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Need Info: Indian Mythology and culture

Dear Rajiv
	You can call up any of the Vedanta Centers and ask for their
catalogue. You can also ask them about books on Hindu mythology.
However, if you want to know a summary of Hindu religion I suggest
-- The spiritual Heritage of India-- by Swami Prabhavananda.

 	The telephone numbers of some of the centers are as follows:
 New York Center      (212) 877 9197
 Boston Center        (617) 536 5320
 Los Angeles Center   (213) 465 7114
 		     (213) 856 0322
 San Francisco Center (415) 922 2323
 Chicago Center	(312) 363 0027

 St. Louis Center (314) 721 5118

 Portland Center (503) 235 3919

 Providence Center (401) 421 3960

 Seattle Center (206) 323 1228

 Toronto Center (416) 566 5775

 Best wishes

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