Re: Hindu/Christian Relationship
To: alt-hindu@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Re: Hindu/Christian Relationship
From: lulla@athena.mit.edu (Jayant Lulla)
Date: 10 Jun 1994 05:56:11 GMT
Distribution: world
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
References: <2t312q$qat@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
What you say is true - there is very little that discourages
marriages between Hindus and Christians.
The only argument I can think of is that a child of such a
marriage would be under a bit of a burden - he would have to
be familiar with both the Bible and the Gita. Sundays would also
be a bit of a problem since he would have to shuffle Church and
Temple visits. Finally, when he is asked to check the box for
religious preference, he would have to check both Christianity and
Hinduism or flip a coin or alternate preferences...
- my $.02 worth !