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Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Path: kumar
From: kumar@caddac1.uwaterloo.ca (M. Jagadesh Kumar)
Subject: Resolution on Ayodhya by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha of RSS
Message-ID: <Cnw0Jw.2oD@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca>
Sender: news@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca
Organization: University of Waterloo
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 11:43:08 GMT

    Resolution on Ayodhya by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha of RSS

Among several issues, the following resolution was passed by the Akhil
Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha of RSS at its meeting held on 13 March 94.

Resolution on Ayodhya:

The issue regarding the birthplace of Bhagawan Shri Ramalalla the object of
devotion for millions of Hindus has moved not only the Rambhaktas worldwide but
also other sections of the society. Although supported by irrefutable evidence
and because of the unshakable faith of Rambhaktas it is self-evident that the
birth place of Shri Rama is the spot at the temple in Ayodhya where pooja is
offered without a break. For over 450 years a continuos fight has been going on
to liberate the site.

In the on-going struggle recently lakhs of Rambhaktas courted arrest, thousands
were injured and a large number of them became martyrs. For the reconstruction
of the temple at Ramajanmabhoomi 110 million people performed shilapoojan in
three lakh villages, 62.5 million people offered Rs. 1.25 each for the
re-construction of the temple. Besides India 34 other countries sent in
Ramshilas as taken to their faith. Last year a memorandum signed by 97 million
people was submitted to the President of India, demanding that only the temple
be constructed at Ramajanmabhoomi. It is highly improper to leave undecided
such a popular issue, involving the people's faith.

The Pratinidhi Sabha urges the Central Government that it should not try the
patience of the Hindu society and promptly hand over the acquired peice of land
to Shri Ramajanmabhoomi Nyas and declare the spot as the birth-place of Lord
Rama. The Pratinidhi Sabha fully endorses the resolution concerning the
reconstruction of the Shri Ramajanmabhoomi temple.

It is regrettable that the Viswa Hindu Parishad, which has been spearheading
the movement for the reconstruction of the temple at Ramajanmbhoomi has been
banned since the last year and a quarter. For a healthy democracy it is
imperaative that an ideology is opposed only at an ideological level and not by
repression. There is nothing but Government's policy of appeasement of Muslims
behind the ban of VHP.

Last year a Tribunal had declared illegal the ban on RSS and Bajrang Dal and in
view of the number of noble activities conducted by the VHP it was then hoped
that Government would soon lift the ban on the VHP. The Government however has
taken no such step.

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha earnestly requests the Govt. that with due
respect to the wishes of the judicial authority the ban on VHP be lifted
without delay. At the same time the Sabha also calls upon all Hindu
organisations to arouse public opnion against this unconstitutional act of the
Government, so as to activate the Government towards lifting the ban.

Courtesy: Oragniser, March 27, 1994.

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