne_r rightness, justic, impartiality, morality, virtue, honesty (Ta.); ne_rtti, ne_r-r-i excellence, elegance, that which is correct, equitable or just; ne_rmai fidelity, honesty, impartiality, justice, propriety, morality, virtue (Ta.); ne_r truth, justice; ne_r-r-i straightness, what is right, common way, custom (Ma.); ne_r rightness, propriety, fitness, order; ne_ra propriety; ne_ritu, ne_rittu that which is straight, fit, proper, or right; ne_ridu propriety, rectitude, religious loyalty; ne_rida a brahman; fem. ne_ridal.; ne_rpu propriety, rectitude (Ka.); ne.ri truth, fact (Kod..); ne_r justice, truth; straight, just, true; nerta straight, true (Tu.)(DEDR 3772). Master: niyo_gya master (Skt.); neog head peon at the court of Ahom kings (A.)(CDIAL 7258). Restraint: niyama restraint (Mn.); fixed law (R.); restraint (Pali); niyame (As'.); n.iama rule, vow (Pkt.); neo a law, institution (B.); newa_ custom, method (H.); ni_m, ni_v rule, vow (G.); niu~e modestly, restrainedly; neu~e, niu~_e slowly, humbly (WPah.); niyamen in accordance with the regulation (OSi.)(CDIAL 7250). niyamayati restrains (MBh.); niyame_ti ties down, fixes (Pali); n.iamiya pp. controlled (Pkt.); nemvu~, nimvu~ to fix, appoint, resolve (G.)(CDIAL 7251). Engaged in: niyutta tied to, appointed (Pali); n.iutta engaged in (Pkt.); niyut busy with (Si.); niyukta bound on (AitBr.); appointed (MBh.)(CDIAL 7254). n.io_e_di engages in (Pkt.)(CDIAL 7260). niyata fastened (RV.); controlled (Mn.); devoted to (MBh.); niyata (Pali); n.iaya bound by a vow (Pkt.); nyu~, nyo~ a good wife (Sh.); niyate he granted (OSi.)(CDIAL 7249). nya_ya rule, manner, method (TS.); a_ya method, right means, justice (Pali); n.a_ya (Pkt.); na_ya proper conduct (OG.); naya mode, manner (Si.); n.ia_ga conduct; n.e_a_ia just; naiya_yika studying Nya_ya (Pkt.); nia_u justice (S.); nea_ (L.); nia_u~ (P.); nya_w, nyo (Ku.); niya_ (A.); n(i)ya_w (Bhoj.); nia_u (H.); nya_vo (OM.); nya_v (M.); niya_va way, method (Si.)(CDIAL 7614). anya_ya injustice (R.); anya_yya, anya_yin unjust (Skt.); an.n.a_a unjust; injustice (Pkt.); aniya_ injustice (OSi.); anna unlawful (Si.)(CDIAL 304). niyata adj. pp. of ni + yam restrained, bound to, constrained to, sure (as to the future), fixed (in its consequences), certain, assured, necessary (ariyamaggena niya_mappatta; catumagganiyamena); niyati [cf. niyati (Skt.); ni + yam] necessity, fate, destiny; niyama restraint, constraint, training, self-control; definiteness, certainty, limitation; aniyama indefiniteness, choice, generality; niyamena adv. by necessity, necessarily; niyamato id.; natural law, cosmic order; niyamana fixing, settling, definition; lakkha-niyamana aiming at the target; niyameti to tie down, to fix; niya_ma way, way to an end or aim, esp. to salvation, right way; niya_maka sure of or in, founded in, or leading to; niya_mata_ state of being settled, certainty, reliance, surety, being fixed in; niya_meti to restrain, control, govern, guide; niyoga command, order; necessity; niyoga_ strictly speaking (Pali.lex.) Commissioned; to give into charge: niyutta(ka) adj. pp. of niyujati tied to, appointed to (with loc.), commissioned, ordered; janapade niyutta; da_nadhika_re niyutta; da_ne niyutta; niyya_dita assigned, presented, given, dedicated; niyya_deti to give (back), give into charge, give over, assign, dedicate, to present, denote; niyya_taya_mi; sa_mika_nan ga_vo niyya_deti; niyya_desi = sampat.iccha_pesi (Pali.lex.) niya_maka controlling (MBh.); n.ia_maya controlling (Pkt.)(CDIAL 7253). niyo_ga order (Mn.); tying in: niyo_ga-pa_s'a carriage trace (Skt.); niyo_ga order (Pali); n.io_a order, engagement (Pkt.); niyo_ determination (Si.)(CDIAL 7257). naya conduct, plan (MBh.); conduct (Pali); wisdom (R.); n.aya conduct (Pkt.); niya intellect (Si.)(CDIAL 6965). nayas'a_lin schooled in political wisdom (Skt.); nesa_la school (OG.); nis'a_l. (G.); nesa_li_u scholar (OG.); nis'a_l.iyo (G.)(CDIAL 6969). nya_ya rule, manner, method (TS.); a_ya method, right means, justice (Pali); n.a_ya (Pkt.); na_ya proper conduct (OG.); nayo mode, manner (Si.); n.ia_ga conduct; n.e_a_ia just; naiya_yika studying Nya_ya (Pkt.); nia_u justice (S.); nea~ (L.); nia_u~ (P.); nya_w, nyo (Ku.); niya_ (A.); n(i)ya_w (Bhoj.); nia_u (H.); nya_vo (OM.); nya_v (M.); niya_vu way, method (Si.)(CDIAL 7614). Ship's captain: niya_maka charioteer, sailor (Skt.); nirya_ma sailor (Skt.); n.ijja_maya, n.ijja_vaya (Pkt.); niya_ma, niya_maka ship's captain, pilot (Pali); niyamuva_ pilot, captain (Si.)(CDIAL 7253). ni_yate_ is led, is taken (RV.); ni_yati, niyyati is led away (Pali); niyati (NiDoc.); nijan.u to be carried away (S.)(CDIAL 7551). niyya_ma (ka) [Skt. niya_maka, nirya_ma(ka)] a pilot, helmsman, master mariner, guide (Pali)(Pali.lex.) cf. na_va_yika [Lat. navigo] a mariner, sailor, skipper; na_vika a sailor, mariner; captain; a ferryman (Pali)(Pali.lex.) netar a leader, guide, fore-runner; neti to lead, guide, conduct; to take, carry (away); netta a guide; guidance, anything that guides, a conductor, fig. the eye; sa_rathi_ netta_ni gahetva_ = the reins; dhu_ma-netta for smoke; tamba netta with red eyes; netti a guide, conductor, support; nettika having as guide or fore-runner; a conduit for irrigation; one who makes conduits for watering = udakan nenti nettika_; bhava-nettika the roots of existence, clinging to existence, i.e. fig. that which supplies with food or water; sanettika clinging to existence (Pali)(Pali.lex.) cf. ned to flow or stream over (TS.)(Vedic.lex.) neyya to be led, carried etc. (Pali)(Pali.lex.) Headman; tribal council: a_yam, na_yam, niya_yam justice, law, argument, debate, usage (Ta.); a_yam reason, right, complaint, custom (Ma.); na.ym (obl. na.yt-) justice, decision, dispute; na.ymga.rn headman (Ko.); no.ym (obl. no.yt-) dispute, the tribal council (To.); nya_ya, na_ya, ne_ya right, justice, argument, dispute, quarrel, lawsuit, judgment (Ka.); ne.yan, a.yan dispute (Kod..); nya_ya, na_ya justice, law, quarrel; right, just (Tu.); nya_yamu, na_yamu, ne_yamu method, justice; just (Te.); nya_ya method, fitness, lawsuit, judgment, argument (Skt.); a_ya id. (Pali); n.a_ya, na_ya id. (Pkt.)(DBIA 182). Conduct: ni_ti conduct (Mn.Pali); nitiyam. (As'.); n.i_i, n.itti (Pkt.); niya law (Si.)(CDIAL 7546). nis'a_l. school; nis'a_l.iyo school boy, student (G.)(CDIAL 7548). Master: niyo_gya master (Skt.); neog head peon at the court of Ahom kings (A.)(CDIAL 7258). Appointed: ne_man- person of exemplary conduct (Ira_mana_. Pa_laka_. 1); ne_mam regulation, rule (Kon.t.alvit.u. 8)(Ta.)(Ta.lex.) Appointed; engaged in: ne_maka (Tadbhava of niya_maka) ruling etc.; a rule, an order, an appointment (Ka.); ne_man.uka appointment, as to a post; allowance, stipend (Ka.M.)(Ka.lex.) niyukta bound on (AitBr.); appointed (MBh.); niyutta tied to, appointed (Pali); n.iutta engaged in (Pkt.); niyut busy with (Si.)(CDIAL 7254). n.io_e_di engages in (Pkt.); niyo_je_ti urges (Pali)(CDIAL 7260). ne_mi (-pp-, -tt-), niyami (-pp-, -tt-) to appoint (Tan-ippa_. i,327,26); to conceive (Tiruppu. 598)(Ta.); ne_mam appointment (Ta.); niyamikka to order, appoint; ne_mam rule, service of a raja (Ma.); ne.mc- to select, appoint (Ko.); ne_ma, niyama appointment; ne_misu; niyamisu to appoint (Ka.); ne_maka appointment, determination, choice; ne_misuni to appoint, determine (Tu.); ne_mincu, niyamincu to determine, fix, appoint, commission (Te.)(DBIA 231).

