Re: A sloka on Saraswathy
In article <2n7plc$jk@ucunix.san.uc.edu> srik@lig.di.epfl.ch (Srikanth Satya P. Bandi) writes:
>There is a sloka on goddess Saraswathy which goes like this:
> Saraswathy namastubhyam Varade Kama rupini
> ....
vidyarambam karishyami siddhir bhavathu me satha
That's how it goes
>I don't remember the rest of it. Could somebody post the
>full sloka and also the related slokas on her? There were
>several in a school prayer which I learnt years ago.
>Srikanth E-mail: srik@ligsg2.epfl.ch or bandi@di.epfl.ch
>Fax: +41-21-693-5328 Tel: +41-21-693-5248
>EPFL, DI-LIG, INJ, CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)
There is one sloka starting like this:
Ya kunthethu ..
Do you mean this one and do you want this?