sac-cid-Ananda: ANANDA (bliss)
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Subject: sac-cid-Ananda: ANANDA (bliss)
From: nparker@crl.com (Nathan Parker)
Date: 12 Apr 1995 10:25:17 -0700
From nparker@crl.com Wed Apr 12 13: 12:02 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
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sac-cid-Ananda: ANANDA
ANANDA (bliss):
SB 2.24.48, Purport:
The word varnam refers to the luster of ones original identity.
The original luster of gold or silver is brilliant. Similarly, the
original luster of the livning being, who is part of the sac-cid-ananda-
vigraha, is the luster of ananda, or pleasure. Anandamayo 'bhyasat.
Every living entity has the right to become anandamaya, joyful, because he
is part of the sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, Krsna.
SB 8.24.52, Purport:
The real purpose of life is to go back home, back to Godhead, and
live with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, play with the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, dance with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and
eat with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. These are different items of
ananda, spiritual happiness in spiritual variegatedness.
Bg. 8.22, Purport:
The Brahma-samhita describes this supreme abode as
ananda-cinmaya-rasa, a place where everything is full of spiritual bliss.
Whatever variegatedness is manifest there is all of the quality of
spiritual bliss - there is nothing material.
Bg. 7.24, Purport:
From the Gita we can clearly understand that the forms of the
demigods and the form of the Supreme Lord are simultaneously existing and
that Lord Krsna is sac-cid-ananda, eternal blissful knowledge. The Vedas
also confirm that the Supreme Absolute Truth is anandamaya, or full of
blissful pleasure, and that He is abhyasat, by nature the reservoir of
unlimited auspicious qualities.
Bg. 13.5, Purport:
In the Vedanta-sutra also the Supreme is called anandamayo
bhyasat. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is by nature full of joy,
and to enjoy His trancendental bliss, He expands into vijnanamaya,
pranamaya, jnanamaya, and annamaya. In this field of ac tivities the
living entity is considered to be the enjoyer, and different from him is
the anandamaya. That means that if the living entity decides to enjoy, in
dovetailing himself with the anandamaya, then he becomes perfect.
SB 5.1.2, Purport:
Everyone is searching after ananda, or bliss, but in the material
world there can never be any bliss. It is only possible in devotional
SB 5.19.20, Purport:
A living entity becomes established in spiritual, blissful life
when he fully understands that his happiness depends on spiritual
self-realization, which is the basic principle of ananda (bliss), and when
he is eternally situated in the service of the Lord, who has no other
lord above Him.
SB 6.16.18-19, Purport:
Because the Lords body is full of knowledge, He always enjoys
transcendental bliss. Indeed, His very form is paramananda. This is
confirmed in the Vedanta-sutra: anandamayo bhyasat. By nature the Lord
is anandamaya. Whenever we see Krsna, He is alw ays full of ananda in all
circumstances. No one can make Him morose. Atmaramaya: He does not need
to search for external enjoyment, because He is self-sufficient. Santaya:
He has no anxiety. One who has to seek pleasure from other sources is
always fu ll of anxiety. Karmis, jnanis and yogis are full of anxiety
because they want something, but a devotee does not want anything; he is
simply satisfied in the service of the Lord, who is fully blissful.
SB 7.7.45
kim etair atmanas tucchaih
saha dehena nasvaraih
anarthair artha-sankasair
All this paraphernalia is very near and dear as long as the body
exists, but as soon as the body is destroyed, all things related to the
body are also finished. Therefore, actually one has nothing to do with
them, but because of ignorance one accepts the m as valuable. Compared to
the ocean of eternal happiness, they are most insignificant. What is the
use of such insignificant relationships for the eternal living being?
Krsna consciousness, devotional service to Krsna, is the ocean of
eternal bliss. In comparison to this eternal bliss, the so-callaed
happiness of society, friendship and love is simply useless and
insignificant. One should therefore not be attached to temporary things.
One should take to Krsna consciousness and become eternally happy.
Cc. Antya, 5.47
ujjvala madhura prema-bhakti sei paya
anande krsna-madhurye vihare sadaya
"Tasting the transcendental, effulgent, sweetly ecstatice love of
Krsna, such a person can enjoy life twenty-four hours a day in the
transcendental bliss of the sweetness of Krsnas pastimes."
Note: Translations and Purports of Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, and
Caitanya-caritamrita are those of His Divine Grave A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada, the founder-acarya of the International Society for
Krishna Consciousness, and are copyrighted by the Bhaktivedanta Book