BG II: Sh 56, 57, 58 -- Sankara Bhasya
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: BG II: Sh 56, 57, 58 -- Sankara Bhasya
From: lchiluku@ucsd.edu (R. & L. Chilukuri)
Date: 30 Apr 1995 16:11:12 GMT
From news@network.ucsd.edu Sun Apr 30 12: 01:13 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Univ of California at San Diego
BG II- Shlokas 56,57 and 58
56. He whose mind, even amidst the threefold suffering stays unperturbed
is the anudvignamanah. When pleasures come, he does not crave for them,
his mind being unlike the fire fed on fuel. From him have departed
attachment, fear and wrath. He, the silent sage and renouncer, is said to
be the man of stable wisdom.
57. The silent sage does not care even for his own body, life-style and
so forth. He is devoid of all attachment and aversion when good and evil
occur to him. He neither seeks the one nor shuns the other. The
discriminating wisdon of such a sage, free from gaiety and depression is
58. Actively engaged in the discipline of the Yoga of knowledge, when he
withdraws aright his senses from their objects, just as a tortoise tucks
up, due to fear, its limbs on all sides, his wisdom is stabilised. This
idea has already been explained.