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re: avatars...(Sai Baba)

>Satya Sai Baba is perhaps one of the best propagandists this world
>has ever come by...
>Unquestioning devotees such as the one quoted above simply
>propagate further incredulous stories about this man...

Who or what told you I'm "unquestioning"?  I have questioned Sai Baba
at least as much as anyone else I can recall.

I'm not talking hear-say (like you and many others) - I'm talking
MY OWN GENUINE EXPERIENCE. I have spoken often to Sai, been in a
15ft x 15ft room ALONE with Him for over 20 minutes - on more than one
occasion...  Why elaborate?  In short, I didn't form my opinions of
Him after reading some newspaper or news-article.

Do you need the opinion of a newspaper reporter to convince you that
your father wishes your welfare?  I trust you don't.
In the same way, I laugh at all those who bring me newspaper clippings
and news-group posts talking cynically about Sai. I don't expect you
to be convinced of His divinity because I am.  And you shouldn't.  Go
see for yourself.

You talk of devotees becoming attached to him as "cult members".
Do you even know what you're talking about or do you just read
sensational tabloids and repeat those headlines here?  Here's who
have recognized Sai's divinity.

1. Sri Swami Sivananda (Founder, Divine Life Society, Rishikesh)
He first met Sri Sathya Sai Baba in 1962, not too long before his
Mahasamadhi.  There's a photo of him touching Sai's feet.  It is
said he recognized Sathya Sai as an avatar immediately upon seeing
Him for the first time.

2.  Sri Swami Chidananda and Sri Swami Satchidananda
Direct disciples of Swami Sivananda.  Chidananda ji is the present
president of the Divine Life Society.  One may meet him at Rishikesh.
These two sanyasins were first among the Sivananda disciples to
accept Sathya Sai as God.

3. Sri Aurobindo, Aurobindo Ashram (Pondicherry)
Sri Aurobindo came out of meditation on Nov. 24, 1926 and declared
that "Krishna had descended into the physical plane". He declared
that day as the 'day of victory' as God had descended on Earth to
save mankind.  Sri Aurobindo's life-aim was to bring down the SuperSoul
into the physical plane.  He said that he had achieved it that day.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba was born the previous night, Nov. 23, 1926.
Sri Aurobindo met Sri Sathya Sai 'in the physical plane' later.

4. Among other devotees are:
Sunil Gavaskar (cricketer, India),
P. V. Narsimha Rao (PM, India),
S. D. Sharma (President, India),
P. Venkataraman (former President),
Prof. G. Venkataraman (eminent physicist of India),
Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma (Santoor Artist), Pt. Bhimsen Joshi (singer),
Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia (flute artist),
Smt. M. S. Subbalakshmi (south indian vocalist),
Mr. Nani Palkhivala (eminent statesman of India),
Mr. P.N. Bhagavati (chief justice of India), Mr. B. D. Jatti,
Dr. K.M. Munshi (of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan) ... and many more.

Are these people crazed "cult members"?  I suggest you research your
opinions a litte more - I mean genuine research - see for YOURSELF.

I write all this to tell you (and others out there) that those who
believe in Sai Baba are not weaklings. Quite the contrary.
You would understand why I even bother telling others about Sai Baba if
if you realized that Lord Vishnu was on Earth RIGHT NOW - and that's
something that only the maturing of your Karma can bring about...

If you want to debate further, you're welcome to e-mail me.

>The short answer is -- no one man on this earth can give you
No one said so.  Sai Baba is GOD.

SriKrishna Darbha
4th year Electrical Engg.
U. of Waterloo, ON, CANADA

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