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Shaivism, Shaktism, Vaishnavism, Smarta Hinduism

     GOALS: The primary goal of Shaivism is Moksh, Mukti or Veedu,
realizing one's identity with God Shiv, in perfect union and
non-differentiation, thus gaining liberation from the cycles of
birth and death.  This is also termed Nirvakalp Samadhi and may be
attained in this life.  A secondary goal is Shalvakalp Samadhi or
experience of God Shiv as Satchidanand or pure consciousness.  The
soul's final destiny is to merge with God Shiv.

     GOALS: The primary goal of Shaktism is Moksh, defined as
complete identification with God Shiv.  A secondary goal for the
Shaktas is to perform good works selflessly so that one may go, on
death, to the heaven worlds and thereafter enjoy a good birth on
Earth, for heaven too is a transitory state.  For Shaktas God is
both the formless Absolute (Shiv) and the manifest DIvine (Shakti,
Durga or Kali), but stress is given to the feminine manifest by
which the masculine unmanifest is ultimately reached.

     GOALS: The primary goal of the Vaishnavites is termed Videh
Mukti, defined as liberation -- attainable only after death -- when
the self realizes blissful union with God's body as part of Him,
yet maintains its pure individual personality.  Lord Vishnu is God
-- all-pervasive consciousness and the soul of the universe,
distinct from the world and from the Jeev which constitute His
body.  A secondary goal -- the experience of God's Grace -- can be
reached while yet embodied through taking refuge in God's unbounded

     GOALS: The ultimate goal of Smarta/Liberal Hinduism is Mukti,
to realize oneself as Brahman -- the Absolute and only Reality --
and become free from Sansaar.  For this one must conquer the state
of avidya, or ignorance, which causes the world to appear as real.
All illusion has vanished for the realized being (Jeevanmukta).  At
death, his bodies are extinguished.  Brahman alone exists.

Excerpts from HINDUISM TODAY.
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international journal Hinduism Today published since 1979,
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*-=Om Shanti=-*  Jai Maharaj
                 Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer

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