Re: Does God really exist?
To: alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: Does God really exist?
From: ballrk@hp01.che.ufl.edu (ballamudi ravi k)
Date: 12 Aug 1995 21:40:21 GMT
Distribution: world
From news@no-names.nerdc.ufl.edu Sat Aug 12 17: 28:26 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: University of Florida Chemical Engieering Department
References: <40e7pk$db9@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
In article <40e7pk$db9@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, Ram Chandran <CHANDRA2%ERS.BITNET@VTBIT.CC.VT.EDU> writes:
> The question on the existence of God can have an answer with "FAITH."
> Such inquires can never end without "FAITH." A simple inquiry structure
> is presented below to help us to lead to an answer. This basic
> inquiry structure assumes that "Life is the gift of "GOD."
> This inquiry structure should be appropriately reformulated to
> explain any religion. For example, if we replace "God" by
> "Lord Krishna," the structure will explain one version of Hinduism.
> If we replace "GOD" by "BRAHMAN," the structure will explain another
> version of Hinduism.
> Inquiry structures without assumptions will lead to an endless path!
> Religious beliefs and values can lead to an inquiry structure
> with a definite answer. Every religion will have a distinct inquiry
> structure according to their beliefs. We, the followers, accept
> a religion with a structure that is close to our beliefs. We seem to
> forget that beliefs can differ by person. We are over enthusiastic
> in judging others by using our inappropriate values and beliefs!
Inquiry structure, by definition is a structured or logical thought process.
As you rightly point out, different beliefs lead to different inquiry
structures. On the other hand, to address the question of the existence of
God, one must approach it, without any thought or belief structure. Since
thought and belief are by nature prejudiced, and since truth/god/brahman
is independant of any of these qualities, to perceive the god (or the
inperceivable) one must drop all beliefs and thought structures and inquiry
structure. For what is produced from a structure is limited by the structure.
So it seems that the only way to go about it is to be utterly aware of your
own beliefs and prejudices and thought processes.
> All religions including Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam,
> Jainism and others have recognized the significance of religious
> tolerance in their holy books. I am hopeful that this simple
> structure can help us to understand that different paths can lead to
> the same answer! Such an insight can potentially reduce Conflicts
> and will promote Peace. If we eliminate 'CONFLICTS' and revive
> "PEACE," the existence of "GOD" will be revealed without us asking!
Indeed, a person free from conflicts is also at peace with himself and everyone
else. For such a freedom demands that you are free from thought also. But,
we at the present state are clearly not free from our thoughts, but instead
think that we are the thoughts. Thought itself is conflict! And it seems
unlikely to me that different paths lead to the same answer, for by definition
god is free of path! So religion is not a path to the end we call god.
For it is also possible that the path itself is god. Are the means and end
two distinct things?
> ******************************************************************
> Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!
> Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!
> Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!
> Think!Think!------------------------------------------Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is God? Think!Think!
> Think!Think! God is Truth! Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Truth? Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Truth is end of Investigation! Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Investigation! Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Investigation is Thought Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Thought! Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Thought is product of Intellect! Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Intellect? Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Intellect is bulk of Knowledge! Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Knowledge? Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Knowledge is extent of Perception Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Perception? Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Perception is from physical Sensation Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Sensation? Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Sensation is the offspring of Desire! Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Desire? Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Desire arises from Image Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Image! Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Image is generated from Belief! Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Belief? Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Belief is the effect of Experience! Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Experience? Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Experience is outcome of Life? Think!Think!
> Think!Think! What is Life? Think!Think!
> Think!Think! Life is the Gift of God! Think!Think!
> Think!Think!------------------------------------------Think!Think!
> Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!
> Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!
> Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!Think!
> ******************************************************************
Think a lot more and drop thinking when you realize the futility of thinking.