Re: superstitions (2 of 2)
Subject: Re: superstitions (2 of 2)
From: manish@cadence.com (Manish Tandon)
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 1994 22:51:08 GMT
Apparently-To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
From news@cadence.com Thu Nov 17 17: 42:07 1994
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Sender: news@cadence.com
The Omniscient Mani Varadarajan <mani@srirangam.esd.sgi.com> spake:
|> Manish Tandon (manish@cadence.com) writes:
|> > Veda Vyasa wrote the Bhagvatam (I dont care what your great scholarly
|> > Meemakshas have to say on this), and he called the Puranas and the itihas
|> > as the fifth Veda.
|> The Bhagavata Purana was composed in the 9th-10th centuries AD
|> by Southern Vaishnavas who were greatly influenced by the Tamil
|> saints known as the Alvars. Please see the excellent work done
|> by J.A.B. van Buitenen and Friedhelm Hardy in this regard. Both
|> of these authors are available at any good university library
|> near you.
That is a positive test for the "Meenan Vishnu" syndrome (or is it that
he has the "Mani Varadarajan" syndrome?)
Will you highness also elucidite us on when you are going to tell us
about the other such _excellent_works_ which tell that the Upanisads
were written in 500-600BC, the Vedas were written over a period of
1500-500BC, that the Puranas and the Sidhantas are works of piracy by
Brahmins (stealing the Greek research works), etc. etc????
Please enlighten us O great scholar?
Others who have not contacted this disease can (depending upon their
interest and/or desires) understand the following section.
Please read the excellent work of Richard L. Thompson, 'Vedic Cosmography
and Astronomy', where he shows how and why the western _scholars_ have
discredited the ancient Indian works including the Vedic litratures.
In fact, if not for the really excellent works of the researchers of
the Bhaktivedanta Institute, we would probably have had to believe in
the concocted stories of J.A.B. van Buitenen and Friedhelm Hardy and
If we want to argue about the basis of the authority of the Vedic
scriptures on the basis of the cronology put forward by westners, I can
tell we won't go too far because, as per them, there was no such person
as Veda Vyasa ~5000 yrs ago and thus the very idea of Sruti, Smriti, etc.
turns bogus. That Shankara/Ramanuja/Madhava etc. were all selfish Brahmins
who misguided the people is their theory.
The "excellent work done by J.A.B. van Buitenen and Friedhelm Hardy in
this regard" is only a part of the whole chronology that westeners have
put forward and there is _NO_ way that one can cite one _excellent_work_
and ignore others, something which Mani here tried and displayed his
foot in the mouth situation.
|> The Purana is a wonderfully inspired work, but antiquity it has none.
|> It may be blessed by the spirit of Veda Vyasa, but unfortunately,
|> this is as close as his hands have come to it.
or this is as far as the virus has affected your system yet. Pretty soon
we will see other excellent works like Pingree's etc. and discredits to
more Vedic scriptures as a concequence.
thank you Mani.