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VEDIC STUDIES: The Hindu University of America

A cosmopolitan school committed to rigorously 
nurture and teach the timeless vision of the 
Sanatan Dharm, the Eternal Path, and progressively 
develop a contemporary curriculum -- integrating 
both strata of knowledge in a traditional 
scholastic setting, high standard and style.
On October 30, 1992, the Hindu University of 
America's handbook was reviewed and accepted by 
Florida's State Board of Independent Colleges. The 
school was officially "approved" to operate.
Teaching activities commenced in September 1993, 
with master's and doctoral programs in Hindu 
studies.  Graduate courses in Hindu philosophies, 
yog philosophy and meditation, yog education, 
Sanskrit, Hindu devotional music and arts, and 
holistic health (Ayurved) were planned for 
following years.
Transition to a full-fledged regular university 
with standard undergraduate programs in various 
branches -- arts, sciences, humanities and social 
sciences, etc. -- is scheduled for the year 2,000.  
The location for the first campus is in central 
Florida, near Orlando, home of Disneyworld.
As Hindu culture continues to circumnavigate the 
globe -- oceans away from its mother, Bharat -- it 
needs new sources of protection, nurturing and 
growth.  In America, as elsewhere, beautiful Agamic 
temples have spectacularly secured the surest 
protection by establishing contact with the 
But the tender Bhavas of Bhakti, the sublime Shakti 
of the Gods and the refined consciousness we call 
"Hindu culture" needs even more protection than the 
sacred granite temples.  Erudite scholarship and 
crystal-clear articulation of Hinduism's vast 
belief systems are also necessary to safeguard a 
faith founded in principles so abstract and 
journeyed so far from home.  Also, mature academic 
interfacing with the larger intellectual community 
establishes invaluable interfaith friendships and 
Thus the goal of the Hindu University of America is 
to perpetuate learning, research and education of 
the vedic philosophy, culture and religious 
traditions -- progressively encompassing a full 
body of secular knowledge and professional 
education -- with ever an objective to instill a 
spiritual perspective of life in each student.
Aware that no single scripture, sect or seer wholly 
captures the radiating spectrum of Light issuing 
forth from the Source of life, Brahman, the Hindu 
University of America abjures all dogmatic 
theological orientation and vows to remain liberal 
in its compass of studies but conservative in 
always demanding the very highest standards of 
learning and instruction.
In July, 1984, Swami Tilak vocalized the need for a 
Hindu University.  This triggered discussions in 
Bharat, Nepal, Europe and USA.  In July, 1988, a 
one-day workshop brought the idea down to earth and 
the school was officially incorporated in Florida 
in 1989.  Start Small and Grow Big was adopted as 
the growth strategy.  It has served other academic 
institutions well.  (Harvard University started 
with one teacher in a one-frame house to educate 
ministers of the Christian faith.)
The university has already won the blessings, 
heartfelt endorsements and sagely advice from many 
Hindu spiritual leaders including: Swami 
Satchidananda, Swami Chidananda, Swami 
Jyotirmayananda, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, Swami 
Chidananda Saraswati, Swami Rama, and many others.
For further information, call:  Dr. Deen D. 
Khandelwal (407-277-5959) or Professor Kuldeep C. 
Gupta (303-499-1280) or Dr. Gangadhar Choudhary 
(404-925-8294), or the university (407-277-5959) or 
Hindu University of America
8610 Vesta Terrace 
Orlando, Florida 32825
*-=Om Shanti=-*  Jai Maharaj
                jai maharaj |_|_|_|_| mantra corporation
 jyotishi, vedic astrologer |_|   |_| vedic prediction sciences
     jaimaharaj@mcimail.com |_|_ _|_| telex 6505614754
          mci mail 561-4754 | | | | | voicemail +1 808 948 4357

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