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What is logic?

Last week someone responded to my article on  Vedanta Discussions claiming
that he finds solace in the Bhakti of Lord Krishna and if that is not logic
what is logic?   My response to the referenced article got lost some where
in the transmission.  Here is the my part of the response.  I apologize to
the commentor that I did not save his part of the comments to refer to it
again directly.  But the message is clear.  

What is logic?

I have no quarrels with your subjective experience nor with that of Bon
Giovanni who posted in the net glorifying Sri Satya Sai Baba as Purna
Avatar, that is equivalent to your God-Head Lord Krishna.   In fact, I am
happy for both of you that you found solace and comfort in the Bhakti of
your Ishta Devata.  

Subjective experience is by definition is subjective and not objective.

 I am not denying your experience,  How can I? - because in my very denial
too there is a subjectivity.  

What is not logical, of course, is to claim that my experience alone is
right and not the experience of others.  

If you find peace that passth all understanding through Bhakti  on Lord
Krishna -  good for you.

If others find the same peace and tranquillity through the worship of Siva
or Ganesha or Satya Sai Baba - and some through Gyana -  Good for them too.

Any claims that your experience alone is right and not the others borders
to fanaticism than logic.

Like wise any claims that only Sri Prabhupada is the authentic teacher and
his interpretation titled "as it is" is the right interpretation since he
decends from Krishna and other teachers have no guruparampara- that is his
belief.  Who am I to question his belief?  Belief is belief and not logic. 
 I respect his belief even if he does not respect mine!  As long as he does
not thrust his belief on me imposing that I should also believe the same

Hare Krishana and Hari Om! Tat Sat!

My pranams - Sadananda

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