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Dear Mani,


The post you have referred to is well within the charter of alt.hindu
newsgroup (as well as the charter of soc.religion.hindu when it is

While I am noting your concerns, I would like to state that the post
that you mention has no political overtones in my opinion.  Just as
Jewish observance of holocaust is a reminder to the world that such
atrocities should not be repeated, the observance of Hindu holocaust
would serve as the same reminder.   If one can legitimize keeping
out holocaust from soc.religion.jewish, then keeping out Hindu Holocaust
from alt.hindu (or soc.religion.hindu) can be justified.

It is also my contention that those who seek to learn about Hindu dharma
will benifit immensely if they learn about the Hindu history as well.
And that provides yet another grounds for the acceptance of the post that
you mention.

I agree with you completely that a religious newsgroup should not be 
politicized, however, our charter clearly indicates that we will provide a 
forum for Hindus to discuss the political as well as historical events/news/
announcemnts.  So these posts are clearly within the purview of our

I appreciate your comments, your participation on alt.hindu and also welcome 
any other suggestions and comments that you may have.



> I very severely object to this extreme politicization
> of this newsgroup in the name of religion.  Such comments
> can do nothing but provoke anger and hatred and in no
> way promote an understanding of Hinduism as a religion.
> Such lack of moderation is appalling. I hope soc.religion.hinduism,
> which purportedly is Hinduism's "face" on the net, does not
> fall to such lows due to improper moderation.
> Mani


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