5568.Religious regulation: ne_mamu, ni_mamu rule, religious regulation (Te.); ne_ma_na_ to obey instructions regarding diet in illness; nema_na_ to observe vows (Go.); niyama rule, regulation; agreement, arrangement (Skt.); niyam, nem id. (H.)(DBIA 231). To sanctify: ne~o to sanctify as an officiating priest by fasting, bathing etc., previous to offering a sacrifice; ne~t abstinence from forbidden foods, faith, fidelity, lyalty; ne~te dohoara he has taken a vow of abstinence (Santali) (Santali.lex.) Austerity, penance, vow: namme festival (Kod..); no_mpu any meritorious act of devotion; a festival, esp. the one observed on the 14th day of the 6th lunar month in honour of Ananta; no_mbu fasting among the Mohammedans, fast, penance; no_mbuni to fast; no_hi a meritorious act or vow (Tu.)[cf. ramaza_n (Ta.U.)(Ta.lex.)]; no~_cu to perform an act of religious merit; no~_ta performing a meritorious act; no_mu to perform an act of religious merit; n. vow, meritorious act (Te.); no_l (no_r-p-, no_r-r--) to enxure, suffer patiently as hunger, practice, do penance, practise austerities; n. a means of attaining salvation; no_r-pa_r ascetics, those who practise religious austerities; no_r-pu bearing, endurance, performing penance; no_n- (no_n-p-, no_n-r--) to endure, bear, renounce as secular things, practise austerities; no_n-pi ascetic; no_n-pu, no_mpu ceremonial fasting, abstinence, penance; no_n-r-al patience, endurance; no_n-mai bearing, endurance, tolerance, power, greatness (Ta.); no_lkka (no_r-r--) to fast, lead an austere life; no_npu, no_mpu penance, fasting; no_lpikka to cause to fast (Ma.); no.m(b) period when cloak is covered over head of relative of dead person (three days at green funeral, eight days at dry funeral)(Ko.); no_n (no_nt-) to observe a vow or religious obligation, perform anything as a meritorious act of devotion or austerity; caus. no_nisu; no_mpi, no_mpu any religious act or obligation enjoined by the gods, any meritorious act of devotion or austerity (Ka.)(DEDR 3800).

5569.Fastening: nibandha fastening (R.); grant of property (Ya_j.); literary composition (BhP.); bond; n.ibam.dha (Pkt.); no~d copying into a book (M.); nibadhna_ti binds on (AV.); composes, writes down (Mn.); n.ibam.dhai binds (Pkt.); no~dhvu~ to note down, enter in a book; no~dhi notebook (G.); no~dn.e~ to copy and enter a document (M.)(CDIAL 7223).

5570.Departure: niyya_ti to go out, get out; niyya_na going out, departure; niyya_nika leading out, saving, profitable, sanctifying (Pali)(Pali.lex.)

5571.Exudation of plants: niyya_sa [Skt. nirya_sa] any exudation (of plants or trees), as gum, resin, juice etc.; niyya_sa-rukkha one of the 8 kinds of trees, 360 (paggharita-niyya_sa-rukkha); niva_ya_sa oozing of trees; ikka_sa, nikka_sa 'slime of trees' (Pali)(Pali.lex.) in.am, nin.am fat, flesh, serum; nin.a (-pp-, -nt-/-tt-) to grow fat; nin.ar (-v-, -nt-) to crowd, gather thick (Ta.); nin.am coagulated blood (Ma.); nan.i.g clear fat, lard, fat in belly of animal (Ko.); nen.a fat, marrow (Ka.); nina serum of the flesh, marrow of the bones (Tu.); nenad.u bone marrow (Te.)(DEDR 2921). adinin marrow (Pas'.); eden.d.i_k (Gaw.); e~_tl.i~o~ inner (WPah.)(CDIAL 380). a~_d, a~da_, a~_dan mud, quagmire (H.); andati binds (Dha_tup.)(CDIAL 381). cf. le_n.o mud plaster (for floor or wall)(WPah.); liviu a smear (K.); niuni plasterer's wooden trowel for fine work(B.)(CDIAL 11111). nun.a_vu (nun.a_vi-), nun.a_cu (nun.a_ci-), nun.ai (-pp-, -tt-) to rub and feel with the fingers, feel with the tip of the tongue as the gums or palate (Ta.); non.e to clean with the tongue the teeth of substances lodged between them (Ka.)(DEDR 3702).

5572.One's own: niya one's own [nia-putta = orasaputta] (Pali); niyaka adj. one's own (Pali)(Pali.lex.) nija constant (AV.); innate, of one's own country, one's own (Skt.); nija, niya, niyaka own (Pali); ni genitive affix (NiDoc.); n.ia own (Pkt.); nia (Mth.); niya (OG.)(CDIAL 7181). ne_ili_, ne_ili_n, ne_ili_ always (Wot..)(CDIAL 7182).

5573.Image: gate: niyyu_ha [Skt. niryu_ha] a pinnacle, turret, gate; pa_sa_da-niyyu_ha (Pali)(Pali.lex.) niryu_ha, nirvyu_ha a peg or bracket projecting from a wall to hang or place anything upon (Ka.Skt.); a door (Ka.lex.)