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citta/buddhi/manas/vijnana ?

	I am a westerner involved in yoga practice.  I also read various 
books on yoga and am confused on the differences between:  citta, buddhi, 
manas and vijnana.  Various books give various and overlapping 
definitions and translations of these words.

	In English, of course, we have consciousness, intellect, 
judgment, perception and so forth.  These words do not have any standard 
or precise defintions.  Because, however, the yoga tradition is so 
ancient and so thoroughly documented, and because forms of consciousness 
are the subject of intense investigation, it seems possible that the 
usage of the Sanskrit terms is better defined.

	I will thank you for any discussion of this topic.

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    Bob Kovsky          |  A Natural Science of Freedom 
    kovsky@netcom.com   |  Materials available by anonymous ftp
                        |  At ftp.netcom.com/pub/freeedom
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