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Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Path: kumar
From: kumar@caddac1.uwaterloo.ca (M. Jagadesh Kumar)
Subject: Dunkel Draft: A Proposal for Economic Colonialism (2/2)
Message-ID: <Con4oL.Hur@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca>
Sender: news@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca
Organization: University of Waterloo
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 03:07:32 GMT

 Dunkel Draft: A Proposal for Economic Colonialism (2/2)

(Resolution passed by the Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha of
RSS which met on 11, 12, 13 March '94 at Nagpur.)

 The foreign companies equipped with their huge publicity
and propaganda engine will puff up consumerism, the all destructive 
bane of Western life style, and destroy our great holistic cultural
values. The foreign institutions will get unfettered freedom to 
indulge in exploitation of the country. The natural resources will
gradually drift into the hands of the foreigners. The
country will be forced to amend all its laws 
relating to banking, insurance, services, patents and indus-
try. It would be a matter of utter disgrace that
the accused will have to prove his innocence in 
foreigners' courts. 

  It is our country's misfortune that our Government, which is 
neithercompetent to effect favourable changes in the proposals 
nor put up strong resistance to them, is falsely projecting 
the proposals as being beneficial for the country, being 
scared of an open debate on them.

 It is a matter of satisfaction that farmers, traders, 
students, workers, consumers, scientists and environmentalists all
over the country are active in exposing the real ugly face of
the Dunkel Proposals and are opposing them. The conspiracy to
mortgage the sovereignty of the country must be resisted with
full vigour and from every quarter.

  The Pratinidhi Sabha calls upon the Government to respond to
the country's enraged feeling over the matter and refuse to sign
the proposals and make infructuous the imperialistic conspiracy
of throwing the country into the clutches of economic colonialism.

 Several countries of the world are resisting the bullying 
tactics of United States of America through the backdoor of the
Dunkel Proposals. In fact India should have led the developing
countries to save themselves from this crisis. But the
Government of such a great nation as ours, by not fulfillng 
its obligation, has not only belied their expectations but has 
demonstrated its own weakness. Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha 
also demands the Government to publish a White Paper on GATT 
rounds (since 1982).

 The Sabha is of the opinion that the vow of swadeshi and 
intense nationalism alone can provide self-reliance and self-
respect to the country. India had carried on its struggle of
independence against foreign domination on the basis of these
very lofty ideals. The enormous latent energies of the 
people certainly get roused when this goal is pursued.

 The Pratinidhi Sabha appeals to the people of our country
to symbolically display the swadeshi spirit by boycotting the
foreign consumer products such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi-cola, Colgate
and actively participate in all the nationalist actions and 
campaigns of Swadeshi Jagaran movement and thereby strengthen 
the swadeshi spirit. The expression of people's indomitable 
nationalist power alone can save the future generations of Bharat 
from the conspiracy of imperialists.

Courtesy: The Organiser.


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