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Re: superstitions

In article <3945t2$lv2@ucunix.san.uc.edu> vijaypai@rice.edu (Vijay  
Sadananda Pai) writes:

> In contrast, look at the first nonviolent protest movement in India,
> lead by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu against the Chand Kazi [Muslim
> magistrate of Nadia district]. Not only did Chaitanya convince
> the Kazi to allow the Hare Krishna movement to "sing the praises
> of the Lord" in public areas, he also brought the Kazi to join
> the sankirtan movement.
> Later Gaudiya Vaisnava acaryas, such as Srinivasa Acarya, also
> converted kings, thus bringing whole kingdoms into the fold.

Well, Vidyaranya did not just convert kings, he made a king and an empire,  
so that the dharma was protected against invaders. As I said earlier, no  
religious leaders or groups have a monopoly on this. When an advaitin gets  
involved politically, you hold it against him and say that he is not  
interested in dharma. When a Vaishnava acharya does it, you are all praise  
for him. Nice double standards, this. 

> Some people respond well to abrasion (such as, for example, my good
> friend Krishna Susarla). But I wouldn't say that Krishna was being
> particularly abrasive in his post, certainly not as much as the angry
> "Everything is ok" attitude of the mayavadis on this group.

Most don't respond well to abrasion. In fact, most resent abrasion. Also,  
everything is not ok. For example, your narrow-mindedness is not. And who  
were the people that got angry by calling "mayavadis" toothless, morons,  
idiots etc.? 

> So why does he care?  The Vaisnava cannot stand to see anybody
> suffer, and he knows that the meateater will suffer regardless of
> what body he may get (as stated in the Mahabharata).

Utter sanctimoniousness. So is the fanatic Muslim and the right wing  
Christian who wants to "save" souls for Allah and for Jesus. Let the  
meateater suffer till he realizes his own suffering, and comes to a proper  
guru. You do not claim to be gurus, do you? No amount of shouting on your  
part can save anybody. Forget the frills, and let the Lord do all the  
saving in this world. 

> |> reason that you are jealous of the visibility of the Ramakrishna  
> Krishna belongs to a group that's far more visible than RK mission,
> so why would he care?

Surely there are different kinds of visibility. In any case, that he  
"cares" is what I wonder. As you yourself say, why would he? 

> |> S. Vidyasankar
> -- Vijay

S. Vidyasankar

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