First HSC camp in California
The first two day camp of the California chapters of Hindu Students Council
was held in the camp Campbell at Bouldercreek in Northern California from 16-18
September. The camp attracted students from San Francisco bay area, Los Angels
area and San Diego. The camp brought together many second generation Indian
students interested in learning about their Hindu heritage.
Swami Chidananda, Achaarya of Chinmaya Mission at San Jose, exposed these
students to a treatise on Bhagvat Geeta. The emphasis of his discourse was on
ways to achieve absolute happiness as described in Geeta and Hindu Dharma.
The camp participant took part in yoga classes, sports activities like
basketball, frisbee, swimming, boating and exercises. These activities were
designed to help students get to know each other better, learn the team
spirit, leadership skills and their heritage as well. A Group discussion on
'Hindu Student Council- Vision and Mission' was conducted by Dr. Ajay Shah of
San Diego. Students participated in the discussions and explored the ways to
be more effective in term of spreading the message as it would be beneficial
for their fellow students who are consistently at loss to reconcile and
explain their own heritage to others.
The evening was capped by the campfire at the night where students engaged in
singing, antakshari and charade. The final day Yoga session was conducted by
Mr. Vijay Ruikar, who also narrated to students the colourful and glorious
history of India. The session was followed by an open group discussion on the
social dilemmas faced by teen-agers such as dating, queries about their
religious beliefs and God etc.
The total experience of the camp was best summed up by a camper who remarked,
"the camp gave me an opportunity to mingle with friends who share the common
ideals and values. I have many more brothers and sisters now."
Hindu Students Council is an international forum dedicated to bring together
the hindu students and disseminate the hindu culture, heritage and values.
Since its inception four years ago, It has already grown to thirty registered
chapters in the Universities across US and Canada. The organization reaches
out to more than five thousand youths through its various programs.
For more information on HSC and its activities call (617) 227-3023 or email
For activities in California, please call (408) 253-6160 or
email dheeraj@hurricane.seas.ucla.edu or
Ajay Shah at ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu