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HCS Annual Camp 1994 June 30 to July 4, 1994 , Oxford, Ohio.

                    Hindu Students Council
      (Sponsored by Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, Inc.)
43 Valley Road, Needham, MA 02192. Tel : (617)227-3023. Fax: (617)444-8725
                  The Fourth Annual National Camp
                    At Camp America,  Oxford, Ohio
      5:00 PM June 30 - 2:00 PM July 4, 1994

1. Camper's Name : First___________________Middle________Last_________________
2. Permanent Address : _______________________________________________________
3. Permanent Phone :(___) ___-___  4. Sex : M [ ] F [ ] 5. DOB ___/___/19 ___
6. University : ________________________7. Major ______  8.Graduation Yr._______
9. Campus Address : _____________________________________________________
10.Status: Fresh [ ],Soph [ ], Jr.[ ], Sr. [ ], Grad [ ].
11.Campus Phone : (____)_____-_____ 9. E-Mail ______________________________
12.Where should we send mail through the summer ?
   (Please inform of any change of Address)  [   ] Campus, [   ] Home.
13.Person to be contacted in case of any EMERGENCY :
   Name :________________________________  Phone # (___)____-_______
   Address : _______________________________________________________________
14.Have you attended any HSC/VHP camps before? [ ]Yes, [ ] No
15.Your Interests :
     a) I would like to learn/discuss the following topics in the camp :
      b) What would you like to do in the cultural program ? : _____________
16.I am a member of Hindu Students Council , my membership # : _________________
   I would like to  [ ] be a member , [ ] renew my member ship

   Membership Fee :
   [ ] $15-1year, [ ] $28-2years, [   ] $40-3years, [   ] $50-4years


1. Medical Insurance :Company Name ____________________ Policy # _____________
   Address : ______________________ _________________________________________
   Personal Physician's Name : _____________________ Phone # (___)___ - _____
2. Diseases : Have you ever had: [ ] Chicken Pox, [ ] Mumps, [ ]
   German Measles, [ ] Whooping Cough, Other :
   (Describe) __________________________________________
3. Allergies : [ ] Insect Stings, [ ] Ivy, Oak etc., [ ] Asthma,
   Food : ______________________________________________
   Drugs : _________________________________________________________________
4. Chronic or Recurring diseases :[ ] Heart diseases, [ ] Diabetes,
				  [ ] Convulsions,  [ ] Ear infection,
				  [ ] Behavioral Disorder,
   other : _________________________________________________
5. Activities : Encouraged : _________________________________________________
		Restricted : _________________________________________________
6. Dietary Regimen (Only Vegetarian Food is Served) :
7. I will notify the camp coordinator  about my medical problems requiring
   special medication upon arrival at the campsite.

Priority of acceptance : Space and number of campers is limited. Acceptance is
given strictly on the priority of completed applications being received with
all the forms and  proper fees . All details MUST  be filled out. Incomplete
forms will not be considered for registration. Please Print All Information

Refund Policy: If this office is notified in writing no later than
	       June 25, 1994 the camp fee less a $25.00 deduction
	       (non- Refundable processing fee) per application will be
Fees: Campers fees should be paid in full with application. A separate check
      should be written out for membership. These fees includes a $25.00
      non-refundable processing fee. If you are not a member take advantage
      now and be a member of a great students movement,  we encourage four
      year membership. Please make checks payable to Hindu Students Council.

Designation          Duration             Member             Non-Member

Full Time (Early) June 30th - July 4th      $  80.00           $ 100.00

Full Time (Late)  June 30th - July 4th      $ 100.00           $ 120.00

Part Time (Early) July 2nd - July 4th       $  70.00           $  90.00
Part Time (Late)  July 2nd - July 4th       $  90.00           $ 110.00

Note : If you plan to come on the 1st of July you will still have to pay
full time camp fee . The last date for early registration is June 6th 1994,
no registration forms will be accepted after 20th  June, 1994 .

A.  I will be responsible for transportation to and from the camp.
B.  I hereby release Hindu Students Council, and VHP , Inc., from any
    liability for any accidents or injuries I may incur while traveling
    to and from the camp and / or while attending the camp.
C.  In the event of emergency where treatment by a doctor is necessary, I
    here by give permission for a representative of Hindu Students Council to
    authorize physican (s) and hospital personnel to give me anesthesia and/or
    perform whatever medical and/or surgical treatment deemed necessary at
    such time in my best inerest.
D.  I and/or my health  insurance company is completely responsible to carry
    all the expenses necessary for any kind of medical or surgical treatment
    during the camp.

1. Except with the permission of the Camp Coordinator, no camper(s) can
   leave the campsite until camp is officially concluded.
2. Campers are not allowed to bring food and  any kind of drinks with them
   to the camp.
3. Carrying expensive materials such as jewelry and cameras is not recommended,
 and is the sole responsibility of the
4. Campers are not allowed to bring any kind of radio, cassette player or TV
   to the Campsite.
5. Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages or drugs (except for those
   prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons) is strictly prohibited.
6. Hindu Students Council has a No-Smoking policy, you are not allowed to
   smoke at the campsite.
7. Gambling, fighting, harassment of other participants  or use of indecent,
   abusive, discriminatory or threatening languages or such  behavior may result
 in expulsion from camp.
8. Participants shall not change, temporarily or permanently, their allotted
   cabin/accommodations without prior approval of the Camp Accomodation
9. Except for a valid medical reason and/or an alternate assignment, each
   camper is expected to participate in all scheduled programs and activities.
10.Campers shall abide by all safety rules. Safety rules will be explained
   and discussed at the campsite.
11.Campers must be in their designated cabins/accommodation after midnight.
12.Camp Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any registration.

I hereby apply for admission to the Fourth Annual National Camp organized by
the Hindu Students Council. I have fully read and understood the afore said
information (Instructions, Campers Consent, and Camp Guiedelines) and do
hereby agree to abide by them. All the Information provided in this document
is true to the best of my knowledge.
X___________________      __________     _______________________________
(Campers signature)         (Date)       Name as it appears in signature :

Amount of campers application fee: $ __________   Check No : _________

Amount of membership fee (if any): $__________    Check No:  _________

Note : Confirmation letter, directions and other instructions will be mailed
to you upon acceptance of registration.

	Please remit completed applications with necessary fees to :
			Hindu Students Council Camp IV
		    4657 Crompton Drive, Columbus , OH 43220

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