Section: 3 >>>>>> Continued from last message >>>>>>>
consumer. Meat-eating contributes to a mentality of violence,
for with the chemically complex meat ingested, one absorbs the
slaughtered creature's fear, pain and terror. These qualities
are nourished within the meat-eater, perpetuating the cycle of
cruelty and confusion. When the individual's consciousness
lifts and expands, he will abhor violence and not be able to
even digest the meat, fish, fowl and eggs he was formerly
consuming. India's greatest saints have confirmed that one
cannot eat meat and live a peaceful, harmonious life. Man's
appetite for meat inflicts devastating harm on the earth itself,
stripping its precious forests to make way for pastures. The
Tirukural candidly states, 'How can he practice true compassion
who eats the flesh of an animal to fatten his own flesh? Greater
than a thousand ghee offerings consumed in sacrificial fires is
not to sacrifice and consume any living creature.' "
Amazingly, I have heard people define vegetarian as a diet which
excludes the meat of animals but does permit fish and eggs. But
what really is vegetarianism? Vegetarian foods include grains,
fruits, vegetables, legumes and dairy products. Natural, fresh
foods, locally grown without insecticides or chemical
fertilizers are preferred. A vegetarian diet does not include
meat, fish, fowl or eggs. For good health, even certain
vegetarian foods are minimized: frozen and canned foods, highly
processed foods, such as white rice, white sugar and white
flour; and "junk" foods and beverages-those with abundant
chemical additives, such as artificial sweeteners, colorings,
flavorings and preservatives.
In my forty years of ministry it has become quite evident t
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*-=Om Shanti=-* Jai Maharaj
jai maharaj |_|_|_|_| mantra corporation
jyotishi, vedic astrologer |_| |_| vedic prediction sciences
jaimaharaj@mcimail.com |_|_ _|_| telex 6505614754
mci mail 561-4754 | | | | | voicemail +1 808 948 4357