Word Karma
denotes an action that brings back results in this life or in the future life. The
doctrine of karma (karmavada) is based upon the theory of cause and effect. According to
this doctrine, God is not responsible for the pleasure or pain of His creatures. They
suffer or enjoy owing to the consequences of their own bad or good deeds. Stored up karmic forces from past lives is called sanchita karma.
When the karmic forces mature and starts acting on the mind and body, it is called
prarabdha karma. Any action done in this life or its effect is called kriyamana karma or
agami karma.
Karma as a spiritual law, is not adjusted according to our
various and conflicting definitions of success and failure. From an inner standpoint, the
soul's happiness is often the suffering of the ego and the happiness of the ego is often
the suffering of the soul.
Ultimately we must go beyond all karma, good or evil. The
greatest virtue does not seek to change the world or improve us but to rest in harmony
with the peace of what is.
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