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Q&A Forum to Learn Hindu Dharma with Bansi Pandit

Global Hindu Electronic Networks : The Hindu Universe is honored to announce that the distinguished author Shree Bansi Pandit along with several distinguished scholars on Hindu dharma will host a forum titled "What is Meant to be a Hindu" on the Hindu Universe website.

This forum may be accessed by pointing your browser to :

This forum is established to present teachings of the Hindu religious tradition in the form of answers to questions from those who are genuinely interested in understanding the teachings of Hinduism as enshrined in Hindu scriptures. The readers can ask questions relative to the historical, philosophical, ritualistic, social, ethical, yogic and meditational dimensions of Hindu religion. The answers to the questions will be compiled by Bansi Pandit, author of the popular books on Hinduism: The Hindu Mind and Hindu Dharma. Depending upon the nature of the questions asked, Bansi Pandit will seek assistance of the eminent scholars of Hinduism, such as Swami Brahmarupananda, Dr. David Frawley, Professor Subhash Kak, Dr. T. K. Venkateswaran, Professor V. Pandharipande in preparing answers for this forum.

The purpose of this forum is to help both Hindus and non-Hindus, especially younger generation, to develop a better understanding of Hindu religion, the oldest surviving religion in the world. Hindu religion represents a profound philosophy of life that is based upon many noble ideals, such as harmlessness to all creatures (ahimsa), world familyhood (Vasudhaiva kutumbakam), respect for other religions, racial and cultural harmony, reverence for old age, respect for parents, teachers, and elders, and cooperation with_and not exploitation of_the Nature for needed resources. Hindu religion teaches that Truth is one, but paths are many. Hindu scriptures declare that "cows are of different colors, but their milk is of the same color. Beneath all different colors of the skins, lies the blood of the same color." Devoid of dogma, blind faith or fanaticism, Hindus act out of love for God and not out of His fear. Hindu religion is a God-loving religion and not God-fearing one.

In today's society where family values are deteriorating rapidly, elders are made to feel useless, unwanted, and burdensome, crime is on the rise, individual, social and spiritual values are declining, and the environment is deteriorating, it is essential to teach the lofty ideals of the ancient wisdom to the younger generation. To help them live harmoniously with themselves and with rest of the creation, they must be told what is good and noble in life, as taught by Hindu sages and saints.

The Hindu Universe :

is a comprehensive site on Hindu dharma sponsored by Global Hindu Electronic Networks (GHEN). Hindu Universe co-sponsors Mandir : Hindu Temples Reference Center :

a on-line events calander

GHEN is also hosts a site dedicated to History and Freedom movement of India :

GHEN is a project of Hindu Students Council (HSC).

HSC is the largest organization of Hindu students outside of India, it has over 50 chapters in USA and Canada.

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