Devanagari fonts
You may have an interest in the following notice. Pass on to others as you
deem appropriate. This is a MARVELOUS font set!!
Now available a complete representation of Devanagari alphabet supporting
North Indian languages including Hindi, Marathi, Nepali and Sanskrit.
Contains all vowels, vowel accents, consonants and compound characters.
Available in TrueType and PostScript for Microsoft Windows. Macintosh
version will be available in early 1995. Regular Price Only $198.00, Sales
Tax (California only) plus $ 5.00 (S&H, $15.00 Overseas airmail). 30%
DISCOUNT available for Education (Student, Faculty, Staff, Admin), Government
(Federal, State and Local), & Computer User Groups.
Latitude International™
1749 Killdeer Court
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Telephone: (408) 257-6461
FAX: (408) 255-7518
Provide me your name and (snail) mailing address & I will have further
information (w/examples of fonts) sent to you.