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SPICMACAY Concert: Flute&Bharatanatyam-UIUC(Apr.16th 7pm)

          Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music
                      And Culture Among Youth
                       Indian Cultural Society

              University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

                   A delightful evening of music  

                 Prof. T. Viswanathan on the Flute
                 Lakshmi performing Bharatanatyam
                Accompanied by:
                Douglas Knight  - Mridangam
                Usha Shivakumar - Vocals

            (Information about the artists follows below)

                  Admission is FREE for all. 
              (Voluntary contributions are welcome)

                 Sponsored by: Millercom95,  
                               A.E. Staley Mfg. Co.
                               School of Music
            (The concert will be presented in two parts:
	     the Flute recital, followed by the Bharatanatyam)

VENUE:        Music Building Auditorium
              1005 W. Nevada
              (Directions below)

DATE:         Sunday, April  16th.
TIME:         7:00 p.m.  

CONTRIBUTORS: Please send your checks to
              SPICMACAY, Box #58,
              280, Illini Union
              1401 W.Green Street
              University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
              Urbana, IL-61801. 

T. VISWANATHAN, brother of Balasaraswati, studied music with his
mother and with the highly regarded Carnatic flutist, T. N. Swaminatha
Pillai. Later he earned a doctorate in ethnomusicology from Wesleyan
University. He has toured the world in concert performances and has
taught at universities both in India and the United States. He has
been the recipient of numerous grants and awards, including Fulbright
and Rockefeller grants, and recently the Sangeeta Kalanidhi award from
the Madras Music Academy. In 1992 the National Endowment for the Arts
named Viswanathan was a National Heritage Fellow acknowledging him "a
master traditional artist who represents the very highest standards of
performance in his art form."

LAKSHMI is the only child of the famed Balasaraswati, whom many
connoisseurs of the arts consider to be among the great dancers of our
century. Lakshmi learned music and dance from her mother and her
uncle, T. Viswanathan. She has been teaching and performing both in
India and the United States for more than twenty years. In December
1991 Lakshmi received South India's highest award for a bharata natyam
dancer, the "Nritya Choodamani." In this country she has received four
awards from the National Endowment for the Arts in recognition of her
outstanding artistry. Lakshmi is currently the artistic director of
the Balasaraswati School of Indian Music and Dance located in
Stockton, New Jersey and a sister school in Madras.

DOUGLAS KNIGHT, JR. began his study of the mrdangam with
T. Ranganathan, brother of T. Viswanathan. He received several
fellowships to study in Madras where he continued his learning with
T. Kuppaswami. He has performed in Carnatic dance and music concerts
since 1972, accompanying some of India's best artists.

USHA SHIVAKUMAR has studied with both T. Viswanathan and Lakshmi. She
is a graduate of music from Madras University. She is a visiting
artist at the Balasaraswati School of Music this semester courtesy of
a grant from the Indo-US Subcommission.


>From I-57: 
           1)Take I-74 east.
           2)Take the Lincoln avenue exit (should be within a couple of
             miles after taking I-74). This comes after Prospect and
             Neil street exits.
           3)Turn right on to Lincoln (traveling south) and pass
             major streets Bradley, University, Springfield, Green,
             in that order. 
           4)Pass Illinois, California, Oregon, and turn right onto Nevada.
             (you are traveling west on Nevada)
           5)Drive past Gregory
           6)Now is a good time to look for street parking
           7)Music Building is at the intersection of 
             Nevada & Goodwin (the next North-South street)

>From I-74:
           If you are coming from the west follow directions as above.
           If you are coming from the east, turn left on to Lincoln
              (traveling south).

>From I-72:
           Take I-57 north and then I-74 east. 

                              Goodwin           | Lincoln Av.
                                  |             | 
                   Green     -----|-------------|
                                  |             |
                   Illinois  -----|-------------|
                                  |        |    |            
                                  |        |    |           
                                  |        |    |  
                                  |        |    |
                   Oregon    -----|--------|----|
                                  |        |    |
                                  |XX      |    |
                   Nevada    -----|--------|----| 
				  |        |    | 
                                  |        |    | 
       XX-Music Building

For further details, send mail to spic-mac@uiuc.edu or contact: 

        Deepa                       :   (217) 344-2239 

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