(Forum of Nationalist Thinkers)
Our country possesses a hoary and continuous civilization with its abundant material and mental resources. It has its own philosophy of life which enables us to form a concrete opinion and judgement of every aspect of life. That philosophy of life is an organic, holistic or integrated philosophy. To see life, truth and nature as a continuum is the hall mark of our outlook. In contrast, western view of life sees separateness of mind-matter, faith-reform, man-nature, religion-science, etc.
Indiscriminate and rapid spread of the westernised mechanistic civilisation with its cartesian categories, has not only resulted in a crisis of human values in our society, but also endangered the very existence of the human race at large. It is an irony that independent Bharat, instead of learning any lesson from the western experience and following the basic inspiration of her own freedom struggle, has been blindly following the western model.
There is an urgent need to reverse this trend, to take stock of our own moral intellectual resources and use them in a concerted manner to formulate a plan of our own for national regeneration. Thus, it is high time the country needs a powerful moral intellectual movement to:
Present, in modern idiom, the sublime philosophy evolved by the ancient Bharatiya genius and the social system aiming at the evolution of man into a higher being, by pursuing the Indian holistic approach which was based on the concept of a fundamental organic relationship between man, his environment and the cosmic process.
Analyse, assess and suitably re-orient the existing social structure which became badly distorted and disoriented during the prolonged of foreign rule, and a promote a dynamic, forward-looking social setup rooted in our universal Sanatan life-values.
Strive to bring modern science and technology in harmony with Mother nature and higher human values, by encouraging a comparitive study of the scientific and technological knowledge, acquired by mankind during the last few centuries and the Bharatiya perception of nature, science and technology.
Raise the people's thinking from narrow loyalities to the higher loyality to our country, our people, our culture and, indeed, to all mankind.
Strengthen the resolve of the nation to fight against tendencies detrimental to the unity and integrity of the country.
To translate the above aims into practice Prajna Bharati:
-Doctors' Cell
-Engineers' Cell
-Scientists' Cell
-Centre for Development Studies
-Centre for Women Studies
These cells have taken up various activities and projects relating in indigenous science, technology and medicine.
It is proposed to set up an Institute for Research & Study in Indigenous Science & Technology. Prajna Bharati is also taking up field projects for Integrated Rural Development and a model Herbarium for medicinal herbs and plants.
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