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Re: Q: About (god) Brahma

In article <3cldtb$isq@ucunix.san.uc.edu> vandruff@wam.umd.edu (LS) writes:
>Brahma, is the creator of the Univers.  therby hios job is done.  Brahma  
>comes ion various stories, he is ussally the one who grants wishes to  
>indvidulals, who then try to use there power against him:
>Ravan, and Masasour (the buffloe Deamon, lot like the Minatour)
>also it is his daughter Ganga who came to earth when the earth was dried  
>up by a demaon.
>And his son Narad who is a wonderor who goes from place to place looking  
>for arguments and quarals.
>Mitch Levin  

	What is your point? Are you trying to say that Bramha is basicaly
a functionless god when you write that his job is done? 

True, he grants wishes to his devotees. But he is not as popular as
Shiva in granting wishes which later came back to haunt him. IMO, bramha
never faced the problem of facing the wrath of his devotee. Shiva did.

Ravan, had boons from both Shiva and Bramha. So did several other
demons. I dont remember any encounter between Ravan and Brahma. However,
I know of an incident when Ravan over come by pride wants to humiliate
Shiva by trying to turn his abode upside down. Bhasmasura (ash demon)
also had a boon from Shiva and wanted to test it on him. Vishnu saves
the situation.

Are you sure you are not confusing between Shiva and Brahma?

I never heard what you stated about Ganga. A very great sage, Bhagiratha,
requested Ganga to come down to earth to resusciate his ancestors. I
dont remember ganga coming down because earth was dry. 

I also dont recollect the association of brahma with Ganga. Are you
using the definiton of 'creator of universe' to say that Ganga is
daughter of Brahma? 

Sage Narada is not a wanderer, like you said. He always had 'good motives'
when visiting each and every place. You can call him a 'purposeful
wanderer' but not a 'aimless wanderer'.

And.. he does not go around looking for quarrels, although he has that
mis-reputation. When dealing with facts and not just joking around
(which you should not do in alt.hindu) you should not refer to him as
'the one looking for quarrels'.

If you want to learn more about Bramha or Narada feel free to express
your desire either in alt.hindu or to me personally. I would be more
than glad to inform you about them.


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