A Penny In Need Is A Dollar Indeed
The HSC Chapter of Auburn University recently conducted a Penny Drive. The drive
has been a huge success. We have netted a total amount of $130.31. This amount would be sent to SEVA BHARATHI, a voluntary organisation, which manages Orphanages, runs residential schools in tribal areas and imparts vocational training.
I take this oppurtunity to thank all of the karyakartas for the help rendered incollecting and counting (the most tedious job) the pennies.
I am also happy to say that some of the patrons suggested that a similar kind
of program be taken up on a regular basis so that any kind of welfare activity
initiated, can be sustained. One of the recommended ones is donating a Dollar
or two every month.
The HSC committe of Auburn University would discuss this proposal fully and cometo a decision.
I hope to have your co-operation in any of the future endeavours.
Once again, I thank every body for the support given.
Karanam Srinivas Kumar,
(HSC Co-ordinator, Auburn University)