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Meditating just a few minutes a day, quiets the mind and lets one experience his/her innerself Looking for Hindu Resources? : Check out The Hindu Universe
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Meditate Daily
How to Meditate

Meditation provides the ability to silence the mind and experience the inner self. Meditation restores natural power to the mind just as charging restores power to a worn out battery. Meditation destroys worries, fear, and stress that people experience in the "cut-throat" competitive environment of modern societies. When the mind becomes quiet, the body becomes quiet too and knows how to repair itself. The following simple technique may be used to meditate daily:
  • Sit in a cross-legged pose on the floor or on a chair with feet flat on the ground. Keep the spine straight and fully relax the body and mind. Your overall feeling should be as if you are sitting on the beach of a calm ocean, on a starry cool night of the summer. Close the eyes and gently focus attention at the center
    between the eyebrows (ajna chakra).
  • Breathe normally (don't force breathing in any way) and say mentally Ră (ă as in father) while inhaling and Mă (ă as in father) while exhaling. Practice this meditation technique 20 to 30 minutes twice daily, in the mornings and evenings, before meals.
  • At the end of the meditation, with the eyes closed and attention focused at the center between the eyebrows, say the following prayer, as recommended by Paramahansa Yogănanda:

"I will reason, I will create, I will do everything I set my mind to do, but Oh Lord, guide my creative abilities to do the right thing that I should do."

This article is taken from Bansi Pandit : Hindu Dharma.

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