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Re: hindu homosexuality

In article <40otrg$b5f@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, Hari Krishna Susarla
<susarla@owlnet.rice.edu> wrote:

> There is no real possibility of love in the material world, because real 
> love should be both selfless and eternal
> Therefore, the only real love is love of God, something which I hope to 
> achieve someday. 
When you realize all is the divine.  When you realize the material world
as a manifestation of divinity.  When you become non-dualistic and
dualistic at the same time.  Maybe then you will take off your mask to
show the face of divinity to all you meet in all the realms of divinity -
all realms.
sat - chit - ananda.  Remember that ananda is a characteristic of all that
is.  You can separate love from the material world as long as you see the
rope as a snake.  When the rope becomes a rope, once more, then love
manifests in all experience as it always has.

Loving in the Light
Om Sai Ram

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