(fwd) Intellectual Fascism in India - part II - Article
by J. Mahajan, April 24, 1994
Fascism as we generally know deals with the suppression of
opposing political view points with violent repression. But what about
policies and tactics which use the power of institutions and academic
positions to suppress opposing view points. What about the denial of free
speech to opposing view points by clouding the speaker or the group in
controversy created by lies, propaganda and protest politics.
India suffers from Intellectual Fascism. Any view, any idea, any
analysis which does not subscribe to this brand of Leftist/Socialist
/Marxist subaltern analysis of events in India and around the world,
events in the past and in the present, is rejected. The author of the
article is branded as a reactionary, a communalist, a capitalist or
simply a upper caste agent. This pattern has often been repeated in
History departments, Sociology departments, Journalism, Economics
schools, cultural institutions. Young Phd's seeking a lecturer position
in well funded (by the Center) and influential Universities are denied
the post if he or she does not comply or subscribe to any of the
positions held by the Marxist/socialist/leftist intellectuals position.
I know of instances when news reporters were denied job by the editorial
board who did not approve of the young journalism majors
political/economic opinions.
So today the intellectuals in these fields
due to demand from the bosses of these institutions, academic and
otherwise, write and say what the intellectual establishment demands. It
is their career, their survival at stake. Arun Shourie calls it
Nehruvian careerists. Mediocrity, politics has become the hall mark
of the intellectual scene. With the scarcity of research funds and
positions in these academic institutions. A small gang of career
intellectuals sitting in airconditioned offices of the University Grant
Commission (UGC), Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) dictate
as to who receives the reserach grant and for what project. No wonder
that in the last 45 years it is the Indian Government funded educational
institutions and journalists/columnists who have controlled and decided
what Indians will read and listen and know. History is written to suit
subaltern analysis to serve the class conflict view point. Anthropology
and sociology projects study caste divisions and promote them through
theories an analogy with class exploitation. Any critique of these
theories is not allowed to be published in academic journals.
Let me give you some statistics. 80 % of College Professors
Associations are controlled by groups owing allegiance to or subscribing
to Socialist/Marxist ideologies. How this is acheived is quite simple.
If only those individuals who are assciated with any of these groups are
offered a job as a College professor of the Humanities studies then soon
in 45 years one ends up with the entire teaching staff which is Marxist/
sociolist. In Calcutta today it is almost impossible to get a job today
as a Professor without knowing the Finance Minister of West Bengal mr.
Asim Dasgupta. Mr. Dasgupta is still a professor in one of Calcutta's
colleges. The Marxists completely dominate the Colleges. So it is no
surprise that majority of the Secularists in America leading the
propaganda campaign against Hindus are either from Marxism dominated
West Bengal or Kerala. Even in Industrial and Shiv Sena controlled
Bombay, the Socialists control the College Teachers Union.
This control of our Academic Institutions and News Media by the
Marxists and Socialists amounts nothing short of Intellectual Fascism.
The Jawaharlal Nehru University is a classic example and the power
center and headquarters of the Intellectual Fascists. Here Socialist
Nehrus statue has been replaced by that of Comrade Ho Chi Minh. Radical
Naxalites are indoctrinated by tax payers money and sent to do
propaganda in all parts of India. Many of these JNU products have also
migrated to America and also dominate the Indian/South Asian Studies
Department in America. I have come across many instances where students
writing a paper on Indian politics have received bad grades because they
wrote favorably for Hindu cultural nationalism. The message that
emanates by the perpetrators of these Intellectual fascists is quite
Indians can ignore these Fascists only at their own peril. The
present day propaganda campaign is led and financed by these
Intellectual Fascists. It is the misuse and gross abuse of their academic
position that must be challenged. These elite intellectuals are a
product of 4 decades of dominance of marxist/socialist view point in
Indian academia. Even in the Ramjanmabhoomi dispute it was the JNU
historians who insisted and churned out lies after lies to prove that
"No temple existed which was destroyed by Babar at the Ramjanmabhoomi
site" These lies were then picked up as the objective truth by Marxist
journalists in the media.
Continued in part III - How to counter INtellectual Fascism