Iskcon prasadam at WorldUnityFest?
Hari bol! if there are any devotees out there
who would like to help feed prasadam to the
thousands, (and posibly hundreds of thousands)
of national and international guests attending
the world unity festival Aug.22-28 near
flagstaff AZ, this would be greatly needed!
please network and coordinate to attend! we
really need some kitchens out here, the
Jaganath dieties would be honored (posibly
on their return from rathayatra) and there
are already planned some large kirtans. it
would be great for as many to come and par-
ticipate that can! for more info about the
current status of the event check
news alt.org.food-not-bombs or to contact
local organizers for this event contact:
the phoenix house 316 W.Phoenix st.
flagstaff, AZ 86001 phone 602 774-0340