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Re: Discussion: What are Hare Krishnas

In article <41d118$s98@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Henry Groover <HGroover@Qualitas.com> wrote:
>betul@astro.ocis.temple.edu (Rajiv Pant ( Betul )) wrote:
>>I have some idea about Hare Krishas, but would like to know who exactly
>>they are and what do they preach.
>We accept shruti and smR^iti, especially the Gita and BhAgavata, which
>have been published in numerous languages all over the world.
>Jaya Shri Krishna.
>Agrahya Das
>(Henry Groover)

      Hare Krishna movement was brought to west bby Prabhupadji. He was an
 excellent scholar. Shrimadbhagvatam is the text they rely on. There is
 strong emphasis on vegetarianism. There are over 50 temples of Hare Krishna
 in America, several restaraunts usually named Govindas, and many farms.

     I have heard about some negative shades attributed to them , but can
  not verify them. I went to their temple on Krishnastmi and enjoyed a lot.
  There were thousnads of Hindus there (not Hare krishnas). I observe that
  they have full support of hindu community here.


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