Re: Great Contribution of Backward Classes to Hinduism & India
To: editor@rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu
Subject: Re: Great Contribution of Backward Classes to Hinduism & India
From: Name Withheld By Request: Posted By editor
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 94 16:18:23 EDT
Jaladhar Vyas in one of the replies said that Swadhyay is not a revolution,
silent or otherwise.
I think it was Shyam Benegal who called Swadhyay as the 'silent revolution'
after 6 months of field research for his movie "Antarnaad' which relates
transformation of a village of robbers, a village of smugglers and
transformation of the Swadhyay volunteers themselves. All the stories
in the movie are real, only village names & character names are changed.
So Jaladhar please do not judge a movement by some small group in Jersey
city you came across. I think 15,000 villages and 6 million swadhyayees
are significant numbers.
Many of the ideas are basic, simple and hence revolutionary. Some of these
are Matsya Gandha boats built by fishermen in 27 villages, Yogeshwar krishi,
Van Mandirs etc, etc.
It is against Swadhyay's principles to advertise there way, that is why you
don't see it flashed across headlines. It is for this reason I was cryptic
in earlier note about Swadhyay. All I will suggest is readers should see
"Antarnaad' to form any impression. By the way Antarnaad represents a third
party view of Swadhyay. Swadhyay did not invite Shyam Benegal, they did not
fund the movie.