Re: Vedanta Discussions (Re:Superstitions)
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: Vedanta Discussions (Re:Superstitions)
From: vidya@cco.caltech.edu (Vidyasankar Sundaresan)
Date: 16 Dec 1994 23:10:49 GMT
Distribution: world
From news@nntp-server.caltech.edu Fri Dec 16 19: 15:18 1994
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
References: <3ciu33$22s@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
In article <3ciu33$22s@ucunix.san.uc.edu>
susarla@great-gray.owlnet.rice.edu (H. Krishna Susarla) writes:
> K. Sadananda (sadananda@anvil.nrl.navy.mil) wrote:
> : Just to say that Prabhupada's or any one else's is "As it is" and the
> : are all interpretations or misinterpretations only borders to
> : and does not establish a fact. Everyone can make the same statement
> : their interpretation. That obviously cannot be a basis for argument.
> : will come back to this topic of what then is the pramana or basis for
> : discussion.
> No. The REAL fanatacism is to say that the translations and explanations
> of scriptures provided by a spiritual master in an authentic line of
> disciplic succession are incorrect. Swami Prabhupada's guru-cishya
> sampradaya
> can be traced all the way back to Lord Krishna. Therefore, we should
> accept his explanations as most accurate over other commentators like
> Sankracarya, CHinmayananda, Vivekananda who cannot provide a complete
> listing
> of how they received their knowledge.
You probably do not know of the hoary guru-parampara of advaita. It is
traced back to Lord Narayana himself.
The advaita guru-parampara -
Padmabhuva (Brahma, the Lotus born)
Vasishta (Brahma's mind born son)
Sakti (Vasishta's son)
Parasara (Sakti's son)
Vyasa (Parasara's son)
Suka (Vyasa's son)
Gaudapada (Suka's disciple)
Govinda Bhagavatpada (Gaudapada's disciple)
Sankaracharya (Govinda's disciple).
Sankaracharya had four main disciples, Suresvara, Padmapada, Totaka and
Hastamalaka. All the advaitins of today trace their guru parampara through
one of these four, all the way to Lord Vishnu himself. That is why the
sannyasis's letters are signed "iti Narayana smaranam".
Please get your points straight before you begin to argue.
S. Vidyasankar