Kashmiri group threatens to kill Bal Thackeray
To: Global Hindu Electronic Network <lists@rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu>
Subject: Kashmiri group threatens to kill Bal Thackeray
From: Rajiv Varma <rvarma@ccaix.jsums.edu>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 16:40:37 -0500 (CDT)
From rvarma@ccaix.jsums.edu Mon Aug 7 17: 30:30 1995
Kashmiri group threatens to kill Bal Thackeray
SRINAGAR, India, Aug 7 (Reuter) - A Moslem separatist group in Kashmir
threatened on Monday to kill Indian radical Hindu leader Bal Thackeray.
The Lashkar-i-Taiba group issued a statement in Srinagar, summer
capital of India's Jammu and Kashmir state, saying they were determined to
retaliate against Thackeray, who last month threatened Moslem Haj pilgrims.
Thackeray, leader of the militant Hindu Shiv Sena party in the western
state of Maharashtra, threatened retaliation against Moslem Haj pilgrims if
Hindus embarking on a pilgrimage in Kashmir were attacked.
The Harkat-ul-Ansar separatist group has threatened Hindu pilgrims
climbing this week to Amarnath cave in Kashmir and took responsibility for
two recent bomb blasts which killed 18 people in Jammu, winter capital of
Jammu and Kashmir.
"What greater challenge could there be for Moslems than that the
leader of these infidels, Bal Thackeray, has threatened the followers of
one god to stop their very important pilgrimage to Mecca," said the
Lashkar-i-Taiba statement, written in Urdu.
"We accept this challenge and we resolve to finish this undesirable
fellow off before the month of Haj," it said, referring to the Moslem
pilgrimage to Mecca.