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Previous Chapters of Bhagwad Gita Now Available

The Hindu Digest/Alt.Hindu Mailserver has an archieve of all the
parts of Shree Bhagwad Gita As It Is.

In order to access these, please send a mail to :

with no subject and the message containing the following line(s)

get scriptures/sp_bg_asitis/introduction
get scriptures/sp_bg_asitis/chapter1
get scriptures/sp_bg_asitis/chapter2
get scriptures/sp_bg_asitis/chapter3
get scriptures/sp_bg_asitis/chapter4

more parts will be added as they become available

ALso available is Bhagwad Gita poetic rendering.  To obtain that send 
the mail:

get scriptures/bhagvad_gita

If someone has time/resources etc. we would be glad to provide
access and space for other Hindu scriptures (Upanishads, Ramayana,
Vedas), Jain, Budhist and Sikh scriptures.


ajay shah
for alt.hindu

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