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Re: Dishonesty (was Re: The Bhagavad-Geeta - Chapter 12)

[ the first post seems to have not appeared. I have been unable
  to check the archive, since it was refusing connections. I have
  re-sent this post as a precaution ]

In article <3v3npf$jav@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, "Bon_Giovanni EarthSpirit.org" <bongiovanni@delphi.com> writes:
|> Pai asks:
|> "Applying a strict desire for a word-to-word translation, then, could
|> someone please tell me what word was the result of translating
|> `havir'"?
|> Because his sincerity is apparent, I suggest he consider what oblation
|> is offered in that fire.                                      ^^^^^^^^

Well, that's interesting. Your answer doesn't surprise me.
However, I have yet to find a dictionary where oblation is
defined as butter.

|> Should that not be a sufficient clue, he could always consider in some
|> schools that oblation is not called offering nor oblation nor butter,
|> nor ghee, but is instead termed `the full contribution to spiritual
|> acitivities.'

I have no problem with Srila Prabhupada's translation, but
apparently you do, so all I wanted to know was why you weren't
applying similar standards to the translation you offered.
I am not surprised that equal criticism is not applied to both
translations which you offered, because, of course, the use
of the term "havir" got somehow lost in the translation you 

Note that in the word-for-word translation in the Bhagavad
Gita As It Is, the word havir is translated properly.


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