Edwardde (@sonoma.edu@uunet.uu.net) wrote:
: Does anyone know anything about the age of Kali or the temporal system
: that it is from? All I know is that it is the age that we are now in and
: that it is the last age. Any help would be appreciated.
All I know about the dark age (the age of Kali) is from the Gita and from the
source of most of my knowledge (my mum), is that there are four ages.
The first is the age of innocence, chivalry, goodness blah blah..
As you go through the ages, they become tainted with vice and corruption,
until we reach the age of Kali when it is known as the darkest age of all.
At this point, Shiva (probably) comes and wipes the slate clean with
a little jig, and hey presto - we're back to the age of icecream once
more. But not in the same bodies - death destruction and more death come
first. It is said that an incarnation of Vishnu is expected in this age
but all pictures predicting his appearance tell me he won't fit in at
school. Does this answer anything?
Jaya Chakrabarti (c/o Stu's account..)