Re: Vaishnava Cooking... (fwd)
In forwarded article <787528592snz@dharma.demon.co.uk>,
bhagavat@dharma.demon.co.uk (bhagavat dharma) requests:
> Dear Vaishnavas.
> I am writing to ask for your help.
> My wife and I have succesfully produced two books of baking
> recipes without eggs. We have just returned from India, and
> while we were there, we had the idea to produce a series of
> books on Vaishnava cooking. As the first stage of our research,
> we scoured bookshops in Calcutta and Delhi and found a lot of
> nice vegetarian cook books, some with recipes which don't use
> onion/garlic/mushrooms.
> I know there are some good ISKCON authored books, such as Yamuna
> Devi's 'Lord Krishna's Cuisine'. I am wondering whether anyone
> is aware of any other books dedicated to Vaishnava cooking, from
> any of the Vaishnava traditions. I am thinking particularly of
> the South Indian traditions and also the Gujerati side.
> I would hope that we could discuss and exchange recipes in this
> newsgroup, and perhaps start an archive somewhere - after all,
> Vaishnavism is the 'Kitchen Religion'
> With best wishes
> Your Servant
> Bhagavat Dharma
End of forwarded article.
*-=Om Shanti=-* Jai Maharaj
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